The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 49.

Episode 49

Blankche moved the broken pieces of the teacup to a wooden tray without giving a glance to Iliya.

"It won't take long," Iliya clicked his tongue. "Leave that kind of thing to other members. It's not your job."

"In that case. . ." Without a chance to object, Blankche grabbed Riccardo's hand and stood up together from their seats. Riccardo stiffened in surprise at the sudden skinship.


"You should hear this too. Come here, Riccardo."

She naturally led Riccardo into the conference room and sat him down in her seat.

Also, she stood right next to Iliya, where everyone's gaze was directed.

Meanwhile, Iliya gestured to the organization members beyond the open door.

The door closed quietly.

Not long after, Blankche opened her mouth again. "I'll accept this proposal once again." Iliya's expression sharpened.

"Are you declaring that you're leaving the Giato Family now?"

"No way. As long as Riccardo is here, I won't leave."

Although the reason was still unclear, it was a clear fact that Blankche was fixated on Riccardo.

Finally, the stern faces of the executives softened.

Meanwhile, Riccardo's heart began to beat uncontrollably.

He turned as red as if he had a fever all over his body.

However, Ilyah was not convinced even after hearing Blancshe's declaration.

The gaze that met me was the evidence.

"You don't know anything. No matter how much you want to stay in the family, if your family is from a different organization, you can't help but neglect the family."

"Who is my family? I will never create such a thing again."

Her sharp voice shot back.

Thanks to her, the people in the conference room had to remember that Blancshe was the daughter of Marquis Marcritte.

Because of the source of the 90 billion gold that Blancshe brought, the Giato family knows all about her past.

Not only the fact that she was confined to the mansion for 17 years, but also that she suffered social death by her father's decision.

Ilyah acted as the only person in this room who did not sympathize with Blancshe.

He crossed his arms as if he was displeased.

"Then why do you want to marry?"

"Maybe because I fell in love at first sight?"

Laughter erupted here and there at the words that were not even wiped off his lips.

The officers exchanged glances as if they had planned in advance.

"Lies." "It's a lie."

But Ricardo was not like them. Paralyzed by the fever of first love, he couldn't see through Blancshe's lies.

Ricardo had a dying face at Blancshe's words.

As everyone struggled to find something to say, Giermo stood up.

He didn't smile in front of Blancshe as usual.

"Your Highness, I would like to hear a more detailed explanation."

At that moment, Iliya lightly raised her hand with her elbow on the armrest.

"No, Blancshe. There's no need for an explanation. As your boss, I command you not to get married."

"I will handle my own marriage." Iliya clenched her jaw at Blancshe's attitude, which seemed as if not even a needle could penetrate.

But she couldn't let her go like this.

"You said before that if we conquer the dungeon, a world where anyone can become strong like you will come. It seems like that world is starting now, right?"

"That's right."

"So, I'm telling you not to get married. You said there are 35 dungeons, didn't you?"

"No, I can't. I don't have time."

"Time? My current level is 199. It will take at least a year for my family to reach the same level as me."

"But won't other families be the same?"

"No, if the Pochione family conquers the [Blood Star Dungeon], it will be difficult for any country to catch up with their dominance."


I'm not sure who made the first groaning sound, but similar voices were heard one after another from various places.

Moreover, everyone had the same expression of despair.

In addition, Blancshe emphasized like driving a wedge.

"I did it."

"Even if that day comes, I can still live. But I won't be able to protect everyone in the family. If that situation arises, I will be in a hurry to survive."

However, everyone still opposed Blanche's marriage.

Iliya and Silvano started persuading her again.

"Blanche, we are not baggage."

"Iliya is right, Blanche. And if something unfortunate happens and someone among us dies, it's because that person was lacking, not because of you."

"Blanche's forehead wrinkled. She was so surprised that she was at a loss for words.

"Of course, it's not my fault! Did you think someone was worrying about you and saying this?"

However, Silvano's satisfied smile didn't disappear easily.

"Blanche, saying that won't help. We already know that you are a deep person."

A silent agreement followed.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the ground without a doubt.

Blanche wiped her innocent forehead with frustration and helplessness.

But she couldn't stubbornly insist on her own will anymore.

Above all, Ricardo's condition was the problem.

