The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 153.

Episode 153

"Blanche said she won't come back until she takes care of Pierre herself."

When Anastasia delivered Blanche's message, sighs erupted from all around.

As if representing everyone's opinion, Ilya shook her head briefly and sighed.



"It's troublesome."

Eventually, he glared at Anastasia with his sharp eyes.


"Moreover, it's suspicious. If it were Blanche, she would have personally told us about this."


Indeed, it's the insight befitting a mafia family boss.

Anastasia shrugged her shoulders.

"I couldn't help it. Blanche can't use teleportation magic right now."


"You can't use teleportation magic, huh?"

"It means she can't return to the city in the blink of an eye like before." Silvano grumbled with a displeased expression.


"We don't need to dirty our hands with Pierre. We can handle it ourselves without Blanche." Anastasia's mischievousness suddenly emerged.

She grumbles annoyingly.

"Maybe you guys are not pitiful?"

The air in the conference room instantly became as cold as the Arctic.

Anastasia was pleased with their reaction.

Just as they disliked Anastasia, Anastasia also didn't like the family.

She thought Blanche was infatuated with the family.

Anastasia lived like that because she had repeated it many times in her life.

Throughout her past life, she only had obligations and honor, rights were for others.

Anastasia didn't hide her sarcasm.

"That's right. Honestly, I never thought you guys would be begging if it weren't for Blanche."

That's wrong. The development of digitalis naturally followed the appearance of Dunjeon.

However, the high-ranking officials who didn't know the future of the parallel world couldn't make any excuses for Anastasia's anger.

Anastasia snorted. In fact, she also had a "backstabber".

"Blanche is so kind. If it were me, I would have left these useless parasites a long time ago."

"Maybe now, after dealing with Pierre's business, Blanche might leave the city! If Pierre is gone, Blanche won't have to worry about anything outside the city."

"Well, if not for that, why would Blanche personally step forward? As Silvano said, it's enough for the family to step forward."


The high-ranking officials had a dumbfounded expression as if they had been hit on the back of their heads.

Right now, at this moment, the thoughts of the family's high-ranking officials were similar.

"Is that so! Has Blanche finally been disappointed in us?"

'If Consilieri leaves like this, what will happen to the Family?'

"Your Highness! Please don't leave us!"

It was at that moment.

Suddenly, Ricardo approached Anastasia. | Anastasia unknowingly stepped back.

Ricardo's expression was so firm that it instinctively raised Anastasia's guard.

Gulp, in her nervousness, Anastasia swallowed her dry saliva.

However, nothing happened that would cause her to worry.

Ricardo simply passed by Anastasia.

| From the beginning, he wasn't heading towards Anastasia, but towards the door.

Ilya asked, facing the cold back of his son.

"Ricardo, are you leaving?"

There was no need to ask where he was going.

The answer had already been decided.

Ricardo replied without turning back.

"You won't be able to see me for a while."

"Maybe I won't come back to the city with Blanche for the rest of my life."

After finishing his words, Ricardo slowly turned around. | His determined blue eyes were revealed.

"You may have left Blanche, but I won't."

Ilya's eyelashes trembled silently at his son's reproach.

Ricardo ground his teeth as if crushing those who hated him.

"Unlike you, I will treat Blancshe with the respect it deserves. Because I am different from you, who eventually abandoned Blancshe," he said.

That was the end.

Amidst the oppressive silence, Iliya's veins bulged as he gripped the conference room desk.

Silvano stepped forward.

"Iliya! I will follow Ricardo!" Silvano said, grinning and pounding his chest with his fist.

"Don't worry. Whether it's Ricardo or Blancshe, I will persuade them all," he said.

Indeed, he exuded the confidence of a family elder.

Giermo nodded, knowing this fact. "Boss, let Silvano handle this. If it's inspiration, he can handle it well."

"Surprisingly, Giermo. I thought it would be Silvano who would step forward, but it seems it's you," Giermo chuckled.

