Home With You [Logicality] (Genderfluid Pride AU)

So I asked -JustAnEditor- for help with a Logicality, since I haven't done one in so long, ans I think it turned into a prompt swap! So I hope I represent right! I also really wanted to use flowery Logan language and that's why I wanted to do a Logicality in the first place. I like writing for characters like Roman and Logan. It gives me an excuse to use imagery like this. :)

Like always, if I do representation wrong please let me know! I will change it immediately!

Ya boi liked this one so much she went back an edited it.


Logan had never understood how someone could be so warm and welcoming to a complete stranger. It's against the principals of what had been instilled in the public since they were children, yet some people can be so compassionate and naive to trust every person that they meet. More importantly, Logan also never understood that one phrase "home is where the heart is". No it is not. It is where your current place of residence is. That is the definition of the word 'home'. Things like that were things Logan couldn't exactly comprehend. Well, that is, until Logan met a very unique individual named Patton. 

That is where our story begins.


Logan was sitting lunch alone like he had always done. If he could do it all through elementary, intermediate, and junior high school he can tolerate it through high school as well. He didn't mind his solitude as long as he had the lovely world of literature before him to envelop himself into. However, his library book was dangerously close to being overdue for the second time so he had to return it. He just couldn't stop reading Knightly Academy. So while trying to find somewhere to keep his eyes occupied as he ate, he made eye contact with someone.

In that short glance, he could tell that they were something extraordinary. They wore circular framed glasses with tape on the sides, one pink side and other blue. They wore a braided bracelet on their left wrist that was a beautiful baby blue, mint green, and soft lavender. They wore a pastel yellow hoodie with some sort of reference to a music-related internet influence from the mainstream web and leggings, not needing to wear pants nor shorts because their hoodie was far too oversized. Their freckled speckled their face like Constellations in the night sky, popping against their very pale skin. Their hair was a curly mess, a mixed bold orange and light brunette hue, and their eyes reminded Logan of the ocean upon looking over the balcony of a cruise ship bound for Cozumel, Mexico. They were nothing short of gorgeous.

Logan quickly averted his eyes, not wanting to be intrusive nor be a bother to this aesthetically attractive human being. Yet... he was so compelled to look upwards once again to meet their Atlantic teal eyes. He did so and saw the person coming towards them with a warm smile and more details of their attire and features alike being revealed about them. They painted their nails the color of the Irish flag on one hand and another array of colors on the second. Perhaps it had something to do with the band that was adorned on that very same wrist? Logan gave the fellow highschooler the proper respect of eye contact as a conversation blossomed between the two of them.

"Why are you eating lunch alone? Don't you have anyone to sit with?"

Logan shook his head emotionlessly. There was no glee nor malencholy in his eyes behind the frames of his glasses. This person was almost appalled by the notion of that. They set their lunchbox on the table, not having any of it. Their cheeks puffed slightly out and in the simplest terms: it was quite adorable.

"Well then I'm going to fix that right now! Nobody deserves to eat lunch alone! That's just sad! Hi new friend! My name is Patton LaBoy, or Patty on other days or at other times, and I'll happily be your friend! Oh! And I should mention the bracelet I wear tells everyone what pronouns I use! Like if it's pink and orange and red I use she/her or if it's yellow and white and light brown I use they/them or if it's blue and green and purple like this one I use he/him! You're okay with that, aren't you? And what's your name? Sorry if I'm talking a million miles a minute, I just love meeting new friends!"

Logan's breath was entirely taken away. He had never met someone so outgoing and so friendly as this boy was. Based on the bracelet he wore, calling him a boy was completely acceptable. The last thing he wanted was to disrespect this human being. Logan was flabbergasted, at an utter lost for words. He just stared in this boy's eyes until he regained composure and the oxygen re-enteted his lungs once more. He pressed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose to ensure they wouldn't loosen again before opening his mouth to voice a reply.

"Well, my name is Logan and I always use he/him pronouns, though I feel one were to refer to me by they/them I would not mind and inform them of my prefered pronouns with the knowledge that neutral pronouns are the default. Apologies, I needn't explain that as you certainly know much more to me in regards of the subject. To answer your question: My name is Logan Burnham. Thank you for choosing to sit by me."

