The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 45.

Episode 45

Blancshe had no way of knowing Ricardo's misunderstanding, so her mind was filled with various speculations.

"Why are you suddenly asking if I'm close with Iliya? What's your intention?"

Meanwhile, Ricardo anxiously bit his lower lip.

[system/ Ricardo's stress is increasing. ]

Blancshe made a guess. "Are you concerned about the argument I had with Iliya earlier?"

It seems like their relationship is about to change.

Ricardo's appearance in prison didn't seem like that of a son planning to kill his father, not even a few years later.

Finally, she answered, "I don't dislike you, Ricardo. It's true that I dislike Iliya, but it doesn't mean I dislike you too."

Ricardo blinked innocently like a calf.

He was bewildered as if an impossible event had just happened before his eyes.

"Are you a woman who dislikes our father too?"

Blancshe narrowed her eyes.

She was quite angry. "It seems like you overheard a difficult conversation just now."

"Ah, that's it!" "I'm disappointed, Ricardo." "Blancshe, it's not like that. . . I'm sorry. I made a mistake because I've never met a woman who dislikes our father."

"Seems like the boss is popular."

Suddenly, his blue eyes sparkled like ripples in a lake under the sunlight.

"Yeah! Our father is strong and cool! Of course, he probably doesn't have any thoughts of meeting a woman yet."

"But still, you know."

"Ricardo, do you like the boss?"

"Of course! I will definitely become a cool man like a father figure someday!"

"Hmm. . . ." | Blancshe couldn't easily dismiss her doubts.

She couldn't easily dismiss her doubts.

"Why would a child kill their father to go through such experiences in the future?"

Blancshe didn't know. She didn't know that her appearance changed Ricardo's settings.

The fact that his value changed.

As a programmer, Blancshe couldn't remember, but originally, Ricardo would kill Giacomo and escape the Viscount's mansion after two years.

She escaped the mansion.

To add an explanation, the original Ricardo was imprisoned in an underground prison for two years.

During that time, the only person he met was Giacomo, who abused him.

The original Ricardo, filled with hatred towards his father who didn't come to save him from Giacomo's abuse, had to break down dozens of times a day.

And that emotion continued to affect Ricardo even after his escape.

| And that emotion continued to affect Ricardo even after his escape.

The reason the original Ricardo killed Iliya was because of the trauma caused by Giacomo's abuse.

Like Blancshe, Ricardo, who didn't even know that his fate had changed, proudly boasted about his father.

"When was there another incident. . . Ah, sorry. Blancshe. Did I talk to myself? It must have been boring."

He scratched his head as if feeling awkward.

Blancshe showed her sociability after a long time.

"It's okay. Your voice. It was nice to hear."

"I'm glad."

Blancshe looked at him shyly.

"Thank you for saying that."

"I will definitely become a better man than my father. So, what about me?"

Blancshe tilted her head in confusion as Ricardo suddenly closed his mouth like a clamshell.

"I shouldn't confess to her now. When I become taller and more mature, let's confess to Blancshe. I really like you a lot. . ."

He shook his head vigorously. "Ah, it's nothing!"

"It's not like it's nothing, right?"

It was a winter that was approaching spring.

After the winter passed, spring arrived. A dungeon appeared on the continent. Finally, the day came when Blancshe would have everything.

Spring is a season with the power to awaken the dormant life, but in Digitallis, it was amplified.

Those who fell under the spell of spring's magic released the pent-up boasting and quarrels they had held back during winter.

Gossip was a daily occurrence, just like a man raising his voice in a tavern.

"Isn't that what you guys are talking about? That 'Your Highness' and the continent's beauty, Mariette, look exactly the same!" | The two men, who were friends, looked at each other's faces and casually continued their conversation.

"You're saying this now." "Yeah."

The man who first brought up the topic became quite emotional.

"It's true! I left Digitallis when I was young and lived in the Lupinus Kingdom until two years ago. So, I've seen that famous Mariette up close!"

The man's friends laughed at him.

"Oh really? I didn't know you were a noble."

"Who said I'm a noble? I just saw Mariette on the street."

When his friends narrowed their eyes, the man hurriedly added an explanation.

"But it's true that I saw her up close! I was a gatekeeper!"

"This guy. He still hasn't come to his senses, huh?"


