The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 120.

120th episode

Blancshe aimed the gun she had been carrying as a test at GM(2).

Unlike before, GM(2) blocked Blancshe's attack with several black belts, making her gunshots terrifying.

Her attack power remained even after breaking GM(2)'s three black belts.

Indeed, GM(2) was so afraid that he hurriedly blocked her attack.

It was an attack that made him anxious.

However, Blancshe had many complaints in various ways.

"If this gun was a [Peace Maker], I could have shot a bullet hole in that bastard's head in one shot."

GM reacted to her muttering and attacking GM(2)'s black belts diligently.

Shall I make a [Peace Maker] then?

Blancshe looked at GM, who was diligently tapping the hologram keyboard next to her, with a curious gaze.

She suddenly realized his usefulness. "I prefer the Thompson submachine gun M1928. Please make sure it's in Silvano's inventory."

{I will give you a new one. }

"No. Please give me the submachine gun that is in Silvano's inventory."

{Blancshe, it is not right to covet someone else's belongings. }

"It's not someone else's. It's Silvano's."

Blancshe's eyes, which were cunningly narrowed, were brighter than usual.

But suddenly, a sense of excitement could be felt in GM(2)'s voice.

{Hehe. The Thompson submachine gun M1928. It's. So. Good, right?}

He laughed brightly enough for both fangs to be exposed.

Blanche immediately noticed what GM(2) was trying to do with that eerie smile. She shouted at the GM next to her, her throat bursting.

"GM! Shield! We need a sturdy shield to surround us!"


As if not understanding Blanche's intention, the GM asked while fixing his gaze on the monitor.

It's understandable, as GM didn't have the sturdy shield that Blanche needed, he had been responding well to GM(2)'s attacks until now. It wouldn't be the case anymore.

Sure enough, Blanche's concerns soon became a reality.

Suddenly, dozens of Thompson submachine guns M1928 appeared above GM(2)'s head.

In fact, GM(2) could also create items just like GM. It was only natural. They were both branches of the same World Tree!

Seeing the black straps firmly supporting the Thompson submachine guns M1928 like human hands, Blanche realized that there was no more time to waste.


That's why. Blanche immediately pushed GM aside and took over his hologram keyboard.

As Blanche's pistol was stored in the inventory, GM was pushed away from the keyboard without any resistance.

In a state of confusion, GM blushed and tried to defend himself.

{Blanche, this is inconvenient for you!}

In the next moment, before they could react, a loud rain of bullets poured down on GM and Blanche like a downpour.

If Blancshe had responded even a second late, they would have become trapped in a beehive. L. Tadadadang! Instead of hitting them, the bullets hit a thick steel plate. In the blink of an eye, a steel plate appeared and surrounded them, creating a makeshift bunker. 11. GM looked around in astonishment at the clearly created bunker by Blancshe. Although it was a crude skill, blocking all directions and the ceiling with five thick and wide steel plates, Blancshe's bunker was able to withstand the attack of the machine gun. The holographic light emanating from the monitor faintly colored the bullet-free bunker. Finally, the deafening gunfire ceased. GM(2) had emptied the drum magazine of the Thompson submachine gun M1928 he was using, resulting in silence. Thud. The sound of several Thompson submachine guns falling to the ground beyond the thick steel plates could be heard. Blancshe, who had been waiting for this moment, immediately removed the bunker. GM let out a sigh. "Blancshe, what will we do if you remove the shield so soon?"


"Rarely is there a programmer who is not interested in hacking."

I really don't know what to say.

"Don't worry. It's not over yet."


As he said, GM(2) was still hidden.

Even if he tried, it was not in a state that would be damaged immediately.

GM raised his arm belatedly.

"Please wait a moment. I will remove the virus in front of Blancshe."

"No, don't touch it."


"I will see the end of GM(2)."

The added voice was chillingly firm.

GM unknowingly swallowed his saliva and thought.

'Well, Blancshe hasn't received the proper treatment as the protagonist of this world because of this virus, so she must have a lot of resentment. '

There was no other useless struggle like this.

"Actually, Blancshe just wants to give the final effective blow to the monster that GM(2) has become and devour the experience points."

That's why she stands in front of GM(2) with such determination.

She didn't stop talking to me, even in front of Anastasia, with a tired voice.

"Blanche, you. . . . . ." "If you have something to say, say it later. Right now, it's more important to risk GM(2)'s life than yours."

Blanche left abruptly, looking fierce.

There was a moment when a faint smile appeared on Anastasia's face, soaked in cold sweat.

She finally closed her eyes, which had been blurry throughout the battle between GM(2) and Blanche.

A single tear rolled down her cheek.

However, it was not a tear of fear but a tear of joy. Anastasia had been tired of life for a long time.

She wanted to escape from GM(2) and her own fate.

Therefore, Anastasia could focus on the short conversation between GM(2) and Blanche, which she heard from behind with a joyful heart.


Blanche aimed her gun at GM(2).

GM(2) fell to the ground with holes all over his body.

Thankfully, there was no blood flowing from his non-human wounds. It was a relief for Blanche, who detested messiness.

If he had been a hot-blooded human, he would have been in a much worse state by now.

Blanche's gun barrel aimed at GM(2) did not shake.

However, GM(2) chuckled despite her resolute appearance.

"I don't know what nonsense you're trying to say, but give up. I won't be swayed by your words."

{When I found you, I didn't like you. You're not the main character. }

"Is that the end of the will?" {You. . . }

Taang! Blancshe's gun emitted smoke. Well, she wouldn't listen to the offensive will of the obvious GM(2).

Blancshe did not regret her actions.

In an instant, the text she had been waiting for began to appear at the bottom of her vision.

She read the bottom part of the text stack, piled up like a tower.

| [system/ You have reached level 10,000. ]


[system/ Blancshe has become the strongest player on the server [Leaf of the World Tree N973]. ]

Blancshe looked satisfied, like a satisfied lion, as she watched the GM(2)'s body turn into gray dust and crumble.

"I'm getting a lot of experience points."

Meanwhile, the GM approached Blancshe.

Congratulations, Blancshe. She winked at the smiling GM.

Blancshe's twisted lips curled up mischievously.

"Now? Just a moment ago, you were trying to delete me from the server."

Even though he was infected with a virus, the GM who made a big mistake in the meaning of his existence felt his conscience pricking him.

No, I. . .

"And what did you say when we first met? Bug or something?"


That's because I'm in a state of being infected with a virus. . . .

"So you didn't do anything wrong?"

That's not true. I'm sorry, Blancshee. } | The GM, who had nothing to say even if his mouth was wide open, shrugged his shoulders.

As Blancshee planned.

She smiled inwardly with a sense of satisfaction. Blancshee knew. | That she existed solely for the protagonist.

And how devoted the GM was. And how much he disliked Blancshee's organizational activities until now.

"Who would have thought that someone would live as the protagonist in an all-age dating simulation game?"

Blancshee's heart raced. Now, the genre of this game is noir.

So from now on, the GM will have to get used to Blancshee like this, and become her irreplaceable companion.

Because that's what she decided.

Blancshee, as she did before, will not live a life predetermined by fate.

The villainess receives the worship of the family.

Note: Unrevised
