The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 21.

Episode 21

Suddenly, on a night when the heavy curtain of darkness had fallen, Silvano woke up. | The place where he regained consciousness was inside the family house, in his own bedroom.

Startled by the voice that spoke without warning, Silvano sat up in bed as if a spring had bounced him up.

"Inspiration. You're not dead?"

"What?! Why are you in our family house again?"

Gyermo, who was sitting in a chair next to his bed, reading a book the size of a palm, smiled. "It's all thanks to His Majesty's grace."

Finally, Silvano recalled the situation just before he fainted.

"Blanche. . . !" "If you keep doing that, it'll wear out, Inspiration. You should save your teeth even though you're getting old."

"Where is that damn girl right now?!"

Silvano frantically searched for his glasses on the side table as if he was about to grab Blanche by the collar.

Gyermo shrugged his shoulders. "She's gossiping in your boss's room."

Hastily stretching his legs out of bed, Silvano was stopped by Gyermo.

"Silvano. It's better to let it end with just thoughts, even if you don't know what you're going to do."

"Let go of this! Someone who doesn't even have a family house doesn't understand my feelings!"

"So you want to die with the family house?"

When Silvano's shoulders froze, Gyermo clicked his tongue.

"Wake up. You must have realized that 'Your Majesty' is not in a normal state, Silvano."

Silvano rubbed his reddened face with both hands as if he wanted to cry.

Giyermo's argument was correct.

Silvano, who sacrificed his youth for harsh work, shed a tear, looking twice as old as his peers.

"I know, you brat. So spill the beans about what happened this afternoon."

Giyermo smirked and said, "Hmm? You were there with the inspiration too."

"Damn it, I fainted so embarrassingly! I have to find out what happened afterwards! Do you really have to hear it from my mouth?"

Giyermo burst into laughter, unable to control himself.

"Ha-ha! That's right, you fainted right there! It was really funny!"

Silvano could only make a gruesome expression.

"In just one morning, the boss and the members of the organization, as well as their property, were all lost, making the strongest in the south a complete failure. It was clear that the war in the southern region would not cease for a while."

"Silvano snorted. 'Blanche, you bastard! If you were going to cause such a major incident, shouldn't you have consulted with me, Consigliere, beforehand? Damn it! It was a perfect opportunity to take over the southern region along with the eastern region!'"

"'Well, well, ambitious, aren't you?'"

"'Come to think of it, this guy keeps calling me 'inspiration. ' Hey! Didn't I say I'm still in my prime?!'"

"Giermo loudly closed the book he hadn't read since Silvano woke up."

"'My mind isn't that bad. Only the stupid ones interpreted Blanche's second command as a punishment to the Giato Family. '"

"'But not me. I'm not an inspiration either. '"

"'Hmph. '"

"'Hehe. Look, I knew about the inspiration. Silvano, you have a soft spot for Blanche. '"

"Silvano twirled his mustache, looking annoyed. 'What does that guy want to do in this already troubled city?'"

"Giermo's pumpkin-colored eyes sparkled. He seemed more excited than Silvano."

"'Didn't we look great today, 'Your Highness'? And you even said it yourself. You want chaos, hehe. Well, if she's my woman, she should be capable of that much!'"

"It seems like Giermo is really taken with Blanche. Otherwise, he wouldn't have shouted, 'That power! That charisma! So sexy!'"

"Silvano gave Giermo a pitiful look. 'Do you wipe your nose and then say such things? And don't you dare underestimate me, you bastard!'"

Blancshe will marry our Ricardo! Whether it's a man or a woman, they say marriage is the best way to serve.

"When I move, I'll make sure to shower on time."


"I'm going to the Jacuza Family House following His Highness."


"Lower your voice, Silvano. I already have your boss's permission."

"Moving is one thing, but I can't live under the same roof as you!"

However, Guiermo was still relaxed.

Also, Guiermo's confidence doesn't come from Iliya's permission.

"Can't live together? How will you handle the vast eastern territory? Ah, it seems like you've given up on the west."

"Are you crazy, you brat! Our Giato Family has ruled the west for 100 years!"

If there were strong forces like Jacuza and Mirella in the east and south of Digitallis, the west was a land of war upon war.

The north was a barren land where prostitutes and orphans roamed,

Guiermo made a disgusting face at the thought.

"Well, there's the answer, isn't it? Right now, the Giato Family is in a state where they have to borrow the power of someone like me."

Although it was a correct statement, I am not going to retreat like Silvano.

