The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 74.

Episode 74

It's not just that.

Unlike others, Blancshe couldn't use skills.

Because of this, the family considered Blancshe as a strong athlete since some time ago.

For Blancshe, it was a frustrating situation in many ways.

She said she was capturing it, but an annoyed expression leaked from her expression, right?

Iliya couldn't take her eyes off Blancshe's crumpled face.

"Is there something wrong with the coffee?"

. . . No. I'm just lost in thought." "Is that so? Wait a moment. I'll show you something interesting."

He briefly went to his desk and brought a square black bag.

It was an Atashe case. After Iliya entered the password and opened the room,

bundles of banknotes filled the inside.

They were all Digitalis currency.

While others tremble at the sight of a single Digitalis banknote, Blancshe doesn't.

Because 23% of the Mint's shares belonged to Blancshe.

After the dungeon was activated, the circulation of gold and silver increased in the market, so Blancshe had no choice but to establish a bank to maintain public safety in the city.

Blancshe scoffed. "I have a lot of money too."

"Take a closer look."

Finally, Blancshe took out a banknote worth 10,000 won, equivalent to 1,000 kg of gold, and examined it.

". . . It's a counterfeit banknote."

Her voice was calm, but it was not polite.

In this money, they borrowed their credit and printed it.

Looking at Blanche, Ilya smiled as she wished.


Suddenly, the fire that settled in Blanche's eyes burned fiercely like a wildfire.

Blanche was also the president of a certain stock company, a subsidiary of Giato Corporation.

Blanche immediately went to the Giato Bank to find Guillermo.

"Your Highness! It is an honor to have your time! Please approve my proposal quickly, even if it is to pass down this honor for generations to come!"

Seeing Blanche's terrible appearance sitting on the sofa, Guillermo stood up without saying a word. Guillermo looked surprised, contrary to his age.

"Your Highness? Where are you going?"

"It would be more productive to have a conversation with your secretary."

"Your Highness! I apologize for my mistake! It's surprising how quickly someone who can destroy a country's economy can apologize like this."

Giermo was still a man without pride in front of Blanche.

Blanche sighed deeply and handed a black attache case to Iliya.

"Open it. It's a gift."

Blanche sat back in her seat. He sat next to her and opened the bag.

"What is this?!"

As expected of a bank manager in a crime city, Giermo recognized the counterfeit bills at a glance. . .

In an instant, his eyes sparkled. "You're giving money to the bank manager?! Your Highness, I've never received such a unique gift before." ". . . Is that all?"


Blanche, unable to contain her patience, slapped him on the neck. If it were someone else, it would have been an attack that could have broken his neck, but Giermo, who was at a higher level than her, ended up gasping for breath for a moment.

Blanche muttered with disdain.

"A person who is also the head of the minting company can't even recognize counterfeit bills at a glance. I'll cut you off, you scum."

Giermo, still not fully recovered his senses, laughed weakly.

"Oh! Then can I finally join Your Highness' company?"

With a gaze full of contempt, she stood up from her seat.

Giermo blinked. "Your Highness? Where are you going?"

"Cut yourself off and your secretary too."

I'm going to sit down. You're expelled from the Pa Milli as of today."

Moreover, he doesn't even ask for forgiveness.

". . . . . Why aren't you stopping?"

At that moment, Giermo rushed towards Blanche with a shy and excited face.

He tightly embraced Blanche. As her forehead touched his chin, Giermo's hands instinctively wrapped around Blanche's waist. Blanche quietly held Giermo's left index finger in this familiar situation.

Not long after, Giermo started treating himself without complaining anymore. Because this kind of thing had happened more than once.

Moreover, with an ample supply of stamina potions, he could handle any trauma or injury at once. Of course, such convenience was only allowed for the wealthy.

Blanche commanded him.

"Enough small talk, let's get to the point. Giermo, investigate how much counterfeit money is circulating in the market right now."

Finally, Giermo's expression became serious.

"Yes. I will carry out the task."

Blancshe nodded at his trustworthy appearance and approached Guillermo's desk instead of the sofa.

Blancshe crossed her legs confidently.

"Right now, bring all the heads of the currency production workshop in front of me."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

After Blancshe finished the interrogation, the afternoon had already passed quickly.

It was a short winter day.

She didn't return to the family house until late at night.

However, the effort she put in was in vain as there was no income from the investigation.

Nevertheless, Blancshe was satisfied with the interrogation itself.

What she wanted was for the fact that she had noticed the existence of counterfeit money to reach the ears of the culprit and his gang.

He turned around.

Because of this, Blancshe could only understand.

As Blancshe approached, Ricardo's pupils trembled with tension.

She casually passed by him.

He had no good reason to mix words with Blancshe.

It was always his responsibility to reach out his hand between them.

Blancshe's footsteps stopped at his trembling voice.

Blancshe still had a blank expression on her face.

"I executed a man who was impersonating the Con Silieri of the Giatto family in the refugee village."

"So you happened to catch the impersonator again?"

"Because that's the truth." It was a lie.

When facing him, Blanche carefully examined Ricardo's expression and immediately noticed this fact. However, she did not dwell on this fact again this time. Blanche also knew that if it wasn't for this kind of attitude, she wouldn't be able to have a conversation with him. "The mastermind?" "There isn't one. This guy was just pretending to be you to get money. Ah, people from outside the city still don't believe that you're a woman. Many have been deceived by that man." She mocked the continent's rulers. "Of course. How difficult it must be for those stubborn heads to accept it? If I want to survive without being stabbed in the back, I have to spread rumors that I'm a man." Three years ago, the Lamtsi Empire, led by the Allied Forces, invaded Digitallis. The Emperor never forgot that Blanche had stolen the Allied Forces' military funds. However, the result was naturally Blanche's victory in Digitallis. The Allied Forces had no choice but to suffer due to Digitallis' strategic use of dungeon resources. With this victory, Blanche made a name for herself on the continent, but not everything was good. Princes, dukes, and marquises from various countries lined up to propose to her in order to claim her fame as their own. Blanche could clearly see through their intentions and couldn't help but laugh. Moreover, she had to develop the city tirelessly after the war. After the victory, immigrants flocked to the city with dreams of "Digitallis Dream." Blanche nervously pondered over it. "I understand, so take a break now. And from now on, don't personally intervene even if you find an imposter. It's not your job, after all."

In an instant, his eyes sank into darkness, as if blaming Blancshe without saying a word.

However, her nagging did not end here.

Ricardo was a man who would sacrifice sleep for even a brief moment to mix Blancshe and words, searching for her imposter.

"Blancshe, you make me feel so miserable without a care."

He also had something to say to Blancshe.

"You know, Blancshe. How about you finally come to your senses?"

That's how it was.

Five years and ten months had passed, and Ricardo had mistakenly believed Blancshe to be one of Iriya's concubines. But she didn't bother to correct his misunderstanding.

Otherwise, it would have been even more difficult to turn away from his piercing gaze.

The villainess received the family's adoration and. . .

Note: Unrevised
