The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 46.

Episode 46

In the freezing cold, the man who played a silly prank on Blanche was sweating profusely.

Not surprisingly, even the two friends who were watching the man from afar were astonished.

However, they were ready to abandon their friend at any moment out of fear of getting into trouble.

The man's throat seemed to be stiff and making a creaking sound. His right hand, which was stealing sweat from his forehead, trembled. "It's nothing." "Then don't become someone who is nothing from now on."

Blanche, who found the man's attitude uninteresting, clicked her tongue and sarcastically said, "Well, it's a good thing that Blanche is non-violent, right?!"

The man felt relieved as if his mood had flown away.

Of course, how could Blanche be non-violent with her sarcastic remarks?!

The man bowed his head in greeting.

He was grateful that he didn't die from Blanche's blow.

"Yes! I will live diligently from now on! Thank you, Your Highness!"

It was a great relief for the man. Eventually, Guillermo followed Blanche.

She glanced at the clean market square with her eyes, cleaner than winter.

"Is it because spring has come? Everyone seems to be kind."

"Yes, this is a neighborhood where people live."

Although they said that, Guillermo, a digitalis addict, knew the truth.

All of this was just a facade of peace in front of Blanche. But she didn't seem to care.

It seemed like it. "Hmm. . . ." "Why is that?"

"Because this is not what I expected. I wanted the smell of gunpowder to fill the air in this season."

Giermo blinked his eyes.


"Because 'Your Highness' is here. Haven't we all learned what happens if we annoy 'Your Highness'? Didn't you know? Everyone's bodies disappear."

"Tsk." Blancshe scratched her face.

It was an annoyance, but in Giermo's eyes, it was just cute.

"There's nothing we can do. The West and East have been occupied by the Jiatto Family. Even the southern region is in chaos."

"At least there, things are going as I planned."

"Your Highness, do you really intend to leave the south as it is?"

"Giermo, I'm not trying to establish a kingdom."

"I apologize."

Blancshe looked at the bowing Giermo and bit her lip.

"So, have you found any information about Juan Viscount's castle? Are there any pursuers?"

"It's still quiet over there. At least on the surface."

"What about inside?" "It seems like they have finally figured out 'Your Highness's true identity."

"The Imperial Army might come to Digitallis soon. It's fortunate that Digitallis and the Empire are not adjacent. The Imperial Army would have to pass through four kingdoms to get here."

Although the empire is the most powerful country on the continent, it cannot invade other countries' territories recklessly.

Soon, dungeons will appear in each country.

"Gyermo. Isn't the famous imperial cavalry scary?"

He smiled mischievously.

"Even if you don't say it like that, I always 'fear His Majesty. '"

"Yes, for now. So please keep your promise, 'Your Majesty. ' You said you would train me to be worthy of being your right-hand."

Blanche had long ago informed Gyermo about the dungeons and level system.

Blanche smirked.

When Blanche and Gyermo returned to the family house, Ricardo was the first to greet her.

Ricardo eagerly ran towards Blanche as she entered the front yard.


She deliberately put on a kind face.

"Ricardo, you're working hard again today. Looking good."

"Since you told me to train my stamina. . ."

". . . right?"

Blanche silently smiled and checked Ricardo's status window.

[Ricardo Giato LV 15, Age 16, Male, HP 151/151, MP 80/80

Fame 41

Morality 120

Stress 72]

| "You seem to have worked out quite a bit, but your stamina stat has only increased by 1.


"It's only been about three months, but compared to the effort Ricardo has put in, his stats are ridiculously low."

"As expected, we need to conquer a dungeon."

Blanche hoped that a dungeon would be discovered soon.

"But Ricardo, your face is so red. It's good to train, but you should take it easy. If you get hurt, it will hurt my heart too."

"No, if I want to be helpful to the family, I need to get stronger as soon as possible. Besides, the redness on my face right now is not from exhaustion. Probably. . ." | He trailed off, biting his lip.

Blanche, unable to read Ricardo's shy thoughts, was filled with curiosity.

"Why is your face red if it's not difficult?"

"Well, it's because a good fragrance comes out when I get close to you. . . . . . ."

"You'll smell good if you wash up on time too."

Ricardo pouted as if he felt unjustly treated.

So, without hesitation, Giermo intervened between the two.


Sparks flew from the eyes of the two people who glared at each other with smiling faces.

Blanche furrowed her brows as if she couldn't understand at all.

Every time they looked at each other, they growled like this.

But they're from the same family after all.

"When will you two become friends?"

"What are you talking about, 'Your Highness'? The young master and I are getting along just fine."

"Yeah, Blanche. You have nothing to worry about."

퍽이나 그러겠다.