Patton just beamed a wide smile. Logan repressed the Honeyglow in his cheeks and he couldn't contain a slight smile tugging up at the corners of his lips. It was perplexing how someone like Patton could exist, yet he intrigued Logan. He wanted to learn more about this person, and he wanted to spend some quality time with this person. Why? There was no logical reason. He just... did. And that both excited and scared the reason-based boy.


The stars sparkled in the sky above and Logan watched them gleam so elegantly. The moon was absent to the human eye, the phase of the new moon allowing no light to shine to earth. His hand was filled with the warmth of Patty's left as she wore her bracelet adorned with an array of warm colors. She wore a skirt and a warm, yellow, woolen sweater that was still too big by maybe a size and a half on her body. She wore her normal leggings under her skirt but she's refused to wear shoes nor socks of any kind. She made the argument that they were outside on the grass in her neighborhood and it was entirely fine. Logan knew he couldn't win an argument with her so he let her be. She smiled brighter than the stars as she leaned her head on Logan's shoulder.

"Hey Logan? You think this was a good first date, right? 'Cause I think this was an amazing first date."

Oh, was that not mentioned in the paragraph prior to that statement? Apologies. This outing was meant to be the pair's first date. Logan had asked Patty if she happened to be interested in trying a romantic outing for the two of them. Patty knew how much Logan adored astronomy and had dabbled slightly in astrology before throwing it away in frustration due to the lack of sense in it. So the two had dinner, went to an animal shelter to play with some cute puppies since Patty's allergic to cats, and then spent the night stargazing. Logan hadn't never had a better time. Of course he nodded and reiterated what Patty had thought.

"Yes, this was an optimal... a most enjoyable first date. I look forward to having romantic outings like this again, with you. My lovely girl~"

Logan knew how much Patty adored both praise and gender affirming pet names, so he decided that now was a perfect moment to give her some of each. He turned his head to the side and kissed the side of her head as she leaned on his shoulder, tearing his gaze away from the sky. He watched as she pursed her lips and reset her posture to the default upright position, looking at her left wrist and fiddling with the wristband. Logan noticed her nail polish was chipping, but even moreso that she was unsatisfied.

"Is something the matter, Patty?"

"Yeah, actually there is. Nothing wrong with you though! Nothing could ever be wrong with you you're so amazing to me and you're so smart and I like you a lot! It's actually... uh... Can you reach into my bag that's by you and grab the other bracelet? I have two so that's not very helpful. The yellow and white and light brown one I normally use for gender neutral days. I'd rather use those pronouns right now if you're okay with that..."

Logan was quite ignorant when it came to genderfluidity, sexuality, romanticism, and other topics on that spectrum. Even so, he did his best to learn and accommodate for his lover's wishes. He nodded and complied, reaching in the small handheld bag and taking out the bracelet of the desired colors, switching the two out and Patton happily placing that braclet on their wrist. They smiled and looked at their wrist out with their nail polish, spinning it around a bit to make sure it lined up perfectly. Then they dusted off their sleeves of some dog hair that never found its way off their arms. They replaced their head on Logan's shoulder, muttering something thst sounded like an apology. Were they feeling self conscious about their gender? Did they think they were being a burden? That was simply not the case, and Logan had to convey this idea with both his actions and words. He wrapped his arm around Patton and spoke.

"I am so happy to spend this night, quality time, with my most attractive and loving datemate. Thank you for being with me, Patton."

The squeeze back told Logan all he needed to know. This warm feeling in his chest was something that could only be described as love. The happiness and joy he got from bringing Patton happiness and joy was nearly overwhelming. Slowly he was beginning to understand things he could never understand before, and it was absolutely astonishing. Logan never wanted to be apart from Patton.


Logan was working away in the school's library on something quite out of the ordinary for him. Rather than reading a novel or researching a new topic that interested him, he found himself with a pencil and countless sheets of college ruled notebook paper trying to figure his way around a poet's mind. He was trying to write something for an assignment for english was to create a poem about something you have learned or grown over the span of high school years. Logan knew exactly what he wanted to write, but he didn't know how. He was not a creative person and he didn't have a way with words. It puzzled him greatly how he would go about this, especially since this project meant so much to him as a senior. Fortunately, his lover had just found him and could possibly help him. They slipped their arms around his shoulders and rested their chin on his head. Logan saw that their wristband was of the cooler colors of the pastel rainbow set. That meant Patton used he/him pronouns for now. That was good to know.

