The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 26.

Episode 26

Rocksan thought, "This isn't right."

It was around that time. | As if asking who they were, one maid shouted.

"Ah, really! It's too childish, I can't stand it."


Not only Rocksan, but other proper maids also exchanged a few words, finding her appearance amusing.

"There are always such kids, right? Even if they try, they can't bring down someone weaker than them and they're not satisfied."



Finally, Rocksan started to panic and become flustered.

Two unknown maids who stood in front of Blanche, as if following Rocksan, were the same.

At that moment, a good idea flashed through Blanche's mind.

Blanche stood up from her seat late.

"Are you in trouble, Lady Rocksan? Let's go. To a place where there's no one."

It wasn't just Rocksan's group who were surprised by those words.

Immediately, Agathe tried to stop her. "Irene! Don't do that. Where are you going?"

"I'm fine. Agathe, Lady Rocksan is also fine, right?"

Rocksan coughed pretending to be aware of her surroundings.

"Of course! Ahem. Did you think I would be scared and back off if you came out like that?"

Continuing, Maid 1 who appeared with Rocksan shouted.

"Did you all see? He followed us willingly! We didn't threaten him!"

"Blanche gave a slap to the confident maid 1. Don't disturb others while they're eating, just come with me."


The three maids had no choice but to follow Blanche like chicks chasing after their mother hen.

And they regretted it.

Even though the sun had risen, it was still cold winter when Blanche headed towards the forest behind the castle.

In fact, Blanche's plan was to give a false alarm here, send the swing riders away first, and hide near the entrance of the hunting ground.

That way, she could confirm the face of Juan Viscount's subordinate, Gia Como.

Finally, Blanche arrived at the entrance of the hunting ground and fiercely opened her eyes.

"Well, now that we've come this far, I feel relieved. If you have something to say, go ahead."


Rocksan knew that she had been waiting, as if she didn't even dream of being used, and shot an arrow.

She found Blanche's relaxed appearance so infuriating that she wanted to tear her apart.

"Look at her. What are you so confident about? Why? Do you really think we can't do anything to a monster like you?"

"I don't know." "You don't know? Really!" Rocksan raised her hand in the air. Blanche grabbed the fierce hand that was about to strike her.

"If you have something to say, say it. Don't just randomly attack people."

Blanche tried to retrieve her hand with all her might as she laughed.

However, her hand caught by Blanche didn't move an inch.

Roxanne screamed like a scream.

"You're not letting go of this?!" "I can't. If I let go, you'll hit me, right?"

"Funny, really! Even normal people don't have the audacity to open their eyes so boldly!" | "There are people who are not disabled but are extremely mean-spirited like me too, you know."


"You monster! If your face looks like that, at least your heart should be beautiful! Just wait and see. You'll live alone and die old! Who would take a wretched person like you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"What?" "Is it something special for a man?"

Roxanne couldn't hide her confusion at the calm voice.

"You, really! Are you going to argue about everything from one to ten?!"

Suddenly, a third person's voice interjected.

"What's all this commotion about?"

Blanche felt her heart sink unknowingly at the appearance of a middle-aged man.

She knew the owner of the voice.

The dignified voice fell before them once again.

"I asked what's going on right now."

Sure enough, when Blanche turned her head, a familiar face was there.


She had the same red hair and green eyes as her.

Marquis Marcrit. It's Blanche's father. He was coming out of the forest with a hunting suit on and a musket on his back, accompanied by three knights.


However, his complexion was not good. The marquis had a pale face and dark shadows under his eyes.


'Is it because I have to marry my beloved daughter to a scoundrel?'

If it weren't for Blancshe's scream, she would have continued to glare at the marquis.


When Blancshe let go of Roksanne's wrist, she burst into tears and cried loudly.

"You damn girl! It hurts!"

Blancshe finally realized that she had broken Roksanne's wrist.

Instead of apologizing, she quietly stepped aside and bowed her head to the marquis.


The marquis, who couldn't hide his surprise at Blancshe's scarred face, felt annoyed by Roksanne's crying.


He spoke with a cold tone.

"If someone sees it, they might think your wrist is broken. Doesn't Juan Viscount have a single day of rest?"

Blanche quickly sought forgiveness. "I'm sorry, Lord."

The Viscount muttered to himself in surprise. | "You, your voice sounds like Blanche. . . No, that can't be."

Amidst his bitter words, Maid 1 and 2 belatedly caught Loxanne, who had swallowed her tears, and pleaded for forgiveness.

They pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Lord! I didn't know you were in the forest." | "That's right! If I had known that the noble Lord was in the forest, we wouldn't have dared to come here!"

The Viscount bit his tongue.

"So, what exactly happened?" he asked.

Loxanne sobbed and appealed.

"It's all because of that monster!" She looked at Blanche with her eyes half-opened.

"This monster, who finally got a job, doesn't even know how to be grateful! Please, my Lord, it's obvious that my arm is broken."

When Blanche remained silent, Maid 1 and 2 also accused her.

"That girl is a child named Irene, who was hired to work at the Count's wedding. But she has such a bad temper and causes so many problems."

"That's why abnormal people shouldn't come out. If a monster exists, it should live quietly without dirtying the eyes of others. . . ."

In an instant, the Viscount felt a pang in his chest.

If one is born abnormal, they should live as if they don't exist, without dirtying the eyes of others.

Because the Viscount was not unaware of that familiar incident.

For 17 years, he raised Blanche at home with the same thoughts as that wretched maid.

And so, he ended up losing his daughter, who had finally escaped her disability.

The Viscount thought.

'If I had let the world know that Blanche's disability had been cured, rumors would have spread that our family received the blessing of the goddess! If that had happened, my business would have revived! What a waste, what a pity!'

The chief steward casually supported the viscount, who was staggering with a distorted expression.

Sober went back into the forest to find the viscount.

The three maids who had tormented Blanche felt their blood run cold.

'The viscount! Then that person is. . . ?!' 'Red hair and green eyes. That person is undoubtedly Mariette's father!'

In the midst of silence, the viscount's gaze fell on Blanche. "Hey. Did you say your name is Iren?"

Blanche answered without raising her head. "Yes, Viscount." "How old are you this year?" "I am eighteen years old."

"Your voice sounds similar, even though you are my daughter's age. Iren, I don't know how these words sound to you, but I also had a sick daughter like you once."

Blanche did not respond. The viscount touched his throat. "It can't be helped. I can't stay like this. Let's meet again, Iren."

And so, the conversation between the two women, who hadn't seen each other in a long time, ended here.

However, the Marquis left one knight behind to convey his intentions to Viscount Juan.

After a while, the Viscount appeared with about ten attendants led by Sauvres.

The Viscount asked the knight who was guarding the Marquis alone.

He was upset because he was called and then disappeared because of the Marquis.

"Where is the master?"

"His Majesty returned to the castle because of poor health."

"Oh, I see. He was like that even at Mariette's coming-of-age ceremony. It's not good. To have poor health at such a young age."

Although he said that, the prospective son-in-law, who was twenty years older than the father-in-law, was excited with cunning.

It seemed that he considered the words of the knight as a lie.

It was likely because even in this situation, the Marquis still regarded the Viscount with suspicion.

"If it weren't for my money, I would be sitting on the street! Anyway, these noble bastards. . ."

Sauvres, who understood the Viscount's judgment, tolerated the Marquis.

"That's not what the Viscount thinks. Perhaps His Majesty remembered Miss Blanche, who returned after seeing the pitiful sight of three maids pushing one young lady."

Only then did Blanche realize.

That the Marquis had erased her existence as a deceased person.

Late, Viscount Juan's gaze fell on Blanche.

He was taken aback by her grotesque appearance on the video call.

"Heek! I can't believe I have something like that in my house!" | Seeing his reaction, of course, the gaze of the Marquis's journalist also became intense.

Then, the well-built man who had been standing by the Marquis's right side continuously tapped his arm and interrupted him.

"Brother, 10 o'clock direction."

At 10 o'clock direction, there are the Marquis's bodyguards and the journalist.

The Marquis cleared his throat belatedly. "Ahem, this is really something. It's not good to show such behavior to the master. So, Sober, from now on, report my actions clearly to the master."

Marquis Juan looked at the rowdy group with his despicable face.

"Hey, you three are fired." "What?!"

"No, you're too weak. Are you weak, Ji Akomo?"

Ji Akomo,

Upon hearing the awaited name, a faint excitement rose above Blanche's face.

Yes. How can a predator who has found its prey not be pleased?

She quickly glanced at the man with reddish-brown hair in his early forties.

He was slightly taller than Marquis Juan and had unusually thick lips. He also had a pale complexion and a body that could be either muscular or killer.

The villainess received the family's worship.

Note: Unrevised
