Hello, How Are You? [LAMP +Snuke +Remile] (Agender Pride AU)

Just playing a rhythm game and decided to screw y'all over emotionally. Also still sick. My head feels like it's splitting.

Thank you Pengi11 for your suggestion <3


"Hello, How Are You?"

Logan looked up from whatever book they were reading at lunchtime in the sixth grade. They wore the feminine school uniform despite the fact it made them feel so very uncomfortable and they wore their long dark brown hair down with bangs, a cute pin holding it away from their eyes. They saw a boy with a cheery smile and round glasses to mirror their own rectangular framed lenses. He wore the school's make uniform, Freckles, and a warm smile. A smile so warm that it compelled Logan.

"Salutations, I and fine. And you?"

He sat down next to Logan at the lunch table, grinning from ear to war carrying nothing but a pear in his hands. Fight me Jae. Pears are delicious! Logan noticed that another duo of students, one in the male uniform and one in then female uniform, noticed the bold boy sitting down with Logan and redirected themselves over towards him. What was going on? This was Logan's first encounter with this boy, so how come all of the sudden they found themself surrounded by strangers at lunchtime? Logan had no friends.

"I'm perfectly fine! Would you mind if my friends and I sit here? You seem like a nice person and the rule is four people per table. Another person kind of kicked out our group of three with the old friend we used to sit with."

Aha, a common predicament. Logan just shrugged and nodded, allowing them to sit at the table with them. The boy cheered and beckoned his friends closer, the one in the male uniform and the one in the female uniform. The girl had her hair in a high brunette ponytail and it was much longer than Logan's. She had large rounded square glasses that would be the perfect mix between the boy's and their own. The other person had a nasty scar on the left side of their face. They both smiled and sat down, one with a homemade lunch and one with one from the cafeteria. The girl handed the boy from the beginning halfnof her sandwich she brought from home.

"Patton, you need to start fixing yourself a lunch! I can't just keep bailing you out every day! A pear isn't enough food for you!"

"Sorry Emily, I'm just not hungry! Anywho... Dee how's the puppy we found by the lake? The little guy's okay and all healthy now, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is quite alright. Hold on, let me sneak a photo off my phone~"

Logan watched the three friends smile and share the conversation as though Logan wasn't even there. Even so, they felt included somewhat and intrigued about this dog by the lake story. The boy with the scar in his face, Dee, slid his phone out of The breast of his blazer and passed it around under the table. Based on the bright smile and loud "AWWW!!!" Emily exclaimed Logan could only assume that the dog was quite adorable. That only made Logan more curious. So when Patton got the phone, they tried to take a peak. However Patton noticed. 

Instead of scolding Logan, he held the phone more in between them so they both could see. The poor white dog had splotches of fur missing, but the little jack russel terrier looked happy as could be.  Logan did smile. They decided to put some input in this conversation, despite having no connections with any of these people. It was a purely instinctual thing to jump onto the conversation parade.

"That's a Jack Russel Terrier, correct? They are very high-energy dogs that need expertise and open space such as a backyard. The dog appears to be in perfect health. You must have done a good job nursing the poor thing back to health... Dee was it?"

Logan nodded, putting in as much helpful information as they could. They weren't exactly s dog expert. Patton just gasped, looking over at them with big stars in his eyes. Emily took thenohine back, handing it back to Dee. Dee just slid it back into his pocket, nodding and grateful for the compliment Logan just gave him. Before Dee could properly thank Logan, Patton decided he needed to be a little bit of a fanboy first.

"Oh my goodness you know so much about dogs that's so cute! You're definately my friend now! What's your name and prefered pronouns?"

Logan was extremely confused by that last part. Prefered pronouns? They could only go by she/her. But when thinking they always used non gender specific pronouns just because they could. It's a more enhancing way to think for them and it doesn't make them feel as horrible. But... they're just so confused on that part. They coked their head to the side and rose an eyebrow, super confused.

"My... prefered pronouns?"

Patton's eyes looked a little bit more monochromatic after the words left Logan's mouth. Did they say something wrong? Logan heard Emily clear her throat. Logan turned to look at Emily and she smiled, happy to fill Logan in on whatever they didn't understand.

"Some people don't feel comfortable with the pronouns assigned to their birth sex, so they use different pronouns that match with their gender. For example Patton and Dee both use he/him pronouns while my pronouns kinda sorta change sometimes. On days I want to be called he/him I normally wear the male's uniform for the school, but today is a She/Her day so I wore the camel uniform! They/Them days are really confusing so I just go ahead and tell everyone to use they/them on those days, but they're rare for me. It's whatever pronouns make you most comfortable."

And that was the moment everything kind of went into perspective in Logan's Head. That was the first ever moment they ever heard of being called by a pronoun that contradicts your genitalia and other people respecting pronouns that are niether masculine nor feminine. Logan looked between Dee, Emily, and Patton. This was a thing? They could actually have it like that? Logan smiled for the first time in a long time and said it.

"They/Them please."

And now a big old time Skip to Highschool!

"Hello! How are You?"