"I'm not lying!" "That's why I'm saying this, you idiot!" "You, with Mariette and 'Your Highness'. . ."

Did you just find out that they are sisters?

"Did you know? Since when?"

"Ah~ Me too." The man, who was shaking his head, suddenly froze his expression as if he had reached a certain thought.

"Of course, His Majesty is not someone who can be judged solely by appearance!"

"Why are you suddenly like this?" One of his friends pulled back his head and the other chuckled.

"Why are you worried that this kid will embarrass America?" "I, it's not like that!" That's when it happened.

Bang! The large fist of an adult man fell onto the table occupied by three men.

The man who captured the attention of the three men with his fist revealed his yellowish teeth.

"A man like you is afraid of just one woman! You should be ashamed!" The man who got involved in the argument suddenly spat on the dry ground and got up from his seat.

The man squinted his eyes and stared at the unfamiliar person. His physique was not unfamiliar, but his momentum was not inferior.

"Were you born yesterday?" "What?" "Or maybe His Majesty, how can he just be a woman, you idiot. This, this. Just by looking, you can tell he's a foreigner?" In the next moment, something astonishing happened.


The bustling market, which was noisy with the word "foreigner," has now become quiet.

The market, where bargaining, gambling, and drinking abruptly stopped, became eerie and even bizarre.

The unfamiliar person hesitated but did not lose their composure. The foreigner looked around and shouted.

"Do you really believe the empty rumor that you, who are nothing more than a young prostitute, won in the chaos of the 20s and created a new smuggling route for the empire?" The man who was provoked covered his ears with his fingers.

"Hey, don't you know I'm American?"

"Hmph! Such a trivial name! I can live without knowing it! But from now on, you should remember my name, but it's just words! Euhaha!"

Soon, the surroundings became noisy. There were sounds of tongues clicking and hostile glares everywhere. "You don't even know who America is, but you seem to know everything about the recent exploits of 'Jeon Ha' that happened in the past month."

"That's why you foreigners are like this." The unfamiliar person blinked their eyes and growled.

"What's with those eyes? Are you challenging me to a fight right now?! If you have any complaints, don't just glare at me, come at me!"

However, the unfamiliar person's arrogance was more laughable than intimidating.

Finally, as some people around started to feel restless, the moment when they approached the unfamiliar person arrived.

In the blink of an eye, the news spread like an echo. "The Majesty!" "The Majesty has come to the market!"

"Oh!" Among the surprised gasps, the crowd quickly organized themselves in real-time.

It was a natural occurrence.

It has been three months since Blancshee returned as a digitalist.

They have learned painfully from the previous turmoil.

The man grumbled at the stranger in the busy marketplace.

"Hey, outsider. Since the 'Your Highness' is coming, why don't you challenge the throne? Let's see if you can open the afternoon of a spring day with the smell of your blood."

"Just wait and see. As soon as I become king, I will use your head as a bowling ball along with that woman's skull!"

The stranger proudly stood tall and turned his shoulder.

That's how he greeted the famous Blancshee with his own eyes.

Blancshee was walking through the lumber market.

Suddenly, someone shouted at Blancshee.

It was Concellieri, a member of the Miele family, who looked like a sewer rat. "Blancshee! The Miele family seeks revenge!"

Whether it was prearranged or not, when he pulled a string near the lumber market, the trees the size of a grown man's chest collapsed.

The fallen trees all faced towards Blancshe.

However, Gier's expression upon witnessing this scene was calm.

Not long after, with a loud noise, the dust settled.

Blancshe nonchalantly brushed off the dust from his clothes and nodded his head.

"As soon as we return to the family house, I will put a bounty on that guy's head."

The citizens of Digitallis shouted in unison.

"Catch him!"

"My 100 gold!"


"Your Highness! There is someone who really wants to meet you!" The man excitedly ran towards Blancshe.

He turned around and pointed his finger. "Your Majesty, over there. . . Huh? Where did that guy go?!"

The stranger did not follow the Miele family's consigliere like others, aiming for a bounty.

He had already escaped a long time ago. After accidentally confirming Blancshe's power, he thought he would die if he continued to provoke him.

Blancshe, with his characteristic expressionless face, raised his eyebrows and asked the man who approached me. "Who are you?"

The villain received the family's worship and. . .

Note: Unrevised
