The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 47.

Episode 47

Blankche let out a quiet sigh.

In her heart, she wanted to become Consigliere even if it meant getting rid of Silvano.

You should have paid more attention to the game story instead of just coding. If you knew what would happen to the extras' fate, you wouldn't be worrying like this.

Blankche doesn't know if Riccardo spared Silvano's life when he eliminated Ilya in the original work.

That's why she can't rashly get rid of Silvano.

"It means Riccardo followed Silvano too well to just get rid of him without thinking."

Blankche wanted to avoid anything that would increase Riccardo's stress level.

Taking a deep breath, Blankche opened her eyes.

"Wait and see. Soon, I'll take the position of Consigliere. So, look forward to it."

"Don't get your hopes up."

With a fake smile, Blankche averted her gaze from Silvano.

"Giermo." "Yes, Your Highness." "Go to the south of the city right away and meet the boss of the Pochi One Family. And deliver this message. I will buy the [Dungeon Strategy Map] that came out of the Dungeon Reward Room."

"You don't have to move personally, Your Highness. Whatever happens, I will take care of it with the boss over there."

That's when it happened.

Suddenly, someone loudly knocked on the closed door.


It was the voice of young Giulio. Ilya responded from behind the closed door, "Come in."

It seemed like Giulio had been running with all his might, as he eagerly squeezed through the open door.

Iliya asked, "Julio, what's going on?" "I have something urgent to tell you!" "Speak."

"Father! The ruler of the southern region has been decided in half a day! Now the Pochi One family is the ruler of the southern region!"

They listened.

The Pochi One family became the ruler of the southern region in just one day.

Their leader was Rodolfo, an old man with white hair who was 10 years older than the 61-year-old Silvano. He had almost no intact teeth. Additionally, he wore rings on all ten fingers, layered three identical necklaces, and had a chaotic appearance with bracelets and anklets.

He walked through the chaotic tavern and finally found one intact table.

Smoking a cigarette, he spoke to his remaining three subordinates, "Watch closely."

Bang! Rodolfo slammed his fist on the table, causing it to collapse.

He looked at his subordinates with a triumphant expression.

The three subordinates were in their mid-20s, late 20s, and early 40s, respectively. They were younger than Rodolfo, but not as strong as him because Rodolfo monopolized the stat-increasing items obtained from the dungeon under the pretext of being the boss.

Rodolfo pointed to the ring on his left index finger and exclaimed, "Did you see? This power is different from the Lord's! Moreover, it seems to have a similar magic to the spatial magic used by the Lord."

[Ring of Flexibility: A rare ring bestowed upon you, who demonstrates exceptional adaptability in moments that require agility.

+25 Stamina

+1 Inventory Slot]

As if agreeing with Rodolfo's words, he nodded his head.

Rodolfo focused on Achilles, a 29-year-old man among them.

Achilles, with the same gray eyes as Rodolfo, was slightly taller and had a sharp impression.

Perhaps his rugged appearance was due to his sunken eyes, rough skin, and unkempt muscles.

Rodolfo patted the brown curly-haired man.

The reason was simple. Achilles was Rodolfo's son.

Rodolfo clenched his fist tightly.

"That's why I need to become stronger than I am now. I must inherit the throne of Digitallis. Do you understand, Achilles?"

However, Achilles did not have a satisfactory answer to meet Rodolfo's hopeful gaze.

"I'm sorry, Father. I still haven't opened the [Dungeon Map Fragment]. | Obtained from the reward chest after clearing the first dungeon."

This leather scroll was sealed with blue wax, and no matter what Rodolfo did, he couldn't break the seal.

That's why Rodolfo entrusted the task of unsealing it to his son.

According to the message left before the boss of the first dungeon was killed, this item would be a great help in the Fiesta Dungeon.

Without using [Dungeon Map Fragments], I embarked on the strategy for the [Fiesta Dungeon]. Especially for Rodolfo, who lost six subordinates!

"Then there's nothing we can do. We'll have to give up on opening the [Dungeon Map Fragments]."

"Father, if that's the case, we will have to hastily escape from the dungeon again."

"There's no need for that. We just need to form an alliance."

Achilles immediately objected. Rodolfo's decision was not only dissatisfying to Achilles.

So the other two subordinates also immediately voiced their opinions. "Boss! If that happens, it won't just make our family stronger!"

"That's right! Moreover, if the allies become stronger than us, they will take away the items we obtained in the dungeon without hesitation! Where else in this city can we find such a grudge?"

That statement was correct.

Even if it's an alliance, they will betray us without hesitation if they get a chance. That's the nature of the Digitalis alliance.

Well, after all, isn't the Giato Family the only witness to that mountain?

Rodolfo clenched his jaw in a dignified manner. "So we need to form an alliance that the opponent can never break."

