The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 77.

Episode 77

A bullet pierced Wigo's forehead. Finally, Wigo's breath was cut off.

Blanche smiled satisfactorily. | Before she knew it, Blanche's secretary, Phoebe, was in her line of sight.

Blanche confirmed what she needed to confirm.

"Phoebe, what happened over there?" "It's perfect. The assault team should have started their operation by now."


After a while, she fired a bullet into the air.

The sound of gunfire served as a signal, and the assassination team and the weapons development team surrounded Blanche.

There were exactly thirty-five people surrounding her.

Blanche shouted, "Respected employees, it's finally time for your reward!"

In an instant, the eyes of everyone around her were filled with madness and excitement.

Blanche proudly looked at these employees and continued, "We are now joining the team that attacked the Gaspare Family House! Steal to your heart's content! Kill! Burn!! The company will protect whatever evil deeds you commit today!"

A murder stock company under the Giato Family.

"Mizu Snow White," her third identity.

The president of the company that carries out various assassinations is none other than Blanche.

The employees cheered and rushed towards the exit like a flock of sheep.

Blanche waited for all the employees except Phoebe to disappear.

She had something she had to check for sure.

Eventually, Blancshe asked Phoebe.

"Phoebe. The person who heard the secret code 'What time is it now?' and stopped Vigo from shooting and hitting my cheek. Is he our temple member?"

Phoebe's expression darkened. "I'm sorry, boss. I couldn't stop him this time either."

Upon hearing that, Blancshe flicked her eyes and shouted to someone who still hadn't revealed themselves.

"Ricardo, when are you going to stop playing with your life recklessly?"

Finally, Ricardo revealed his massive figure from the darkness.

Standing in front of Blancshe, he wore a black suit without a tie.

Surprisingly, he seemed angry.

Rarely, he narrowed his eyes in front of Blancshe.

"If I'm worried about you, you should have volunteered to be the bait."

"Don't be ridiculous. Who said I'm worried about you?"

It's been about five years, so it should have become familiar.

Ricardo's eye corner twitched at her words.

However, unlike five years ago, he didn't cry anymore.

He just clenched his teeth and swallowed the boiling anger.

Blanche immediately felt suffocated near her neck.

When Vigo raised his hand to her a while ago, Blanche also thought of Ricardo first.

She asked Bee.

"Phoebe, why is Ricardo participating in this operation? When did our company lack manpower?"

Blanche thought, "Why is this guy suddenly not doing what he used to do?"

And not only did she fail to protect Ricardo, but she also got angry at Ilya for pushing him into danger.

Ricardo intervened with an angry voice.

Blanche was at a loss for words due to this unfounded misunderstanding.

She couldn't respond because Ricardo took away the opportunity to answer.

"Don't misunderstand, Blanche. My father doesn't care about you even if you're in danger."

"It's not because my father ordered me, but because I decided to protect you."

His eyes will be filled with jealousy.

Seriously, Ricardo's misunderstanding was unmatched.

Blanche chuckled. "So, you used the fact that you're the boss's son to pressure my employees?"


"You talk so easily."

Blanche clenched her fist with the hand that wasn't holding the gun.

Phoebe, whose face had turned pale, firmly grabbed Blanche's arm.

"Boss! Please calm down!" On the other hand, Ricardo was unexpectedly hurt by Blanche's hostility.

He thought that even if it was just a little, he would prefer to be less hated by her.

That's Ricardo's only wish.

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"Don't hit me. I like you more than you think."

"Blanche. . . ?"

In an instant, Ricardo's face showed surprise.

He stared at her intensely as if demanding an explanation.

However, she was not a kind person. | Blanche stared at him with her blue eyes, then firmly shook her head.

"Go back now. There is no place for you to intervene anymore."

After finishing her words, she turned her back and followed the employees who had left first.

Huda quickly followed behind Blanche.

Blanche's expression as she left the warehouse was only dark.

Blanche still had confidence.


'No matter how deep Ricardo's feelings are, until Iliya is alive. If Iliya dies at Anastasia's hands, Ricardo will come to hate me. '

In an instant, the reckless words of the deceased Vigo came to mind.

'Just a level 999 house!'

The company employees teleported behind her only after the Crocheta team started their work.

So, the only one who heard Vigo's words with Blanche would be Ricardo.

'If it were an ordinary employee, I would silence them even if I had to kill, but I can't do that to Ricardo. '

But the situation was positive.

