The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 72.

Episode 72

Giyermo let out a cold laugh.

Meanwhile, Rodolfo began to feel a sense of resentment and injustice, not tears of regret.

Giyermo could understand that.

Giyermo did not stop his sneering laughter.

"Oh, by the way. It's better not to hold false hope. Allan and Franco have been mine for a long time."

Giyermo revealed the truth.

"In a place where there are [Health Recovery Potions], we only need one human target, right? Because our family motto is 'We tear apart anyone who shows their teeth to our lord. '"

Rodolfo sighed heavily, feeling tired.

He was breathing so heavily that it wouldn't be strange even if he had asthma.

Giyermo looked down at him with a meaningful gaze.

"Have hope. In just a week, women with grudges against you will come forward, holding the same guns."

"W-What. . . ?" "Blanche ordered it as the Consigliere. Starting tomorrow, she will recruit all the women in the northern territory."

"Oh, don't misunderstand. Blanche is different from you."

Giyermo chuckled, thinking back to when she gave orders at the inauguration ceremony.

"For the time being, the Giato Family is facing a serious shortage of manpower. They need a large-scale employment. And I decided to help with that. Not Ricardo, but I was the one chosen by her."

Rodolfo's gaze became clouded with shock, and Giyermo's composed expression continued.

"Some of the women may want to return to their hometowns, so it's a good thing."

"So, is it because an information source planted by the Giahto family is emerging on the continent?"

"Finally, Rodolfo regained consciousness." | "He barked fiercely like a defeated dog."

"He smiled happily without saying anything."

"Anyway, Blancshe's activities vary in scale, right? I'm annoyed that people like you keep complaining about prostitutes, so I'm going to eliminate that profession from this world."

Without warning, a spit mixed with blood landed on his cheek.

It was Rodolfo who spat it out. He shouted while looking at Guillermo, who wiped his dirty face with his sleeve.

"You son of a prostitute! Unless your mother is a prostitute, you won't be able to do anything good for those dirty women!"

Surprisingly, Guillermo didn't get angry. It was a completely different reaction from when he heard insults about Blancshe.

Guillermo chuckled. "What should I do? I'm not particularly moved by being insulted like that."

His refreshing laughter followed. "I am indeed the son of a prostitute from the northern part of the city."

Finally realizing his slip of the tongue, Rodolfo panicked, but what could he do? Now he only had one ending left.

And Gye Yermo knew it, not only Rodolfo.

Slowly, Gye Yermo took a step back, with his gaze fixed on him.

Even aiming the rifle barrel between his legs.

"So let's do well for the remaining time, Rodolfo."

After a while, consecutive gunshots echoed in the wine cellar.

Thus, a little over six years had passed.

5 years and 10 months.

It was enough time for a 19-year-old young man to grow into a mature man, and for the fluttering first love of a 16-year-old boy to turn into overflowing affection and obsession.

The factory chimney touching the cloudy sky emitted gray smoke.

In the distance, chimneys touching the sky, one, two, three. . .

The seven-year-old girl with black dirt under her fingernails counted all ten fingers but failed to count the factory chimneys.

It was because there were too many factories for a child to count.

The child blew a breath into the winter sky covered with dark clouds.

The child also wanted to create clouds as convincing as the factory chimneys.

Being born and raised outside of Digitalis, the child didn't know what a conveyor belt was, like children on other continents.

They just followed along, thinking that if their parents moved to the city, they could succeed regardless of gender or class.

However, reality was different. Because of the delayed occupancy permit, the child's family had already settled in the refugee village for six months.

The refugee girl, dressed in shabby clothes, was playing alone, looking up at the sky, as the adults talked.

Until the unfamiliar woman in a black suit appeared.

The atmosphere was noticeably different from the people in the refugee village, with the brown-haired woman.

The refugee girl's eyes lit up at the neat appearance of the woman, different from the people in the refugee village.

"Wow, are you also from the city, unnie?"

The woman chuckled and kneeled down to the eye level of the seven-year-old.

"That's right. Where did this little girl come from?"

"I came from the Lupinus Kingdom! It took us five months!"

The woman sighed deeply. "You walked all the way here?" "Yes! I walked with my mom and dad! But we couldn't enter the city!"

