The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 99.

Episode 99:

Right now, Blancshe shrugged her shoulders at the two beings who could be called "back".

She was fearless no matter where she looked.

And it seemed that this did not sit well with Giacomo.

Judging by the strength he put into his eyes, which showed signs of jaundice,

it seemed like he was trying to exert all his strength.

He growled as if it was some kind of threat.

"Blancshe, don't you understand yet? Today is your deadline!"

"Oh, I see. I guess I'm more lenient than I thought, wasting time on such trivial matters. Is it a side effect of dying and coming back to life?"

Suddenly, Blancshe made an impression. She didn't hesitate to make a threatening statement befitting the second-in-command of the mafia organization.

"You trash. Try running your mouth one more time. Every time your filthy mouth opens, I'll make a hole in your empty skull."

"That's the only time you can be so relaxed! The moment my fist touches you, you're dead!"

He desperately hid his fear.


In the blink of an eye, Blancshe pulled the trigger towards Giacomo's forehead.

If Giacomo hadn't crossed his arms in an X shape in time, he would have been dead.

But as you can see, the situation was not the only thing he failed to control.

Tanha, who failed to achieve his goal, rolled on the ground, unable to leave a proper mark on Jia Komo's prosthetic arm and flattened under the pressure.

However, why is it? Blancshe still had plenty of leisure.

She twisted one corner of her mouth.

"Jia Komo, my bullets are faster than your punches."

"Arrogant. . . !" He showed his yellow fangs again.

Bullets rained down as if waiting, and Blancshe moved her hands busily.

Amidst the rhythmic gunshots, the shop and GM cheered for her.

"Well done, Blancshe~!" {Blancshe, if there's anything I can help with, please let me know anytime. }

She used the skills [Magic Bullet], [Shotgun], and [Pest Draw] as if waiting.

Finally, the real battle began.

Indeed, when she used her skills, gold began to appear on Jia Komo's right prosthetic arm. Jia Komo was shaken to the point of opening his eyes wide.

"This is. . . !" "Let's see how much longer you can endure."

Her continuous attacks were so smooth that they could be compared to a social dance at a ball.

Suddenly, it seemed that this couldn't go on.

Jia Komo charged at Blancshe with determination.


Surprisingly, Blancshe stopped her attack and rushed towards Jia Komo who was charging at her.

Giacomo's attack power is at least four times, and she, who uses a gun as her main weapon, is advantageous in long-range attacks!!

In an instant, Blancshe shouted, "Shop! Stay safe for a moment!" "Got it!"

The White Dragon flew up to the ceiling to prevent Blancshe from being disturbed.

Before they knew it, the distance between the two was 5m, 4m, 3m.

After leaving a distance of about 3m between her and Giacomo, Blancshe jumped into the air.

Her slender body flew through the air in a graceful arc.

She looked like a black cat.

Before they knew it, Blancshe was falling towards the ground.

Bang! A gunshot rang out. And that single bullet hit Giacomo's back of the head accurately.

The bullet that pierced through the back of Giacomo's head came out through his forehead, along with a gush of thick blood. Giacomo fell forward.

Blancshe used a parachute while in the air. But she didn't let her guard down until the end.

Blancshe immediately aimed her gun, Peace Maker, at Giacomo.

However, Giacomo's lifeless body remained motionless, as if mocking their reunion greeting.

Pour, Shop hugged me with Blancshe's shoulder.

Shop settled on her left shoulder and gently stroked her cheek, laughing.

"Well done, Blancshe! Pat pat~"

[system/GM_112149 777177 cheers and applauds you. ]

Due to the cute actions of the two beings, one corner of Blancshe's mouth twitched upwards.


Who could have expected that it wasn't over yet? Suddenly, from Giacomo's vocal cords, which had been motionless like a corpse until now, a roar like that of a wild beast burst out.


Blancshe raised an eyebrow as if to say, "Look at this." She had no intention of just sitting still. Blancshe inserted a [Magic Bullet] into Giacomo's back, like a salted snail rebelling.

But what on earth is happening? Even though there were holes and some were completely destroyed in his limbs, Giacomo stood up as if nothing had happened.

Moreover, his unfocused eyes and the saliva mixed with black blood dripping down! Like something that had sprung out of a nightmarish dream, Giacomo was incredibly eerie.

Suddenly, Shop shouted sharply, "Blancshe! That wicked guy, he's undead!"

Undead. It is a monster created by the hands of a dark magician, a creature that does not die until it receives the mental command of the connected dark magician.

Realizing that he was undead, Blancshe launched another fierce attack against him.

However, she couldn't prevent the broken Giacomo's body from being enveloped in a blue light and recovering.

