The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 50.

Episode 50

She ignored Silvano cleanly.

Even though Silvano's face seemed to explode and turn red, that was it.

Ricardo raised his right hand as if waiting.

Just by choosing engagement instead of marriage, Blanche's face became even more beautiful.

"I, I want to go too! Blanche, if you allow me. . ."

"Okay. You're hired."

When Ricardo laughed, Silvano pounded his chest in frustration.

"Ricardo can go, but I can't?"

Giermo was not quiet.

"Your Highness! I've been waiting for today."

"Giermo, you're hired."

Silvano spewed fire from his mouth. "No, why does he get to go but not me?!"

Blanche ignored him cleanly again and gave a glance to Iliya.

However, Iliya shook her head briefly.

"I won't go. Someone needs to stay and protect the family."

"Then I will give priority to the remaining three people. Think carefully. It's a chance that won't come again."

The remaining three officers looked at each other with a cough.

They wanted to follow Blancshee to the dungeon as soon as possible, as they had heard about it a few months ago.

After much consideration, one of the three hesitantly raised their hand.

However, Silvano's restraint returned, frightening him as he raised his hand.

Blancshee felt Silvano's threat like a small dog's bark. It didn't scare her at all. "Then the last spot goes to Terzo."

"Blancshee! Are your ears blocked?!"

In fact, Silvano's pride was hurt. He had even given up Concellieri's spot to the young newcomer, but he was still being treated like a burden.

His clenched fist reflected Silvano's anger.

But no matter who the opponent was, Blancshee didn't even bat an eyelash at Silvano's rage.

"Shall we go somewhere to test someone's hearing, Silvano?"

Silvano quickly changed the subject. "No. . . I mean, it's just a saying. Let's talk, talk nicely. Okay?"

Illiya, who couldn't stand it anymore, spoke up. "Blanche, don't act like you've already become a consigliere."

Silvano hesitated. "Oh, right! Well said, Illiya! Blanche, did you hear that? It's an order from the consigliere! Take me to the [Fiesta Dungeon] or something."

Blanche sighed and crumpled the paper.

"You might die, you know?" "Huh?"

"I'm not going to play, Silvano."

Her voice fell silent in the conference room.

Amidst the sound of someone swallowing nervously, Terzo regretted his decision to raise his hand a moment ago.

It was a tense and silent moment, even the sound of a falling needle seemed loud.

Finally, Giermo broke the silence. "Your Highness, what kind of place is this [Fiesta Dungeon]?"

Blanche still wasn't in a good mood. "A place where monster experience points are 0%. Furthermore, even the items you can get from monsters are pathetic."

"Well, it sounds like a bad place in many ways. . ." A hint of uneasiness could be felt in Giermo's voice.

Blancshe nodded her head. "If it's not a dungeon where a gun is guaranteed to drop 100% of the time, it's a dungeon I don't want to conquer."

Silvano didn't hide his doubts. "A gun? It's not common, but it's not rare either."

Also, it couldn't be used when it rained and it was treated worse than just a decoration in war.

Above all, because there were wizards and sword masters in this world, muskets were nothing more than fancy disposable weapons for the rich and nobles.

Maybe that's why. The family couldn't believe in the existence of automatic rifles and semi-automatic rifles even after hearing Blancshe's explanation.

Ilya immediately expressed doubt. "Blancshe. Are you sure? It's not a magical item, but a weapon that can be loaded quickly like a bow and is as powerful as magic. It's hard to believe such a thing exists in this world."

Silvano added another comment. "No. Even if there were magical items like that, would there be clever wizards who could make them? From what I've heard, if you have a gun obtained from a dungeon, you could even kill a wizard. What wizard would do something that would endanger their own life?"

Instead of explaining, Blancshe revealed her fangs and smiled confidently. "Have faith. I will definitely shoot both of them in the mouth with an automatic rifle."

The bickering between Silvano and Ilya disappeared as if it were a lie. Anyway, the two men were suspicious of Blancshe's actions. On the other hand, Silvano hoped that Blancshe's threat was just a joke.

Please. The officer meeting finally ended late at night.

The final decision of the meeting was to meet with the Pochio family and discuss the engagement.

Blancshe was exhausted from the long meeting.

However, she decided to follow their opinion of "making it grand" because she didn't want to bother with the unimportant matter.

But now that the issue was settled, she felt a bit uneasy.

She didn't know what would happen in four days!

There was something more important to her than the engagement ceremony.

It was about Ricardo.

Blancshe suppressed her irritation as she walked through the hallway.

Ricardo seemed to be observing Blancshe's reactions.

Reluctantly, she asked, "Ricardo, do you have something to say to me?"