"Who will do the work if everyone leaves the city?" | In the following voice of Giermo, there is a strong sense of regret.

Not only Iliya, but everyone remained silent.

"What can I do? Silvano will be better at persuading Blanche than me."

He nodded towards Silvano and Silvano hurriedly followed Ricardo, exhaling heavily.

However, it was already too late. How can I say, in this atmosphere, "Actually, it's just my wish that Blanche might leave the city!"

Even Ricardo and Silvano have already left! This makes me think of only one thing.

"Forget it. It was a rough thought that doesn't suit someone who came from a game for all ages."

Even though it was about to be evening in a couple of hours, the sun in the desert was scorching.

The scorching sun had already heated the hot sand, making it impossible to even breathe comfortably.

Like a frustrated person who couldn't kill the thirst by crossing the desert.

Two brothers, one 28 years old and the other 18 years old.

They were crossing the desert, covering their bodies with dirty cloth to avoid the cruel sunlight.

Eventually, a mishap occurred.

The younger brother's knee gave way.

Demir, who was a couple of inches taller than his younger brother, quickly supported him.

"Push, hold on! You can't collapse here!"

"Demir hyung. . ."

Nuru, with eyes of the same amber color as his older brother, looked up at Demir, who weakly held onto himself.

Thud. Nuru swallowed dry saliva. "Thirsty. . . dizzy, hyung. . ."


". . . Damn it!"


Demir muttered a short curse and straightened his posture. | The familiar empty water bottle mocked him. | Amidst the sand crunching in Demir's mouth, Nuru's eyes kept getting blurry.

"No, Nuru! Snap out of it! We're just one day away from reaching the oasis!"

"Hyung. . . sorry. . . I'm sorry. . ."

"If only you hadn't run away from the beginning, hyung. We could have reached the palace quickly. . ."

"Don't say that! What the hell did you do wrong?"

"Sorry. . ."

Nuru's apology was the last thing he mumbled before losing consciousness. And no matter how much Demir shook him, he wouldn't wake up.

In the end, he fainted from dehydration. No, it didn't end there. | If they didn't provide immediate treatment, Demir's younger brother might not make it.


Demir urgently looked around. They knew they were alone in the desert, but there was nothing else they could do.

"Is there anyone. . . anyone at all!"

But no matter where they looked, the only thing surrounding the brothers was the dry desert.

No one appeared like a miracle to save the brothers.

Demir silently sobbed with a burning sensation in his throat.

Demir witnessed the miracle at that moment.

"Could it be an oasis?"

According to the map, there was no oasis nearby.

Demir chuckled at the despairing reality.

Demir embraced his lost brother in his arms.

How much time had passed?

"Perhaps this is my fitting end."

"Don't worry. I won't send you to the underworld alone."

Demir, who had finished organizing his thoughts, walked towards the mysterious oasis with his burdened back.

In order to die on the way to the unreachable oasis.

Because he thought it was fitting for the successor who had lost her mind and destroyed her family.

Finally, Demir arrived at the palm trees, desert flowers, and the lake of immeasurable size.

"This can't be!"

Momentarily surprised, he immediately ran to the lake and poured water into Nuri's unconscious lips with his hands.

But Nuri still didn't regain consciousness.

Demir's heart sank as he looked at his sister.

That's when it happened.

The savior of Demir appeared from the oasis.

"Thank goodness. The guest arrived quite quickly. I was worried that if you didn't arrive at the capital of the Tanar Kingdom while wandering in the desert, what would happen."

It was Blancshe.

Wearing a white shirt and suit pants that didn't match the desert.

However, Demir's astonishment is just beginning now.

Because he thought that Sultana and Mariette appeared out of nowhere.

Yes, Demir knew Mariette.

No, it's not just knowing.

It was Mariette who seduced Demir and destroyed the brother's family. . . !

The villainess received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
