The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 189.

Episode 189

Blancshe switched seats with Ricardo.

After Blancshe took the steering wheel, Ricardo's fancy classic car started off messily.

Blancshe opened her mouth when she noticed Ricardo hesitating.

"Where should we go?"

"To Lemon Tree Street, District 12." "Where did you get the car?"

"I bought it. From a company that makes cars better than Giermo's car company." | "Why did you leave the carriage you used to ride and buy your own car?"

"City girls like men with cars, they say."


When Blancshe laughed shortly, Ricardo's already uncomfortable expression became even more gloomy. Because her dry laughter felt like mockery.

Until her voice continued.

"Should I teach you how to drive on the weekend?"

"You? Personally?"


Ricardo's face brightened as if it were a lie.

Well, it's because they haven't even finished their first date and already made plans for after.

Blancshe smirked at Ricardo's reaction.

"I might be a good driving instructor."

"It's okay. As long as I become a good student."

Ricardo's blue eyes sparkled as if he truly believed that.

Blancshe asked, "Are you okay now?"

"What?" Ricardo replied.

"I was upset about firing you from my escort," Blancshe said.

However, that was just a brief moment between them.

Eventually, he smiled softly.

"At that time, I didn't like not being by your side. But now, it's okay. As you said, if I become the Consigliere, not everyone will accept it. I haven't been properly recognized by the family yet."

"So, be satisfied now. Above all, your lover is me, not Giermo."

"I'm glad you feel relieved. Just wait and see. I will definitely push Giermo out and become the family's Consigliere with my own strength."

Blancshe didn't mind Ricardo's confidence.

By the way, didn't I do that when I went on a date with Giermo Blancshe?

However, no matter how much he blamed himself, it was already spilled water.

Ricardo promised himself that he would never make a mistake again, thinking about the numerous reports and books that Perucho had prepared for him.

"Over there." Ricardo pointed confidently at the most elegant five-story building on Lemon Tree Street.

"That's it." Ricardo had a satisfied smile on his face. He had carefully chosen this restaurant to treat Blancshe to brunch, as he believed that a satisfying meal was the most important thing on a date.

He had rented an entire upscale restaurant just for today, because he didn't want strangers to recognize Blancshe and whisper about them.

Ricardo was determined to completely possess Blancshe today. But in the next moment. . .

His simple wish was shattered. It happened when there were only about thirty people left in the restaurant.

Suddenly, a loud explosion came from the restaurant building.

The two of them were startled and looked up at the 3rd floor of the restaurant. Fortunately, the glass windows didn't shatter, but there were loud screams of "Ahh!" and "Kyah!" from the people. Blancshe's face twisted in horror.

"Is it terrorism? Or assassination?"

Ricardo was relieved that she wasn't hurt, but he felt extremely unjust.

Today was a momentous day for him and Blanche, their first date.

"This is why the date had to be canceled!"

He vowed not to investigate the background of today's incident.

However, Ricardo's anger couldn't help but subside.

After a while, the two of them were able to explain the situation to the sweating restaurant owner.

"It's not terrorism or assassination. I'm sorry, Your Highness. While moving the flour sack to the kitchen, an accident happened."

So, here's an overview of the incident. Due to a mistake by a restaurant staff, the flour sack tore and scattered, coming into contact with the stove and causing an explosion, leaving the kitchen in a mess.

It was a flour explosion. Ricardo had a headache. "I wish all of this was just a dream. But the tearful plea from the restaurant owner was not a dream, but reality.

"So, what about our meal?"

"I'm sorry. Due to the accident in the kitchen, all the prepared meals are ruined, so it seems difficult to fulfill your reservation."

Unlike Ricardo, whose face turned pale as if he would faint at any moment, Blanche nodded as if it didn't matter. "There's nothing we can do. What about taking care of the injured people?"

"Should we send them to the Giato Hospital right away?"

"Alright. Let's do that quickly." "Yes, Your Highness. Thank you for understanding our situation. After the incident is resolved, if you give us the opportunity to serve you, there will be no greater honor than this."

