The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 69.

Episode 69

Ricardo, leaning on Blanche's shoulder, exhaled various colored breaths.

He had been sleeping deeply, unaware of the world.

Moreover, his expression was so relaxed that he seemed to not even know what he was doing right now.

Blanche thought that his black hair, which tickled her cheek, was as soft as a puppy's fur.

Even though he was completely drunk, the smell coming from him was not alcohol but the scent of soap.

She remembered that he had gone straight to the bathroom as soon as he arrived at the family house.

To make a good impression on the woman he liked.

Blanche smirked without realizing it, thinking, "Usually in times like this, shouldn't I be leaning on his head?"

Tommy, who had been watching her drinking spree from the beginning, spoke up. "Your Highness, I will take him to his room."

Blanche extended her hand to her colleague who had helped her protect the family house when Guillermo barged in.

"It's okay. I'll take him. I'm tired of just sitting in one place."

"But Guillermo will bring the fruit appetizers that Your Highness wanted."

"Tell Guillermo to wait a little. After taking him for a walk, I'll come back. Oh, you're my next opponent, Tommy."

"Ugh! Your Highness, please look at me! How can I defeat you?"

The employees surrounding Blanche chuckled at Tommy's whining.

Blancshe stood up from her seat, lightly shrugging her shoulders and supporting Ricardo.

"Then prepare as cleanly as possible. That should be enough, right?"

"Please make sure to stay alive tomorrow."

Tommy playfully teased Seongho.

Blancshe lightly laughed. "Of course. I wouldn't even kill a fellow organization member."

"Please come back quickly, Your Highness! The atmosphere only comes alive when Your Highness is here!"

Among them, there were those who expressed regretful remarks.

"Where did Your Highness defeat Silvano? The boss has been unconscious for a while."

Someone sang out, "Anyway, for our new consigliere of the Giato Family~"

With a cheer, the remaining members in the banquet hall raised their glasses. Blancshe noticed Ricardo's eyelids twitching shortly after leaving the corridor of the banquet hall.

After a while, he lifted his heavy eyelids.

Ricardo, who was being dragged like a burdened sack by Blanche, looked around dully due to the effects of alcohol.

"Hmm, Blanche? Where are we?"

"Where else? It's a family house."


"What do you mean already? Did you forget? We finished conquering the [Fiesta Dungeon] and came back to the city."

"Haha, right, that's what happened. Wait a moment, Blanche. I feel like I'm going to throw up. This is terrible. Why am I so dizzy?"

It seems like Blanche has been treating Ricardo too harshly.




However, she didn't even bother wiping her mouth and continued lying.

"Why are you drinking anyway? You're still underage."

Ricardo got angry. "Yeah, so what? In two years, I'll be an adult too! I'm not a clueless kid!"

"Still, let's keep our promises. Do you know what I could do to you when you're drunk and saying nonsense?" "Hehe, really? What could you do? I like it."

Ricardo smiled innocently, closing his eyes.

Blanche sighed and sat him down on a chair nearby.

"I won't let you get drunk again. Look."

At that moment, he grabbed her sleeve tightly.

In a moment, their gazes met as he sat on a chair in the narrow hallway and she stood in her place.


He smiled beautifully. Coincidentally, Blancshe's firm heart seemed to waver, beautifully.

"Blancshe. I know. You have nothing to gain from me."

But she didn't feel any guilt towards him.

Just a thought. He is too delicate, kind, and innocent to become a villain.

At the same time, Blancshe realized. "Could it be because of me? Is it because I resolved all the hardships that Ricardo faced by his side that he continues to be kind?"

Finally, she made a decision. Today, right now, she will give her answer to his confession. Impulsively, before her mind changes, immediately!

Yes, now is the time to put an end to this childish relationship.

In the next moment, Blancshe deliberately released his hand that was holding onto her and calmly searched through her inventory. "Ricardo, it won't work. You need to sober up right now. Here, [Health Recovery Potion]. Drink it."


Without knowing what Blancshe is trying to say, he obediently follows her instructions.

Smiling consistently.

Without knowing how his appearance keeps stirring up certain feelings in her.

As Ricardo finished emptying the stamina recovery potion, his dizziness gradually disappeared from his eyes.

That's why.

He saw it.

Blancshe's expression, which clearly showed her anger towards him.

