The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 39.

Episode 39

Ricardo couldn't understand Blanche's actions either.

Does Blanche really not know?

Although they had only recently become acquainted, Blanche was already someone precious to him, beyond words.

But Ricardo didn't have the courage to confess his feelings.

Because he already knew. That his feelings and Blanche's feelings didn't weigh the same.

His eyelashes trembled sadly. "Why? It's obvious, isn't it?"

Ah. . .

"Obvious? Is it?"

Startled by his cold voice, Ricardo raised his head.

Blanche's expression was chillingly calm.

And then, she grabbed his collar.

With his throat tightly constricted, Ricardo had to endure her fierce reproach.

"Don't make fun of me. Who cares about that? Listen carefully. I hate not being able to have what I want, more than death!! If I can't have it, then no one can!"

"I won't live like that again!"

Flames flickered in his vivid green eyes.

And so, Ricardo realized that this situation was. . .

I didn't feel bad.

Above all, she looked beautiful because she knew exactly what she wanted.

First of all, his heart was pounding.

So Ricardo looked at her face affectionately, as if stroking it with a complicated heart.

He thanked the fate that allowed him to meet Blanche again.

Blanche misunderstood that he became quiet because he was overwhelmed with admiration.



Blanche released his collar.

But her gaze was still ominous.

"So choose, Ricardo, whether you will die here with me or leave alone right now."

Ricardo quickly turned the wheel of his thoughts, even though he trembled under the pressure.

"That thick stone wall won't be easily pierced. In the end, Blanche's hand will be broken."

In that case, what he had to do was already decided.

Ricardo vowed to carry the injured Blanche back to Digitallis together.

He slowly moved away from Blanche.

Speaking so gently and softly.

"I'll be with you." ". . . . . Okay."

Blanche was surprised that Ricardo didn't run away, but she no longer poured scorn on him. Blanche's expression disappeared from her face.


"But some of what you said seems right. Yes. It won't work with just a fist to break through that wall." | She stood in front of the wall she had punched a little while ago.

In an instant, something boiling in Blanc's eyes passed by.

Finally, she made up her mind. "I have to use my feet." "Wait, Blanc!"

Ricardo's cry of "If you do that, your foot will break!" didn't reach Blanc.


| With a loud noise, Blanc's kick struck the solid stone wall.

As expected, the wall didn't even flinch.

Ricardo turned pale and ran towards Blanc.

Fortunately, he couldn't find any signs of pain on her beautiful face.

However, Ricardo couldn't stop worrying.

"Blanc, your foot! Is your foot okay?" It was when Ricardo knelt in front of the girl, trying to touch her leg. | Just as Ricardo was flailing his hands in the air without even touching her foot, an unfamiliar noise passed by his ears.

'I heard the sound of gravel rolling somewhere. '

With a hopeful heart, his gaze turned towards the wall that had just blocked Blanc's kick.

Something amazing was happening.


As if waiting for his gaze all along, as soon as Ricardo's eyes reached the wall, a thin golden thread began to spread like a spider's web.

Startled, Ricardo even let out a gasp, and Blanc whispered softly.

"I still have a long way to go."

Ignoring the boy's concern, Blanc stood in front of the wall again.

She carefully touches the wall that has been touched by gold with her fingertips.

Blanche, who finished examining, once again brings her fist in front of the wall.

Ricardo quietly watched, wondering if she would throw a punch at the wall this time.

His heart pounded uncontrollably.

However, Blanche was not trying to punch the solid wall.

Surprisingly, she hit the wall with a thud.

Ricardo couldn't hide his confusion and puzzlement. "Blanche? Why are you suddenly doing that. . . ?"

Instead of answering, Blanche turned around with a confident smile.

That was enough.

The sturdy wall behind her began to crumble inward gradually.

Whoosh, Blanche passed through the unexpected demolition as if nothing happened.

"I should reflect on this. Even a wall with a defense level of 100 couldn't be broken in one go, well, the durability was a bit higher though."

"Bl-Blanche?" Ricardo, who was still kneeling in place, had a bewildered expression.

Her soliloquy was calm and composed. "If I had known, I would have broken the wall when I was looking for the key."

All Ricardo could do in the midst of the dusty haze was to open his eyes wide.

Blanche gestured beyond the wall. "Take a look at that, Ricardo."

Finally, his gaze left Blancshe.

Ricardo's mouth fell open. Behind the collapsed wall. It was the mountain of gold and the river of gold coins.

