The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 79.

Episode 79

Perplexed for a moment, Blancshee pondered how to pass through this situation as if nothing had happened.

However, no matter how much she thought, there was only one answer.

'I guess there's no choice but to break through head-on. '

She had to consider Ricardo's obsession with her.

Even if she somehow managed to get through this situation, Ricardo would keep questioning until he got a satisfactory answer.

In the end, she gave up on making excuses and stopped Giulio.

"That's enough, Giulio. It's only natural for Ricardo to not know what I care about."

"Huh? Why is that natural?" "I told you not to tell Silvano."

Upon hearing this, Ricardo's expression changed.

He was surprised, happy, sad, grateful, and above all, relieved.

Moreover, he seemed to have a lot to say to Blancshee.

Unlike Blancshee, who wanted to forget this situation as soon as possible.

That's why.

Blancshee hesitated for a moment.


. . . . . . ."

"Do you think we can continue with your birthday party like this?"

His cry suddenly became loud. "Did you come today?" She hesitated for a moment and then told a half-truth mixed with truth. | ". . . . . I don't know why, but I wanted to see you today."

And with a word added, she turned her back.

"Hurry up. I don't like waiting."

Blanche walked down the hallway. But somehow, the sound coming from behind was noisy.

As if someone was urgently getting ready to attend a party.

Without realizing it, she smirked.

'You still have a lot of work to do. ' But the laughter was short-lived. Blanche soon thought calmly. 'Maybe I chose the wrong person. Should I find the main target character outside the city now?'

But thinking again, Ricard was the right experimental partner.

He was the protagonist of the hidden ending.



Yes. Thump Thump Anastasia is a dating simulation game.

A dating simulation game where you have to date to progress in the game.

The player's level or dungeon strategy in a dating simulation game was just a secondary issue.

The fact that the level doesn't go beyond 999 even after trying various methods is evidence of that.

Unable to find a solution in any dungeon, Blanche turned to comparing herself with those around her.

The biggest difference between the people around her and Blanche is, of course,

that she obtained the [Tutorial Box]!

Blancshe wondered if her level had stagnated because she hadn't been in a relationship.

Therefore, she will kiss Ricardo today.

Blancshe was caught by Giulio just a few steps away.

"Sister, wait a moment!"

"Why?" The person who was observing Blancshe's expression hesitated.

"It's inevitable. Besides Ricardo, there's no one else I want to kiss."

"Phew!" Blancshe narrowed her eyes as Giulio burst into laughter.

"Why are you like that?" "Sister, actually, those things. I already gave them to my brother as a gift, but he rejected them. He said they suit you better than him."

Blancshe, who returned to the banquet hall, could feel the heightened atmosphere of the party compared to before.

Blancshe leaned against the second-floor railing, looking down at the people who filled the Great Hall. People were dancing frantically.


However, the dance they were performing was not a social dance like the waltz. | People were simply moving their bodies to the jazz rhythm.

They were moving their bodies as they pleased.

At that moment, small pieces of gold and silver foil cut from the ceiling fluttered down.

In the midst of the lively and splendid atmosphere, Blancshe was alone.

It was because Giulio had gone back to help his brother get dressed.

It was around that time.

There was someone approaching her.

"Blancshe, are you enjoying the party?"


Suddenly, Iliya was also alone. She smirked. "It seems like the protagonist of this party is not Ricardo, but the boss. I saw him playing with really beautiful women earlier."

"That kid is still young. He probably doesn't know how to enjoy properly."

Blancshe rolled her green eyes to the right and asked, "How many times is this? Ricardo hasn't shown up at his own birthday party."

Iliya casually replied, "Well, this is either the second or third time."

"Why didn't you tell me until now?"

Suddenly, Iliya bent her index finger and lightly touched her cheek.

"Oh my. It seems that His Majesty is angry."

Blancche frowned and pushed his hand away.

He laughed with a haughty expression, revealing his neat appearance.

He asked, "Blancche, why are you angry?"

She snapped irritably, "I've been telling you all along. I can't stand Riccardo being around."

"Not at all. I always love my sons."

"Really." He playfully raised his eyebrows at Blancche's sarcasm.

Iliya crossed her arms. "Blancche, there will be fireworks later, so please clear one of the terraces on the second floor."