[system/ Ricardo's stress is increasing. ]

Seriously, Blanche hoped and wished for Ricardo to become the villain of the original work as soon as possible.

If that day comes, he won't have to worry about his stress stat!!

With her arrogant voice, she said, "It seems like I'm the only one here who can be a proper Mafia boss."

Blancche lightly licked her tongue and said, "Why does everyone think I would willingly become someone's wife? After conquering the dungeon, I could even kill Achilles. No one could have imagined that, right?"

Silvano blinked his eyes absentmindedly and said, "Oh. . . yeah. There was such a way."

However, it didn't mean that everyone, including Silvano, was convinced by this clear answer.

They couldn't shake off their uneasiness.

Well, that's because marriage held quite a heavy meaning in this Digitalis.

Especially when there was an alliance involved!!

But it was Blancche who suggested using the marriage alliance as a bait to strike the enemy from behind.

The Giato Family knew this very well.

She always gets what she wants, no matter what.

Because of this, everyone reluctantly put aside their complaints.

Above all, in this city, the throne was just as absolute as the marriage alliance.

The family no longer had the courage to oppose the absolute opinion of the strongest.

Unless someone took the lead.

Fortunately, the hero quickly appeared. Ricardo was almost begging and managed to persuade them.

"If that's the case, let's just get engaged. There's no need to go as far as getting married if we're just going to break up after conquering the dungeon. . . ."

Despite the vague and melted words, Blancshe sent him a blank gaze.

"You said it well, Ricardo!"

Silvano looked around with a smirk in his eyes.

"Ahem, Blancshe. You should get engaged, considering the family's reputation."

"I also agree with their opinions. Your Majesty, you must have been annoyed by these incompetent people causing trouble. If you unilaterally divorce, they will continue to cling to you. It would be better to get engaged, even if it's for the future."

Blancshe's heart finally wavered a little.

In fact, it had been troublesome all along.

"If you insist that much."

Everyone except Iliya let out a relieved sigh. But it was not completely reassuring. Since the other party was Blancshe, there was an additional remark. "If the boss agrees to my conditions, we will have an engagement, not a marriage."

Iliya didn't like her attitude, but she couldn't do anything about it. "Let's hear the conditions then."

In the next moment.

Blancshe's bomb declaration continued.

"Boss. I can't wait any longer. If I clear the [Fiesta Dungeon] and surpass the Pochio Family, give me Concellieri's position."

Silvano's mouth dropped open in astonishment.

Iliya immediately got annoyed. "I must have mentioned it before. Concellieri's position. . ."

Before he could continue, Blancshe interrupted.

"You said I should be respected as a member of the organization. Yes, I remember. But let me ask you this. How much more respect do I need?"

Blancshe opened her eyes wide.

"I am the king of Digitallis, and I saved Ricardo, whom you couldn't save, and provided a huge amount of funds to the family. It's not about singing songs of gratitude."


Blancshe looked around the room. Her gaze was intense.

"I want you to remember what I have accomplished since returning to Digitallis."

Blancshe declared, "Remember it clearly. I am capable enough to earn the respect of the organization. If I weren't, I wouldn't have been able to create a new smuggling route."

Upon hearing those words, the eight people were speechless.

They all focused on Blancshe without saying a word.

Blancshe naturally overwhelmed them all.



"So now it's Inja's turn. I'll take it."

Soon, Blancche's gaze turned towards Silvano.

"Are you dissatisfied with my decision, Silvano?" | Everyone's gaze followed Blancche and flowed towards Silvano.

At first, Silvano was so shocked that everything in front of him turned white.

But there was no need for a long time to find composure.

His answer was predetermined from the beginning.


It was the same as before. "We will accept applicants to strike a blow to the Pochi family with Blancche. Of course, one of those positions is mine."

Finally, the path for Blancche to become the consigliere of the Giato family opened up.

But that's one thing, and this is another. Blancche rejected Silvano's support in an instant.

"No. Silvano won't do. I'll accept another applicant."

"Why me? What's wrong with me?" "Silvano is old, clumsy, has bad eyesight, and is slow."

Silvano became not only unjust but also resentful.

"Oh, really. It seems like you have a lot to say to me on a regular basis."

"I'll accept another applicant."

"Hey!" The villain received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
