The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 85.

Episode 85

It was a bitter smile and words he said.

In fact, Blancshe told Ricardo the day before her birthday this year.

Now, don't bother celebrating her birthday.


For Ricardo, it was an unknown disappointment.

That day. After the unilateral notice, Ricardo packed his belongings and headed to the A-class dungeon alone.

And after conquering the dungeon, he returned and caught Blancshe's impersonator, and helped Blancshe who was kidnapped by Wigo Paggery.


On the other hand, Blancshe knew.

That Ricardo was lying.

She smirked. Yes. Blancshe was really happy.

She smiled.

Surprisingly, she didn't get angry at Ricardo's lie.

"No. Ricardo, you. You sent me a wristwatch as a birthday present."

On her birthday, a gift arrived anonymously.

Blancshe could easily tell that it was sent by Ricardo.

Because she had the Finger Man team.

Usually, the gifts Ricardo gave her ranged from a bouquet of bright red roses to perfume, accessories, dresses, shoes, hairpins, and so on.

Excluding underwear and slips, it refers to explicit objects of seduction.

"Did you know?" "How could I not know?" Blanche slowly stood up from her chair.

Wearing the shoes Ricardo gave her.

Due to Ricardo's height of 192 centimeters, even when he was kneeling on one knee, the height difference with Blanche was not significant.

She firmly cupped his cheek with both hands.

"Is that all I remember? The gifts you gave me last year, the year before, and even before that. I remember all of them."

Ricardo seemed overwhelmed and had many things he wanted to say, but his lips only trembled and he couldn't say anything.

"So, are you upset?"

Blanche's white hand moved away from Ricardo's cheeks.

It was a moment when his expression became even more sorrowful. Perhaps that's why Blanche said what she did without realizing it.

"Ricardo. From now on, can you not make me feel upset?"

Surprisingly, she seemed just as confused as Ricardo.

Suddenly, Ricardo grabbed her waist with his hands, which were tense.

He wanted to hold her tightly as if he would never let go.

Finally, Ricardo spoke with an earnest voice.

"I. . ." If there hadn't been a third voice interrupting them, Ricardo could have kissed Blanche once more.

Unexpectedly, the White Dragon appeared, whose presence had disappeared.

"Hey, you two aren't the only ones here. I've been here since earlier."

In the blink of an eye, Ricardo clenched the white baby dragon that was sitting on Blanche's shoulder in his right hand.

He was naturally not in a good mood, as his long-awaited moment had been interrupted. Additionally, he noticed Blanche's left shoulder that he couldn't see before, hidden by the White Dragon's body.

Her shoulder was covered in bruises.

Ricardo asked with a harsh expression, as if he was spitting out his words.

"Who are you? Are you a monster?"

"Monster! Cancel those words right now! I am a precious divine being from the heavenly realm!"

The White Dragon finally realized what he had done.

He raised his eyes, teary-eyed.

Blancche smiled faintly and raised her head.

"I can't stand it."

He casually threw the dragon to the ground.

However, the White Dragon did not bite his tongue or break any bones when he hit the ground.

Thanks to Blancche, who caught the falling divine being, Blancche's vision became lower and she momentarily lost her balance, ending up with one knee on the ground and the shape of the divine being's body pressed against her chest.

Blancche let out a shallow sigh. "Don't be so mischievous, Ricardo."

His two ears, which had been tense due to his previous irritation, perked up as her face was right in front of him.

Ricardo closed his eyes tightly and then opened them. "I understand, so now tell me what you want."

"You want something from me, don't you? Ah, don't you?"

Blancshe always remembered that there was always a purpose when she acted affectionate towards someone.

So she was a little concerned about Ricardo.

Ricardo bit his lower lip with a troubled expression. And now, afraid that Blancshe would leave his embrace at any moment, he hugged her tightly.

It was a desperate gesture that could be described as such. "I don't dislike it. There's no reason to dislike it," Blancshe said, leaning her head against his chest.

Thump thump. The sound of his heartbeat was so loud that it was almost deafening. At that moment,

The white dragon nestled between Blancshe and Ricardo elongated its words. "So I'm here!"

Ricardo's gaze towards the white dragon became even more ominous. Blancshe chuckled and moved away from Ricardo, sitting back in the chair he had prepared for her.

The white dragon stuck to her palm even more than before. It was as if it was teasing Ricardo.

"See, I'm scared of him." "Don't worry, Shap. I'll tell him not to scare you anymore. Got it, Ricardo?" Even his displeased expression disappeared for a moment.

Ricardo reluctantly nodded his head. Meanwhile, the white dragon grumbled with pursed lips.

