The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 160.

Episode 160

Mariette's lips became pouty because her alibi was ruined by Ricardo.

She imitated Blancshe nonchalantly.

"Do you recognize me?"

In an instant, Ricardo's smirk disappeared.

He immediately realized that Mariette was not Blancshe.

Thus, Ricardo's first impression of Mariette was fixed as shameless and shameless woman.

"At times like this, instead of imitating Blancshe, you should have introduced yourself first, Mariette."

Ricardo jumped down to the alley where Mariette was.

Ricardo descended to the dark alley without a single strand of hair out of place.

He slowly approached Mariette in the darkness.

Mariette guarded Ricardo tightly, holding a dagger that had just taken a man's life.

She regarded him as an assassin sent by Blancshe.

"My brother also lacks sincerity when faced with situations like this. Since the last assassin failed, I thought he would come himself this time."

Thanks to her words, Ricardo realized that Blancshe had not yet arrived at the rendezvous point.

If Blancshe had arrived at the rendezvous point,

He would have gone straight to Pierre, and then Mariette would have known.

Eventually, Ricardo's footsteps stopped about ten steps away from her.

He had no intention of harming Mariette right here and now.


If you do such a thing, you might not have realized that it could make Blancchet dislike you.

If it were Blancchet, she would have tried to handle Mariette herself.

Of course, I will leave the family like this.

Since I can't even meet Blancchet, it would be better to kill Mariette here.

'Whatever happens. If you do such a thing, Blancchet will come to me at least once.

But that is only the last resort.

Moreover, for now, Ricardo's priority was to investigate the dead man.

If he happened to be someone Blancchet and I knew, the situation would become complicated.

However, contrary to Ricardo's concerns, the dead man was not from the Giato family.

He was someone else.

After confirming it, he muttered in a low voice.

"Did you send your men to the eastern bazaar to kill this man?"

Mariette clenched her teeth at the unexpected revelation.

The man who was killed by Mariette was a nobleman from the Chunsultan faction and a spy directly assigned to her by Chunsultan. | Therefore, if it were to be known outside that Mariette killed him. . .

The power of Chunsultan and Mariette would inevitably be shaken.

However, Mariette had no intention of letting her true intentions be revealed to him like this.

Mariette dealt with it calmly.


"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I saw you kill this man with my own eyes, are you going to deny it?"

Ricardo smirked. | Mariette, who had a face similar to Blanche, was disgusted by his actions.

| Knowing that Mariette wouldn't like her own reaction.

Mariette's gaze sharpened.

She nervously observed Ricardo's every move.

"I heard it earlier. You don't have to care because you're not interested in my affairs."

"The situation has changed."

Ricardo aimed [The Masked Ball's Sword] at Mariette.

Without needing further explanation, he looked down on Mariette.

So he didn't hesitate to misunderstand the following.

"You're one of the main culprits trying to kidnap Blanche with Pierre."

Mariette, who resembled Blanche, widened her eyes slightly.

Ricardo asked.

"Is Blanche so annoying to you, living without a family? To the point where you would take her away without listening to her opinion?"

"Why on earth do you think Blanche should be next to such an unworthy family?"

Mariette couldn't understand.

"Stay away from Blanche. Blanche is not only your biological sister, but also a member of the Giauto family."

As Ricardo finished speaking, his lips twisted with instinctive disgust.

Marriott lamented her situation.

"I know you won't believe me even if I say I have nothing to do with this. There's no reason for you to believe me."

"Of course."

"Yeah. So just die like this."


Ricardo chuckled at the sudden curse, and Mariette's expression became even more determined.

"Blanche will send me back to the lawless city, so she told me to die here."

Ricardo was truly dumbfounded.

Casually reciting the words of the curse, Mariette didn't even point the dagger she held at me.

But in the next moment, Ricardo realized why she could calmly speak of her own death.


Suddenly, a bullet was fired from the back of Ricardo's head.

That's right. Mariette wasn't alone!

He quickly dodged to the side, hoping the lost bullet would still hit Mariette.

But Ricardo's wish did not come true.

Surprisingly, the bullet didn't even touch a single strand of Mariette's hair. It seemed to have met a thick steel plate in the empty air and crumpled with a scream.

In an instant, the flattened bullet rolled on the ground.

"What is that? Since I didn't hear a magic spell, is it the effect of an item?"

However, it was a strange ability even for the final boss of the original work.

If it was armor with defense or protection, it would be understandable, but there were no such defensive items in the future.

A man dressed in fine clothes and accessories, as if he had an extraordinary status, was there.

As can be seen from his deep purple eyes, he was not a person from this desert kingdom.

Moreover, the well-built man recognized Ricardo at a glance.

"Who is this? Isn't it Blancshe's bastard?"

Unlike his opponent, Ricardo couldn't figure out who he was.

"Since you are here without leaving Blancshe's side, he must be somewhere around here."

Upon hearing those words, Mariette didn't hide her tension, and Ricardo tightened his grip on his sword.

"There's no need to rely on Blancshe's power for a 2-on-1 situation."

Note: The translation is provided without the lines that were not present in the input.

That's why, somehow, the unfamiliar man hesitated to fight.

As evidence, the man put a gun in his inventory and took out a silver shield.

The man who blocked Ricardo's first attack shouted.

Ricardo made persistent efforts to cut off the man's face cover to respond to his words.

Above all, because the man was in a state where he was captivated by Blanc Che, not Ricardo, and didn't know where he was.

"Blanc Che! I know you're listening to my voice!"

"Stop those bastards!"

The man's hat and face cover, which barely avoided Ricardo's attack, were removed.

Mariette, surprised by the man's crisis, unknowingly shouted his name.

Thanks to that, Ricardo was able to realize the man's true identity. Yes, his name is Kirillos Sha Odilon.

The nobleman who was defeated by Blanche, the successor of the Duke, was a corrupt creditor who disposed of everything belonging to Marquis Marcrit and even received the fairy Hansel. He was also the intermediary who could sell Mariette to the Sultan's harem, but Ricardo had a reason to remember him that didn't end here. Ricardo was so angry that he didn't even blink. "I remember. You're the one who proposed to Blanche after losing in the war." Blood vessels bulged from his neck and throat as he spoke. Ricardo's attack revealed his intention to kill. Bang! Clang! Wow~ Whenever Kirillos' shield and Ricardo's sword clashed, a thunderous sound that was difficult to intentionally create echoed. Kirillos gritted his teeth and searched for Blanche's trace from the corner of his eye. He knew that only Blanche could stop Ricardo. Moreover, if he dared to injure Ricardo recklessly, Blanche would be furious. It was a lesson learned from a life that had never fought for a cheap price in the past. Fortunately, Kirillos' misconception didn't last long. At that moment, Mariette shouted from behind Ricardo.

"Kyrillos! Since that man came to the city with Blanche, don't be a crybaby and fight back!"

It's amazing.


Ricardo suspected this strange fact but didn't have time to think about it.

Finally, Kyrillos drew his sword without hesitation.

The two men's swords clashed with sparks.

Kyrillos sneered, "Without Blanche, you're nothing."

However, Ricardo relentlessly pushed him back.

But it didn't come to the point where Ricardo took Kyrillos' life.

Mariette used an unknown item that allowed her to understand Ricardo's intentions once again.

Until recently, it was owned by De Mir, but it was taken from him, referring to the item.

The villain receives worship from the family.

Note: Unrevised