Silvano confidently laid out his plan.

Silvano smirked.

"Stop fooling around and leave. We don't need you because we have our own plans. Hmph, I already know everything. Did you think that Blanc Che completely destroyed America? Then we should be safe for a while! Moreover, those crazy people in the city are all focused on the treasure hunt, so we have nothing to worry about!"

Silvano laughed.

"You're more naive than I thought, Silvano. Do you really trust the 'Lord'? How long do you think a strong person like the 'Lord' will stay under the control of Giato Family?"

"At least it won't be taken away by a landless peasant like you."

"The length of time is something you can only know by experiencing it. Just wait and see. Soon, I will show my overflowing power and you will become my woman."

"You annoying brat! Hey, how old did you say you were this year?"

"19 years old! How about it? I'm still a usable age compared to the 'inspiration', right?"

"Hmph. Judging by your childish behavior, it seems like your organization knows about it too." It was almost like complaining, but to Giermo, it sounded like praise.

"If he really did something stupid, then Consigliere of the Giato Family would say 'Well done'."

Giermo chuckled.

"I see. So the day has come when I, Giermo, am recognized by the Consigliere of the Giato Family? Huh? Where are you going, inspiration? Shall we go eat?"

Suddenly, Silvano grabbed the doorknob and made a loud noise.

"Do I have to report every little thing to you?"

"Are you going to see the boss? Then, while you're at it, tell our great 'Lord' that Giermo has perfectly fulfilled the order to take care of Silvano."

"Get lost!"

Silvano shouted loudly, but it was actually Giermo who left the room.

Silvano strode down the hallway.

Just as the preparations for the move were in full swing, the members of the organization were busy packing various things into boxes.

Finally, standing in front of Iliya's bedroom, he clenched his fist and knocked on the door three times, swallowing his irritation.

"Hey, it's me! I'm coming in!" Without waiting for Silvano's permission, he entered.

He saw Iliya sitting on the bed and Blanche standing far away from Iliya.

For some reason, the atmosphere between the two was quite hostile.

It's hard to describe. It's a tense atmosphere where even a fight wouldn't be surprising.

Of course, even if a fight were to break out, Blanche would definitely be the winner.

Silvano blinked his eyes absentmindedly. "What's going on? Why is the atmosphere like this?"

Iliya sighed. "Silvano, look over there." As soon as he followed the boss's gesture, Silvano rushed over and sat down.

It was because the walls, decorated with taxidermy and statues, were in a mess.

Especially, Silvano screamed when he saw the six busts at the bottom row shattered as if they were smashed with a hammer. "Who did this? Who dares to do this to our bosses!"

In response to his shocked expression, Blanche raised her head with a nonchalant expression. "It was me. I did it again." "Why this time?" "I can't bring such monsters into the new house when we move."

Silvano felt a sense of regret as he rolled his feet in the spilled water. "Iliya! What have you been doing until the situation got to this point?"

"Would Blancshé have heard me being stopped?"

"But you should have told them how important these people are! Blancshé! Maybe you don't know, but these people are the former bosses of our Giato family! They even have a statue of Illya standing next to them. . . Ugh! Illya! At least stall for time until Consigliere wakes up!"

"It's okay, Sivano. I'm not listening to you."

Sivano danced the tap dance of anger, forgetting his age. After a while, he regained his composure, recalling Blancshé's overwhelming power. "Blancshé, since we're talking about it, let me ask you. Why are you trying to burn down our family house?"

"Because one of our members caused harm to the entire city, so I thought this would calm things down."

Sivano spewed fire from his mouth once again at Blancshé's attitude of speaking about other people's affairs. "You're the one who did it!"

"That's right."

"Besides, you have the power of a ruler."

"That's true."

"But why on earth?!"

"The Jacuza family house has hot water. We need to install the water pipes here, so when are you going to wait for that?"

Sivano, tearing his hair with both hands, felt like he could chew on steel in his anger. But he was a man after all. A man with strength and weakness embedded in his bones.

After some time passed, he became a docile puppy in front of the absolute enemy, Blancshe. The cool atmosphere between the two men and women bothered Silvano. Silvano asked, "Hmm. So what were we talking about?" "It's nothing. I just rejected Iliya's proposal. Right?" When Blancshe gestured with his eyes, Iliya calmly nodded. "Yes." But Silvano understood. He figured it out. Even if he stood still and watched, this atmosphere could never be an ordinary atmosphere! The villainess received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
