The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 87.

Episode 87

Ricardo tightened his grip on Blanche's waist.

Eventually, Blanche, who had been cuddling with him under the blanket, threw the blanket to the floor.

With her newly freed hands, she cupped Ricardo's cheeks.

Blanche, who met his gaze, emphasized each word as her green eyes sparkled.

"Got it? Don't you dare die. Because I'll be in trouble."

Ricardo kept swallowing his dry throat.

"I won't die. Never." After finishing his words, he held her tightly again, leaving red lip marks on his shirt. He kissed Blanche's red hair.

Thinking that Ricardo was scared, she didn't push him away.

For a moment, Ricardo's hand slowly traced her spine.

After confirming that Ricardo had fallen asleep, Blanche finally left the office.

To protect him. Outside the office, Blanche's secretary, Phoebe, was waiting for her.

Exhaustion was evident on Phoebe's face, despite her bright smile.

She had to stay up all night with the Finger Man Division to relay real-time information about the encounters between monsters and citizens.

Phoebe lightly shook a black suit jacket in her hand.

"Sir, as you ordered, I have prepared a new suit for you."

Blancshe moved to the lounge.

"You must have been short on time, thank you for your hard work."

"No, I just did what was expected of me as a secretary."

"Did all the employees gather in the auditorium on the first floor?"


"Do you know why the boss sentenced Ricardo to death?"

"Well. . ." Phoebe hesitated, sensing her gaze.

Blancshe arrived at the lounge and changed clothes instead of urging Phoebe.

Eventually, Blancshe learned about the hidden story.

Indeed, Iliya was in a situation where he had no choice but to punish Ricardo.

Even though it wasn't the company's responsibility, the boss made the decision.

"There's nothing we can do. If words don't work, we have to use our fists. If Iliya doesn't want to step down from the boss position, he has to follow my orders."

Blancshe felt bitter. Even though he was her father who tried to kill her, she thought Ricardo would be very sad if Iliya died.

"Let's try to resolve it verbally as much as possible."

"But Phoebe's report doesn't end here."

". . . And there's something else I want to report."

"What is it?" "It's about Mr. Wigo, as I mentioned before."

"Is it urgent?" Phoebe bit her lower lip and looked unsure.

"No, it's not urgent. I'm just worried that the boss will be surprised when he finds out later." Blanche couldn't help but chuckle.

"Surprised? I'm not someone who gets easily surprised." But what could it be? Phoebe's expression was dark even at a time when Blanche would normally respond with a joke.

Finally, Blanche also became serious. "We'll talk about that later. Right now, the priority is to protect Ricardo from the boss. But what about the shop?" "According to plan, the Crocheta team is cooperating. The celestial beings really loved the snacks."

"Reliable." "We were all amazed by the potential of the shop. It's all thanks to the boss. To think that he recruited celestial beings to the company!"

It seems that Phoebe gave higher scores to Blanche, who recruited celestial beings, rather than the celestial beings themselves.

For a moment, Blanche faintly smiled. "No, I was praising my employees, not the shop."

"Oh, you're too kind."

Finally, it seemed like the tension had eased as Phoebe's cheeks turned slightly red.

Blanche looked at her secretary for a moment. "Phoebe." "Yes, boss."

"If it's now, I can change the line."

Phoebe smiled slightly, pulling her chin.

"I'm glad. Whether I've grown fond of you or not, I didn't want to kill you."

Phoebe finished speaking and held out her suit jacket to her. Blancshe comfortably finished dressing and went down to the first floor.

There are about 500 employees in the murder corporation "Mizu Snow White."

All 500 of them have the power to easily defeat a Matapju or a Knight Commander. As the maximum capacity of the first floor auditorium is 400 people, the employees were gathered eagerly waiting for Blancshe.

If the gaze had weight, Blancshe might have been crushed long ago. But she didn't let the gazes of those gathered intimidate her.

Blancshe naturally stood in front of the silver stand-type ribbon microphone in the center.

"Respected employees of Mizu Snow White, I am Blancshe, the CEO. First, I would like to apologize for the unexpected overtime work last night."

Note: The translation may not be exact, as it is a direct translation without elaboration or additional text.

The employees are only focused on her, so they don't particularly dislike Blancshe.

