The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 10.

Episode 10

Unlike usual, the Marquis faced his eldest daughter with a somewhat stern expression.

"What's the matter, Mariette?" "Oh, Father. Why are you suddenly acting like this with the family? Isn't that right, Pierre?"


Mariette froze as if realizing for the first time that the rich man could speak harshly to her.

But Mariette was still Mariette.

In a short time, she regained her composure and gave a sweet smile. "Blanche, did you see? What Pierre is saying? Even if he pretends not to, he's secretly narrow-minded."

Mariette's gaze turned towards the Marquis.

"Actually, we had a small argument with Pierre yesterday. Right, Pierre?"

Pierre's eyebrows twitched.

"Was that a small argument?" "Alright, I understand. I'll apologize first."

Mariette apologized as if she didn't want to waste time on unnecessary matters.

Pierre's frown deepened. The Marquis didn't like such siblings and clicked his tongue.

"What on earth did you fight about?"

"Well. . ."

Pierre stretched out his words and unconsciously glanced at Blanche.

He couldn't explain it clearly.

Then Mariette started spinning lies without even moistening her lips with saliva.

"Recently, I haven't sent a letter to my older brother to ask how he's doing. It seems like my older brother is mad at me. Dad."

"Yes, I remember. Thanks to you, I have reflected on my mistakes enough. So, Pierre, my older brother, will you accept my apology now?"

The viscount, as well as Blancshe's gaze, reached Pierre.

". . . . . . . Alright."

Mariette smiled brightly as if she was relieved.

"I don't know how fortunate I am that my older brother accepted my apology. It's always better to resolve family disputes quickly, right Blancshe?"

Blancshe finally realized Mariette's intention.

Blancshe couldn't help but laugh.

Blancshe pretended not to notice and turned to the viscount.

"Dad, I want to personally open the treasure warehouse."

The viscount's mouth dropped open at the word 'Dad. '

"Sure. That's what you want. Mariette, please step aside for a moment. Let Blancshe open the treasure warehouse." ". . . . . . Of course, Dad."

Strangely, as the day dawned, Mariette slowly stepped aside.

Click. The sound of the lock being released was heard.

Mariette was the first to enter through the open door.

How desolate the warehouse must have been for Mariette's voice to echo.

Embarrassed, the Marquis pushed Blanche's wheelchair into the treasure chamber.

Once filled with golden armor, porcelain from the East, and piles of gold coins and jewels, the treasure chamber was now only half full.

Mariette frowned as if she was upset.

The Marquis's sharp voice made her expression tense.

"But how did you end up here?"

She gave a startled expression at the Marquis's words.

"I heard from Father. He said we would have a picnic in my greenhouse later. It's not fair, Father. Why wouldn't you invite Blanche to such an occasion?"

The Marquis cleared his throat, hiding his displeasure.

". . . . Not only you, but Alphonse wasn't invited either."

"Well, Alphonse has to study, so of course he wouldn't be invited. But Father, I'm a girl, so I can't even enroll in the academy. You should have invited me to the picnic!"

The marquis sighed at his eldest daughter's tantrum.

"Today is not about you, Mariette, but about Blanche."

"Is that so? In fact, isn't it because Blanche decided to attempt suicide on that day instead of marrying you?"

The marquis, accustomed to blaming others for everything, was shifting the blame onto Mariette instead of sympathizing with poor Blanche.

"If you think so highly of Blanche, why don't you sell the mansion, Dad?"

Blanche intervened in the tense situation.

"Stop it. Didn't you say you wanted to see the treasure vault?"

Blanche forced a smile.

"Father, please don't avoid the topic and explain about the treasure that once filled this room. I already know, but I want to hear it directly from you, to know what kind of roots our house has."

The affectionate voices of the eldest and second daughters, who were scratching his nerves, satisfied the marquis.

(Note: The translation may not be a literal word-for-word translation, but it captures the essence and meaning of the original text. )

I told the story of going up against my grandfather to my siblings.

Finally, the explanation of the Marquis's [Baksa's Bracelet] was revealed.

