The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 54

Episode 54

It was the correct answer. The full story of the incident was as follows. | This morning, after parting ways with Ricardo, the fainting drug merchant went to find Achille.

There was nothing he could do. As a citizen of the crime city, the merchant had to find a way to survive.

He was engulfed in fear at the thought that his fake drug might end up in Blancshe's mouth, and naturally tried to retrieve the drug.

However, not only did the merchant fail to retrieve the fainting drug, but he also became a cold corpse in Achille's hands.

Achille knew. That using the fainting drug on Blancshe was a very difficult task.

Therefore, he planned to use the fainting drug only when the perfect opportunity arose.

And for that, he borrowed a ring from Rodolfo with the Ventori effect.

Just in case, so that if the fainting drug was discovered by force, it wouldn't be traced back to him.

"Inventory can only be used by the owner."

Neither he nor the Pochi family had any intention of giving up on Blancshe, even though the situation had reached this point.

That's because with Blancshe alone, they could easily take control of the DiGitalis like the Giato family. | Blancshe, who had no idea what was happening behind him, blinked at the unusual atmosphere of the two men.

"Ricardo, what's wrong?"

Instead of answering, Ricardo sighed deeply.

"I can't reveal the truth like this!"

In the crime city, testimony is not evidence.

Because testimony could always be manipulated.

Moreover, didn't Giermo say so?

Ricardo forced a smile, his lips trembling.

"It doesn't seem like much time has passed, but the engagement preparations are already complete?"

Achilles played along, "Yes, Blancche. Let's rest a little longer."

Blancche tilted her head, "It feels like it hasn't been that long. Are the preparations for the engagement already finished?"

Ricardo. I'll stay inside a little longer and then go out with Achilles. If I go out now, I'll have to mingle with the elephants and people. I don't like the noise."

Ricardo clenched his fist quietly, his heart seething with jealousy.

Ricardo envied Achilles, who could express his affection for Blancche without hesitation, and he despised it.

Even if he was just a temporary fiancé and Blancche's expression remained indifferent as usual, his feelings turned into text and were immediately conveyed to her.

| [system/ Ricardo's stress is increasing. ]

| While Blanche swallowed a sigh, Ricardo entered the bedroom with hunched shoulders.

Blanche took out a [health recovery potion] from her inventory, frightening Ricardo as he sat on the sofa. | It was a gift she had just received from Achilles along with wine.

She handed the [health recovery potion] to Ricardo.

"Ricardo, drink this right now." "What is this?"

Achilles stole the order in which Blanche was going to answer.

"Blanche, why are you using that now? I gave it to you as a gift to use in the dungeon."

However, Blanche remained confident. "I told you. Ricardo is an important person to me. Besides, his knee is still not fully healed, so it needs treatment."

Blanche forcefully recalled the conversation they had when Ricardo visited alone.

In response, Achilles could only chew on his lips without a proper retort.

Meanwhile, Ricardo was engulfed in a strange sense of satisfaction.

'Blanche thought of me in front of Achilles!'

With a smiling face, he accepted the [health recovery potion] offered by Blanche.

After drinking the [health recovery potion], Ricardo felt his previously heavy shoulders become light as if they were flying away.

Moreover, his previously painful knee seemed to have completely healed just by staying still!

In amazement, Ricardo even stuck out his tongue.

"Blanche, what is this?"

"It's called a health recovery potion. It's a recovery item that occasionally reduces stress in dungeons."

"I see."

Meanwhile, Achilles seemed regretful.

"Where else would it be? With the [health recovery potion], you can even attach severed limbs."

Blancshe immediately objected, "But that can't show such a miracle. That's a [lesser health recovery potion]."

Achilles couldn't understand her.

"Lesser? Isn't it written on the item?"

Achilles couldn't finish his sentence. Suddenly, a man appeared without warning, looking for the three of them.

He didn't even knock, but forcefully opened the door as if he would break it.


Suddenly, a man appeared, calling out her name. It was none other than Iliya.

Blancshe became infinitely serious at his unanswered appearance.

