The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 146.

Episode 146:

Finally, Ricardo told Blancshee about everything that happened last night, and silence fell in the car.

He carefully observed her face.

Should I say it's fortunate? Or is it even more unfortunate?

Blancshee was cold, like a mask made of cold iron.

Amidst the tension, Ricardo's gaze towards her revealed a deep obsession.

Ricardo was clearly determined to never leave her side, even if Blancshee rejected him because of this incident.

So, even now, he must be focusing on Blancshee with all his nerves on edge.

Ricardo didn't miss even her slightest breath.

Finally, Blancshee broke the low silence between them.

"I see. So, Alphonse wasn't really dead."

". . . . . . ."

"Moreover, now even Pierre has come to meet me."

Blancshee recalled that she had ordered the assassination of the Marclit family to the head of the Company's assassination team, Ilda, not long ago.

"If the Viscount and Pierre are appearing in Digitallis, it means Ilda failed in the assassination."

She lowered her eyes quietly.

| Still unable to know what she's thinking.

With a calm expression,

But Ricardo could still understand this time. He couldn't not know. How complicated her heart must be right now.

Because family problems push people to the edge of a cliff.

However, Ricardo did not hastily console Blanche.

Because he didn't trust his own eloquence.

Instead, he tightly clenched his empty fist.

And felt self-loathing for his incompetence.


It was the first time this had happened. To blame oneself for lacking eloquence.

He thought that skill in speaking was only for the weak.


As the time spent with Blanche increased, Ricardo felt more and more aware of his own shortcomings.

[system/ Ricardo's affinity has increased by 1. (46/100)]

That's when Blanche, who had finished organizing her thoughts, spoke up.

"I heard you well, Ricardo, and I appreciate your honesty."

"Wait. There's one more piece of information you need to know, Blanche."

He prioritized Blanche over his own situation. So, once again, he opened his mouth to convey what she needed to know.

Blanche looked at him silently, as if telling him to speak.

And so, Ricardo confessed the decisive sin he committed last night.

"Actually, the viscount didn't escape the company's underground prison by his own power."

Blanche opened her eyes wide.

"Are you saying that you helped the viscount escape?"

"Yes. I didn't want to get your hands stained with the viscount's blood."

"Blanche, even if you're disappointed in me because of this incident, it doesn't matter. I will accept your resentment multiple times. You're still. . ."

Ricardo didn't show any sign of remorse, and his attitude seemed as if he had done nothing wrong.

However, Blanche didn't get angry at him for this. "I didn't ask because I didn't know about Ricardo's betrayal."

In fact, she had already noticed his betrayal long ago, since the time he confessed that he was chasing after the viscount who had escaped the company.

It was only natural. No matter how much Ricardo was the final boss of the original work, it meant that he had timed his visit to the company to coincide with the viscount's escape.

Blanche had a lot of worries. "Does Ricardo know that I noticed his betrayal? Or did he honestly confess?"

Line 9 (continued): But what's important now is not what the truth is. It's that he was prepared to be resented by her and still did something inappropriate.

The gaze of Blanche looking at him sank low.

Just then, there was a client who came to the company to find Blanche.

Blanche called Ilda to the CEO's office.

Despite being 19 years old, she was very subdued.

Just like all the other employees at the company, Ilda also knew Blanche's principles well.

In addition, any talented team leader who is expelled from the company will definitely die.

She was extremely thin and her skin had become darker due to the heat of the desert, and her tightly tied chocolate-colored hair looked messy.

"Whose doing is that eye? Pierre? Or Alphonse?"

"It's Marie." Blanche laughed unexpectedly at the answer.

Ilda's cheek trembled and cold sweat dripped down. "I'm sorry." "Get out of here. Why did you end up like this?"

If it's short, it's a short story. If it's long, it's a long story.

When I arrived at the desert kingdom of Lantana, it had been a long time since the viscount had already left with Alphonse to Digitallis.

"So, instead of the viscount and Alphonse, whose whereabouts are unknown, I should target Marie Et and Pierre first."

It was a rational judgment.

Unlike the present, when I returned to the lawless city,

At that time, I didn't know that the leader of the rebel army was the viscount.

As she became the leader of the assassination team at a young age, she easily infiltrated Pierre's mansion as a mercenary.

That's how she found out in detail.

After Blanche ran away, how the Marquis de Marcrit family survived.

The long story begins when Marie Et was sold to the harem of the Lantana Kingdom seven years ago.

Marie Et was a beauty of the century, but she couldn't capture the Sultan's heart as much as she thought.

In the king's harem, there were many beauties who were as good as Marie Et or even better at singing, writing poetry, or dancing.

They had many talents that could captivate the Sultan's eyes beyond their appearance.

Marie Et deteriorated day by day with her father, who was waiting for the day she would receive the king's favor.

As Marie Et married the Sultan, Alphonse, of course, and Pierre also immigrated to the Lantana Kingdom, so her burden was unparalleled.

There was no choice. The fame of the genius and sorcerer of the century in the desert kingdom was nothing more than a mere spectacle.

The fate of the whole family depended on Marie Et.

Moreover, Cyril's debt pressure did not end even after Marie Et entered the harem.

In fear of becoming a scapegoat, Cyril harassed the viscount's family with debt pressure even across the border. It was an unhappy time for the whole family.

3 years ago. Until the Imperial Allied Forces invaded the Digital Lease.

And until Blancshee in that war.

After the war, when Blancshee's reputation boiled on the continent, Sultan finally showed interest in Mariette, who looked just like Blancshee.

That's right. Sultan was no different from embracing Mariette instead of Blancshee.

Mariette had no choice but to be miserable, but she didn't miss the opportunity she had worked hard for.

So she made Marquis Marcrit and Pierre nobles of the Kingdom of Lantana.

No, that's not all. She became Sultan's favorite after all her efforts.

Now, except for Queen Sultana, there was no woman in the harem with a higher position than her.

But she was infertile. And this fact hindered Mariette.

She couldn't just sit still after getting rid of Cyril's debt thanks to Mariette.

The Marquis found a young and pretty slave girl and offered her to the Sultan himself.

As if telling him to choose this slave girl over Mariette.

It was a shocking blow to Mariette.

If she, who couldn't bear a child, lost Sultan's favor, the outcome was obvious.

But the Marquis was shameless as always.

He said he would kill the slave girl if she only gave birth to Sultan's child.

Should Mariette raise the child of the dead slave girl and surpass the throne?

It was an absurd statement. Mariette knew that women dying in the harem was not a big deal.

Except for the women who gave birth to the Sultan's child, of course.

If the child they gave birth to was a princess or a prince who was the Sultan's child, even a slave girl with no background would be sought after in many places.

So Mariette drove out the viscount from the Kingdom of Lantana.

Also, her father personally killed the slave girl he had given birth to.

Before she could give birth to the Sultan's child. However, Mariette's crisis was not resolved like this. The viscount took Alphonse, who was a spirit mage, with him as he left. But Mariette couldn't just sit still.

As a result, Mariette conspired with Pierre and became the Sultan.

But her glory didn't last long.

The reason Mariette's favor with the Sultan faded so quickly was because she scared him by putting her in the position of the Sultan.

Even though she held the position of the Sultan, she lived a life far from happiness. Unlike Blanche.

Moreover, in the Kingdom of Lantana, Blanche was more famous than Mariette, the Sultan.

This was because Blanche was the king of Digitallis, also known as Utopia, the Kingdom of God.

In Lantana, Blanche was already an object of admiration.

Even though she didn't care about the existence of the desert kingdom.

The villainess received worship from the family.

Note: Unrevised
