The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 14.

Episode 14

He must be in his late twenties or early thirties. Illya was a handsome man with ice blue eyes and a cool and attractive appearance, with his milky hair covering half of his neck.

The atmosphere surrounding him was gentle and virtuous, like a spring breeze, and it felt even more ascetic due to the cravat tightly wrapped around his neck and the pure white shirt.

Judging by his face alone, it was hard to imagine anyone thinking of this man as a criminal boss.

He looked like a well-raised young man from a good family.

Blanche checked his status window.

[Illia Giato LV 30

Age 35/Male

Health 170/170

Mana 100 Reputation 356

Morality 7

Stress 487]

Surprisingly, Illia was a talented prodigy like Alphonse.

Although his level was slightly lower than Alphonse, who was an elemental mage.

"Oh, his reputation is 356. Does reputation increase when leveling up?"

But the numbers were mediocre.

Moreover, Mariette, who had a low level, had a considerable reputation. If you think about it, reputation may be a relatively easy stat to increase as long as you have fame.

After the dungeon appeared, it became easier to level up and become stronger in this world.

In such a world, this man will be killed by his own son.

In other words, Blanche mistakenly thought that Ilyah was not an important person.

Ilyah took an unlabeled bottle of alcohol from one of the wooden boxes in the room.

"Beauties are always welcome, but since when did we start accepting women as comrades, Silvano?"

"I don't like it."

Unable to do anything, Blanche opened her mouth again, trying to show some kindness.

"I don't like it. . . sir." Silvano blinked and waved his hands in the air.

Ilyah, who had been watching her from behind, suddenly laughed and headed towards the stone slab covered with bear fur.

He comfortably sat in the chair and tilted the bottle of alcohol.

"Hey, miss. Since you were born so pretty, don't ruin your life here. Just leave this digitalis behind. This much sightseeing should be enough. If you want, I can even provide an escort. But, of course, you'll have to pay for the expenses. We're not philanthropists, you know."

Huh, Blanche retorted lazily in response to his words.

"It seems like I'm not the only one who was born pretty, right?"

A brief surprise flickered across Illya's face, as she didn't expect to hear such words from her.

However, Blanche didn't like this side of him, especially the way he looked at her as if she were a mischievous child! Blanche's lips settled calmly.

"If you don't want to involve me in your business, that's fine. You can do as you please. But let me meet Ricardo."

"Ricardo, who is that?"

Blanche confronted him, making her beautiful face feel repulsive.

"Your eldest son," she said. "Do I know him?"

"I know him, but does he know me?"

Illya stared at her, tilting his chin slightly.

After a while, he got up from his seat and approached Blanche without warning.

Abruptly, Illya grabbed Blanche's hand.

Fortunately, the hand he held was not wearing the bracelet of the White Snake, so she decided to exercise patience for a while.

That way, Illya observed Blanche's hand.

"You have pretty hands. They are very delicate, without any calluses or scars. Like a noble lady. It's strange. A noble lady like you wouldn't live around here."

Illya, who finished observing, released Blancshe without any hostility.

But he couldn't retrieve his hand as Blancshe quickly grabbed his wrist.

As time passed, the smile on Illya's face disappeared. Blancshe had been gradually exerting force on his hand.

"I told you to call Ricardo for me."

Illya's eyes flickered at her threatening words. "I'm not the kind of parent who introduces their son to an unknown woman so easily."

Blancshe, unable to break Illya's wrist, withdrew her tongue and let go of his wrist into the air. Despite the faint marks on his wrist, Illya chuckled.

"Alright. Miss. I will include you in the family."

Silvano, surprised, objected. "Illya!"

Illya extended his hand as if to refute. "However, if the lady passes the entrance exam."

Blancshe raised one corner of her mouth with a confident expression.

"That's a good posture, miss. What's your name?"


After nodding her head once, Iriya commanded Silvano.

"Consilieri, send Blancshe to Mario. Considering the hardships we've endured for the past two years, we should at least send her, shouldn't we?"

Silvano reluctantly nodded his head.