"And this is the [Baksa's Bracelet]. It was the possession of the late Marquis's wife, the princess of the Desert Kingdom. You know that, right? That she was the princess of the Desert Kingdom," he said.

The bracelet was designed in the form of a cuff bracelet that could comfortably wrap around the wrist.

Moreover, the exotic pattern engraved on it shimmered in a milky white color.

"Here, try it on, Blanche."

At the Marquis's urging, she naturally put on the bracelet.

Blanche's eyes seemed to sparkle. She knew that the item had an experience point increase effect, but she didn't know it also had poison resistance, curse resistance, and inventory expansion effects.

"Indeed, Pierre has given her a gift worthy of the protagonist." Blanche felt an unexpected surge of greed.

It was when Blanche was examining the bracelet under the sunlight. Just as she felt like her place was being taken away, Mariette unexpectedly intervened.

"Blanche. Give it to me here. I want to try it too."

"No. You must have worn it enough when you were younger."

"But I couldn't insist like before."

Blanche quickly changed the subject.

"Dad, I've been wanting to ask for a while, what is this engraved mural on the wall?"

"That's a story." The Marquis answered Blanche's trivial question with care.

However, he didn't realize that Blanche hadn't returned the "Baisa Bracelet" to its original place. But Mariette and Pierre noticed.

They both remembered that Blanche hadn't returned the bracelet. But at some point, it was missing from Blanche's wrist.

The siblings simultaneously thought, "The 'Baisa Bracelet' was definitely with Blanche. . ."

Until the four of them left the treasure vault, the siblings couldn't find the "Baisa Bracelet." However, their reactions were completely different. Pierre chose silence, while Mariette's eyes sparkled. "This is a chance to put Blanche in her place! And if we find out she stole the bracelet, Dad and our older brother won't tolerate Blanche anymore."

I won't disturb her!

She smiled with a sense of relief and made up her mind to find the Marquis as soon as the morning came.

She didn't even know that Blancche had checked her distant inner thoughts through the system.

And so, in the late dawn, Blancche secretly went out into the corridor. She easily sneaked into Mariette's room.

Unlike Blancche, who grew up being cautious, Mariette's hearing was dull.

Blancche put the "White Snake's Bracelet" in Mariette's dressing table drawer.

'An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. I will repay evil with evil. '

And so, Blancche's perfect crime began.

The next day.

Mariette, who didn't even know this fact in her dreams, came to the Marquis early in the morning.

"Actually, I debated all night whether to tell Dad about this. But Dad. . . no matter how much I think about it, I think Dad should know this!"

Mariette accused her younger sister.

The Marquis, who denied his eldest daughter's testimony, believed Mariette only after checking the treasure vault.

The furious Marquis immediately ordered the butler to search Blancche's room.

Eventually, the butler appeared in the third-floor family reception room with the "White Snake's Bracelet" he found inside the mansion.

The Marquis trembled with a face that couldn't hide his sense of betrayal.

"So Blancche really. . ." But the butler shook his head.

"No. This bracelet. . . was found in Miss Mariette's room."

The silence filled the sewing room so that even the sound of a falling needle could be heard.

However, Blanche, who planned this situation, quietly stared at her twin sister.

"I'm not. I'm not, I tell you!" It was a desperate cry, but there was no one to believe in Mariette's innocence.

Even the housekeeper, who had treated Mariette like a beloved granddaughter, harshly criticized her.

"But, Miss Mariette. The bracelet of the Countess was found in your dressing table."

Mariette, who had been lost in thought, fiercely accused Blanche of sending someone to hide the bracelet in her room.

However, Mariette's behavior was not because she had realized that Blanche was the culprit. Like the Count, Mariette had a habit of blaming Blanche whenever something went wrong.

In response to Mariette's tearing cry, the Count instinctively looked at the housekeeper. It was to confirm whether Mariette's claim was true, although the possibility was low.

The housekeeper lowered his head. The Count scolded Mariette angrily.

The villainess received the family's adoration and

Note: Unrevised