"Excuse me, well, I. . ." He was momentarily surprised.


His voice twisted like a crumpled piece of paper.

In that moment, Ricardo's already narrow shoulders hunched even more. He stood before the lion like a rabbit.

[System/ Ricardo's stress is increasing. ]

Blanche forced a smile, trying to lift the corners of Ricardo's mouth.

"Don't do that. Ricardo, why are you hiding and acting like this?"

Amidst his restless blue eyes, Blanche pretended to be hurt.

"I'm a little disappointed. I thought we were not far apart. . ."

Ricardo's eyes widened in confusion.

"It's not like that!" | "Shh. It seems like we shouldn't have this conversation in the hallway, right?"

Blanche casually took his hand and pulled him along.

Before they knew it, they were near Blanche's bedroom.

It was at that moment when Blanche entered the bedroom with him.

The firm grip they had just held slipped from Blanche's grasp.

That's not all.

Ricardo was taking steps back, distancing himself from her.

Without realizing it, Blancshe clenched her fist while feeling frustrated, not wanting to let Riccardo know.

Blancshe raised the corner of her mouth again as if she were annoyed.

"Come in, Riccardo."

However, he still hesitated.

Even when Blancshe urged him.

"Riccardo?" "I was wondering if I could come in."

"Sometimes you seem to worry about strange things."

Riccardo washed his face with the red flower water. "B-But that's your room. . . it's a girl's room. . ."

Blancshe began to suspect how many times it was. "Is she really the final boss of this game?"



She swallowed a sigh. "It doesn't matter since the room owner gave permission."

Why is that?

Suddenly, he burst into tears. "Blancshe. Am I not a man in your eyes?"

"Just come here, Riccardo, right now."

Riccardo reluctantly approached her under Blancshe's pressure.

No matter how slow his actions were, Blancshe had to worry that his soul had turned into a turtle.

In the end.


The door closed.

Now, in this enclosed space, there were only Ricardo and Blancshe.

But the postures of the two people were not at all normal.

In the blink of an eye, Ricardo found himself trapped between Blancshe's arms, struggling to breathe.

If it hadn't been for the sensation of the wooden door against his back, he would have thought his situation was a dream.

Blancshe emitted a sweet and powdery fragrance.

Overwhelmed by the intoxicating scent and the sharpness of her gaze, Ricardo's forehead became damp with cold sweat.

In order to calm his heart, which felt like it could burst at any moment, he deliberately focused on the bedroom instead of Blancshe.

It was Ricardo's first visit to Blancshe's bedroom.

Her room had the scent of warm sunlight.

Blancshe's bedroom, known to be personally arranged by Silvano, was far from pink, frills, and lace.

It was also not austere. Cream-colored silk wallpaper and furniture made of walnut wood.

Especially, the display cabinet was adorned with precious rosewood and fitted with transparent high-quality glass.

Inside the display cabinet were sculptures made of silver, copper, and wood.

Moreover, the sofa. . . "Ricardo, what are you looking at right now?"


Her voice was so destructive that it shook Ricardo's sanity, which was gradually regaining composure.

That's why.

Ricardo raised his hand as if possessed and gently covered Blanche's warm cheeks.

His voice continued in a low tone.

"Don't speak like that, Blanche. And from now on, don't let any man into the room carelessly."

Blanche silently watched his hand, which was touching her hair, with her gaze fixed at the end.

Ricardo's hand was hot and definitely not small.

"You don't even know what I want to do with you. It's dangerous, Blanche."

His blue eyes instinctively measured the distance between her and the bed.

Blanche blinked her eyes casually and stepped back. Because of this, Ricardo could only helplessly withdraw his hand.

She wanted to know Ricardo's growing heart every day, like a lump of snow.

In contrast, Blanche, who felt no embarrassment or regret, remained indifferent.

"Well, since you're a guest, should I pour you some water?"

"No. . . I'll leave soon. You can go."

Not knowing that Ricardo had just looked at her lips as if licking his own, Blanche let out a sigh.

"Is it so uncomfortable for you to be with me?" Ricardo's heart suddenly became anxious.

"It's not like that, it's just that when I'm with you. . ." He stopped himself from speaking.

Ricardo's sigh, which is close to talking to himself, continues. | "The timing was bad. It wasn't right next to you on a day like today."

Probably, regardless of the outcome, Blanche's marriage declaration was quite shocking. | Seeing his desire that he usually easily suppressed boiling up. . .

Ricardo laughed bitterly at the difference in his and her emotions. | "I'll go."

The next moment.

Blanche grabbed his hand once again.

"No, don't go."

The villainess receives the family's worship and. . .

Note: Unrevised