"No need."

"No, there will be a need. I will send Riccardo there."

She felt a coldness sinking into a corner of her heart.

She had momentarily forgotten. That Illya was opposing me and Ricardo.

That's how it was.

If Illya hadn't cooperated from the beginning, no matter how much Blanche tried to keep her distance from Ricardo, she wouldn't have been able to.

Blanche unknowingly clenched her fist so tightly that her hand turned pale.

And Illya saw this too. If Phoebe hadn't appeared at that moment, Blanche might have been in quite a difficult situation.

Surprisingly, it was Illya who left first.

He gestured to Phoebe as if he knew her and left a greeting for Blanche.

"Well then, I'll slowly step back. It seems like our Concelieri is busy today."

Illya continued to smile with an ambiguous smile as if he was scratching her insides.

For a moment, Blanche composed her expression so that Phoebe wouldn't be scared.

"Phoebe, what's the matter?" Phoebe approached Blanche closely so that others couldn't hear.

"I received a message from the Finger Man team at the Company."

Finger Man.

It refers to an organization member who is responsible for investigating the target so that the hitman, an assassin, can succeed in the assassination.

Blanche had personally given orders to the most capable team in the Company's Finger Man team regarding the counterfeit money issue.

That's all.

Phoebe's report continued. "As the boss suspected, half of Wigo's words were lies."

"The report?"

"I will submit it within three days."

"Slow down. Bring it within two days."

Phoebe unknowingly twitched her shoulders and silently cheered for the unexpected overtime work of the Finger Man team.

"What else?"

Phoebe asked with a furious tone, facing the piercing gaze.

"And there was a statement from Ricardo."

Blanche frowned at the unexpected words.

"Ricardo spoke to you? When exactly?"

"Just now, when the boss was having a conversation with the boss."

Ricardo must have seen Iliya and Blancshe talking alone.

Blancshe unknowingly became tense.

"So, what did she say?" Phoebe relayed the words she heard as accurately as possible.

The response was a bit delayed, but Blancshe maintained a stoic expression.

However, Phoebe could tell that she was somewhat disappointed.

Due to this, the loyal secretary quickly added, "But Ricardo seemed a bit strange."


"Yes. He seemed very unhappy. I would say he had a face like he was about to cry. . ."

Blancshe didn't wait for Phoebe to finish speaking and started walking.

Startled, Phoebe followed her.

Blancshe immediately turned her head.

"Phoebe, you don't have to come. Go and enjoy the party."

"Are you going to see Ricardo?"

Blanche hesitated for a moment.

But Blanche was Blanche. | She skillfully hid her true feelings.


"I doubt it. I'm just going to watch the fireworks. The boss said he would clear out one of the second-floor terraces for me. Phoebe, you should leave too. It won't be uncomfortable for us to watch the fireworks together."

Blanche headed towards the promised terrace, leaving Phoebe's bright face behind.

As promised by Iliya, the best terrace on the second floor was empty.

Even though there was still time before the fireworks started. | Blanche hummed a tune while looking up at the sky filled with stars.

It was the midst of the digital revolution in the bustling city, but she could still see countless twinkling stars, as if they were scattering the shores of tomorrow.

The sound of the terrace door opening and closing could be heard. | Without turning around, Blanche said,

"You came faster than I expected, Ricardo."

In an instant, she felt a pause in the air behind her.

Blanche slowly turned around, and there stood Ricardo in a stylish tuxedo.

She honestly said, "The outfit suits you well. You look handsome."

Ricardo tried to hide his hesitation and lowered his gaze.

"Thank you for saying that. But Blancshe, is it okay if I watch the fireworks with you?"

Blancshe couldn't help but feel sorry for him, as Illya sent him here and said something.

She nodded. "It's okay. I came here to watch the fireworks with you from the beginning."

Ricardo laughed bitterly, pondering his helpless feelings. | The silence on the terrace was heavy.

As the gazes of the two collided in the air, he confessed with a bitter voice.

"Blancshe, my father, I know that I have feelings for you. . ."

In an instant, his pitiful gaze remained unchanged.

"Moreover, Giulio said so. He said it's not that you hate me. Isn't it funny? What did Giulio see to have such delusions?"

The villainess received the family's worship and. . .

Note: Unrevised
