He is a Queen [Moceit]

I have a theory/heacannon about Deceit based off of the "who's she never heard of her" line. Basically he refers to himself with she/her pronouns sometimes because he is deceit and those are then binary opposite of his pronouns. Also why he likes the name Shady Bitch, because he's used to the "femininity". He likes it because that's just who he is. Another reason why I think he and Roman or he and Patton would be a good couple.


Deceit grinned to himself as he twirled in front of a mirror, the yellow dress fitting him perfectly despite his masculine form. He had impersonated many different people Thomas knows with feminine bodies, not all of them are exactly female just with smaller bodies, like Valerie, Dahlia, Adri, Talyn, and Derionna. Adri and Talyn are the nonbinary lovelies mentioned before. The yellow dress shifted with his body, making it look beautiful on his normal body. It made him so happy he couldn't deny himself a wide smile. He truly is a queen, isn't he? Or should he do the stereotypical thing and say she is a queen isn't she? He didn't give a damn. Deceit was slaying this dress!

Deceit leaned over his dresser table to look in a different mirror, the last one was a full bodied mirror on the closet door (heh), and he reached for some of his makeup. Makeup is the most beautiful form of deception. You use paints and colors to make yourself more "beautiful" all for the sake of a society thst proclaims you cannot be pretty without it. The context is disgusting, but the makeup itself was fun. Besides, if AFAB people have to suffer then why not make Deceit suffer too? 'Tis only fair. Deceit is a true feminist, not that third wave bullshit. Men, Women, and NonBinary Peoples are equals. 

Deceit was finally done and he took a step back, looking at himself in the mirror. The dress fit his body beautifully, however the glittery red lipstick and the orange eyeshadow wasn't doing it for him. Deceit wished to be an Autumn, however Thomas's body was definitely not. Deceit pursed his lips together before shifting forms again. He went back to Dahlia, all his hard work on makeup transferring to the cosplay queen. He, sorry Deceit must be in character now, She looked absolutely lovely with the warm colors Deceit had chosen. She smiled, twirling around in her dress. That's when there was a knock at the door. Oh dear....

"Deceit? I baked cookies for everyone and everyone includes you! I'm going to come In in five seconds to respect your privacy, okay?"


Not okay. NOT. OKAY. Deceit was feeling real panic as he struggled to transition out of Dahlia's body back into his own. He threw the dress off and snapped, his normal outfit returning. He heard the door open and he could only wipe off the eyeshadow. His lips still glistened a bright glittery red as he turned around, completely exploded in front of Patton. He wore a cute little pink apron with little frillies on the side and pastel oven mits to match. Patton didn't seem distracted or offput by Deceit's facial décor at all. He just smiled and placed a tray of maybe six cookies down in a desk.

"Aww, you look awesome in that lipstick! Did you borrow it from Logan and Roman? I know that they have been experimenting with gender stereotypes for a new Sanders Sides video. I think it's really cool. I didn't realize you were in in it too! Maybw yiu can help me with mine? I want to look nice for the video!"

"You're can serious?"

"Totally! Oh, if you don't mind."

Deceit stood there, baffled. He wasn't aware of the new video subject. Perhaps he wasn't told so he couldn't jump in on it? He isn't exactly the most desired side in the fandom. He gestured to the bed and Patton happily sat down, taking off his glasses and closing his eyes. Patton was literally blind without his glasses. They're the lenses of clarity. The frames of morality. That's entirely bull crap. They're just normal glasses. Deceit loves making up stories and bull crap lore about things to confuse people. It's the most fun lie.

Patton's glasses are off, so Deceit just shrugged and transformed into Dahlia. Or should he shapeshift Into Talyn? No, Talyn doesn't do work for Thomas anymore for an understandably reasonable reason. Not everyone has to have a job to be valid. Occupations and jobs don't define you, even if you just stay at home taking care of children/pets/family/whatever else you do. Deceit shifted into Dahlia and smiled with her gorgeous smile, red lips prominent. He ended up getting the dress and eyeshadow back. Wow, Deceit totally new knows how that worked. He hummed and got around behind Patton and sat on his, or should he go by her since he's Dahlia? The magic is lost. Let's just go with he. He has more than just a deception to focus on.

