The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 7.

Episode 7

The Marquis' tightly closed lips twisted.

"Why are you listening to my words so arrogantly?!"

"That's right. Bloodline cannot be ignored."

In fact, even if the Marquis had witnessed Blanche's suicide attempt, he thought it was something his troublesome second daughter had done in a fit of anger.

So he simply regarded his daughter's rebellion as a mere "tantrum."

"Blanche! Will you keep acting like this?"

"Father, are you misunderstanding something right now?"


She made a defiant expression. "The one who can control the situation right now is not you, Father. Even if I beg in front of you again, it won't change the fact that I never wanted to get married. Or are you willing to sell the mansion for my sake? Are you willing to accept a future where I become a fallen noble, not Marieette?"

The Marquis couldn't refute her.

As his second daughter said, he couldn't sell the mansion for Blanche's sake.

Because Blanche was the finger that bites him less.

In response to the Marquis' silence, a calm anger flashed across Blanche's face, as if she had expected it.

In the next moment, Blanche warned, "Don't shout at me again. If you shout at me one more time, I'll bite your tongue and kill you on the first night. Of course, after telling the Count that it was Father's order."

Blanche, who was speaking, suddenly felt dizzy.

Ting! With a sound effect, text appeared at the bottom of the field of vision.

[system/ Abnormal status warning, HP is decreasing. ]

'What's going on?' The viscount, who didn't even know what happened in his dream, sighed deeply and decided to fold his hands to help his daughter.

"Blanche. I understand that you're upset. But do you really have to go this far just before the wedding?"

"If you want to complain, do it in front of your father! If you think you can make a fuss, go ahead!"

In the midst of darkness, Blanche was suddenly attacked.

Cold sweat covered her entire body.

There was a warning window with a sound effect.

[system/ Warning! You are poisoned!]

Poisoned? Before understanding the English, Blanche coughed up blood violently.

"Cough, cough!"


Unable to believe the reality that struck like a lightning bolt in a clear sky, the viscount absentmindedly called his daughter's name.

Meanwhile, Blanche continued to vomit blood while clutching her throat.

Seeing her daughter struggling to breathe as if swallowing a burning iron, the viscount desperately grabbed onto a lifeline.

"Is anyone there? Anyone! I didn't call for you! Blanche, oh, Blanche! Blood, blood!"

While the viscount was frantically pacing nearby, Blanche opened the status window.

HP had already decreased to 30, and the remaining 20 was decreasing rapidly. A [Low-level Witch's Recovery Potion] passed through her mind.

I can't expect much, but it might improve the situation. Even though it's minimal, the [Low-level Witch's Recovery Potion] has a detoxification effect. . . . . . .

However, in order to use the [Low-level Witch's Recovery Potion], she had to send the Marquis out of the room right away.

She desperately grabbed onto the Marquis' clothes.

"Father, I'm in so much pain. Please call a doctor. . . . ."

Even if the best skilled doctor comes, they won't be able to save Blancshe. | It's normal for the poison to kill before it can be detoxified.

And the Marquis knew this as well.

Even if he couldn't see the system window, he was still a noble who couldn't escape the danger of poisoning.

The Marquis, who had used antidotes his whole life, quickly realized Blancshe's poisoning.

"Hold on a little longer, Blancshe! You can't die! You mustn't die! Yes, call Segolene! If it's Segolene, she can fix your condition!"

The Marquis was not unaware of the common knowledge that even a great physician couldn't treat internal injuries.

However, he urgently left the room to find Segolene.

After the Marquis completely disappeared, Blancshe took out the [Low-level Witch's Recovery Potion] from her inventory.

Even at this moment, her HP was rapidly decreasing.

5, 4, 3, 2 . . . . | When her HP reached 1, Blancshe emptied the only Recovery Potion in her palm.

I could do it.

'Absolutely, I can't die like this! How did I live for the past seventeen years!'

Maybe because of her betrayal, a welcome message popped up.

[system/ Starting to recover from addiction. ]

In a hazy state of mind, she put an empty bottle in her inventory. | Now, after a day, like an empty jar of [Administrative Cream], the trash will also disappear.

Due to the relaxation, Blanche fainted in a blank look.

How much time has passed? In the darkness where nothing can be seen, Blanche heard several familiar voices.

"How on earth did this happen? How!"

The butler replied to the Marquis's lament.

"After searching Miss Blanche's bedroom, no poison was found. Instead, one of the kitchen servants disappeared. Your Highness."

The Marquis cursed angrily.

"Who dares to do this to my daughter!"

It seemed like they were in the same room, as Alphonse's sobbing could be heard.

"Mariette, I'm scared. What if Blanche dies like this?"

Mariette replied as if reminding herself.

"Don't worry, Alphonse, Blanche is a tough one. And she can't die now! If Blanche dies like this, who will pay off our family's debts?"

In an instant, the Marquis shouted angrily.

On the same topic as Mariette's thoughts.

"Mariette! That's not the problem! Your sister is dying right now!"

