The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 59.

Episode 59

Thump. Swoosh. | In the blink of an eye, the bookshelf opened and closed like a door.

Rodolfo let out a sinister laugh at the sight of the safe attached to the wall like a built-in cabinet.

He confidently opened the safe and took out an item.

Finally, the item that Rodolfo had been carrying around all the time until he lent the "Ring of Flexibility" to Achilles was revealed.

It was a pistol.

Rodolfo stared at the pistol with a leaf stuck between the trigger and the barrel as if he was possessed.

The pistol, along with the magical stone stuck in the leaf, emitted a reddish-brown light despite its rough appearance, making it seem completely impractical.

Despite the rough appearance of the pistol, Rodolfo burst into laughter.

This pistol was his first reward from the previous conquest, the powerful weapon "Copper Pistol."

Rodolfo's confidence quickly spread to Achilles.

Achilles turned to his father, smiled confidently, and lightly tapped the pocket where he kept the fainting potion.

"If we can't make Blanche drink the fainting potion this time, Father can use it."

"Of course, no need to say more!" Even in the gloomy weather, the barrel of the "Copper Pistol" in Rodolfo's hand sparkled.

Rodolfo assuredly stated, "If this gun, which has defeated the boss monster of the "Copper Soldier Dungeon," is used, Blanche will be taken down in one shot!"

"Copper Pistol - A rare pistol made of special copper. It is a one-hit kill weapon that increases the user's attack power by 1000. However, due to its copper construction, it can only be used twice before retreating. It can be obtained as a reward in the D-rank Copper Soldier Dungeon."

+ Attack power increased by 1000 + Number of item uses (1/2)

Rodolfo, who imagined Blancche's future, smiled sadly.

"If we can't bring Blancche to our side, we'll kill her. What a neat plan."

All dungeons are towers of about 10 floors.

Each dungeon is wrapped in ivy or has barnacles attached depending on the surrounding environment, and in some places, trees also grow. They all had the common feature of not being able to see inside through the windows.

Although they look like towers, they are not actually climbed, which is a common feature of dungeons.

Dungeon towers are a system where challengers assemble individual dungeon rooms with mana cores in each floor when entering the dungeon.

Also, Blancche's obsession with dungeon maps was because if there was a map, such randomly generated dungeons would be structured exactly like the map.

Finally, when Blancche and her party arrived in front of the colorful [Fiesta Dungeon], Silvano, Giermo, and Ricardo couldn't help but admire.

"This is a dungeon. It looks strangely weird."

"Inspiration. . . It feels like I'm seeing such a tall building for the first time."

"Blancche, did you make that tower with cookies and candies?"

The one who answered Ricardo's bewildered question was not Blancche, but Rodolfo, who was carrying a large backpack. He seemed happy to show off his limited knowledge.

"Ricardo, if you're a city dweller, don't ask such a rustic question. Besides, just by looking at the shape, you can tell that the dungeon is not real food."

As Ricardo's cheek heated up, Blancche raised an eyebrow.

"Did you ever eat a dungeon tower, Rodolfo?"

Suddenly, not only Rodolfo but also Pochio fell silent.

"Have you ever eaten a dungeon tower, Rodolfo?"

Silence weighed on all of them as heavily as the backpacks they carried.

It was a response that was no different from a positive answer.

Ricardo's face turned red as the arrow unexpectedly hit the Pochio family.

Blancche satisfiedly confirmed the sight and led everyone into the entrance of the dungeon tower.

There was no door at the entrance of the tower. Rodolfo found it strange that she showed no hesitation despite being a novice.

And the same was true for the other Pochio family members.

Franco, Orlando, and Achilles each had their own thoughts.

'I can't meet a monster yet, so I can be so confident! Just wait! If the opportunity comes, I'll push that woman's head! A grudge of becoming bald overnight! I will never forget!'

'As expected, it's clear that she's not an ordinary woman. I have to be careful. '

'How did Blancche become so strong? It would be nice to find out her secret during the dungeon conquest."

The floor of the [Fiesta Dungeon] was made of cookies, and the ceiling was decorated with candy sticks, buttercream, and jelly.

Moreover, there was no staircase to be found anywhere in the open 1st-floor lobby, and there were several loud stainless windows on the biscuit walls, which were actually made of jewel candies, not real glass.

Blancche thought while looking at these sights.

Looking at it through a monitor and seeing it in person are completely different.

