The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 86.


Unfortunately, Blanche did not notice that Anastasia was watching from afar.

Suddenly, a teleportation magic circle appeared in the southern sky, distracting her attention.

Blanche quickly regained her usual calm expression and looked up at the sky.

"Ricardo, look at the sky. Someone is coming."

Finally, one of Ricardo's knees, which seemed to have been stuck to the ground forever, fell to the ground.

Ricardo clenched his mouth in dissatisfaction.

'Just when that annoying fly seemed to have quieted down, another unwelcome guest appears. '

If he could, he wanted to burn everything that disturbed him and Blanche.

How much time had passed? Several people's presence approached the two of them.

There were a total of 12 people, and they were familiar faces to Blanche.

Blanche greeted Crocheta with a nod.

She was still sitting in the chair Ricardo had prepared for her.

The head of the weapon development team, Lady Crocheta, was full of energy, just like the young ones.

"Boss! I'm glad you're safe."

Crocheta, like her accompanying team members, was fully equipped with defensive items.

She was also armed with an S-class dungeon reward, an automatic pistol.

With an indifferent expression, Blancshe looked around at the armed employees.

"Welcome, everyone. It's embarrassing for me as the CEO to have the weapons development team come out."

Representing the team, Crocheta responded.

As if it were obvious, referring to firearms as babies.

"What a bitter thing to say. We are also legitimate employees of 'Mizu Snow White. ' Moreover, if we have our babies with us, we are not afraid of measly A-class monsters."

It was around that time.

The shop, who was taking a nap on her thigh, yawned loudly, shaking her cute white wings.

"Huh? Why is it so noisy?"

In Crocheta's gray eyes, a clear curiosity flickered.

"Boss, what is that?"

"Let me introduce her. She is the divine being of the celestial realm, White Dragon, Shop."

Upon hearing this, the employees of 'Mizu Snow White' let out strange exclamations.

As the team leader, Crocheta suppressed the emotions of the team members.

"Hmm. It's truly a beauty that I want to dissect."

Shop happily rushed into Blancshe's arms.

"Hehe! What is this woman again! Blancshe! Shop is scared!"

Blancshe embraced Shop with both hands, trying to calm her down, and gestured to Crocheta.


However, this inquisitive inventor did not easily back down.

"But sir, aren't you curious? How is this able to speak human language so fluently? Hey, Shop. How old are you this year?"

"Shop was born today!"

Shop tightly held Blanche's thumb on the palm of her hand, unable to escape the suspicious gaze of Crocheta.

Blanche reassured Shop, and Shop quickly regained her confidence. "Amazing, right? Shop is a divine being, so she is born with all the knowledge of the world!"

"Really? Then what is 1 plus 1?"

"1!" "That doesn't seem right." "No, it's 1! Shop is amazing!"

Blanche tickled Shop's neck as she suddenly asked, "By the way, Shop. How did you know my name?"

"Ricardo kept saying it! Blanche, Blanche~ he said! Shop knows a lot, so she's very perceptive!"

In an instant, everyone's attention shifted to Ricardo, except for Blanche and Shop.

He seemed slightly embarrassed, but the dissatisfaction towards Shop, who had captured Blanche's interest, seemed even greater. And he was busy observing Crocheta and the members of the weapon development team.

It was a clear boundary.

Blancshe also noticed it.

Blinking one eyebrow upwards for a moment, Blancshe decided to assess the situation first.

"Crocheta, how is the other side doing?"

"The S-class monsters handled by the family have already been subjugated an hour ago. However, the dungeon assigned to the other family alliance is still in battle. But according to what I heard from the Fingerman team, it seems like it will be over before afternoon. The B-class dungeon where the core went out of control is the same."

"That's good."

Before finishing the sentence, Crocheta took out a small black envelope from the inventory.

Still holding the gun, the familiar seal engraved on the red wax sealing the envelope was recognizable to Blancshe.

Crocheta said, "Boss, this was sent by the boss."

"Something unexpected. To have work suddenly in a place like this." She accepted the sealed card with a stern face.

A black envelope sealed with wax.

Inside this envelope is a white card with the name of the one who has betrayed the family or undermined its position.

In the company's affairs, the task of eliminating the person written on the card was also included.

In an instant, a strange energy passed through Blanche's green eyes.

Strangely, they seemed to be suspicious in many ways.

Before breaking the seal of the envelope, Blanche placed it on her left shoulder like a child.

"It's okay. With Ricardo's skills, even bullets can be avoided. If the agents betray me, while he buys me time, I can take out the 'Peace Maker' from the inventory," Blanche thought.

Finally, she broke the seal of the black envelope.

