The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 66

Episode 66


In despair, Silvano's knees gave way.

Unbelievable. Even Blancche had become like that, raising Ricardo like her own son.

To think it would end like this. . .

But it's too early to despair. Suddenly, there was a fleeting memory in his mind.

Come to think of it, he had heard about a huge and strange bug before.

That day, while Blancche was in a meeting room having a conversation with Silvano until the Pochiornay Family's protest visit.

The conversation mainly revolved around Blancche conveying the strategy for conquering the [Fiesta Dungeon] to Silvano.

Because of this, the [Fiesta Caterpillar] naturally became a topic of discussion.

In his memory, Blancche said, "When you actually meet the [Fiesta Caterpillar], it might be scary, but don't be too surprised. You won't die."

Silvano confidently puffed out his chest and said, "If bugs are scary, how scary must they be? Don't worry, Blancche! Even if I don't know how to handle a sword, I'm not someone who's afraid of bug-like things! Haha!"

"Can you get eaten by the [Fiesta Caterpillar]?"

Just now, he had confidently assured her, but his face stiffened.

"What are you talking about? Get eaten?"

Blancche smirked.

"I told you not to be scared. Besides, even if you get eaten by the [Fiesta Caterpillar], you'll just move to the bonus stage."

"What's a bonus stage?" "It's a place where you can play mini-games without any danger. If you succeed in solving the mini-games there, you'll be rewarded. There's no penalty for failure either."

'Doesn't that sound pretty good?'

Blancshe nodded with her characteristic expressionless face.

So, even if we end up moving to Bonus Stay, don't be surprised. Whether you solve the mini-game or not, we'll return to the previous place."

'Got it. However, her caution didn't end here.

And remember, the place we return to after Bonus Stay is where everyone is gathered. '

Silvano quickly tapped his forehead calculator after finishing his recollection.

'I have to endure. I must survive until I reunite with the kids!'

Terrifyingly, Silvano fell over.

Someone kicked him from behind.

Lodolfo wickedly laughed above Silvano's fallen head.

"Hey, the great Giato Family Consigliere. Want to blabber again? What? It's war now? Hahaha!"

Ignorant of the misfortune that awaited him, Lodolfo was delighted.

When Blancshe hugged Riccardo in front of [Fiesta Caterpillar], she thought.

Alright. It seems like Lodolfo overheard the conversation between Giermo and me in the early morning, so he'll probably spare Silvano until we conquer the boss room.

But no matter how much I think about it, it didn't seem like the Porcione Family would treat Silvano kindly.

Let's go back as soon as possible.

But. . .

Ricardo, with his eyes tightly closed, is embracing her as if it were his last moment, trembling all over.

Blancshe hesitated for a moment, then wrapped her hands around his back.

She awkwardly comforted him.

"Ricardo, are you okay?" "Ah, I'm not okay!"

His trembling voice was mixed with tears.

Blancshe had been in the dungeon all day, and now she let out a shallow sigh in his arms, which smelled faintly of soap.

She wondered how she should handle this.

"If you were so scared, why did you come running to me? You could have just run away and avoided this situation."

Was that statement so hurtful? Ricardo's voice in her ear sounded hoarse.

"How could I leave you and run away alone?"

Blancshe looked at him quietly, with a small smile that seemed to express her grievances.

"By the way, you returned to the Marquis Juan's mansion again."

Ricardo flinched at the mention of the past.

"Blancshe, are you angry again this time?"

"Not really."

"That's a relief. . ."

Ricardo laughed sarcastically. Blancshe thought to herself, looking at his clear smile.


A little bit, just a little bit - oneself

It seems like he's okay with it.

"I didn't plan for this." That's why.

She deliberately told him in a cold manner to hide her emotions.

Blancshe hopes that he dislikes her even a little bit.

"Ricardo, did you forget that I told you about the [Fiesta Caterpillar]?"

"[Fiesta Caterpillar]. . . . . . ? Ah!"

With a belated exclamation, his head turned quickly.