"What's the matter, boss?" But why? Iliya, who appeared calling out Blancshe's name, was busy examining Achilles instead of her.

Moreover, the hostility that couldn't be restrained! Iliya's attitude was quite unusual. | Achilles felt threatened by this appearance.

It was completely different from when he faced Ricardo.

It was a different attitude.

Achilles swallowed his saliva nervously and cautiously opened his mouth.

". . . Jiato boss, do you have something to say to me?"

Iliya quickly glanced at Blanche and Ricardo and clenched his teeth.

"What kind of sight is that? Are you going to hold an engagement ceremony in that state?"


Achilles became both relieved and bewildered at the same time.

Moreover, he had prepared new clothes for today.

And the sound of a sarcastic laughter followed naturally!

Achilles thought, 'Is it really true that the author is Jiato Family's boss, Iliya?'.

It's absurd that he has to hear such words even though Blanche is not his own daughter.

"You shamelessly roll your eyes like that, you have no manners and no shame."

Iliya twisted his lips in a way that didn't suit his handsome face. | Because of this, Achilles could understand.


'Ricardo or whoever. Not only that brat, but Iliya also knows. I'm talking about my plan to use a sedative on Blanche."

Achilles felt a chill in his liver. And soon, his self-esteem was hurt by himself.

However, it was an unavoidable situation.

Achilles knew the reason why Iliya is still being pointed at as a foreigner from behind.

The mockery towards him is the act of losers trying to undermine his abilities.

"I prepared to some extent, but it seems insufficient in Giato Boss's eyes. I apologize for this."

"That appearance is something I prepared for a long time."

Achilles was engulfed in a sense of defeat and humiliation.

But he wouldn't just let it happen like that.

Even if it's Iliya, he couldn't bring himself to belittle her.

"Blanche, I'm sorry. I embarrassed you."

Yeah, even Achilles didn't know Blanche for a long time.

So, he hears words like this. "If you knew, you should have done better." Achilles was surprised, flustered, and even felt ashamed.

He managed his expression belatedly.

Achilles thought to himself, "Are there really women like this?"

"Haha. I thought it would be fine since I wore comfortable clothes."


Achilles, who felt like he had been hit on the back of his head with a hammer, had a dazed expression.

Ricardo's laughter embarrassed him.

Moreover, Blancshe, who didn't even raise an eyebrow in this situation!

Iliya hid her mocking gaze towards Achilles.

"Achilles, stop that and follow me. I'll lend you my clothes. I'm not sure if they'll fit you though."

Finally, Achilles shook off his embarrassment and stared fiercely at Ricardo, who seemed the most approachable in the room. Iliya, who read his cowardice, furrowed her brows.

However, he did not reveal his hostility.

He was a man who knew the timing, so Ilyah advised Ricardo unexpectedly.

"Ricardo, Silvano is treating Rudolfo well, so stay with Blanche until the engagement preparations are finished. Felice will come soon."

"Yes, boss."

"Go. Filippo."

Achilles protested to Ilyah, who mistakenly called his name as if it were obvious.

"Giato boss, my name is not Filippo, it's Achilles."

"I understand. Got it." "My name is Achilles."

Both Blanche and Ilyah were unaware of the apology.

"Stop the nonsense and follow me. I'm not a leisurely person."

"I apologize." Achilles bowed his head briefly. Eventually, only Ricardo and Blanche were left.

Blanche spoke up only after the popularity of Ilyah and Achilles completely disappeared.

"So, what's going on?" Ricardo's eyes widened in surprise.

"Did you know? How much did you know?"

Blanche restrained herself from biting her tongue.

"Ricardo, if I knew what was happening right now, I wouldn't be this kind."

"Ah, I just sensed that something was happening." "So, what happened?" He hesitated for a moment and swallowed his dry saliva.

"Don't be surprised, Blanche. Actually, Achilles. That bastard tried to drug you."

"A drug? Could it be that the Pochi family realized we were betraying them and tried to eliminate me?"

The translation of "악녀는 패밀리의 숭배를 받고" is "The villainess receives the family's worship."

Note: Unrevised
