The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 134.

134th episode

Blancshe stared at Ricardo, who was clearly taken aback.

Fick and Josso muttered. "That's right. I was feeling good because I thought I had found your weakness for a moment."

For a moment, Ricardo's voice, with his trembling blue eyes, lowered as he faced her.

". . . . Is it okay?"


Unable to ask, Ricardo couldn't help but notice her dry gaze. "Is it okay that your family is not helping you, but trying to harm you?"

It was something that could be known without confirming how she felt right now.

Family problems were always like that.

They threaten a life that is already difficult enough to drive a person crazy and make them go insane.

Ricardo knew this fact very well. His father, Silvano, and Giulio had told him.


He stared at Blancshe, who was lying next to him, with a complicated feeling.

Is it acting? Or is it sincere?

Fortunately, Blancshe seemed unaffected by his thoughts.

But he still focused on Blancshe, not even letting go of her small breaths.

Finally, Ricardo spoke. "Then the deal will speed up." "Deal?"

"Instead of letting the family know the identity of the rebels, Blanche, there's something you need to do."

She was furious. "Are you blackmailing me right now?"

Even though Blanche was glaring at him up close, Ricardo didn't even blink.

"It's fortunate that you know I'm blackmailing you." In disbelief, Blanche even snorted.

Ricardo stopped Blanche from trying to get up. He grabbed her with his large hand.

Blanche and Ricardo both opened their mouths at the same time.

"This hand. Can you fix it before it breaks?" "Let's get married, Blanche."

She seemed to have lost her ability to speak as if she heard an unheard sound.

Moreover, Blanche unknowingly pulled her shoulders back.

Unlike the calm Ricardo, she was undoubtedly astonished.

His calm voice continued. "Even if you cut off ties with your family, it's not like that in the eyes of others. So, I'll give you a chance to change the surname you attached to your back from Marcrit to Giato."

It couldn't be anything other than a noisy drumbeat.

Blanche remembered. It was a similar story that she had with Ilya the day before. But she chose to remain silent instead of answering hastily.

"I didn't particularly want to marry Ricardo. But still, it feels bad. Such a thoughtless proposal."

If the original Ricardo had proposed to Blanche, what would she have done?

They would have been in the most beautiful place in the world with the most beautiful ring in this digitalis.

Yes, even if it's excessive, if it's Ricardo whom she loves, she wouldn't have made Blancshe feel resentful.

Blancshe was very displeased. Ricardo's cold voice continued, "By becoming my woman, you will uphold my status and position, and I will become the successor of the Giato family. How about it? This is quite an enticing proposal, isn't it?"

A faint sigh escaped from between her lips.

"Ricardo, do you want to become the next boss?"

"Aren't you?"

His gaze sharpened.

Blancshe chuckled in disappointment.

"If I wanted to become the boss, I would have done it a long time ago. You know that, right? There is no one stronger than me in this city."

Only then did Ricardo smile faintly. He seemed quite relaxed.

"Well, then it's easier to decide. Blancshe, marry me. If you want to continue receiving the respect of the family and stay in the position of the consigliere."


Blancshe rejected him outright and laid her head back on the pillow.

The two of them once again faced each other, but no trace of affection could be found in their appearance, no matter where they looked.

Even if they could feel each other's sweet breath right in front of their noses.

Ricardo exhaled heavily, as if he was dissatisfied.

I can feel his frustration from his furrowed brow.

"Do I seem like I'm just talking nonsense? I'm different from the person you knew. Whether you're in trouble or not, it doesn't matter."

"I know. But it's impossible to marry a man who doesn't love me, right?"

"Love? How ridiculous. Did I hear that correctly?"

Ricardo was already convinced, even though he didn't hear Blancshe's response.

There must be separate conditions she wants from him.

Otherwise, as the author of the lawless city's king, he wouldn't say such absurd things.

"What's strange? Ricardo, you said it before. That you would marry someone you love, just like your parents, and that you would always protect your wife unlike the boss."

Ricardo clenched his teeth. "I didn't say that, it must have been the idiot."

"Ah, right. Now that I think about it, it was the original Ricardo who said that, not you."

Blancshe raised an eyebrow. Ricardo thought to himself, "It's as if she doesn't like the fact that I'm not the idiot."

Is that why? Ricardo felt a surge of anger.

He was simply annoyed that the idiot and Blancshe were discussing their deceased mother. It also irritated him that she remembered the idiot through him.

He clenched his fist and sent a strong gaze to Blancshe.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what you want."

A sinister glint passed through her green eyes. "Don't tell me you think I'm pretending to dislike it when I actually like it? Is there something you want separately?"

"Of course there is. If you don't want to give unnecessary ammunition to enemies you don't even know."

His voice continued, filled with gloom.

"Think carefully, Blancshe. Don't misunderstand. You know well what position the organization's second-in-command holds."

. . . . . . .

It's understandable that he doesn't know at all.

Truly, it was a cute threat. Yes, Blancshe understood. It couldn't be unknown when thinking about Ilya, who had tried to send a black hand to Ricardo. When thinking about Silvano, who always supported himself while grumbling.

And considering Giyermo, who respects him the most in this world, and the company employees.

Moreover, what about the adorable younger brother, Giulio, and the trustworthy remaining executives?

Even if it wasn't known to everyone that her level had been reset before, Blancshe had a time when she was the weakest among the Giato Family executives.

But even then, Ilya didn't chase her away. She was being sufficiently recognized by the family for all the long efforts she had made.

"Although all of this was the result of my efforts to sell out the family to Anastasia. . ." Well, what can you do? Even if the intention was impure, Blancshe is a capable consigliere and will remain an excellent Giato Family employee in the future.

In the meantime, Ricardo urged Blanche.

"Blanche, what's your answer?"

Suddenly, Blanche buried her face in Ricardo's broad chest.

'What's going on? Why is Blanche behaving like this all of a sudden?'

Ricardo blinked his eyes in confusion and asked.

"Is this a proposal to marry me?"

Blanche, who still had her forehead against his chest, raised her head and said.

"When did you start listening to me, huh?"

Ricardo was dumbfounded. But what was even more surprising was that he didn't feel bad about it.

His heart raced a little, just a little.

[system/ Ricardo's affinity has increased by 1. (17/100)]

Blancshe took her ear back to his chest.

"If you don't like it, either accept the proposal or reject it."

He grumbled but didn't forget to cover her with a blanket.

"Sleeping comfortably in such an uncomfortable position."

"Because I can hear the sound of my Ricardo's heart."

He couldn't speak anymore. Why?

It was jealousy.

But he didn't waver in this repulsive emotion.

He felt triumphant.

Ricardo closed his eyes with confidence.

He became cautious, like holding a small and cute chick in his arms.

"It's cold. Why?"

Ricardo realized the question that came to his mind.

The fact that Blanche was not in his arms. He quickly got up and looked around.

Blanche is not there. Not in the bed, nor anywhere in her room.

For a moment of despair, Ricardo found a note on the bedside table. It was Blanche's handwriting.

"I will wipe out the rebel leader's brain before morning comes. So you don't have to worry about me getting into trouble within the family. Consider my proposal rejected."

The situation was clear. Blanche had gently deceived Ricardo and went to attack the rebels with a short message!

Ricardo felt a chill on the back of his head and was stunned.

Yes, today Blanche was being Blanche.

Note: Unrevised