Finally, Ricardo was able to recognize the stylish interior decorated with dark chocolate and white chocolate.

In the room with a grid-patterned floor and nut-patterned walls, there was a strong smell of chocolate.

He blinked his eyes in confusion. "Uh, that. . . I mean. . ."

Ricardo looked embarrassed, but at the same time, he seemed relieved.

Blancshe wondered what to do with that foolish face.

Also, her chest felt tight.

She took advantage of the moment when he loosened his grip on her arms and slipped out of Ricardo's embrace.

Ricardo, don't do this again."


"I told you not to risk yourself to save me. I can handle my own affairs."

"But. . . ."

Ricardo hesitated for a moment in the face of her fierce determination, then gathered his courage.

"I know you're stronger than me. But what can I do when my body moves on its own before I can even think?"

On the other hand, Ricardo was not without grievances.

"Blanche, you're smaller than me, with smaller hands. How can I ignore the danger you're in? Besides, even if I understand it in my head, instincts are unavoidable."

"Come to think of it, Ricardo, you seem to have grown taller again."

Blanche stared at him with an uneasy expression, finally realizing that their height difference had increased by more than an inch.

"You're becoming more like the villain in a novel by Victor Hugo."

Not knowing what she was thinking, Ricardo chuckled and closed his eyes.

"I'll be an adult in just two more years." Blanche shyly pulled her chin and smiled, as if peering into a clear lake, she guessed his inner thoughts.

It was clear that Ricardo was considering marrying Blanche.

Without realizing that she had a plan to betray herself even a bit.

Suddenly, I felt bad.

But Ricardo's expression, looking up close, was strange.

Should I say he looked like someone who just woke up from a nap?

"Ricardo, why are you acting like this all of a sudden?"

"What? You see that in this situation?"

In response to her incredulous voice, Ricardo could barely regain his composure. "I-I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize so pitifully, Ricardo. It makes you look pathetic."

"Why are you smiling?" "Well, because you worried about me."

"Thank you, Blanche. For thinking of me. I'm not just an ordinary person to you."

If you were aware of your past life, you would feel guilty in this situation.

Blancshe casually spoke and turned his back to him.

"Oh, right! What about Silvano, sir?"

Blancshe flicked his finger to reassure him as he rolled his foot.

As Blancshe pointed, there was an NPC who had played the [Decision Dice Yutnori] in the indicated place.

"Blancshe, come to the bonus stage!"

"Alright, hurry up and play a mini game with me. I'm busy."

Suddenly, a sparkling effect appeared in the center of the empty room.

The object that appeared after the effect disappeared was about the same size as 11-year-old Giulio.

"Ta-da! It's a 3x3 cube!"

Blancshe's ears stood up straight.

"No, it's not just okay."

Meanwhile, the 3x3 cube started moving on its own.

However, despite the short time of 5 minutes, Blancshe slowly approached the cube.

"I don't know what that is, but if it's Blancshe, she can definitely solve it."

But in the next moment, Ricardo couldn't help but rush towards her in astonishment.

He desperately tried to stop her. "Ah! Blancshe, what are you doing right now?"

"Can't you see? I'm tearing off the cube's stickers to match the colors. Do you expect me to turn each one individually to solve it? I don't do that kind of thing."

Their gazes simultaneously fell on the game master Jelly, as if it had been planned in advance.

Finally, the light sparkled in Blancshe's eyes. "Looks like it's a bug. Perfect." She didn't miss this opportunity.


| As expected, Silvano's condition

was not good.

His glasses were already broken and lost somewhere, and his face had red and blue bruises, and his mouth was all torn up and bleeding.

Moreover, his limbs were not in good shape either.

| Anyway, he couldn't even straighten his back properly and was walking.

If Franco hadn't supported him and dragged him all the way to the boss room according to Rodolfo's orders, he would have rolled on the floor ten more times.


Finally, when the door of the boss room closed, Franco dropped Silvano, who was nothing more than a burden, on the floor.

The villainess received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
