Adorable Human [Anxceit] (Devils AU)

Joan and Valerie sung it much better just sayin~

Warning: Light Vulgar Language.


Deceit was confused. He kept this human in a cage and fed it the most basic of meals and yet it was still somewhat happy. The human was hostile towards him, true, but on security cameras the Human didn't seem depressed as Deceit would think. Much unlike the other human his Come rad experience has in a cage. Both humans have anxiety, both humans are of the male sex, both humans have no entertainment. The one difference?

Deceit gave his human a cat.

His human would pamper the cat and talk to the cat, even though Deceit basically gave him a doll that's supposed to simulate a real cat. Human are really adorable. Just because the cat breathes and blinks and sometimes flicks its tail and maybe walks a bit the human assumes it's alive. It isnt. It's made with demon magic for Deceit's experiment. Deceit decided he had enough of watching this little human coo to the kitty and decided to visit the human. With a snap and a boost from his devil wings, he was in front of the cage in a jiffy. The human glared at him.

"What do you want, shithead?"

"Ah, so you instantly go back to being a savage animal the second you see my face, but are kind and gentle to a creature smaller than you. Interesting."

Another thing to note was how pink his face got after deceit revealed to him thst he knew of his antics. How adorable. Humans are adorable little animals. Deceit folded his wings and flocked his red tail around, sitting down on his knees in front of the human. Deceit wouldn't and it This to anyone, and often lies about it to his peers, but he isn't quite fond of this gentle little human. He doesn't allow him to have panic attacks unlike his comerade in the human experiments. Deceit believes he treats his human well, yet he still hates him. Why?

"So you like creatures such as that Earthly feline? Shall I get you more? Would that make you happy?"

"What would make me happy is that you let me go home to my baby brother. He needs me!"

"Ah, yes. Because I certainly can do that without getting my own ass beat."

Deceit rolled his eyes, not exactly having any of that bs. He knows that his human has a younger brother. That's why Deceit perosnally took the liberty of protecting him and the rest of his family from the others. He doesn't want them to be a part of the human experiments. He claimed them to be defective because of a disease humans call "autism". Its younger brother does have light of it, but he claimed all of them had it. He is quite the liar. Most believe his every word. It's quite amusing. But he'd never admit it. You'd never know who's listening in on your conversations. This is Hell after all.

"You're horrible. Every single last one of you demon scum is horrible."

That stung. Ouch. That hurt sooooooo much. Deceit rolled his eyes yet again. That seemed to be his favorite pastime. Deceit unfolded his wings as a reminder to that puny human that he is the one who holds the power around here. It seems that Deceit will have to rewrite his thesis. The stockhold syndrome doesn't seem to be settling in at all. At least, not towards him. Perhaps towards that cat. Deceit will have to watch it later when it handles the cat.

"So what happens to me after you get what you want from me? Am I to be passed on? Killed? Tortured?"

"Let's hope it doesn't have to come to that."

Deceit answered quick, cutting it off before it could name another's miderable fate it should befall. The human stared at him, its eyes big and brown. It looked like it had several questions, but Deceit would refuse to answer all of them. The walls of hell hear everything, haven't you listened to Hadestown? He didn't need an army of demons coming after his ass to make him human and bring him down so Satan can punish him himself. That's the sentence for all traitorous cowardly bitches who don't do what he says.

"Humans have names, yes? What is yours?"

Deceit pretended not to know. Whenever he went to the human's house to protect its brother, he pretended to be human and got to know his younger brother Patton. He was the sweetest little thing and because Deceit can't hide his wings entirely, Patton thought that Deceit was his guardian angel. It was sweet and for some reason made Deceit's chest warm. He talked to him about his older brother Virgil who went away. Deceit made sure he had a pleasant dream with Virgil. You might be wondering about calling Virgil 'it' in his thoughts. Humans are thought of as animals and toys in Hell. If it was found that Deceit didn't do the same, he'd be a traitor and sent to Satan. It's horrid, he knows.

"Why do you care, hellboy?"

"Ooh, Spicy. If I wanted salt I would have gone back to my mother."

"Answer the question."

"Why I care? Because I do."

"Asshole. The name's Virgil. Not that it matters to you at all. And while you're at it, he/him pronouns. I'm tired of being an 'it'. Period."

"I can't stop that one, Virgil. That's going to happen because you're human."

Deceit was laughing, he couldn't help it! This human was acting like he- err. Sorry. It was so high and mighty that something like that would matter! It's only human. It doesn't see. Who it is... is who it will always be. Human. Pathetic, weak, insignificant human. Deceit snapped and the cat woke up from its nap, walking into Virgil's lap and purring. It worked because it was sitting cross legged. Virgil, not the cat. Err, apologies. The human. Deceit watched the human lightly smile and stroke the cat. How cute~ It looked up when it caught Deceit staring and instantly got hostile again. What a strange creature~

"Don't you dare say anything, dragon breath."

"Dragon breath? How offensive~ You truly are an adorable human."

The human didn't say a word, looking down at the cat and letting it purr in its lap. Deceit didn't hide his smile. This scene was too precious to process. Deceit reached in the cage while the human wasn't looking and stroke some hair on its head backwards, like a cat. The human whipped its head up, staring at Deceit with big brown eyes. Aha, now there's a new thesis. "Do humans pick up traits of other creatures they are around?" Deceit chuckled and scratched behind its ears, just like a kitty cat.

"I'll be back soon, Virgil."

Hello Stockholm Syndrome!

1135 Words

Yes! I'm back home! And in the chapter I said I'd delete later I promised that I'd do my two ideas before doing yours! That chapter will be deleted after all requests on it are done. I hope that's okay!

No advice, I kinda feel like crap and I don't have any. Just be you!

Oh! And someone asked for another picture of Cheddar! They called him "Floofball" but his name is Cheddar! I also have a second cat named Kirby. Sadly I can't get my iPad to do it's job so I can't get another photo. I'm so sorry.

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