Blanche nodded, but Ricardo was not satisfied.

But he couldn't just let her go hungry like this.

Ricardo, who lost his mind, took her to a restaurant nearby that seemed quite decent.

Inside the restaurant, people naturally recognized Blancshe.

Ricardo was eager to eavesdrop on Blancshe's conversation.

When they left, the restaurant owner even asked Blancshe for an autograph.

The more serious thing was that the food in that restaurant was terribly tasteless.

If Blancshe hadn't been there, Ricardo might have cursed at the restaurant owner.

But there was still hope. Ricardo still believed in Perucho's words like steel.

Ricardo and Perucho had a heated argument in their memories.

"Going to see a play after the meal is nice, but since the team leader doesn't like the theater company managed by Guillaume, there's only one option left."

"What is it?"

"Shopping! It's an absolute must in a luxury date!"

In fact, the theme of the date planned by Ricardo today was a "luxury date."

He didn't just buy an expensive car or rent an expensive restaurant.

After reminiscing, Ricardo took Blancshe to the Giato Family main store.

As they entered the lobby, Blancshe was greeted by the executives of the department store standing parallel on both sides.

Nearly thirty executives shouted in unison, "Hello, Chairman."

It seemed like the lobby had been prepared in advance for her visit, as access was restricted and only the executives of the department store were visible.

He felt proud.

But it was not something to be happy about at all.

After greeting Blanche, the department store executives, who had thought they would naturally disperse, began to follow her closely as if they had made a promise.

Moreover, the executives kept reporting without haste, as if they were determined to ruin the dating atmosphere!

"As I mentioned before, the third-quarter sales were very successful. With this momentum, we are likely to achieve a growth rate of around 16% in the fourth quarter."

Was it because he saw Ricardo's dilated pupils?

Eventually, Blanche cut off the executives sharply, saying, "Stop, today is not the day for reports, so everyone can go back."

However, the executives, especially the department store manager, did not give up.

"Oh, it seems like Ricardo is here for shopping. If that's the case, please leave it to me, Chairman! I will personally guide you!"

Ricardo couldn't hold back anymore. He wrapped his arm around Blancshe's shoulder and pulled her towards him.

Finally, all the executives realized that Blancshe and Ricardo were dating.

And they realized that they were the ones interrupting the new couple's date! The executives stepped back, hoping that their actions didn't bother Blancshe.

Fortunately, Blancshe wasn't upset. She nodded her head and said, "Everyone is working hard. It looks good."

Suddenly, she felt a strong gaze. Ricardo was staring at her with a dissatisfied look, still holding onto her shoulder.

Blancshe tilted her head and asked, "Why?"

"Why do you care about those people right now? I'm right here."

"After regaining my memories, I've become more temperamental."

"Let's go. This way."

Ricardo took Blancshe to a store inside the department store.

The store was filled with many items.

At first glance, it seemed like there was no consistency with suits, shoes, accessories, and party dresses, but upon closer inspection, all of them were incredibly high-end products.

This place was a curated shop that only collected luxury items.

Ricardo proudly showcased all of these things.

"Do you want to choose? Well, everything is yours anyway."

"What does that mean?"

"Everything here. I bought all of them for you."


"Yes. It may seem like a lot, but I couldn't help it. They all seemed like they would suit you perfectly."

"So feel free to choose. I'll get rid of anything you don't like."

Blancshe stared at him in disbelief.

Thanks to that, Ricardo's heart started pounding like crazy. | 'Did I finally make Blancshe happy?'

Finally, Blancshe spoke up. "Ricardo, if that's the case, then I can't just stay like this."


"I'll buy all the products in Giatto Department Store right now and give them to you."

Instead of expressing happiness, Blancshe declared with determination on her face.

It was a moment when the date between the two turned into a battle of wealth.

Honestly, Ricardo felt like crying.

Although Blancshe returned the affection just as Ricardo did.

Anyway, he was gradually drifting away from the first date he had always dreamed of.

It was the same in the following tea time.

The villainess received the family's worship.

Note: Unrevised
