The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 68.

Episode 68

Is it a storm coming? Or is something bad about to happen?

The sky was completely purple.

When Blanche, with the help of Mini Golem, stepped out of the dungeon with the two men, the first thing that caught her eye was the sunset, dyed like a bunch of bellflowers.

It was a splendid sunset, with fragments of purple sky fluttering through the violet scroll-like clouds.

Blanche quietly held her breath as she watched.

The evening breeze, rather cold for spring, tousled her short hair.

In an instant, Ricard, who was standing next to Blanche, murmured, "Father. . ." In that voice that sounded like a groan, Blanche finally realized that the purple sky was not an illusion, but the presence of over fifty members of the Giato Family.

The family dressed in black suits in front of the [Fiesta Dungeon] was surreal.

Especially the man at the forefront of the family, Illya, who was even wearing black leather gloves, was more so.

The purple sunset gave his dark hair a dreamlike hue, and backlighting cast darkness even on his nose.

But the darkness couldn't engulf Illya's blue eyes.

That's why he was looking at this side with such a piercing gaze.

Blanche met Illya's sharp gaze more seriously than ever.

For the first time, it touched her skin - the fact that this man, Illya, was at the top of the organization.

At that moment, there was a man running towards Blanche, leading the family from behind and passing Illya.

"Your Highness~!"

A familiar face.

It seemed like he had been banished from the dungeon, his clothes were tattered.

Despite that, Blancshe could feel Giermo's gaze constantly on him.

And it wasn't because of his dark, wet blond hair or his sparkling pumpkin-colored eyes.

Truly, he couldn't help but stare at her with the proudest and most proud expression in the world.

Giermo's heart leaped with excitement.

Blancshe's mouth twitched unknowingly at his hearty laughter.

"I'm glad you're safe, Giermo. I was worried you might have been left behind."

Around that time, Silvano muttered, "Hey, it seems like you haven't seen Ricardo and me unchanged."

"Both of them are trying to be okay without bothering Your Highness, aren't they, Your Excellency?"


Although Giermo smiled and spoke, there was a strange sense of hostility towards Ricardo in his words.

As usual.

Because of this, Ricardo thought, "I couldn't help it, but I was worried about leaving Blancshe during the previous strategy. And now, seeing you pretending not to care and glaring at me, it seems like you're jealous again."

Ricardo silently glared at him.

"Just watch. Blancshe will always be by my side."

Giermo and Ricardo. The unknown staring contest between the two men had already begun.

If Iliya hadn't spoken up, the two men might have fought in front of everyone without realizing how embarrassing it would be.

Iliya clicked her tongue. "Consigliere, aren't you late?"

Unconsciously, she flinched.

"Why did Iliya suddenly bring the family to the dungeon entrance? And why did she ignore me and talk to Silvano as if she was showing off? Could it be that she's trying to get rid of me from the organization again?"

Blancshe gritted her teeth.

"Who do you think will obediently leave this time?"

She reminded herself that she had three automatic rifles in her inventory obtained from the Pia Star Dungeon.

Also, the gold that Silvano called "Ancient Coins" was in Blancshe's inventory.

"Silvano told me. With eight 'Ancient Coins,' you can buy a mansion in the capital of Ramsier Empire."

Blancshe clenched her empty fist and tried to calm her anxiety.

"Just wait and see. This time, I will prove my competence."

But why?

Even as time passed, Silvano did not respond to Iliya.

Moreover, it was not only Silvano who silently paid attention to her.

It was also with an inexplicable expectation.

As if driving a wedge, Silvano tapped Blancche's shoulder.

"What are you doing, Consigliere? The boss is asking."

In an instant, Blancche's heart sank.

Everyone was looking at her with affectionate eyes under the purple sky.

Finally, her lips opened. Blancche could finally smile freely.

"Even if you brought a teleportation mage, don't complain about it."

"If I go back now, the dinner I prepared will be cold."

Blancshe was genuinely surprised. It was understandable, as it was Iliya who had always disliked her.

But now, he not only acknowledged Blancshe as Consigliere, but also prepared a welcome banquet?

Iliya crossed his arms, reading something from Blancshe's eyes.