"Patton, you're definately a Winter. You're cute and cuddly and cool colors, preferably pastel cool colors, would suit you. I'm thinking of adding some little gemstones on your cheeks and giving you freckles. I can make your lips either blue or white, sparkly because I think you'll love it. Then I'll see from there's how I want to work your eyes or if I want to add a little design on your cheek. Oh, I should probably find you an outfit first. Are you more into a dress, skirt, shorts, or pants?"

"A skirt? I never wore anything with a skirt before. Maybe something cute like a sweater and a skirt with some socks or something. Maybe some cat ears... I relaly like cats!"

"Of course, I never realized how much you love cats. Stand up, dear. Let me try to find something now in this endless closet of mine."

Yes, Deceit has a thing for clothes. He was a fashion gay. That was his contribution to creating the character Remy. He gets his sassiness from Deceit. He didn't realize Patton probably put his glasses back on and could totally see him as Dahlia slaying this awesome dress. When he pulled out a crop top pastel blue hoodie with little planet designs across the chest he heard a gasp and a clap. He knows what that means.

"Oh my gosh that dress sooooooo Cute on you Deceit! I didn't realize you liked being Dahlia! That's a good video idea! Getting different friends to also play us in the video when it's being recorded and have them all wear outfits that are traditionally "masculine" and "feminine"! Ooh! I really liked Valerie's hair! Can I be her? Oh! Or Leo!"

"I'm just Dahlia right now because I feel more myself when I'm in a costume, and what better way to immerse myself than to change my phsysical form to fit a... persona par se. I wanted to create a deception of being traditionally femme and work with makeup for... reasons... so I chose our friend Dahlia. I definately knew about the video before doing this. Now, is this suited to your taste? It'd look actually horrible on you. ...don't take that too seriously. I have very little self control when it comes to letting out a little fib."

Patton nodded slowly, understanding Deceit now. He clapped his hands cheerfully and turned into Valerie, smiling wide and happy. After twirling around and reaching for the shirt., he realized he'd much rather be in his own skin than in someone else's. He took the shirt and puts it on, also taking the wool navy blue skirt and putting that on too. It became a system. Deceit would hand something over his shoulder and reach as far back as Dahlia's short arms would allow and give them to Patton to wear. A handful of accessories later and Patton was done. 

Deceit turned around and was quite adorable. Patton had knee high socks and wore his skirt a little bit high on his stomach so that only hand his belly button was visable under the crop hoodie, but it was cute. He also wore pastel pink cat ears and some pink converse too, because converse are the gayest of shoes. Then he also wore some rainbow and pink ribbons as bracelets and had a small pink purse. Patton twirled around, looking down at himself. Wow, Patton could really pull off this look! All he needed was some makeup and he had then wntire femme look down in a Pat! That pun was totally not intended. Also you don't need makeup to be beautiful. Thank you amen.

"Deceit you're soooo good at fashion! This looks super cute and I love it! You're so amazing!"

"Oh come now, you don't need to keep praising me."

"I mean it! I mean, look at you! That gorgeous yellow dress fits you very well and you picked the person person to impersonate while wearing it! Not to mention your clear makeup skills thst you have with your perfect lips and awesome eyeshadow! Is that orange mascara? I've never seen that before! You're just so cool!"

"Patton, enough."

Deceit grinned, twirling around and doing little modest poses for the complimentative side. Patton just worked with it, happy to make Deceit happy by giving him loads of positive feedback. Deceit really is talented at makeup. Patton then watched him walk up to him and take his glasses off, sitting him down at the side of the bed. He walked around to behind him and bobby-pinned his bangs back. Then he stood up again and walked back around, getting out his makeup. Before long, he made Patton a queen.

Both of these men were queens.

Fine me.

1537 Words

I have two lessons referring back to two different people mentioned in this oneshot. One for Talyn and one for Dahlia.

Lesson A: You don't need a job to be useful. Some people physically cannot work because of different mental and physical disabilities they were forced to deal with. That is not something they can control. So don't make someone feel bad for their occupation, if they have one or even if they don't. You are you and your validity can only be defined by you and those you allow it to define you.

Lesson B: you don't need makeup or clothes to be beautiful. You are amazingly beautiful just by smiling. The smile is the, scientifically, most attractive expression a human can have. People are more attracted to smiles because they associate it with positivity. So no, you don't need to wear pretty things or wear revealing clothing or Ben extremely flirty. You just need to be who you are, and be happy for who you are. That's literally all you need. 

I love you all and please take these words to heart. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