Ricardo stood up as if possessed.

It seemed as if he was stealing a glimpse of a dragon's lair from a legend.

With Ricardo's astonished exclamation still lingering behind him, Blancshe stepped on the debris of the collapsed wall and entered the treasure vault.

[system/ Warning! The magic designed for the treasure vault of Don Juan notifies the co-owners of the intruder's presence. The teleportation magic of the Imperial Knights will be activated in 40 minutes. ]

Blancshe blinked and turned off the warning window in front of her.

Ricardo, who had entered the warehouse behind her without her noticing, was carefully putting the gold coins into his pocket.

He seemed very disappointed as he muttered to himself.

"The noble lord's party clothes, that's why the pocket is small."

Ricardo, noticing Blancshe's gaze, asked cheerfully, "Blancshe, should I bring the bag now?"

"Can you carry it? Besides, before you find a bag that won't tear even if you put your gold coins in it, the owners of the treasure vault will come rushing in." | "Huh? The owners? This is the treasure vault of Count Juan."

"I thought I was like that too, but it seems I'm not. It seems this treasure warehouse is not for one person."

Ricardo quickly became gloomy. "Then what should I do? My father, no, the boss told me to collect the debt. . . . . ." "What can you do? Just go and collect it."

Instead of explaining the plan to the puzzled Ricardo, Blanche dragged the numerous gold coins with her sword.

They disappeared in an instant from the treasure warehouse.

They were now in Blanche's inventory.

Ricardo looked at Blanche with a new sense of awe and admiration as she suddenly started pulling out various items from thin air.

When a question mark appeared on Ricardo's face, Blanche explained, "There is no limit to the number of gold coins in the inventory, but for chests full of jewels, there is a limit to the inventory space, so you have to make room."

He couldn't exactly understand what [inventory] was.

But seeing her effortlessly gather chests full of jewels, what more explanation did he need? Ricardo fell in love with Blanche to the point where he couldn't resist anymore.

Finally, Blanche, who had filled all 449 slots of her inventory with various jewel chests, raised the last box with one hand.

The last box was so light that an adult woman could barely hold it with both hands, and it didn't seem to contain any jewels or gold coins.

Blanche forcefully broke the lock of the tightly sealed box.

When I opened the box, various maps and documents were visible.

The last box in the treasure warehouse turned out to be a document box, not a treasure box.

Blancshe frowned.

"Mostly maps of the Lantana Kingdom and military situation documents."

As Blancshe spent more time examining the documents, a look of understanding appeared on her face.

"Come to think of it, this was before the war between my kingdom, Ramsire, and the Lantana Kingdom broke out."

Nunu said, "But this spring, monsters will appear along with the emergence of the dungeon."

"Because of this, some influential figures on the continent are diverting the confusion caused by the dungeon to the outside."

"It's the war between nations. Furthermore, Blancshe's kingdom, Lupinus, is also involved in this chaos."

"Now I realize that the war would have happened even without the dungeon."

That's right. The meaning behind the documents was clear.

The gold coins that filled Count Juan's treasure warehouse were the military funds of the alliance between the Ramsire Empire and the Lupinus Kingdom.


"King Lupinus is quite something. To avoid the eyes of the Lantana Kingdom, he even used a shady moneylender."

Blancshe threw all the read documents and the document box onto the floor.

Only then did she feel the overwhelming gazes pouring down on her.

There was no need to explain who the owner of those gazes was. It was Ricardo.

When Blanche turned her head, Ricardo's eyes sparkled and he clenched his fist tightly.

"You're truly amazing, Blanche!"

Unknowingly, she hesitated. The overflowing kindness and compliments towards her felt awkward. Especially Ricardo's favor was subtly different from Guillermo and Silvano's, making Blanche uncomfortable.

This guy. He's not trying to take advantage of me, but genuinely admiring me, right?

However, she couldn't show any signs of discomfort towards him, as she had to be close to him in the future.

"We're done here. Let's go." "Okay! Oh, Blanche, this!"

Suddenly, Ricardo took off his coat and handed it to her. His blue eyes sparkled like stars.

It seems like he has no intention of hiding his feelings for Blanche. If not, how could Blanche, who has never received love in the past seventeen years, notice Ricardo's feelings?

She glanced at Ricardo's hand that paused in the air for a moment. "This is a bit awkward."

The villainess, receiving the worship of the family. . .

Note: Unrevised
