She's a Dancer [Intruloceit]

The poly ships with Remus are my literal weakness so I'm going to do them for a short while. :)

Deceit smiled and wore a dress vaguely similar to the beloved Disney movie: Forzen. A golden palette copy of Anna's dress. His long yellow gloves were stretched further, going just below where his elbow creases. He wore a pearly white smile as he lifted his skirt a small hit and worked happily to the music being played by none other than Logan: lover of Mozart and Vocaloid Covers.

Deceit fell into the arms of Remus, playing along to the fast paced waltz that Logan had remastered to fit his lovers' needs. Remus giggled and spun Deceit around happily, pushing him out and then bringing him against his chest. Deceit had never been the 'girl' in a dance before. He loathed it. He despised and resented it with a burning passion. That was sarcasm. He is loving this moment as Remus's warm hands held him close and their feet rhythmly stepped in a square, following the waltz.

Logan opened one eye, watching his two boyfriends dance as he played the violin. He let a small smile escape his lips. Logan gasped and was thrown at Deceit as Remus as suddenly okaying the violin with two large green tentacles sprouting from his abdomen. He gave two thumbs up, ushering them to resume the very same waltz.

Logan looked into Deceit's eyes before slowly and timidly taking his hands into his own. Logan had very ridged and calculated movements, unlike Remus's free flowing movements. Logan follows a template while Remus makes it up as he goes. Deceit tried to match this style of dance, being able to adapt any situation he was put in. Regardless, Deceit and Logan had a joyous time being dance partners.

With a loud clap Deceit had the violin thrown in his hands, the instrument resting on his chin. Deceit shrugged and resumed the song, having the music in his head out of nowhere. He laughed quietly to himself, moving his feet along with the sing because she's a dancer. Yes, that she is supposed to be there don't comment spell correct. Deceit ironically calls himself 'she' because... Deceit.

Remus spun Logan like a cartoon character, frazzling him and making everything about him an adorable mess. Remus was good at breaking those barriers in both himself and Logan, wasn't he? Deceit finished playing thr last dramatic notes and held the violin down, taking it off of its resting place and looking at his lovers. This is Logan's instrument so he handed it to him with a warm kiss pressed against his cheek.

"It seems that our efforts to bring our darling a boost of serotonin and dopamine was a success, Remus. Deceit has quite the affinity for dancing and a deep passion for the art of music."

"Indeed! I do love that way you talk, Logan, Gives me chills! But yeah, you look really happy Dee! I e actually never seen you smile this wide before! AND YOU LOOK HOT IN THAT DRESS!!! We definitely need to do this more often!"

Deceit didn't say a word, knowing anything he'd say would be a defensive lie and both Logan and Remus would tease him by taking it too literally. He feels like Ti Moune after the ball when all the people of Hotel Beauxhomme tell her she's a beautiful woman and an amazing dancer. He feels like Eliza after she met Alexander at the Winter's Ball. He felt like... She felt like she was just a dancer. A beauitful, handsome, amazing dancer. Remus nudged the blushing, beaming side. 

"You like being a pretty princess, don't you Deceit? She's a dancer, Logan!"

Logan rolled his eyes, putting away the instrument back into its proper place. Deceit went into his own little world, watching his feet as he stepped forward. He wondered what kind of lie he could create? What kind of fake story should we go to? Not ally this would be a creative thing, but he has Remus. He can help. Deceit smirked when he got an idea. The dark tower of Remus's domain. They could go there.

"Remus? Logan? Would you like to go to the tower?"

"Ah, so you wish to go to the tower then? Of course, there is a glorious room where you could dance next to the library we had made... Remus, Love? Would you be a darling and bring us to the imagination where you rule?"

Remus nodded with a wide grin and double clapped his hands just like in the Fall Out Boy song. Deceit was found in the center of a ballroom with a radial design on the floor that was lunar inspired, yet there was also a Greek undertone to it. Deceit noticed the snakes outlining the stars and moons and separating segments on the floor in twelve, Constellations filling each. This floor was definitely inspired by both Logan and Deceit. It made Deceit smile.

Deceit wandered the room, knowing that his boyfriends were watching him with curiosity. Deceit likes being watched by them, knowing that they were paying attention to him and wanting to know whatever he had to do. Deceit traced his fingertips on the wall, the gloves separating his fingers from the stone. Deceit found a hidden window leading to see the outside sky, filled with black and deep teal. The ocean was in the sky and the sky was in the ocean in this upside down place. It screams Remus. The large star in the sky with a thousand moons so little sprinkled around If was beautifuk tonight if Deceit looked down to the sky. Soft yellow shone up into the room. It's perfect.

Deceit turned around and met their eyes, bowing to them with a curtsy, and offering his hands: One to each of them. Remus and Logan both took each hand at the same time, bowed to one knee, and kissed his knuckles. Remus kissed all the way up and down his arm to the bicep and Logan just did the proper kiss on the middle and ring knuckles, trying not to let his glasses hit the back of Deceit's hand. Deceit chuckled to himself as they both stood up. He held their hands proudly.

"Well boys? I think this is the worst possible place to play a beautiful song to echo through Thomas's mind to motivate him, woudn't you agree?"

Deceit pulled a tiny saxophone and a tiny piano each about the size of his pinkie and index finger respectively, using the magic of distortion to bring them to full size. Logan brought back his violin and Remus lunged for his saxophone, all three having their instrument of preference. Deceit pursed his lips and thought to himself: what beauitful song could they play? The second Remus started blowing a set of notes into his sax, the entire relationship knew exactly what they'd be playing. Deceit, Remus, and Logan all at once began to sing, even though Logan is normally not one for vocalization he made sure that his voice was in the harmony.

"🎶There's change coming once and for all...🎶"

1175 Words 

Oof that was short and horrible sorry lovelies.

I don't think I can give any more advice that I haven't given honestly but that's okay because you don't need someone to tell you to be a good person because you already are one to me :)

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

