The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 41

Episode 41

He was a man who seemed to have melted the winter sunlight and tied it down into a single silver hair. He also had a fondness for dazzling clothes that could blind the eyes. However, the man adorned with luxurious fur and jewels had a strange and austere atmosphere, almost like a clergyman. Even the extravagant clothing couldn't hide the ascetic aura emanating from the man's sharp facial features. His unique atmosphere was not decadent, but clean and beautiful, even his unusual amethyst-colored eyes. However, this atmosphere could only be felt when the lips of Kirillos Cha Odilon were closed. In fact, he had a rag stuffed in his mouth. "Moreover, you're a woman. If you stop at your chest, it's fine, but it would be interesting if your arms and waist were slim. Shall we take a walk to get rid of some of that fat?" "Excuse me?" Marie T was dumbfounded by the unexpected request. But Kirillos' audacity remained unshaken. "After all, a woman should have slender ankles and full thighs." Marie T's face was filled with tears like dewdrops. It was only natural. Just five minutes ago, he had claimed to be close to Marie T's brother, Pierre! But now, he was changing his attitude as if flipping the back of his hand. Marie T finally realized that Kirillos might not be as close to Pierre as she thought. However, she couldn't back down like this.

Not only Blancshe, but Mariette also knew very well what kind of person the Marquis, her father-in-law, was.

"I can't just be sold off in debt again!"

She vowed once again, "I will find a way to stay by Kirillos' side. Just watch. I've never seen a man who dislikes a beauty like me."

Moreover, he is not only handsome but also the eldest son of a prestigious duke.

"Although he may have been born out of wedlock, it doesn't matter. It's clear that this man will become the next Duke of Long. Being the wife of a duke is much better than marrying an old man who only has money!"

Mariette, the continent's most beautiful woman, was overflowing with confidence. "Now the duke is mine!" She imitated a pitiful young lady.

"Sir Marquis, please stop crossing the line. I have lost my husband, the Earl, overnight. I cannot afford to take your jokes lightly." "Nonsense."

". . . What?" Kirillos stood up from the dining table with a bright smile, deliberately making the sound of dragging the chair. Eventually, he stood in front of Mariette and lowered his posture, gripping her chin tightly.

"Why are you pretending not to understand me? Are you so tempted by the seat next to me?" "I, I really don't understand what you're saying."

"Woman, I hate lies. And I despise those who use their outer appearance to manipulate others." Mariette couldn't hide her astonishment when he saw through her true intentions.

This was the first time I encountered such a man. He is a man who judges the situation coldly without being swayed by my appearance and behavior.

"Anyway, Pierre, you've been through a lot. It seems like every family member just holds you back."

"Master! Your words are harsh!" "Why are you so angry? Did I say something wrong?"

"Master, have you already forgotten? You personally took the life of the person who was going to be my husband!"

"Look at this. So I should have let that vulture who stole my money live?"

A bitter light lingered in his purple eyes.

Because of this, the imperial family pretended that Kirillos and some imperial nobles had borrowed money from Count Juan's underground treasure warehouse.

As a result, Kirillos couldn't spare the count who had lost all the military funds. Since losing the military funds, Count Juan was no longer on the same side.

Moreover, he was not just a usurer from Digitalis. There was no guarantee that he wouldn't exchange the empire's secrets for wealth.

Kirillos' eyes narrowed. "Well, fine. So you're telling me to take responsibility for you now, but can you handle my morning meal?"

"Is it my true intention to disturb you?" | "Do you have to speak like that?"

"Then, woman. Should I consider your feelings and respond?" | Firmly hurt in her feelings, Mariette decided to change her route. | From a pitiful lady to a rude lady who values her appearance.

Mariette knew that the latter also made men fall for her as much as the former.

She brushed off his hand that firmly held her chin.

"Let go! Don't you know the common sense of considering the other person's feelings?" | "What are you talking about? Consideration? That's a virtue for the weak. Woman, don't you know who I am?" It's not about not knowing, it's the problem.

Kirillos is not an ordinary orphan. | He is not the Duke's orphan, but the Duke's wife's orphan.

Moreover, Odilon's wife was the Emperor's sister. | In other words, Kirillos had the blood of the imperial family flowing through his veins.

Mariette's eyelids trembled. | "Is there any reason not to know?"

He straightened his hunched back with a snort. | It was to return to his seat.

Suddenly, if Mariette hadn't grabbed his clothes, he could have had breakfast again.

She added desperately, "Master, if you help me now, there will come a day when I can be of help to you."

"Help? Someone like you? Woman. I have no intention of picking up a beggar's meal."

Mariette seemed to be taken aback by the unexpected words.

"Beggar? Why would I be a beggar?"

"A woman can do nothing but warm a man's bed."

Mariette felt an inexplicable surge of anger.

"If I learn, I can do anything! If you teach me, I can do it!"

Kirillos sneered. "What are you talking about? A half-hearted woman like you can only become a courtesan."

In an instant, Mariette felt something crumbling within herself.

"Upon further reflection, I think it wouldn't be bad to embrace you for a night of pleasure."

Mariette trembled with embarrassment as she faced Kirillos' arrogance.

He once again wounded Mariette's pride. "How about it? It's like a box of gold coins."

Now she no longer had the desire to seduce Kirillos.

Mariette held a knife to her mouth as usual.

"Sir Kirillos, it seems quite natural for you to express your anger. After all, if you want to take a woman to bed, there's no other way."

"But Sir Kirillos, women are not meant to be bought with money, but to be seduced. If there are no secrets about your birth, perhaps it would be a good opportunity to find out?"

One thing had to be admitted. Mariette had a strong personality.

Kirillos, who was deeply hurt, mocked her. Mariette knelt on the floor and bowed.

Furthermore, her retaliation did not end here. Mariette flicked the hem of her crumpled dress and said something sarcastic.


"What are you going to do if you make a bad impression? Ah. Are you going to hit the princess of the royal kingdom just because you are the emperor's favorite? Well, you don't have much education, so you can easily raise your hand to the princess too.

Mariette thought, 'I might be able to get away with it if it's a secret affair. But I can't raise my hand here. We're not the only ones in this castle. '

Mariette's wedding was yesterday.

Because of this, the Marquis' castle was bustling with guests like never before, and servants who would become the eyes and ears of others were scattered everywhere.

Moreover, dealing with a secret affair was also troublesome for Cyrillos.

He was from the empire, and Mariette was from the kingdom.

Cyrillos was too possessive of Mariette. Moreover, even if such a thing were to happen, Mariette would never be afraid now. She had hit rock bottom.

Cyrillos was originally too obsessed with her.

He was taken aback as if he had never considered that Mariette would protest.

"You crazy woman. Are you out of your mind?"

"If I'm going to deal with a crazy person, I have to be crazy too. Can't help it, can I?" "You. ."

It was at that moment when the skirmish between the two turned into a full-blown war.

The Viscount, who couldn't find a chance to intervene in their constant argument, finally regained his composure.

The Viscount, who had been standing by the restaurant door the whole time, rushed between the two in a hurry.

"Who is this! Aren't you the famous Duke Odilon's favorite?"

The Viscount's back was covered in cold sweat.


The Viscount's back was covered in cold sweat.

Furthermore, I went through it with great difficulty.

'Mariette! To be working in such a complicated situation!'

The villainess receives the family's worship.

Note: Unrevised