[system/ 기예르모가 리카르도를 적대합니다. ]

[system/ 리카르도가 기예르모를 적대합니다. ]


블랑쉐는 이제 자신도 모르겠다 싶어서 대충 고개를 주억거렸다.

그녀는 두 남자의 싸움에 끼어들 고 싶지 않았다.

더 정확히 말하자면, 어중이떠중

이 싸움에 관심이 없었다.

블랑쉐가 말했다. "그럼 우리는 이만 들어가 볼 테 니 다시 운동해. "

그때 리카르도가 생각났다는 듯 그녀를 불렀다.

"아, 잠깐만 블랑쉐!" "왜?" "실바노 아저씨가 널 찾더라." "나를?" "응. 네가 디기탈리스로 돌아온 후부터 계속 찾던 게 발견됐다고 하 던데?"

블랑쉐뿐만 아니라 기예르모조차 눈을 번뜩였다.


드디어 던전이 나타난 것이다! 블랑쉐가 웃었다. "알려 줘서 고마워, 리카르도. " "응 . "

하지만 그녀와 달리 리카르도의 표정은 어두울 따름이었다. | 오늘 블랑쉐와 나누는 대화는 여 기까지구나 싶어 아쉬웠던 거다. | 그러나 리카르도의 실망은 그리 오래가지 않았다.

| 블랑쉐가 응원해 주었기 때문이 다.

"리카르도, 네게 기대하고 있어. 앞으로도 열심히 운동해. "


기운차게 답한 리카르도의 눈이 반짝반짝 빛났다.

블랑쉐의 등이 기예르모와 함께 저 택으로 모습을 감출 때까지 말이다.

I guess so.

[system/ Guillermo is hostile towards Ricardo. ]

[system/ Ricardo is hostile towards Guillermo. ]


Blancshe roughly shook her head, not knowing what to think anymore.

She didn't want to get involved in the fight between the two men.

To be more precise, she didn't care.

She wasn't interested in this fight.

Blancshe said, "Well then, let's go in and watch. Let's exercise again."

At that moment, Ricardo called her as if he remembered something.

"Oh, wait Blancshe!" "Why?" "Silvano said he's looking for you." "Me?" "Yeah. He said he's been looking for you since you came back as a digitalis."

Not only Blancshe, but even Guillermo's eyes widened.

It was clear.

Finally, the dungeon appeared! Blancshe smiled. "Thank you for letting me know, Ricardo." "Yeah."

However, unlike her, Ricardo's expression was dark. | She felt disappointed that today's conversation with Blancshe ended here. | But Ricardo's disappointment didn't last long. | Because Blancshe cheered him on.

"Ricardo, I'm counting on you. Keep working hard in the future."


Ricardo's eyes sparkled brightly as he energetically replied.

Until Blancshe and Guillermo hid their figures in the taxi.

He no longer looked sad on his face.

Ricardo was still in puppy love.

Silvano jumped up from the stairs when the face he had been waiting for finally appeared.

Giermo grumbled as he followed Blanche up the stairs.

"I don't see any inspiration. He doesn't even pretend."

She was anxious, so she interrupted their conversation.

"You said a dungeon was discovered?"

They had a conversation in the sitting room attached to Iliya's bedroom.

"The time you were talking about. It seems to have finally come."

"The Porchione family in the south did something like conquering a dungeon."

Blancche, who was sitting next to Guillermo, suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

Blancche was speechless as if she had been hit on the back of her head.

In addition, the first conqueror of the dungeon obtains a [Dungeon Map Fragment]. The [Dungeon Map Fragment] is a useful item for conquering other dungeons, not the dungeon that the conqueror cleared, as it is a map of higher-level dungeons.

Finally, Blancche's gaze sharpened.

Silvano bit his tongue.

"What are you talking about? I'm curious, Blancche. Is it about the dungeon? Something we can use, right? Those guys from the Pochione Family. Only four out of the 21 members survived after entering together."

"There are four dungeon conquerors."

"Fortunately, it's difficult for Blancche to catch up to their level by clearing the dungeon just once."

"My level is 199."

Blancche confidently said, "The Giato Family won't have to worry about that. Because I'm here."


And then, Silvano coughed as if he was embarrassed and worried.

"You know, Blancshe? It's easy to break one club, but it's hard to break multiple clubs. When they're together, they survive, but when they scatter, they die~"

It was a request to take care of the family in the future.

Blancshe's response to this was as follows.

"I can break multiple clubs at once."

"Why are you like this to me?"

Blancshe chuckled and leaned against the back of the sofa.

"Silvano, do you know that I'm aiming for your position?" | "Hahaha! Go ahead and try your best! I'll be here for a hundred years!"

The villainess received the family's worship and

Note: Unrevised
