Grunge Rainbow [Analogical] (Literature Club AU)

I'm legit wearing a Logan shirt and my Virgil hoodie right now, so let's get writing! Also i feel really gay because I have a crush on my bi best friend but she has a boyfriend so I suffer.

Also I have two books in progress for Sanders Sides on my profile if ya wanna... ya'know... check them out and support me. It's not like I'd like it if you did or anything....

Also Monika is best girl. I refuse to be told otherwise.

Oh! And I made an original little song in her eyes I hope you enjoy :)


Virgil tapped his pencil against his desk, pretending to be working on classwork when in reality he was working on a story. Virgil liked creative writing, mostly various genres of poetry and short stories to contrast his upperclassman friend Roman's ability to write complex fantasy novels. The other two friends they have, Patton and Logan, are members of a Literature Club Logan formed. They like reading more than writing themselves.

His current work was a small little Drabble of a short story that he called "Grunge Rainbow". It's about a boy who liked bands like L7 and Love Battery and he falls in love with a guy who can't hear. So he uses colors and aesthetic to describe what different music sounds like. Virgil hoped Logan, leader of the Literature Club he was the leader of, would love it. He hoped so. This was basically him coming out to his friends in a way. Ish. He just really wanted to make Logan proijd of him. He is an entire year older than him. Roman is a senior, Logan is a junior, Virgil is a sophomore, and Patton is a freshman.

The bell rang. Thank the lord. Virgil exhaled in relief and began packing his things. He needs to head to the second campus of his Highschool because the club is on the senior campus. The school is separated between freshman and senior campuses to prevent freshman and senior fights, but kids have to walk across the road a lot during the day to get to class.

Virgil calmly walked across the road, listening to some random electronica Vocaloid song that was honestly very cute and he loved it. It was called Reverse Rainbow. Virgil wondered how his main character would describe this song to his homosexual love interest. That's how you know Virgil was born to be an author. He does something and instantly tries to see if his characters would do that. Welcome to the author life, Virgil, it's good to have ya. You'll never leave now. One of us. One of us. OnE oF uS!1!

Virgik slipped into a seat in the front of the empty classroom, noticing how nobody was here yet. That's odd. This classroom is right by the auditorium. Theater major Roman should be here in an instant with Patton following close behind because he's one of the new tech nerds. Logan was always last to enter for some unknowing reason. Virgil was surprised when Logan slid the sliding door open and walked in to a room empty of all except one person. He looked around before his eyes landed on Virgil. Virgil shrugged. Well... that was a conversation.

Logan just pulled up a chair at the side of Virgil's desk with his novel in hand. He noticed that Virgil had written a text least seven more pages out of his composition book than from yesterday's meeting. Logan noticed how Virgil's face dusted pink and his pencil grip was slightly altered from his normal writing style. Logan skimmed over a few lines. Ah, a romance genre. Virgil was normally a thriller or sci-fi kind of guy.

"So, would you like to describe to me the work of fiction you are writing?"

Virgil looked up and saw Logan genuinely intrigued. He goes this thing where his eyes sparkle whenever he finds something he is interested in or about to rant about something he isn't passionate about. Virgil flipped back through the pages to where he just started writing his story. Wow, he did write a lot for this idea didn't he? This is the longest work Virgil has ever written. Logan saw the doodles Virgil's drew in the margins: concept art of the main character's entire fashion and aesthetic. Also an IPod Shuffle. Virgil shamelessly used to have one in middle school. #BringBack2007 

"Oh, uh, it's this little romance fluff kind of story I'm writing. See, I remembered what I used to listen to when I was little and I saw a kid in one of my classes who couldn't hear and the teacher did sign language to them and i thought 'what if an angsty teenager tried to describe emo grunge music to a deaf kid?' And then this idea came up. Also it's pretty gay, not gonna lie. It just sounded cool and I'm just kinda working on it."

"Ah, I see. Realistic Fiction Romance is normally not my genre however that combination of character traits peaked my interest. Would you mind if I skim over it perhaps?"

Logan's fingers tugged the notebook slightly towards himself, ester to read what Virgil's arm is covering up on the page. Virgil started yelling at himself in his head, cold in general him for even considering letting him see his personal writing notebook. But he really wanted constructive criticism on his story without getting gay jokes and homophobic comments from people telling him to make MC (main Character) a girl. Despite all the yelling he was giving to himself, he let Logan slide the book in front of him and he instantly began reading Grunge Rainbow.

Virgil watched his eyes scan from left to right behind his glasses slightly falling off his nose. He flipped through the pages easily, pleasantly surprised to see them front to back. Logan doesn't show much emotion through his face, but the way he lightly tapped his foot against the floor and how intently he read every experience Virgil's shitty handwriting conveyed showed Virgil that he liked it. He even looked at the drawings on the first few pages, appreciating Virgil's interest in art. But there was one part near the end that he completely froze on, lifting his head to meet Virgil's gaze. Oh shit, he was starinf.

