The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 182.

Episode 182

However, there was no reason for Blancshe to participate in the war like this.

Blancshe had no loyalty to Lantana or any concern for Alphonse.

"Alphonse joined the empire's side and went to war? So what?"

Above all, Blancshe did not forget about the department store that almost collapsed and killed her because of Alphonse.

Also, the incident of unexpectedly falling into the desert.

However, Jea-sang and Mu-ha-ram, who were unaware of this fact even in their dreams, only smiled with a sense of relief.

They planned to use Blancshe in the war between Lantana and the empire just like this.

That's it.

Jea-sang and Mu-ha-ram pretended to be worried about Blancshe.

"Blancshe, please don't worry. Ah, Alphonse must have been deceived by that wicked Kirillos."

"Your Highness! This Mu-ha-ram will immediately send soldiers to safely rescue Alphonse!"


[System/GM intervenes in Jea-sang and Mu-ha-ram's cunning thoughts. ]

This time, Blancshe had the same opinion as the GM.

She also knew that Jea-sang and Mu-ha-ram were trying to shift all the responsibility for the war onto her.

Moreover, wasn't Marie, the cause of this war, Blancshe's sister?

There was no doubt that the followers of Lantana, including Jea-sang and Mu-ha-ram, believed that Blancshe had to pay for the sins of her blood.


Blancshe nodded slightly, raising her eyebrows as if a drop of water had fallen.

Muharram approached Blancshe with excitement and a cheerful face, catching her attention.

"Of course, rescuing Alphonse is a difficult task for me as well. But what can't I do for the future of Muharram and Lantana?"

"There's no need for that."

Blancshe turned away from Muharram, who desperately wanted to impress her.

Her footsteps headed towards the entrance of the tournament hall.

It was to leave while Lantana and the Empire were at war.

Startled, Jaesang and Muharram followed closely behind her.

"Blancshe! Are you planning to infiltrate the Imperial Army alone?"

"Your Majesty! It's dangerous to go alone. Please take Muharram's soldiers with you!"

Blancshe answered without even looking at the two people who clung to her persistently.

"Don't worry about unnecessary things. I'm leaving Lantana like this."

[system/GM_The World Tree likes your firm attitude. ]

Jaesang and Muharram were engulfed in astonishment.

They grabbed Blancshe.

"Blancshe! If you go like this, Lantana may become a colony of the Empire!"

"Your Majesty! You can't abandon us like this!"

Pfft, Blancshe laughed. "Why shouldn't I abandon Lantana?"

Jaesang and Muhararam, who faced a chilling gaze, made my spine shiver without me knowing. No, it wasn't just that.

Blancshe declared without hesitation, like driving a nail. "Don't involve me in Lantana's fight. I'm not a philanthropist."

Unable to cling on any longer, Jaesang and Muhararam closed their mouths like young children, forgetting their age.

And at that moment, Silvano and Ricardo came to find Blancshe.

However, Ricardo's gloomy expression changed as soon as he spotted Blancshe, as if washed away by water.

They were quite far apart, Blancshe and Ricardo, but Blancshe could immediately tell that Ricardo was muttering my name.

In an instant, a small smile appeared on Blancshe's lips. Ricardo smiled even more warmly at that sight, leaving Silvano behind and standing in front of Blancshe with quick steps.

"Blancshe. Is everything resolved now?" "Yes. Let's go back to Digitallis."

Blancshe treated Jaesang and Muhararam, who were lost in thought behind him, as if they were invisible.

Muhararam clutched his head in pain. "No, if it continues like this, my territory!! The Kamari land that has been passed down for generations. . ."


It seems that there is a territory of Muhalam in the invaded territory by the empire.

Blancshe pretended not to hear.

However, it was not only Muhalam who was in trouble when Kamari was invaded.

Silvano, who followed Ricardo, stood in front of Blancshe and asked in surprise. | "What's going on, Blancshe? Kamari is being invaded?"


"It seems that the imperial army has invaded Lantana."

"Could it be that the imperial army has arrived in Kamari? This is a big problem!"

"Why? Did you buy land there or something? Ah."

Blancshe frowned at the belated realization.

That's because there was a branch of the Giato family in Kamari.

Moreover, seeing Silvano's troubled expression, it was clear that Silvano had sent Mariette and Demir to Kamari.

