The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 124.

Episode 124

Ricardo was astonished silently. And he concluded. This is a terrible nightmare.

Without a doubt,

Even Ricardo, who is evaluated as having no blood or tears, does not set up a guillotine for making a mistake in food preparation.

Moreover, what kind of people were Iliya and Silvano?

"The humans who did nothing while I was rotting in the underground prison of Count Juan, are causing this uproar just because there are thorns left in that woman's fresh fish dish?"

It was absurd.

"Moreover, that young woman called Blancshange or something? Consilieri?"

The incredible incident did not end here.

"That woman, not me, is the king of this digi-talis? It's a ridiculous dream."

A few days ago, Ricardo faced Julio, who challenged the throne of Digi-talis. The result was naturally his victory.

If you think about it, it was a fight where the advantage was clear from the beginning. Nevertheless, Julio attacked Ricardo.

Because he had learned the truth about the deaths of Iliya and Silvano late.

"Foolish guy. How can someone who failed to seize the throne of the lawless city come at me knowing clearly what happens to challengers?"

He couldn't hide his bitter feelings.

When he saw Julio, who was getting excited about the chef's disposal along with everyone else, it was even worse.

The Julio that Ricardo knew was not a guy who could laugh so brightly.

He silently sipped his wine.

"I seem more mature than the Julio I know. I must be around 17 or 18 now."

"The bright May sunlight illuminated the restaurant where everyone gathered in the morning."

"It was a scene that felt distant in many ways, as if there was an invisible glass wall between everyone and oneself."

"| Truly a bitter dream. Showing an impossible event where everyone laughs and chats happily. | Now, if he wakes up from this dream, how lonely will he be alone again."

Suddenly, Blancshe, who had been maintaining silence, spoke up.

"That time, boss, you were surprised because you thought Ricardo was really going to put the chef on the chopping block."

Ricardo was surprised not so much by the fact that his name came out of the beautiful woman's mouth, but by the fact that everyone gathered here was focused on her. And the warm energy he felt from everyone's expressions towards her.

Ricardo, sitting in front of Blancshe, who was close to Iliya, observed the atmosphere of the dining table sensitively. Blancshe still didn't smile.

Even if he received affectionate gazes from others, it was a completely different appearance from when he was alone with Ricardo. It was strange.

Seeing Ricardo's lowered gaze, Blancshe explained, "Ricardo, don't think too strangely. They all are cultured people who can speak like that. Besides, the chef who used to work at the Family House didn't get executed."

Giermo, who was sitting right next to Blancshe, nodded his head.

"If I'm not mistaken, that chef went missing towards the Giato Hotel."


| In an instant, Iliya placed it on the table.

Lowering his elbow and straightening his back.


| "Blancshe. Riccardo must know about that matter too. Didn't he deliver it during the meal where Matthew was scolded?"

She smiled meaningfully.

"Is that so? But Ricardo's expression seemed like he didn't know."

Ricardo's eyes narrowed. | 'That woman. What does she know and what is she saying?' | At that moment, Silvano burst into laughter. He was sitting right next to Ricardo.

"Hahaha. Ricardo, this guy. Even love fights should be done in a chosen place."

Ricardo was bewildered. It was because he heard words that didn't suit him at all.

"A love fight?"

"Yes, this guy! Don't tell me you're still mad at Blancshe?"

"Did that woman do something that I should be mad about?"

It was an absolutely unkind tone. But even Blancshe and Giermo, everyone except them, burst into laughter.

Even his always composed father, Iliya, was included!!

"Blanche. It seems like Ricardo is very angry about this incident."

"Yeah, it looks like it."

Blanche, who was the only one at the table who knew the truth, nodded in agreement with the atmosphere.

While observing the bewildered Ricardo closely.

Around that time, Silvano suddenly punched Ricardo's shoulder without hesitation.

"Are you pretending to be tough now? Who doesn't know that you can't live without Blanche?"

Ricardo chuckled briefly. "Ha! We'll see if that's still the case in the future."

However, this ambition of his only brought laughter to everyone except Guillermo and Blanche.

"How fortunate, Ricardo, that Blanche has returned."

"Ricardo, if you keep this up, Blanche might start to dislike you."

"If it were me, I would apologize right away."

There was no separate crazy talk. But what is more insane is that everyone gathered around this table seemed to agree with Severo's words.

'If it's a dream, shouldn't you wake up around this point?'

In the end, Ricardo had no choice but to accept the fact that everything he saw and heard was not a dream.

"Excuse me, sir."

After breakfast, Ricardo, who had been exploring various places in the Giato Family House, was confronted by Guillermo. Ricardo stared at the blond man, with his hands in his pockets.

'Was his name Guillermo? According to what I observed at the restaurant, he was the director of the Giato Bank. '

This was a perfect opportunity to gather information about this strange world.

However, even though Guillermo gave Ricardo the time he wanted, he did not seem pleased at all. To him, Ricardo's behavior was nothing more than the indulgence of a winner.

For a moment, Guillermo thought about rushing to Blanche right now and telling her that he was not that person. Suddenly, Guillermo laughed.

"You seem quite confident, don't you? To suggest having a conversation in the middle of a corridor where anyone passing by can hear."

"If anyone sees us, they might think I'm at fault."

Ricardo raised one eyebrow crookedly.

"Stop arguing. If you're unhappy about having a conversation in the hallway, just go into any room."

Tsk, Ricardo sighed and opened the nearest door that his foot touched.

Fortunately, it was a spacious hall with no one around.

It was also filled with records of the Giato family.

Strangely, most of the paintings on the walls were of Blanche.

Overwhelmed, Ricardo stepped into the hall, muttering to himself.

"Blanche, there are so many paintings of that woman."

Guillermo followed him into the hall, criticizing Ricardo.

"Are you trying to show off? 'My lady is in front of me, so I must boast. '"

Both of them entered the hall and the door closed softly.

Ricardo found himself standing in front of the fourth painting in the hall. It depicted Blanche becoming the queen of Digitallis.

Finally, Ricardo turned to look at Guillermo. He saw through Guillermo's jealousy in an instant.

"You've fallen for Blanche, haven't you?" Guillermo choked up, unable to shout out loud.


"Why are you speaking as if it's someone else's business? It seems like you'll soon be 'my lady's' as well."

"Well, I don't think so." Ricardo recalled the words Blanche had introduced herself with.

'I am Blanche, your lover. '

He wasn't particularly fond of Blanche, but he enjoyed having a woman that others desired as his own.

Moreover, Blancshe doesn't seem excellent at first glance. She also looks quite capable.

"Moreover, this family house is also surprising."

It's not surprising that the Giatto family took over the Scooza family house.

Before falling into this unfamiliar world, Ricardo was looking into expanding the family house. So, he could easily guess how much money and manpower went into building this palace-like mansion. It was a fact that revealed how large of an organization the Giatto family is in this world.

"If Silvano was the consigliere, he wouldn't have been able to do this. It's clearly Blancshe's skill. Ricardo regretted underestimating Blancshe because she was a woman. And he faced her.

Ricardo couldn't help but sneer at Guillermo, who was fluttering his eyelashes out of jealousy.

But his leisure ended there. The next moment, Guillermo grabbed Ricardo by the collar.

Guillermo threatened.

The villainess receives the family's worship and. . .

Note: Unrevised