Quick-witted Achilles was the first to respond.

"Are you talking about a marriage alliance?" "Yes. Our goal is to become one family with the Giato Family from now on."

Rodolfo laughed so hard that his mouth tore apart with joy.

Rodolfo laughed and clapped his hands.

"Now the continent belongs to Rodolfo! 'I am stronger than the king!"

A day had passed since hearing the news of the Pochio family.

During that time, the Giato family thoroughly investigated the Pochio family.

After examining the items, Blancshe concluded that the Pochio family had cleared a D-grade dungeon.

"I guess all four of them are probably below level 60. Luckily, they are much lower level than me, who is level 199."

However, Blancshe was not relieved yet.

"Couldn't you get a gun in the dungeon? Well, the probability of getting a gun in the D-grade dungeon reward room is 0. 004%."

Blancshe spent the afternoon organizing his inventory in his room so that he could leave immediately when Guillermo bought the "Dungeon Map Fragment."

"What will you do, 'Jeon Ha'?"

"If they don't sell the [Dungeon Map Piece], we'll have to find another dungeon."

She laughed bitterly. "Give up? I made a rational strategy. There are plenty of dungeons. Unless it's a dungeon that we must go to, there's no need to conquer all those dungeons."

That's why she leisurely passed through the corridor of the first floor to meet Rodolfo.

She was in the middle of a conversation with Giermo.

They seemed quite friendly, exchanging smiles while talking.

At that moment, Silvano, who made eye contact with Blanche, grinned.

"Blanche, respect the elder!"

She was puzzled, but due to her connection with Silvano, she couldn't help but bow her head.

And finally, when the old man, Rodolfo, came before them~

"Your Highness, nice to meet you. I am. . ."

Blanche swung her fist.

Rodolfo, like a scarecrow caught in a typhoon, was turned upside down.

Silvano screamed as if his throat was being torn apart.

"Ah! Blanche! What are you doing right now?!"

"When did I?!" "Just now, didn't you see?"

Finally understanding her actions, Silvano opened his eyes wide.

"Respect the elderly instead of attacking them! Respect! Respect! Show respect instead of attacking!"

"Ah, here we go again." "Is this the time to speak casually! Even if we are mafia, what are you doing to our guest who came to see you?"

"A guest who came to see me?"

Blanche looked at Guillermo, demanding an explanation.

Guillermo barely held back his bursting laughter and introduced the old man who was still groaning on the floor.

"Your Highness. This is Rodolfo, the boss of the Porchione family."

[Rodolfo Porchione LV 58, Age 71/Male, Health 23/210 (Flexible Ring, Necklace of Innocence, Bracelet of Perseverance effect applied), Magic Power 118/118 (Ring of Agility, Necklace of Innocence effect applied), Reputation 412, Morality 29, Stress 547 - Attack Power 210/Defense Power 99 (Necklace of Innocence effect applied) | - Agility 61 (Ring of Agility effect applied) - Level Up Bonus/Stress Increase | - Occupation/Porchione Family Boss, Warrior | - Inventory in use (Flexible Ring effect applied)]

Blancshe's eyes sparkled.

"Now I finally understand my current state. But the level-up bonus is stress increase. Rodolfo, it must be quite annoying."

She muttered while lying on the floor, "I thought I had the continent in my grasp."

"My rib hurts, so I can't breathe properly. She quietly looked down at Rodolfo, who was talking about his back."

[system/ Rodolfo's stress has increased. ]

Tsk. Blancshe clicked her tongue. She knew very well the trouble that stress stat increase caused to the people around her, thanks to Ricardo and Mariette.

That's why. Without warning, Blancshe draped Rodolfo over her shoulder.

Rodolfo exhaled heavily on her shoulder.

Blancshe walked confidently and expressed her concern in her own way.

"Rodolfo, did you get the [Health Recovery Potion] from the successful dungeon conquest? I'll take you to the first-floor reception, so use it when we arrive."

However, Rodolfo did not have any potions in his inventory.

Because of this, Blancshe had to call upon Achilles, Rodolfo's younger brother.

After healing his father with a potion, Achilles smiled cheerfully, trying to soften his wicked face.

Then, suddenly, he knelt down in front of Blancshe. "Your Highness, please marry me."

Suddenly, the candidate for the marriage alliance changed!

Rodolfo, who was watching his son's proposal, wrinkled his nose in displeasure.

Of course, Silvano and Giermodo were not pleased with this proposal either.

However, they were too surprised by the unexpected situation to say anything.


Blanche blinked her eyebrows. | "I need to know the context of this proposal."

Achilles was not hurt by Blanche's cold demeanor.

Because his proposal was purely out of necessity.

The villain receives worship from the family.

Note: Unrevised