Eventually, Silvano beckoned Blancshe.

"Follow me. There are things you need to prepare before we leave."


"There's something I want to confirm before that."

She stared at Iliya intently.

Iliya asked, "What are you so curious about?" "If I pass the entrance exam, will I be able to meet Ricardo?"

"Of course."

Finally, Blancshe nodded as if satisfied.

Although her expression was mostly expressionless, Iliya raised her glass towards Blancshe's back and shouted a toast.

[system/ Iliya does not trust you. ]

Silvano, who left the conference room, gave Blancshe an old corset and a bright red dress.

Reluctantly, Blancshe accepted them and unknowingly tilted her head.

"Do I have to fight in this?"

Silvano replied with an indifferent face.

"Yes. That's the rule for women. If you don't like it, leave the city right now."

"Where can I change my clothes?" Silvano gave Blancshe a guest room filled with an old bed.

Since she couldn't put on the corset by herself, she changed into the dress, leaving the corset hidden in her inventory. Blancshe, wearing a shabby red dress like a reversed sack, came out of the room and stood in front of Silvano.

"I'm done changing."

He guided Blancshe with a stern face.

"This way."

The two of them left the mansion. Blancshe only briefly answered Silvano's questions and never initiated a conversation.

Until they arrived in front of the three-story mansion made of milky white marble, suitable for carrying corpses or riding a fancy carriage. The mansion they arrived at was the Skuja Family's family house in the east.

The carriage stopped in front of the entrance of the mansion, surrounded by the sunset.

Silvano spoke to the stunned footman, patting his shoulder.

Blancshe could read the situation as Silvano and him were led to the reception room.

She raised an eyebrow, feeling their gaze on her.

"It's too late for regrets, young lady. I can't undo what I've done."

"No regrets. I didn't back down, because I'm a fighter. A true fighter, right?"

Silvano sent a suspicious glance at her unexpected reaction.

However, he nodded indifferently soon after.

"It's good that you know. Remember, Blancshe. What matters to the family is what you can do for them."

"Alright. I'll sacrifice myself to serve you properly."

Silvano swallowed hard, feeling the confidence in her words.

He pitied Blancshe. "Becoming a family like this will only lead to being used in the same way next time. Tsk, tsk."

A stunning beauty appeared, and it seems that Mario, with his high nose, appeared faster than usual.

Mario Scooza LV 17

Age 49/Male

Health 170/170

Magic 20

Reputation 521

Morality 16

Stress 0

"Who is this? Isn't it Silvano?" "Long time no see. Mario, sir." Silvano adorned herself with a cheerful smile and bowed her head lightly.

Mario received Silvano's greeting and glanced up and down at Blancshe with a sticky gaze.

"Who is this young lady?" "It's a gift from the boss. It's a celebration of our war finally ending."

"It's been a while since we prepared something proper for that foreigner. How old are you, miss?" "I'm seventeen, Mario, sir."

"You're young. Very good."

Mario firmly grasped Blancshe's hand and kissed her fingertips like a squid.

Blancshe watched him without even batting an eyelash.

Mario stood next to her. He boldly wrapped his arms around Blancshe's waist and pulled her towards him. Mario chuckled.

"Silvano, tell Iliya this. If things continue like this, our peace will last for ten years, a hundred years. Hahaha!" With that, Silvano left Blancshe behind and returned to the family house.

Blancshe returned after a good eight hours had passed.

When she returned to the family house, Silvano was already asleep.

Blancshe and Silvano. On the sofa table in the reception room, there was a dead body lying askew.

It was the body of Mario, the boss of the Scuza Family.

Mario's neck was brutally snapped in the shape of a 'ㄱ'.

Watching the lifeless Silvano, Blancshe, dressed in a neat black dress, fluttered like a butterfly. "The pillar was very weak, this man. Ah, I only meant the neck as the pillar."

The war that lasted for two years ended with the Giato Family surrendering to the Scuza Family.

It was the moment when the hard-fought peace was shattered.

The villainess received the family's worship and. . .

Note: Unrevised
