The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 57

Episode 57

Blanche's clenched fist loosened slightly with Ricardo's appearance.

After seeing Blanche's stern expression soften, the boy pretended to be surprised.

He nodded his head.

"I'm sorry. I made a mistake in a public setting. Blanche. . . since he is my friend, and also a member of the Giato Family."

Silvano glanced at Rudolfo, who sighed thanks to Ricardo, and asked casually, "Ricardo, what's happening in the conference room?"

"Well, the boss will be coming soon, so I came to deliver a message asking the Pochione Family to wait a little longer."

Rudolfo rubbed his nose for no reason. "Why are you so expensive?"

But the timing was bad.

At the same time he closed his mouth, Iliya appeared. "Quite noisy."

Ricardo quietly stepped aside from the door so that Iliya could confidently enter the conference room.

Iliya's mere presence suffocated the Pochione Family.

Because of this, the Pochione Family did not lower their guard against Iliya, just as they did with Achilles the day before.

Even though they had become much stronger than before.

Rudolfo forced a casual smile. "Noisy, Iliya. We were just having a casual conversation as a potential family."

But Blanche's words were different. "Boss. Rudolfo yelled at me."


Blanche's high-quality performance left the Porchione family, including Rodolfo, in awe.

In fact, she wasn't acting, but rather expressing her annoyance.

Blanche doesn't do things like high-quality performances.

She always takes matters into her own hands. That's why she's adding this now,

"Boss, I'm asking because I don't know, but is it okay for the future daughter-in-law to hit the future father-in-law?"

Even if she's not the future daughter-in-law, the future father-in-law shouldn't be hit.

No, in the first place, people shouldn't be hit!

Due to the un-Mafia-like thought of Blanche,

Rodolfo's heart was pounding. Blanche's fist hurt a lot,

But he quickly regained his composure.

However, he soon regained his composure.

A corner of trust was formed. 'He may be an unpleasant guy, but he knows what morality and manners are. '

Rodolfo recalled the fact that Illya is popular among the lawless city women for his virtues that can hardly be found in Digitalis.

Eventually, Illya responded.

"Blanche. Do as you please. Whether you hit Rodolfo or not."

Rodolfo protested with a scream.

"Illya! Why are you saying such bitter words!"

"Rodolfo, it seems like you don't know, but Blanche doesn't respect my words. It's pointless to say anything anyway."


He opened his mouth wide, looking so foolish and clueless about what to do.

However, without realizing it, I found myself believing him halfway.

As if waiting, Silvano nodded his head.

Suddenly, Blancche jumped up from her seat.

Fearing that Blancche's fist would come flying like a club at any moment.

Seeing the terrified Pochi family, Blancche twisted one corner of her mouth as if amused.

Why is it that no one in the conference room believes Blancche's words. . .

At this moment, the Pochi family couldn't even breathe comfortably.

With a sigh of relief, the Pochi family and Silvano relaxed.

"Blancche, where are you going?" "I don't want to stay here anymore because of the smell."

Note: The translation may not be a literal word-for-word translation, but it captures the overall meaning of the text.

Your man's ears turned red with embarrassment and awkwardness.

Blanche blinked her clear green eyes.

"Ricardo, don't stay here, come with me." "Okay, Blanche."

It's as if he could attack Blanche right now.

But it seemed that Rodolfo coughed for no reason, as if he felt embarrassed.

"Then let's go now. As promised, tomorrow morning. At the city entrance."

Without Illya opening his mouth, Rodolfo would have left the Faldato Family House with the organization members.

"Wait a moment." Rodolfo's shoulders stiffened. "What is it?" Illya crossed her arms.

He calmly revealed his intention with an expression that seemed like he wanted to hit Rodolfo right away.

"I have a request for cooperation from the ruler of the southern city."

He acted shamelessly and shamelessly.

"Why suddenly?"

Sparks flew from Iliya's blue eyes.

"You should know why."

. . . No. I don't understand why you're saying that at all. Moreover, sleeping pills are a lucrative source of income, so why get rid of them?"

Although he said that, Rodolfo remained silent.

Iliya calmly observed Rodolfo's shoulders twitching or swallowing dry saliva without any change in expression.

He was firm. "Rodolfo, I don't want to waste time repeating the same words."

"Good. I feel the same way." Rodolfo's malicious smile continued.

Then Iliya let out a short laugh and threateningly bent his finger joint.

"It seems like our alliance won't last long."

"No. If you don't insist on unnecessary stubbornness, the alliance can last for ten or even a hundred years." Iliya coldly laughed. "What should we do? I can't trust my back to an unreliable opponent."

"That's a shame." Rodolfo laughed cunningly and moved on like a snake.

Iliya openly grabbed the snake's tail trying to escape.

"I was quite upset when I heard the news that your son bought sleeping pills."

He despised Rodolfo.

Meanwhile, Rodolfo had the audacious thought that he could continue to be the aggressor.

Since we have become allies, it would be better to not get worked up over things that haven't even happened. Anyway, he's a foreigner.

Illya and Rodolfo.

Neither of them had the intention to yield to each other.

"Tsk! She's not even my daughter and she dares to act so arrogant?"

"It would be wise to choose your words carefully. Blanc Che is an executive of the Giato Family."

"Hmph. Even if you turn off the lights, all women are the same."

"Moreover, you couldn't even dodge Blanc Che's punch."

Filled with anger, Illya delivered the final warning to Rodolfo.

Rodolfo burst into a hollow laughter.

"Why, can't I kill you?" "Wouldn't you feel better if you thought that way?"

Note: The translation is provided without the lines that were not present in the original text.

It is not easy to give up easily.

Therefore, if he saved Rodolfo, it is because he knew that Rodolfo would become miserable.

"Rodolfo, do you think I left you alone because I couldn't handle the south?"

Rodolfo thought he should lower his tail right now.

Anyway, if the Giato family attacks the south when the city is empty, it will be a big problem.

Therefore, Rodolfo anticipated the aftermath of conquering the [Fiesta Dungeon].

Rodolfo showed a late innocent smile while hiding his worries.

"Iliya, my friend. What do you want?"

Even though Rodolfo had a poker face, he smiled, revealing his rare misfortune.

Iliya nodded, understanding Rodolfo's intentions.

"Then I'll go and see this side for sure. As you can see, it's not just talk, it's really a sight."

"That's right."

Iriya looked around with a towel on his head, aiming at the group disappearing in the back of his head.

Anger bubbled up inside him.

He wished Blancshe would break off the engagement as soon as possible.

That way, he could deal with Rodolfo, the rich man who had created unpleasant memories.

Finally, when Iriya firmly released his crossed arms.

Iriya felt a gaze staring at him belatedly.

It was Silvano.

Iriya sat down in the main seat of the conference room with a disappointed laugh.

"Silvano, you seem to have a lot of complaints." Silvano didn't hide his deep sigh.

He didn't like that Iriya, the boss of the family, openly confronted Rodolfo.

"Even if I understand that, there's no need for you to face their backlash."

Iriya paused for a moment, overwhelmed by memories.

"You said it before. When a woman doesn't have a father to get angry on her behalf when she's treated unfairly, life becomes difficult."

"When did I say such a thing. . . Ah!"

Silvano felt a pang of longing and a little sadness as a memory came to him a beat late.

But now he could smile a little.

"Haha. Yeah. I said that when Mariella was showing interest in you guys."

From his mouth, a single name flowed out.


She was the stepmother of Ricardo and the wife of the deceased Iliya.

The villainess received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