She knew very well how much she was loved in this city.

They didn't say anything like "those who want to leave, leave" or "we won't stop those who leave." If the boss of the Giato family is Iria, then the boss of the company is Blancshe.

Blancshe didn't know that her orders were absolute to everyone gathered here. Eventually, Blancshe's tone changed.

"It's an order! From now on, no one who is not an employee of Mizu no White is allowed to enter this building!"

Then everyone inside the auditorium shouted loudly, shaking the glass windows.

"Wow!" "It's war!" "We've been waiting, boss!"

Blancshe smiled, revealing her fangs. "Even if the intruder is a high-ranking member of the Giato family, do not allow them to enter the building! Return to your positions!"

The employees immediately moved without hesitation.

Their disciplined appearance was like a private army for Blancshe.

Under the stage, the team leaders of each team, including Crocheta and Phoebe, were waiting impatiently.

Blanche, who scanned the seven people with a piercing gaze, slowly descended below the stage.

Her gaze fell on the white-haired old man.

"Crocheta, is the weapon ready?" "Thanks to the help of the shop, we have successfully completed it. Thanks to that, the morale of our team has been boosted. After the war is over, we will unveil a surprising new weapon."

It seems that the weapons from the shop have touched the pride of the weapon development team.

After giving orders for preparations to each team leader, Blanche turned to Phoebe.

"Phoebe, while I'm gone, bet the fate of the company on protecting Ricardo. Meanwhile, I will meet Boss Ani, Iliya, with the shop. If I don't return within 4 hours, the company will engage in an all-out war with the Giato Family."

Indeed, there is no one else in this world who can make her do things she doesn't want to do.

Regardless of whether Ricardo is protected, Blanche had no intention of justifying his actions.

Until Blanche hears the details of the incident from Phoebe, she thought that way.

"It's unfortunate. Of all times, this had to happen when Ricardo was on house security duty."

Just then, the carriage Blanche was riding passed by the vicinity of the family house.

It was the moment when the cause that pushed Ricardo into this situation came into full view through the window. On the white walls of the Giato Family house, a black hand symbolizing the Mafia's revenge was drawn prominently.

Along with a sentence written in a mocking manner.

[Digitalis Rebellion, greetings to the mighty Giato Family. "Your Highness, also, greetings. "]

Blancshe couldn't help but laugh. "Are you in a hurry to fly like a revenge notice? The work is going interestingly."

But she couldn't just laugh off this childish joke.

Perhaps A, who sent the card to the sender of this black hand and Ricardo, is related. "Maybe someone related to A can see the state window that Wigo met. A knew that I was weakened before anyone else."

Blancshe decided to use the in-house Finger Man team to find A as soon as Ricardo's work is finished.

And no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't understand why Ricardo sentenced me to death for this kind of thing. "Could there be another reason?"

Suddenly, the carriage stopped. We haven't even reached the front door of the family house yet.

Blancshe took out the Peace Maker and opened the window connected to the carriage seat.

"What's going on?" "That's. . ." The moment the carriage driver opened his mouth.

Without any warning, someone was hanging on the carriage window. "Blancshe~!"

Silvano, with deep wrinkles on his already gloomy face, was there. As a member of the family, he was mobilized last night.

Silvano was a mess. Torn suit, dusty glasses, and worn-out shoes.

Blanche licked her lips at his disheveled appearance, and Silvano shouted desperately.

"What about Ricardo? What happened to our Ricardo? Surely, he's not dead?! Why can't you speak!"

"You didn't even give him a chance to speak."

Blanche narrowed her eyes.

Silvano trembled with a worried expression, clearly showing what he was concerned about.

"What about Ricardo?" "He's alive."

Why is that?

Although he kindly answered for once, Silvano was not relieved but rather terrified.

"So, that kid is in the company's underground prison now?!"

"Did you hear what I just said? Ricardo is alive. Do you not know where our company's underground prison is?"

"Are you lying now?" "I'm good at lying. I'm a Mafioso, after all."

"Don't make me laugh! Instead of lying, you should be defeating your opponents! Is there anyone in this Digitalis who doesn't know that?"

"Silvano, would you like to taste my fist after a long time?"

The villainess received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