Since Ricardo was like a stray dog ​​roaming the streets, he constantly begged to taste a piece of Blancche's affection.

Moreover, even if his words were light, it was safe for the time being because the network he had built up in Digitalis would protect her.

Furthermore, Blancche had no intention of staying at Level 999 forever.

When she reached Level 1000, she would receive the [Max Level Box], which contained [Weapon Exchange Tickets] and [Skill Exchange Tickets].

If she only had the weapons and skills obtained through the [Max Level Box], Blancche could once again become the strongest in the world.

Moonlight poured generously onto her face as she stepped out of the warehouse, making the shadows on her face even deeper.

"Mr. Wigo said that he sensed her emotions."

The unwavering gaze of Blancche, who continued to move forward, had a firm light in it.

Suddenly, Phoebe cautiously spoke, observing her reaction.

"Boss. . . ?"

Line 9 (continued): "Why?" Blancche asked bluntly, causing Phoebe to stammer in fear.

"No. It's nothing. . . um, it's nothing."

"If you have something to say, say it right away without holding back."

Phoebe never trusted Blancshee.

"Why would I? You have a terrifying expression that says you'll destroy anyone who gets in your way."

Upon hearing those words, Blancshee unintentionally burst into laughter, tears streaming down her face.

"Seems like I'm not very good at lying after all."

In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

During that time, Ricardo seemed to have a lot on his mind, especially about the day Wigo Kyung died. As a result, he started coming to see Blancshee more often.

Although he couldn't properly express himself in the frosty atmosphere, his eyes, as sincere as ever, continued to reveal his love for Blancshee without him having to say a word.

However, nothing happened between them. In the meantime, March arrived.

Today is March 31st.

It is none other than Ricardo's 22nd birthday.

For the past 5 years, Blancshe has never directly celebrated Ricardo's birthday.

So she did not attend the birthday party organized by Silvano.

But this year will be different.

Because of this, Madame Haut Couture personally visited Blancshe's office at the company.

Madame is a middle-aged woman with a mature age, covering her bob-cut blonde hair with a cloche hat in the shape of a bell and wearing a straight-line waist dress.

It was a dignified suit from Digitallis.

Madame raised her voice in a cheerful tone.

"Your Highness, thank you for choosing our costume room. As you know, we are a costume room that specializes in handling rewards from S-class and A-class dungeons. Therefore, we promise to fully satisfy Your Highness's high expectations in advance."

Madame clapped her hands in the air a few times after finishing her speech.

It was afternoon just after lunchtime.

Thus, an unexpected fashion show took place in Blancshe's office.

Models wearing clothes similar to what Madame was wearing.

Their clothes all lacked traces of corsets.

It was a flapper look. Each dress, paired with low-heeled shoes, was splendid in various colors and styles.

However, Blancshe seemed unimpressed by the never-ending walk of the models.

In the end, she raised the hand holding the fountain pen and stopped the models.

Madam Oat Couture came running to Blancshe's desk with a bright smile.

"Your Highness, have you found clothes that you like?"

"No, but how much longer do I have to wait?"


Blancshe frowned. "Madam, I am a person who values every minute and second."

"Well, I heard that you were attending a very important party today as Your Highness's secretary. . ."

"Is there anyone in this digitalis who dares to criticize the clothes I wear? There shouldn't be anyone. If there is, I would have killed them long ago."

It was a valid point. The busy CEO of a contract killing company continued speaking.

"So, bring me the most expensive clothes among them."


Madam nodded pale-faced and Blancshe called her secretary, who was watching the fashion show in a corner of the office.

"Phoebe." "Yes, sir!"

Blancshe rummaged through the desk drawer and quickly gave orders.

"I'll leave the headband, shoes, necklace, and bracelet to you to go with the dress. Don't worry about the budget, buy everything with the highest quality. Here, take my checkbook. While I'm buying mine, buy yours too."

Phoebe received the checkbook with both hands and her eyes widened.

"Really? Can I also go to the party today?"

"I thought you were my secretary."

"I will prepare without any gaps!"

Nodding at her confident response,

Blancshe looked around at Madam and the models.

"I'm sorry. Madam and ladies. If I had the time, I could have witnessed your professionalism. It's a pity. I'm sorry. Without my signature, there are too many trash people continuing the line in this land."

The apology from Blancshe was not at all sincere.

The villainess receives worship from the family.

Note: Unrevised