In the planning stage, the dungeon seemed bright with many primary colors, but who would have known that it would be so eerie in reality.

Sure enough, even Silvano seemed tense. He looked scared as if he had been left alone in a lit amusement park. "I, it doesn't seem strange even if something suddenly appears."

At that moment, his words became reality.

Suddenly, in the middle of the dungeon lobby, a jelly-like liquid sprang up and went "boing!" A mini golem with just enough height to reach Blanc's knees appeared. It was an orange-flavored jelly-like character similar to a wooden doll, with no eyes, nose, or mouth, yet it could speak. "Goooh!" Ting. A dialogue window appeared in front of Blanc. "Hello, Blanc. I am Mini Golem, here to assist you in conquering the dungeon." She quickly skipped through the conversation with Mini Golem. After all, Blanc didn't need an explanation to understand Mini Golem's role. Mini Golem was an NPC that could be encountered at the beginning and end of dungeon conquests. Meanwhile, except for Blanc, the three members of the Giato family had already drawn their weapons and were getting ready. Silvano held a crossbow, Giermo held a bow, and Ricardo held a sword and shield. "That's the famous monster!" "Your Highness! Please step back! I will take care of it right away!" "Blanc! Don't stand so close, come over here, behind my shield!" It was Rudolpho. Just as Blanc was about to raise her hand to stop the impatient ones, disdainful and mocking words brushed past the Giato family. "Hahaha! Anyway, I'll capture all the exciting moments!"

Moreover, it seemed like Achilles did not forget the embarrassment he had just suffered from Blancshe, and he did not miss the opportunity to mock the Giato family.

"Father, please don't do that. If we just arrived, we might be surprised by those decorations."

While Orlando was chuckling, Franco kicked and stepped on the innocent mini golem's head.

"Ricardo, look at this kid!"

The mini golem fell over and rolled several times due to Franco's attack, but it quickly stood up, raised both hands in the air, and shouted, "Gooo!"

Its appearance seemed as if it didn't even know what counterattack meant.

"Blancshe, if you happen to have a map, please show it to me!"

Achilles laughed at the Pochione family, excluding Blancshe.

"Blancshe, no matter how much you hit this monster, it won't resist. It's like a simple punching bag."

"So don't worry. In about thirty minutes, the ceiling will open, and the first floor will shoot up to the sky. That's when we'll start conquering the dungeon." Blancshe reached out her hand to Achilles while confirming the three men of the Giato family's bewildered expressions.

"Alright, give me the dungeon map."

"Ahem. Why are you already looking for the map?"

"Well, the mini golem is different."

A look of confusion briefly crossed Achilles' face.

"What is a mini golem?" "It's a monster-type NPC that you called a simple punching bag."

Following Blancshe's finger movement, Achilles looked even more puzzled.

"Does that person speak?"

"Not only Achilles, but also the faces of the Pochio family and the Giato family had question marks."

"She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes."

"Well, it seems like not only our family, but also the Pochio family can't see this chat window."

Achilles asked in a tone similar to muttering, "You say you can see it, not hear it?"

"Yes, I can see it. So, Achilles, give me the dungeon map now. That way, Mini Golem can guide us through the same dungeon as the map."

After a while, Blanche received the map from Achilles and handed it to Mini Golem.

When she handed over the [Fiesta Dungeon Map], a jumble of characters that seemed to go on forever appeared from Mini Golem's body.

The unidentified characters shone brightly in white, astonishing everyone except Blanche.

Blanche glanced at the bewildered people around her and smirked, "Why is the Pochio family so surprised? It's just Mini Golem shining. Don't be like country bumpkins making a big fuss."

Upon hearing those words, Rodolfo, who was deeply hurt, furrowed his brow threateningly.

So you can understand Flex.

But Rodelpho's face is still as cold as ice, even with the threat from Blanche.

Whatever plans she has for the future, she is still part of the Giato family.

It would have been better if Rodelpho could break her spirit in the dungeon and make her listen to him.

"Hey, future daughter-in-law. Can't you see that your family is all huddled up like a cat meeting a mouse?"

"Wow. You can still get angry even without hair."

"You were the one who was absent, not me!"

Rodelpho's temples throbbed with anger.

"And I'm not bald, I'm growing my hair!"

"Anyway, it's not there now." Since Rodelpho was not the only one who couldn't be free from his hair, the Pochio family immediately revealed their hostility.

"The dungeon conquest has begun. . . . . . . The villainess receives the worship of the family."

Note: Unrevised