"You're too much. Are you now confidently calling me an item shop?"

Blanche frowned as if she was upset.

"Of course, it was an act. | "What do you mean, shop? Shop is a name with a significant meaning."

"What does it mean?"

"Shop is a musical symbol that means to raise a half step. It's a name I gave with the meaning of hoping you live a better tomorrow than yesterday. How do you like it? Since you currently don't have a name, I wanted to temporarily give you one."

Truly, Blanche was a born swindler.

The purple eyes of the White Dragon, Hwaiteu Deraegon, sparkled.

"My name is Shop!" A system window appeared.

[system/ The divine being of the heavenly realm, White Dragon Shop, is bound to you. ]

It seems like Shop also received the same system window.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have screamed as if she was being torn apart. "No! I can't! I have to go find Anastasia! Hic! Why am I calling myself Shop?"

Blanche gently stroked the back of the White Dragon's neck, like a warm spring breeze, as she spoke softly.

"It's okay, Shop. I don't have any intention of forcing you to stay with me."

"Of course not!"

Blanche smiled kindly.

She lied effortlessly, without even applying lipstick to her lips.

"As expected, right? So just bear with it for a few months. Then I'll help you find Anastasia."

"How will you help?" "Even if it looks like this, I'm capable. If you give me some time, I can find someone quickly."

"By the way, Shop. Do you know anything about Anastasia?"

"Luckily, we know her identity, so we can find her quickly."

"Really? You can find her quickly?"

Shop laughed happily, then complained that he was hungry, and after eating four pieces of jerky, he started to doze off.

Blancshe made a pillow with her hands near Shop's head as she fell asleep on her lap.

"Blancshe. Amaryllis, it's the kingdom that went bankrupt a year ago."

"Is that so?" Blancshe extended her duck feet. But there was no way Blancshe didn't know the fact that Ricardo also knew.

That's because the bankruptcy of the Amaryllis Kingdom was not a coincidence.

Note: The translation may not be perfect and may require further editing for clarity and coherence.

The Giatto family did not stay still.

They sent a black hand (Mafia's revenge, for example) to the Amaryllis royal family.

However, that year, despite the warning, Amaryllis experienced an economic boom.

In contrast to the courage of the prince who insulted the Giatto family, people from various countries lined up to invest in the capital of Amaryllis.

Only for a year.

As if it were woven, all the money invested in Amaryllis was recovered.

Furthermore, it turned out that the consortium that was in charge of the urban development project was all ghost companies.

In the blink of an eye, Amaryllis' national debt became a worthless piece, and labor costs plummeted.

In the end, the Amaryllis royal family could not prevent the riots.

It was after the creditors of the royal family stormed into the palace that the fact that all of this was the revenge of the Giatto family was revealed.

On that day, the vanguard of the creditors, Blancshe of the Giatto family, said, "The Giatto family sends their regards, you rotten prince bastard."

The Amaryllis royal family went bankrupt thoroughly.

So even now, the release of the small country of the continent is in the midst of a civil war.

Finally, Blancshe smiled at Ricardo.

"Whether the country is ruined or not, it doesn't matter. Ricardo, you know, right? Once I decide, I do it."

Yes. She is a person who achieves her goals.

So for the past 6 years, she has completely infiltrated the Giato family.

She wanted to sell the Giato family to Anastasia and enjoy prosperity.

But something strange happened. After regaining her past life, unfamiliar desires and lack of emotions and conscience began to arise in her.

'At first, I tried to make Iliya the ultimate villain instead of Ricardo. That way, I could save Ricardo. And now. . . I keep wanting what Anastasia will have. I want to keep the family and have the city at my feet. Just like now. '

Blancshe gently stroked the baby White Dragon, who fell asleep in the shadow of her hand.

She liked the unique texture of reptiles.

'Of course, I don't want to give this to Anastasia either. You can't find useful items like this anywhere else. '

But it's inevitable. The shop is a programmed existence for Anastasia.

No, it's not just the shop.

This world revolves around Anastasia.

No matter how well I treat the shop, it will leave someday. So I have to take advantage of it as much as I can. Even if I give the shop to Anastasia in the future, I won't regret it."

Blancshe smiled leisurely and narrowed her eyes.

Ricardo's heart trembled as if it were beautiful.

But deep down, it's not as comfortable as it seems.


"But it would be nice to meet Anastasia someday."

However, there was a fact that Blancshe didn't know. | That there is someone watching over the two of them even at this moment.

She is A.

It was Anastasia who sent a card to Ricardo, informing him that Blancshe was in danger.

The villain receives the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