Mariette, who was shocked by being scolded by her father for the first time, responded loudly.

Tress's voice trembled loudly.

"Dad. . . ? Are you yelling at me right now?"

Instead of answering the trembling voice, Blancshe tightly held Tress's hand, who had lost consciousness.

The viscountess pleaded desperately.


"Blancshe. We have to endure this again. Please, don't die like this."

However, Blancshe's hatred towards her family did not change, even with the warmth she felt from his hand.

Therefore, she simply waited for her consciousness to recover in the darkness.


"When will I get better? Even in an unconscious state, can I check the status window?"

Despite being a half-hearted attempt, the status window turned on normally.

Blancshe was surprised when she checked the status window.

[Blancshe Marcrit LV 01 Age 17/Female

Health 8/50 (Detoxification in progress using a low-grade witch's antidote)

Magic Power 5

Reputation 10

Morality error

The morality stat that was hidden has changed.

English instead of numbers. Morality error.

Maybe he just turned 20? He was a man between a boy and a young man, with short, red curly hair.

Even with his shaking carriage, he exuded elegance with his slim figure and broad shoulders.

He was a beautiful man, like a rose nurtured with care in a luxurious greenhouse.

Moreover, even if his green eyes were filled with depth, his worries were heartbreaking.

He was nothing but beauty, never a flaw. It's understandable why rumors spread that the princess and general of my country fought over this man.

His name is Pierre Marcrit.

He is the older brother of Marie, rumored to be the most beautiful woman on the continent, and the heir of the Marcrit Viscount family. He is a genius of the century.

Finally, the carriage carrying Pierre passed through the front gate of his hometown.

At that moment, Alphonse, who was sitting in the front yard, tearing at the innocent grass, was the first in the family to notice Pierre's return.

The boy followed the carriage to the mansion.

He ran to the main entrance.

"Hyung Pierre!"

Alphonse ran up to Pierre who got off the carriage and hugged him tightly.

Pierre erased the young sad expression on his face and hugged his younger brother tightly with both hands.

Alphonse came hanging on his neck with all his strength.

He hugged his younger brother tightly.

"Our youngest! You've grown a lot since I last saw you. I heard the news. They said your illness has completely healed?"


Alphonse murmured weakly as Pierre whispered to his younger brother.


"In the letter sent by Father, it was written that you caused trouble."

"Ugh! That. . . ! Hyung Pierre. Are you disappointed in me too?"

Pierre smiled kindly at the worried question.

He gave a gentle smile.

"Of course not. Actually, this is a secret from Father, but Alphonse, I think you're very clever. How on earth did you come up with such a brilliant idea?" | "Hehe. As expected, I like my brother the most in the world."

Alphonse, who smiled brightly, nodded his head against his brother's chest once again, teasingly.

"Thank you. But from now on, don't lie to the family, Alphonse. I was really worried thinking you were really sick."

Around that time, Pierre's footsteps moved.

He exchanged eye greetings with all the maids and servants he encountered while coming and going.


Alphonse, who was still in his arms, asked.

"Hyung, where are you going?"

"Now that I'm back home, I should greet Father."

"But Dad might not be in a good mood because of Blancshe's job."

The words struck Fei,

and he stood still in his place.

"Could it be that Father still doesn't like Blancshe?"

"Well, yeah. But the reason why Father is in a bad mood is not just because of that. You know, Hyung, Blancshe took poison."

"What? What are you talking about? Tell me more, Alphonse!" | | Alphonse's tears welled up as he tried to reveal everything I knew to Pierre, but they became blurry.

"Hyung, what should we do if Blancshe dies?"

Pierre gently wiped Alphonse's wet eyes after leading his younger brother to the corridor. | "Shh, it's okay, Alphonse. Blancshe will be fine. So don't cry. Got it?"


Pierre gently stroked his younger brother's head, nodding his head vigorously.

At that moment, the butler, who had heard the news, approached the brothers quickly.

"Your Highness!"

"Long time no see, Butler." Pierre warmly extended his hand towards the butler.


The butler, with a moved expression, clasped Pierre's hand with both hands and shook it firmly.

"You must still be in the middle of the academy semester. What brings you here?"

"I couldn't help but worry about Blancshe. Sir. Shall I inform Father that I have returned home?"

"Yes. I will do so. Please wait in the reception room on the first floor, Miss."

"Furthermore, I learned that Blancshe has been unconscious for ten days after consuming poison."

"Pierre couldn't help but be astonished by the appearance of the Marquis, which was so different from his father's neat appearance. Seeing his own red hair tangled messily, Pierre finally spoke up in surprise."

"Only then did the Marquis, who had been drinking strong liquor in front of the study fireplace, turn around."

"The Marquis, who had recently been sleepless, hugged his eldest son with all his strength."

"In a moment, the Marquis let go and grabbed Pierre's elbows, hoping to convey his urgency to his son."

"The villainess receives the family's worship and. . ."

Note: Unrevised