Unlike the envelope, a clean white card was revealed when Blanche opened it.

As soon as she saw the name written in elegant handwriting, Blanche's breath stopped for a moment.

"Ricardo." "I'm listening," he replied, taking out the 'Masked Ball Sword' from the inventory.

In the next moment, Ricardo was surrounded by the barrels of the Crocheta team.

Eventually, Blanche stood up from her chair and declared calmly, "Ricardo, according to the boss's orders, you have been sentenced to death for disobedience. Surrender your weapon and defect peacefully."

Blanche personally brought Ricardo to the company.

Note: The translation may not be exact as it is a direct translation without any context or elaboration.

There was never a day when he was locked up in an underground prison.

Blancshe took him to her own office.

After biting everyone around, they were alone.

Blancshe even entrusted the shop to Crocheta's hands.

I couldn't just let him die like this.

In the midst of the bright morning sunlight, she handed Ricardo a new blanket she had taken out of the storage room.

"You were sleeping. I'll find out what happened during that time."

"You. . . you're not taking me to the underground prison, are you?"

Blancshe frowned at Ricardo's restless voice.

"Trust my judgment. The Company may be a modern corporation, but the underground prison is not a good place."

"But father. . . I mean, the boss's orders."

Ricardo's expression as he said those words couldn't be described as good.

He believed that Blancshe was part of the government of Iliya due to misunderstandings that had accumulated over the past six years.

That's why he always believed that her choice would always be her father.

That was the reason.

Ricardo gasped in surprise at Blancshe's connected words.

"I don't know what you'll think, but I'm not someone who blindly follows the boss's orders."

His blue eyes flickered faintly.

Ricardo's voice that followed was filled with a sense of unease.


"Because I think I'll have a hard time without you."

She urgently whispered behind his back.

If she's going to explore dungeons under the excuse of raising his level, it would be strange for the CEO of Concellierie and the Human Life Corporation, who is me, to be running B-level dungeons.

It was an unreasonable excuse.

Moreover, considering her usual Blancchet, she would never make such a judgment.

If it wasn't Riccardo who received the death sentence, Blancchet wouldn't have made such an unreasonable excuse and tried to save the organization members.

Although Illya's orders were still ineffective to her even after six years.

In other words, Blancchet simply wanted to save Riccardo. And Riccardo knew this.

When her affectionate gaze, which he had only imagined, became a reality, he bit his lower lip.

In the blink of an eye, Riccardo, with water welling up on his face, looked more affectionate than his cold appearance.

His sorrow easily turned into obsession.

Riccardo pondered on one fact.

That his love was not selfless devotion for her.

"My strong and beautiful Blancchet. Someday, I will definitely keep you in my arms. Do you know that?"

Suddenly, he gathered the courage to hold her hand.

And immediately, he kissed her palm deeply while looking straight into Blancchet's eyes.

Feeling a sharp taste of iron inside his throat, he felt a desperate thirst.

In that moment, Riccardo couldn't help but feel regret.

If Blancchet was still weak, he would have kept her imprisoned.

However, Ricardo thought at the same time.

He had no self to live even though he received Blancshe's contemptuous gaze.

Of course, it would be quite satisfying to die in her hands someday, but Ricardo wanted to protect Blancshe for as long as possible.

Every moment together, he was truly falling in love with her every day.

So he pretended to be jealous only in front of Blancshe, even though he was no longer an innocent boy.

If Blancshe knew his true nature, he would have been eliminated long ago.

It's the same now.

Ricardo smiled as if he would disappear in the wind that tickled his feathers.

Today, she pleaded weakly to him, so that he wouldn't push her away again.

And someday, to devour her in one bite.

"To Blancshe, can I hug you for a moment?"

She opened her eyes wide for a moment, then silently spread her arms.

His heart tickled and beat as if it would burst at the same time.

In the next moment, he held her tightly.

Blancshe's collarbone became sore, and his warmth was transmitted vividly beyond the edge of his clothes.

It was an epic event throughout the past six years.

Ricardo couldn't bear it without confessing to her ear, "Blanche, I'm okay with dying now."

However, he swallowed the confession that must be continued.

But I can't give you up to another man, whether I live or die.

Still, in front of Blanche, he couldn't control his desires and drank endless seawater like a person who couldn't maintain reason.

Meanwhile, Blanche, who didn't know his inner thoughts, swallowed her anger and sigh. Wondering what to do with this innocent child.

Blanche, in order to reassure him, spoke more firmly than usual.

Ricardo, it seems like you're mistaken, but you can't die. Because I won't allow it."

She didn't even realize that she was walking into the arms of a beast in her dream.

The villainess receives the family's worship.

Note: Unrevised