Blancshe, be careful!

Indeed, the GM had a reason to warn. Giacomo returned in an instant without showing any signs of fatigue.

Finally resurrected, Jiakomo shouted with high spirits.

"Now do you understand, Blancshe? Jiakomo, one of the Four Great Kings of the Rebel Army, is an immortal being!"

Blancshe chuckled.

"Then, as an undead who has become an immortal, I will deplete the power of the Black Mage, your current master, so that you can return to the earth."

Undead cannot die without the permission of their master, the Black Mage, but if the connected power of the Black Mage is depleted, they will die.

Furthermore, the fastest way to deplete the power of the Black Mage, who commands the undead as subordinates, is to kill and kill the undead.

Every time the undead resurrect or recover, the power of the Black Mage is consumed.

In an instant, Jiakomo exclaimed.

"Who do you think will willingly comply! Rather than depleting the power of my Black Mage, you will die in my hands first, Blancshe!"

"Well, we'll see. Will that really happen?"

It was a tense moment for Jiakomo when Blancshe remained nonchalant.


Once again, the barrel of [Peace Maker] emitted smoke.

However, this time, the target of Blancshe's barrel was not Jiakomo.


The seal stone that sealed the boss room split on the dungeon door.


Blancshe's bullet effortlessly split the seal stone and dropped it to the dungeon floor.


Slowly, with a loud noise, the heavy boss room of the mirror maze began to open.

Jiakomo was shocked and jumped up from his seat.

"Idiot! Instead of wasting time fighting just the two of us, you want to take on the boss monster too, Blancshe?"

"No. You will face the boss alone, Jiakomo."


"That's right. Why would I bother fighting undead creatures that keep coming back to life even if I kill them multiple times? Useless." | Blancshe took out two [Invisibility Candies] from his inventory.

The day before, just in case, he had bought them from the [Item Shop] in the shop.

[Invisibility Candy]

A magical apple-flavored candy that makes the user invisible to monsters. Use it when you have to pass by a monster that you absolutely cannot confront. | However, if you attack the monster first, the candy's effect will not apply. It cannot be used during hunting.

Duration: 20 minutes]

Blancshe handed over the pre-cut candy to the shopkeeper and also took a bite of the candy himself.

Suddenly, inside the wide-open boss room, the boss monster of the [Mirror Maze], the [Mirror Golem], appeared.

The [Mirror Golem] was a flat golem made of mirrors, boasting a size of only three floors of an apartment building.

However, the frightening aspect of the [Mirror Golem] was not just its size or immense attack power.

The [Mirror Golem] was the only monster that Blancshe almost died while hunting.

It was because of its defense power close to 0 and the shattered pieces that became the [Mirror Golem]'s clones.

Blancshe quickly stepped aside to ensure that Giacomo, who had been recognized as the [Mirror Golem], could safely complete his role.

Giacomo was surprised that Blancshe, who was not recognized by the [Mirror Golem], was so shocked. He opened his mouth wide and alternated between pointing at the [Mirror Golem] and Blancshe.

It wasn't long before they had to run away. It was because the [Mirror Golem] rushed towards him with a scream.

However, it was already too late. That damn [Mirror Golem] had already been destroyed.

As the [Mirror Golem] chased Giacomo through the dungeon rooms, it collided with the boss room and the low ceiling.

In an instant, the remains of the [Mirror Golem] rolled on the floor with a sharp cracking sound. Limbs and a head appeared from the remains of the [Mirror Golem] that had fallen on the floor in the blink of an eye.

It took less than 10 seconds for the [Mirror Golem] to finish multiplying. Moreover, they followed Giacomo into the corridor and collided with each other and broke apart.

In less than a minute, one [Mirror Golem] had multiplied into a hundred large and small [Mirror Golems].

When the group of [Mirror Golems] disappeared like water, the shop squealed. Unlike Giacomo, who was experiencing a more serious death crisis after becoming undead, the shop seemed calm. "Blancshe~ The shop doesn't like apple-flavored candy."

"Just hold on a little longer, shop. This fight will be over soon. When we return to the family house, I'll give you ice cream." "The shop likes vanilla ice cream!"

She stored two [Peace Makers] in her inventory and hugged the White Dragon, showing off her antics. The shop laughed while rubbing its cheek against her palm.

Blancshe leisurely followed Jiakomo.

"Where should I go to watch someone else's fight after a long time?"

She said, | It seemed like everything was going smoothly as Blancshe had thought. | But only in front of her eyes.

It is.

Outside the dungeon where Blancshe couldn't see, Ricardo and Anastasi were meeting.

The villainess received the family's worship.

Note: Unrevised