In a situation where there was no choice but to intervene, Blancshe's forehead wrinkled.

Two days ahead.

If they march for just two more days, the imperial army commanded by Kirilos will arrive in Kamari, a land flowing with milk and honey. And this fact lightly awakened the sleeping Kirilos.

Early morning.

Kirilos got up from his makeshift bed, licking his lips in the dry desert air.

He stood by the bed, drinking clean water prepared on the bedside table, and faced the table where he had stayed for a long time last night.

On the table, there was a map of Lantana.

Kick kick. Kirillos laughed.

"Kamari is a rare area to see in Lantana. Thanks to that, it is a central area responsible for Lantana's food."

His mind was filled with desire for the throne rather than sadness due to Mariette's death news.

Moreover, what is there to fear when he has 500,000 troops with him?

However, that was only the story when Kirillos did not know the situation outside his tent.

After a while, Kirillos' face turned pale and his messenger rushed into his tent. How impatient he was, the messenger came into his tent as if he were rolling.

"Your Highness! Something big has happened. There was moisture overnight!"

Tsk. Kirillos, who didn't even dream of the situation outside the tent, clicked his tongue.

He scolded the messenger sternly. "You. Are you making a fuss over a few soldiers who died?"

"That's not it, Your Highness! Last night. All the knights, commanders, grand magicians, and lords except Your Highness were assassinated!"


Kirillos was shocked and shouted.

"That can't be true. I didn't hear any sound last night!"

The messenger had a look of wanting to cry.

"Yes. Not only Your Highness, but also others. Someone infiltrated the heavily guarded imperial army and assassinated all the upper-level officials, totaling over a hundred, without anyone noticing!" Kirillos shook his head as if it were impossible.

However, he soon thought of a group that could do such a thing in this world. The assassination stock company under the Giatto Family. Mizu Snow White. And Blancshe, the CEO of this terrifying assassination stock company.

Without further contemplation, Kirillos calmly began to deal with the situation. "Summon the higher-ranking individuals after those who died last night to the conference tent, immediately!"

That day, Kirillos sent the bodies of the deceased back to their hometowns and filled the vacancies of over a hundred people in just one day. To fill the gaps in the command structure that appeared overnight, the march was postponed.

However, Kirillos' hardships were just beginning. The next day, all the commanders, once again, were assassinated, making the efforts to fill the positions in vain.

And such incidents continued for two days. "These damn bastards!" Kirillos roared like thunder, slamming his fist on the rectangular table in the conference tent.

But the situation was already beyond control. No matter how angry Kirillos got, everyone gathered here still aspired to become commanders, and that did not change.

However, no one except for Kirillos would dare to point fingers at them.

Moreover, those who were assassinated before becoming commanders were far superior to those gathered here now!

Furthermore, even the great sorcerer who could move mountains and dry up rivers was assassinated without even a scream, so how could they survive?

Therefore, there was no one who claimed that Kirillos would sit on the death sentence.

Kirillos sharpened his beautiful face until it turned pale.

"Do you expect to become my close aides and serve in the military after saying such things? You cowards! A peasant sitting on the throne would be braver than you lot!"

Kirillos unabashedly criticized the emperor and looked down on everyone gathered in the meeting tent.

At that moment, an old wizard couldn't bear it any longer and stood up.

"Your Majesty, please refrain from that and focus on dealing with the rebels first."

The wizard's words were correct. If commanders were assassinated one by one, it meant that the enemy could grasp the changed command structure within a day.

No matter how great the enemy was, assassination would be impossible without spies.


In his anger, Kirillos slammed the table once again.

"Do you think I would be defeated like this?"

The wizard who provoked Kirillos trembled and pointed to Alphonse, who stood still as if frozen, on one side of the tent.

"But isn't the author still alive?"

In an instant, the inside of the tent was in turmoil. It was the magician who had extracted the suspicion without any evidence from a family that only had symptoms.

In fact, who in this place would not know that someone other than Blanche would commit such an act?

And Alphonse, was none other than Blanche's family.

There is no more suitable existence than Ganja to be suspected. Eventually, even Kilros threw a gaze at Alphonse, who had deceived everyone.

"Speak. Alphonse, how dare you try to deceive me?"

"I, I. . ."

The villainess received the worship of the family and

Note: Unrevised