"Consigliere. The organization has its traditions. Even if you don't like it, you have to go through the inauguration ceremony."

Silvano suppressed his disappointment and patted Blancshe's shoulder.

"Don't be too nervous, Blancshe. The inauguration ceremony is just a formality. We'll all eat and have fun together!"

"I'm not nervous. Besides, if I'm in trouble, Silvano will help me, right?"

Silvano's expression seemed as if he had been caught off guard by her unexpected words.

Finally, tears welled up in his eyes. He thought he would become an old man confined to the back room, but it turned out not to be the case.

"Blancshe, do you need my help?"

"Did you think I could relax and take a break from the Consigliere position? Silvano, are you still active duty?"

Silvano laughed cheerfully, unaware that Blancshe had no intention of burdening herself with all the troublesome tasks.

"Hahaha! Of course, I'll step forward if the great Blancshe needs me!"

At that moment, Giermo intervened. "Your Highness, I apologize for interrupting, but as Consigliere, there is an important decision you need to make first."

"What is it?"

Giermo pointed at the trees near the dungeon, making Blancshe nervous.

More precisely, it was the piled-up bodies of the Porchione Family.

All four men seemed to have lost consciousness as if they had taken some kind of sleeping pill.

It was.

"What should we do? Those bastards."

Before answering, Blancshe checked the status window of the Pochio family.

Perhaps because they caused a commotion in the boss room and were kicked out, their levels were significantly lower compared to Giermo. In fact, Rodolfo's level had already dropped to 12. Furthermore, they no longer had any stat-increasing items.

When the Pochio family was thrown out unconscious, Iliya collected all the accessories they had. There was nothing else to hide.

During the previous executive meeting, Iliya had heard about the secret power of the Pochio family from Blancshe a long time ago. Iliya casually said, "Blancshe, make a decision quickly. If Consilieri wants to conquer the southern region, we can't just sit idly by."

"No, boss. We won't conquer the southern region. Right now, our main focus is controlling the dungeon loot market. However. . ."

She smiled sweetly, as if confessing her love. "At least erase the Pochio family's name from Diggy Talis, so that no one can ever provoke the Giato family again." Just then, Silvano raised both hands in the air and shouted, "Our family will continue to be the best in the lawless city!"


As if waiting, all the members of the organization cheered. They were truly relieved that Blancshe's affiliation remained unchanged under the pretense of engagement and marriage.

Also, I was happy. Now that Blanc Che has become a member of the organization, she will lead them more confidently.

Therefore, the Giato Family was not afraid even when the purple sky turned dark blue and the night came.

They were not scared even when they were around the strangely shaped dungeon tower, and they were not worried about whatever happened to them in the future.

Because they had Blanc Che. The concigliere of the Giato Family, Blanc Che.

Finally, everyone believed in her, respected her, and relied on her.

Amidst cheers, Blanc Che recalled a past that felt like a long time ago.

It was a strange thing.

At that time, even in spring, it was cold and terrible as if the heart was empty, but not anymore.

A mafia family worse than the Marquis, yet not unhappy. "It's not that I'm happy, but I'm not lonely either."

At least Blanc Che is no longer alone.

Finally, the entire Giato Family returned to the Di Gitalis.

Also, even if the moon tilted to the east in the middle of the night sky, they did not neglect eating and drinking.

The busiest person at dinner was Blanc Che, the protagonist of today.

The Giato Family, who knew that Blanc Che's words were like magic, were disappointed that they couldn't offer her good wine in advance.

Of course, there was no one who dared to feed her sleeping pills.

Thanks to Iliya's efforts, it would be impossible to obtain sleeping pills in Dig Talis.


An unknown member of the organization collapsed onto the table during the grand event.

Once again, Blancche won the drinking game.

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?"

Everyone surrounding Blancche laughed in agreement at the words shouted by someone unknown.

Blancche raised the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

Suddenly, she felt a heavy weight on her shoulder.

The culprit was Ricardo. After drinking one or two glasses next to Blancche, he ended up leaning on her shoulder and falling asleep.

The villainess received the admiration of the family.

Note: Unrevised