"Virgil, I have an idea. It may not be this 'grunge' music style that you have described in your work that you clearly are passionate about, however I feel like this would be most enjoyable for both parties. I... have been learning how to play Piano and I want to see what kind of color you'd describe my ametuer music as. Like how Daniel does to Phillip."

Somebody better write that as a Phanfic AU now that I said that. Please link me that Fic when you are done in the comments right here! :) Virgil watched as Logan stood up, closing the book to be polite. Did he finish the most recent pages? That detail didn't seem to matter as Logan reached for his wrist and pulling him out of his seat. Logan suffers from tunnel vision, so Virgil just followed as he brought no him to the music room down the hall to the left. Sure enough, he brought him to a grande piano. Okay Monika. Logan had Virgik sit down on the bench next to him, sitting in front of the higher keys.

"This is an original song I wrote. I do not know how to sing properly so I wouldn't know how to create lyrics to match it. I am no writer. So perhaps if you could give me a color description of my music as vivid and descriptive as that in your artisian work of creative writing  I could figure out the lyrics of this song."

Virgil nodded, not minding. He scooted back and away, not wanting to burden him. Logan pressed his glasses against his nose and began playing a beautiful ballad on the piano. The pattern was repetitive, but that's expected because Logan is a person to follow the rules and guidelines. Virgil got the pattern of the notes, Logan going no father than across Virgil's shoulder on the piano only to hit those low notes. 

Virgil closed his eyes and tried to imagine a color. All he could see was a cool icy turquoise boarderling a pastel mint green, nice and fresh and pleasing to the eyes. He could visualize a beauitful blue sky and a mint green bike, a person with long black hair riding that bike following a mysterious blue bird sparkling with a ribbon tied on its left talon, begining a cliché fairy tale of a story that would captivate a teenage audience. A Patton kind of story. The music was nice and it brought a smile to his face. Virgil tapped his fingers against his legs, trying to make up some lyrics one the spot for the slow and elegant chill piano.

"🎶The breeze carries me across the land, the sea shining at my feet. I want to fly, I want follow, to a land just beyond my reach. Little bird, little bike, take me far off the path to a future where I don't know what happens next. Predictable is my fate unless I change it. Nothing can be achieved, unless I make it. The breeze and this bird, the bike and this ribbon. Take me to a place where I can be free. Take me to a place where I can meet the real me.🎶"

Logan stopped playing, Virgil opening his eyes and the wave of anxiety hitting him. Oh god he done messed up. He forgot the fact that he can't sing. He's tone deaf and he's got asthma. He sounded horrible. He sounded fucking horrible and he knew it. He mentally slapped himself for being such an idiot. However Logan just stared at him. Virgil tried to shrugged off the embarassment and seem like a chill dude. He wanted a color aesthetic? Okay yeah, let's go.

"Mint. The pastel color mint. Like a blue green pastel but it's more green than blue and it's like a sky color and color of some birds' feathers and it's just a chill color and the piano sounded really nice and cool and chill. I really liked that song. It's very light wnd tinted with white so it gives off a winter vibe but like winter in a more tropical country in the low latitude zone because you can't ride a bike in the snow and birds go there's during the winter. It also is the kind of song that makes you want to put on a crochet scarf and walk outside and go pass out Christmas Cookies to the neighbors. Wow, that was suck a weird way to describe it. I'm such an idiot you totally think I'm weird now."

Virgil mumbled that last comment, beating himself up. Not literally, though he kinda wanted to.  Logan shook his head, smiling for the first time. Jesus Fucking Christ Logan smiled!? Just for him!? Virgil felt his heart go doki doki just like this AU. He was so gay. Logan just smiled like an idiot.

"Do not fret, Virgil, I adored the imagery. You are so talented when it comes to words and you aren't afraid to incorporate your interests into your work like many other authors do. That is something I find quite admirable about you. Maybe... Maybe could you continue working on that story? 'Grunge Rainbow'? I'd simply love to see how it ends and all the new lovely descriptions you come up with next. In fact, we should go back to the club room. Since it is only us today, we can talk about it. Come along, Virgil. Back down the hallway we go."

Logan lead him by hand, fingers entwined and all, back down the classroom. Logan was still grinning like an idiot and Virgil couldn't believe his eyes. He had never seen Logan so happy, and it was all because of him. You'd be a damned fool if you didn't think Virgil felt like a proud motherfuker right now. They went back into the room and sat down, not noticing that Roman and Patton were in the back working on going through some sort of script for theater (drama is Literature Roman will fight you) and they went right to work on Grunge Rainbow.

Virgil didn't have the heart to tell Logan that the love interest was based on him and his curious mind. <3

1989 Words

September first, 1989, dear diary. You know, I believe-

Okay I'll stop I saw the word count and I had to make a reference. You know, I'm proud of this oneshot. It's cute. It's of my OTP. It's a DDLC AU. AND I wrote this on my period! Score! 

So yeah, advice for today is to not beat yourself up. You are so talented and accomplish so much every single day. The fact that you live through the day is reason enough to smile. You didn't give up on today and that makes you a strong person. Keep living life and never give up. Give yourself credit for the things you do and smile because you are a person worthy of being alive.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