"There's nothing we can do. The city is already overcrowded. The population has been rapidly increasing for the past two years. There are more people who immigrated before you."

Why is that?

Suddenly, the refugee girl burst into laughter.

"Well, it's not like living in the refugee village is satisfying either."

Surprisingly, the brown-haired woman tilted her head.

"Hmm? Are you okay with not being able to enter the city?"

"This is a secret. Our family will always enter the city as insiders. Our father met Blancshe."

Suddenly, the woman's gaze changed. "You met His Majesty?"

"Yes. In Digitaalis, there is only one person who can be called 'His Majesty'."

The woman asked, "Little girl, where are your parents right now?"

The child pointed to a corner of the tent village.

Then, "Ahh!"

Unexpectedly, a scream erupted from where the child's small hand pointed.

The woman quickly stood up and noticed people running out of the alley in the refugee camp.

"Oh no! Mom, Dad!"

The woman swiftly picked up the child, showing strength despite her petite figure.

Moreover, the woman did not show any signs of struggling while carrying a child and running.

It was only natural.

The woman was a member of the Giato Family, a hunter.

Five years and ten months ago.

After Blancshee cleared the north, many women gained their freedom.

Furthermore, with the conquest of dungeons, women could become physically strong like men, so there was no reason for a woman not to become a member of the organization, a hunter.

Finally, the woman holding the refugee girl turned around the alley of the problem.

Dozens of refugees rushed past the woman through the narrow alley.

Even in this chaotic situation, the woman sensed the scent of blood with her sensitive hunter's instinct.

She thought, "Again?" and realized.

The woman stomped her foot. She had to immediately rush into the place of the problem and confirm the cause of the blood smell with her own eyes. She couldn't let her achievements be taken away like this.

If it weren't for the child she was protecting.

Fortunately, her situation was resolved not long after.

Because among the refugees fleeing and screaming, there were also the parents of the child.

A young couple ran towards the woman.


"Mom, Dad!"

The woman handed the child in her arms to the pleading couple who were clearly the parents.

After exchanging a glance with the couple, the woman and the child ran away.

Like everyone else, they were in a hurry.

The woman carefully approached the space between the tents where no one would escape anymore.

When she took out an automatic rifle from her inventory,

the woman could discern from afar what had happened, as if she couldn't even take ten steps.

It was a tent village made of ant-made leaves, frozen and cold. In the center, there was a man with red hair rolling on the ground, his left leg severed.

The woman narrowed her eyes.

The man with red hair, like the woman, was also wearing a suit.

Suits, including tuxedos, were symbols of lawless city, Digitalis citizens. Outside the city, in the kingdoms and empires, they still wore corsets and cloaks.

Although the injured man's suit was rough and faded, unlike the ones given to the members of the Giato family organization.

Moreover, she knew the young man standing in front of the fallen man with red hair. Even though he didn't wear a suit like the Digitalis citizens.

The cold wind tousled the man's short black hair. But despite being 192 centimeters tall, he acted as if he didn't feel the cold. He was wearing only a shirt and thin pants in this winter. His collarbone was exposed without a cravat.

His shirt, which peeked out, revealed perfect muscles like a sculpture when it fluttered in the winter wind.

A twenty-year-old young man with a distinct male face.

The man, with calm blue eyes and a golden greedy expression, held a sword in an era where guns could easily be found even in refugee camps.

His voice, surprisingly calm and composed for someone who had made a man into a corpse, said, "Strange. That famous Blancshe couldn't even block a single attack of mine."

A man with red hair, looking like a rooster, begged desperately, wishing his hands could become feet.

"P-please spare me. . . H-hic!" The red-haired man, with the sword blade approaching his neck, remained silent.

The young man licked his lips from above his head.

He asked the woman, who was not the dying red-haired man but a member of the Giato family, internally cursing.

She forced a smile to the young man she knew well. "Nice to see you again. It's difficult to meet so frequently when we're in different departments, Ricardo-nim." | Ricardo Giato, son of the boss of the Giato family.

| If you don't know him within the organization, you're a spy.

He was a man famous for receiving the hatred of Blancshe.

Note: Unrevised