She coldly urged him, "If you're drunk, get up from your seat. Let's go outside."

"Huh? But it's so dark outside. . ."

"Because it's dark, we're going out."

Blancshe swallowed the remark that said, "So that I won't see your face." Moreover, she didn't even pay attention to Ricardo's hesitation and turned her back, heading towards the family house.

Sensing an uneasy atmosphere, he hurriedly followed Blancshe.

Anxiously, he counted on his fingers if he had made any mistakes, one by one.

'What should I do? Seeing Blancshe angry, I'm sure I did something wrong, but I don't know what. '

It was the same when the two of them walked together to the front yard of the family house.

Ricardo couldn't find his own mistake at all.

It was a natural thing.

From the beginning, he hadn't done anything wrong.

But still, he silently walked ahead, apologizing to Blanche who was walking briskly.

"Sorry, Blanche!"

She stopped in her tracks.

Still looking ahead, Blanche scolded him.

"What are you sorry for? Do you even know what you did wrong? Why are you apologizing when you don't know anything?"

Ricardo lowered his head like a child and pursed his lips.

". . . Sorry. I guess I shouldn't have made you drink. It was my mistake to get drunk and make a mistake towards you, right? Oh, it's not like I'm using alcohol as an excuse. . . Really, I'm sorry, Blanche."

Ricardo's palms were sweating from tension.

Furthermore, Blanche, who still didn't look back at him, felt like she was choking Ricardo's breath.

She started walking again. "First, let's change seats."

Suddenly, the boy was engulfed in an uneasy feeling.

So, unusually, he was captivated by her intentions.

"No, Blanche. If you have something to say, say it here."

"Follow me."

"I'm not following you! Blancshe. Why do you keep moving seats? There's only the two of us here anyway. Don't tell me, you're worried someone from the staff will overhear our conversation? We should talk about something that will become a worrying topic of gossip, right?"

She still didn't turn around, but he could tell that she was hesitating and stumbling backward steps.

A cow dragging its shoes behind it.

Because he was annoyed.

He muttered.

"I'm tired, so I think I'll go back to my room now. So Blancshe, let's talk about it later. Later. . ."


However, Ricardo couldn't escape from this situation. | Unfortunately, Blancshe turned around and declared to him.

"Ricardo, don't like me." "Uh. . . ?"

"Because I don't like you, don't like me either."

Her forehead furrowed as if it were serious, and her stiff lips were unusual.

Because of this, Ricardo didn't know what she swallowed with that serious expression. | In an instant, Blancshe made up her mind.

"Ricardo, you shouldn't be kind. In the future, a kind person cannot survive in this city."

With a momentarily hurt face, he awkwardly smiled.

"What should I say again. . ."

He desperately put on a cheerful voice.


"Hey, Blancshe. It's okay if you don't like me. Oh, but that doesn't mean I'm ignoring your feelings. . . Right, Blancshe? I'll make more effort to understand your feelings from now on. No, I'll make a lot of effort."

In an instant, text appeared.

However, Blancshe no longer paid attention to his stress.

She was determined. "Don't bother. I already dislike you."

Even if I suddenly get hit on the back of my head with a hammer, I won't make a surprised expression.

In a moment, his eyes widened.

But he didn't shed tears right now.

Now, if he shows tears here, it would only add to Blancshe's contempt.

"It's not a joke. Ricardo, don't you still understand? The reason I've been good to you so far is simply because you're the boss's son."

Ricardo's heart skipped a beat.

Blancshe drove another wedge into his heart. "So don't like me anymore. I dislike your fussy personality."

"Since you would have understood by now, I will go in first. And don't talk to me until you have sorted out your emotions. I would be even more grateful if you don't talk to me even after sorting out your emotions."

Blancshe passed by Riccardo, who was still in a daze, sobbing and staring at the ground. He was about to pass by her. If he hadn't unexpectedly grabbed her and hugged her.

In the blink of an eye, Riccardo was looking in the same direction as Blancshe.

Thump, thump.

She felt a quick movement behind her.

Unfortunately, because Riccardo hugged her from behind, Blancshe couldn't move and realized how much he had been hurt.

With a trembling voice, he pleaded, his voice choked with tears.

"Blancshe. . . Please don't hate me. I can't live if you hate me. Even now, I can't breathe properly. . ."

The villainess received the worship of the family.

Note: Unrevised