Patton greeted justice like every other day, wearing the high school letterman's jacket. The four of the most from middle school: Patton, Emile/Emily/Emm, Dee, and Logan themself begged their parents to take them out of that private school and let them go to public school. It was much cheaper and allowed them to actually create clubs and be their queer selves. Logan was also able to cut their hair and wear clothes that made them feel comfortable. It also gave everyone a chance at romantic relationships. Logan smiled upon seeing Patton, one of their boyfriends, and did the same reply they normally gave.

"Salutations, Patton. I am doing quite well today. What about you?"

"Well, Emm is off with their boyfriend again in the library. They had to do some studying so Remy decided to go with them. You know, AP Biology has to suck. Not to mention Dee bailed on us with Remus again. They're behind the school eating lunch together. It's really romantic. Roman should be coming soon to eat lunch with us like normal. Do you have the phone up? I wanna talk to our baby boy!"

Patton slid down next to Logan, taking one of their hot Cheeto Fries from the bag and munching on it. Logan sighed. Again, Patton didn't bother to pack himself a lunch. He always does this. Logan took out their phone and opened Skype, calling the fourth boyfriend out of the quartet. The third, Roman, high fived the baseball team and winked at a few girls before heading on over. Roman's a disaster Bi. He plopped himself down on Logan's other side, wrapping an arm around the proud Agender friend as Virgil picked up the Skype call like they always do. Long Distsnce Polyamory relationships are hard when the last member lives all the way in the UK. Patton was the first to go nuts.

"VIRGIL!! Hey Kitten! We love you so much! We wish you were here and we want youuuuuuuuuu!"

Patton shined into the phone, Virgil laughing like always when he saw Patton acting so silly. Roman decided he was next.

"Yeah, come over quick so that I can finally hold you and never let go~"

Roman's a big old flirty boi. Virgil covered his face with the hood of his jacket out of embarrassment. Logan couldn't help at smile at how cute their boyfriend was. They tapped on the table, waiting for Virgil to get out of their shell before saying anything. But Virgil had other plans. He actually reached behind his bed and pulled out a canvas. Logan's face dropped in surprise when they saw that their boyfriend from across the sea painted an Agender Pride flag just for Logan.

"Hey, uh, Logan? I painted this one just for you. I'm still working on my Trans flag, Roman's Bi flag, and Patton's Pansexual flag. But that's only after I get the polyamory flag done. So, uh... do you like it?"

Virgil's soft voice through the Skype call reached Logan's ears. All three of their boyfriends looked over at Logan to see what they were thinking. Logan was speechless, mouth opened and everything. Patton just giggled and praised Virgil for doing such a good job while sitting in Logan's lap while Roman pressed a tender kiss, whispering to them "it's rude to keep our love waiting, Precious." And Roman was right. Logan wore the warmest facial expression they had, making sure Virgil knew he did such a wonderful job on the painting.

"It looks wonderful, love. Thank you so much. It... it means so much to me co sidering the fact... well... i..."

Logan felt the tears weld in their eyes. They have never cried before, not in front of Roman or Virgil. They met and joined Patton and their's relationship recently in Highschool. Only Patton had seen them cry after coming out to their parents and being told it was only a phase and it was a mental disorder they had to get over quick. All three boyfriends panicked upon seeing Logan: the critical, calculated, and composed start having tears rolling down their cheeks. This was an emotional moment for them.

"Logan! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I woudlnt have shown the canvas if it'd make you cry! You're such a wonderful significant other please don't cry Lo!"

"Hey, it's okay Logan! These are just happy tears, right? These are good tears, there's no need to worry Virgil you did good. Logan we love you, don't forget that."

"It's okay, mi amor. Shhh... shh... no need to cry. I know it's a wonderful painting and all but we don't need to cry now."

All three of them desperately tried to calm eachother down as well as calm Logan down. They wiped their eyes with the back of their hand underneath their glasses and they just kept smiling. What a joyous day. What a happy day. Logan eached out to the computer screen, pressing his index's finger lovingly to Virgil's cheek. Poor thing probably had an anxiety attack. Lunch was about halfway over. They needed to hang up so they could eat. It was a shame, but each of them would call Virgil at a different time each night one on one, so it was fine.

"Thank you for the wonderful gift, Virgil. You did such a good job. Now, the three of us shaven to eat our lunches, okay? I don't want you to worry about us, and stay happy. Alright? We love you, Virge."

The three waved goodbye and blew kisses as Logan turned the Skype call off. Patton slid off their lap and Roman held Patton's hand from over Logan's shoulders. Logan leaned into Roman and Patton leaned into Logan. After that freakout and after Seeing Logan cry, nobody was too hungry. But they were filled with love for one another. The three of them smile, especially Logan with salty tears stained on their cheeks.

They were so proud to be themself.

2020 Words

I think I'm seeing this oneshot...

With 2020 Vision


Never be ashamed of being yourself. You need to live for you and do what makes you happy. Use whatever pronouns and labels make you feel the most comfortable, wear the clothing that makes you feel like a queen, king, or NonBinary monarch! Do whatever hobbies make you smile and listen to whatever music makes you happy. Don't be afraid nor ashamed of being yourself. 

Internet hugs and blow kisses!