"Whatcha doin'? Wow, I sound like Isabella!"

Logan chuckled. Patton was quite the adorable one. He always loved to make references subtlety to any cartoon or Disney movie he could. That's just what Patton was raised on and what he was passionate about. He always gets this sparkle in his eye when he references something he adores. If only Logan was able to see that sparkle just then...

"That you do, my love. What I am appointing all my focus on, however, is something that I doubt that small group of adolescents could help with. You are aware of the poetry project from English, correct? I am struggling to get words down on the paper. I know exactly what message I want to convey and what I had learned, however I have no idea how to use the many kinds of metaphorical language to get my message across and say what I need to say. You know I was never at any aspiration nor affinity towards the creative arts, including and especially writing."

Logan sighed, dropping his mechanical pencil and letting it roll over until the stopper on the side forced it to stop. Logan was so braindead that he couldn't remember what that small line of plastic on the side of the pencil was legitimately referred to as. Patton looked over Logan's brainstorming page to see something he probably never expected to see. Patton read the sentence aloud.

"Home is where the heart is?"

Logan nodded, bringing back the entire subject point of the first paragraph before this oneshot even started. That was a phrase he could never understand until now. He took the word 'home' far too literally. It's when you feel so comfortable you might as well be home. It's a different usage and an entirely different connotation. And Logan finally understood the emotions tied to it. If he had never made eye contact with Patton and found him to be attractive and never had formed that friendship that would blossom further into a romantic relationship then he would still be left in the figurative dark. Patton seemed confused on why Logan would use such a non-literal lesson as the theme of his entire paper, so he began to explain himself.

"I have learned that the phrase roughly means 'wherever you are most comfortable and whoever you are most comfortable with is more important than all else' and I have found that statement to be quite true... ever since I met you." 

Patton stood up in a swift movement, covering his mouth with his hands to prevent himself from squealing and disturbing the rest of the library. He hurried himself to pull up a seat and to help Logan with this cute, romantic, sappy poem about what he has learned regarding this particular phrase. And he has learned so very much thanks to this beautiful and wonderful Genderfluid person he was so lucky to be dating. Patton stole a piece of his notebook paper and a pencil and began writing like there was no tomorrow, almost as if this paper was his own. Logan chuckled and looked to see what's he was scribbling down. Was he writing random words or was he making a poem of his own? You could never tell with Patton. He just did his own thing and Logan adored that.


Logan never understood how someone could be so warm and welcoming to a complete stranger, but then he married someone who was. Logan had learned that sometimes people are built to be extroverted. They just are who they are: a social butterfly and very empathetic. There's no rhyme nor reason to why someone is like that, they just are. But more importantly, Logan never understood that one phrase "home is where the heart is" until he married someone who was literally his home. He hadn't never felt so comfortable, so happy, so carefree around anyone before. The person he married literally became his home and his heart constantly resides with that person. Even after death and they part, Logan's heart will always remain with this person. 

Logan finally understood what it meant, and he will never forget it.

Edited 2650 Words

If there are any more grammatical errors please comment and let me know I want this oneshot to look really good, as it is one I am the most proud of.

I am so heckin proud of what I did with this oneshot it is literally an hour and twenty minutes past the time I was supposed to be in bed and I have the heckin flu but I don't care because I adore this oneshot and I am so proud I did it and just-

I'm gushing at my own work I'm so pathetic.

SO THE LESSON that y'all were supposed to learn from this oneshot was: find where your home is. Find the people who make you happy and find the places where you know you want to be in your life. Home doesn't have to be the place you currently reside in. Home can be a significant other, a parent or guardian, a group of friends, or whoever. Home can be the theater auditorium, the choir room, the band hall, the track, the library, or wherever. Home is where the heart is, and as long as your heart is happy you should know you're in the right place.

Internet hugs and blow kisses and goodnight you lovely Beauties, Gentlebeauties, and NonBinary cuties!

