The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 73.

Episode 73

The woman was tense as if facing a wild animal.

"Ricardo, I've told you many times, the crime of impersonation is my job."

"Don't worry. I will definitely report it to Blancshe."

"No, that's not what I meant~"

Before the woman could finish her sentence, Ricardo's sword was faster.

As he swung his sword horizontally, the imposter's body collapsed.

Having achieved his goal, Ricardo forcefully swung his blood-soaked sword diagonally.

The red blood dripped straight down to the floor.

Even in the pale faces of the organization members, Ricardo remained proud until the end.

Because he was desperate.

Five years had passed since that spring day when his confession was rejected.

Blancshe wouldn't meet Ricardo unless he did something like this.

Snow fell from the gloomy sky since morning. As the afternoon went on, the snowfall became heavier and started to spread to the Giato family house in the west of Digitallis.

However, no matter how much it snowed, it couldn't cover the Giato family house.

In the past five years, the Giato family house had undergone numerous expansions, becoming a palace with 200 rooms and four turrets.

The rapid construction was made possible by the power of the dungeon, just like other buildings in Digitallis.

In addition, the current number of employees in the Giato family is close to 10,000, and they have cooperative relationships with over half of the city's businesses.

Now, the Giato family has firmly established itself as the strongest organization in Digitalis.

And the one who represents the Giato family is Blancshe.

At 24 years old, Blancshe was heading towards the main house of the family.

She still maintained her red short hair and was terribly beautiful, but she was no longer just pretty.

Perhaps it would be difficult to find someone in this city who looks better in a double-breasted suit than her.

30 minutes before the officer meeting begins.

Finally, Blancshe arrived at the meeting room on the second floor of the main building.

Except for her, three out of ten officers had already arrived.

Giermo, Tommy, and Felice smiled and stood up from their seats at her appearance.

The first one to greet Blancshe was Giermo, the director of Giato Bank.

With his short blonde hair with a hint of orange, neatly styled. | Since his birthday hasn't passed yet, Giermo's 24-year-old pumpkin-colored eyes still sparkle with affection whenever he sees Blancshe.

He proudly displayed his earrings, with six on his left ear.

However, his body had noticeably changed in the past five years, thanks to leveling up and training.

Moreover, he had grown taller, so the two-button herringbone winter suit fit him well.

It has been a long time since he transformed into a man who suits him well.

However, he still had a friendly and playful impression.

But the mysterious aura emanating from him didn't seem to appeal to him.

So, it must have been unexpected for him to appear wearing a large gold frame glasses.

However, the subtle image emanating from Guillermo was as faint as his Woody fragrance.

Blancshe, who had just entered the conference room, approached Guillermo as he charmingly stumbled.

"Your Highness. I heard you went to the pub yesterday? If you're going to drink, please call me."

"Never mind. It's better to drink alone."

"Then, how about tea? Will you be free after it's over today?"

"I'm busy." "What about tomorrow?"

Before rejecting, she stared at Guillermo intently.

In response to Blancshe's dry gaze, Guillermo murmured as if he were cool. "If you don't have time, a week later is fine. . ."

At that moment, Tommy, who was also in the conference room, intervened.

"How come, Guillermo? Why do you become more indecisive as time goes by?"

Tommy, too, was dressed in a stylish pinstripe suit, as much as the changed cityscape.

Jazz and a 15-story high-rise building, free love, flapper look and whiskey, now accompanied by newly invented cars.

Guillermo looked at Blancshe earnestly with his hands clasped together. "Did you hear, Your Highness? Even Tommy speaks like that. Am I not pitiful?"

"Are you not going?"

"Not really."

However, there was no sign of hesitation in the response.

But Giermo, instead of being hurt by this cold voice, smiled and asked.

"Then, how about a month later?"

| At that sight, Tommy bit his tongue.

"Sir Blanche. Isn't it uncomfortable to have that guy clinging to you? Should I just ask him directly?"

"Forget it. Giermo is not just any man, now he's just a barking dog."

She passed by Giermo and sat on the right side of Sangseok.

In the position of the second in command of the organization, the seat of Consigliere Lee.

But why is that?

Unlike the calm her, the temperature of the three men on the opposite side dropped.

Suddenly. Giermo sharpened his eyes while grinding his teeth.

"Your Highness. Besides me, is there a man who dares to follow you?"

Tommy and Felice were also filled with a creepy anger.

"It must be some outsider. We took care of the citizens who were stalking Sir Blanche a few days ago."

"That bastard's life is not worth anything. Who is he? If you just tell me his name, I'll take care of him right away."

Blanche leaned back against the backrest and responded indifferently.

"It's fine. I'll handle my own work."

"Yes." And at the same time, they thought.

'I will kill. '

"The execution seems good."

Pelliche accidentally let his thoughts slip out of his mouth, as his emotions overwhelmed him.

Blancshe, feeling displeased, raised an eyebrow.

Giermo and Tommy quickly pondered Pelliche's actions. As much as they were followers of Blancshe, the three had been on the same boat for a long time when it came to the problem of followers.

"Please don't misunderstand, Your Highness! This guy recently developed a strange hobby."

"Yes, Lady Blancshe. Pelliche has taken up the hobby of burning old dolls."

However, she didn't want to raise her voice to those arrogant fools before the regular meeting. Especially considering Tommy's desperate efforts to turn the conversation around.

Tommy added, "Silvano, you liked dolls, didn't you?"

Blancshe flicked her head with an expressionless face.

"Well, Silvano liked small and fluffy things that didn't match his appearance." | Giermo and Felice also nodded.

They all gathered together and felt the absence of inspiration even more.

"That's right. Silvano was a really good person."

The three of them unknowingly looked into the distance.

As if reminiscing about Silvano, who was not present in this place~

Suddenly, the closed meeting room door swung open.

Silvano appeared wearing a navy double-breasted suit.

And he shouted so loudly that his veins stood out on his neck!

"I'm still in my prime! I'm still active! Moreover, these days, medicine has improved so much that I won't die easily! You guys, whenever we meet, just kill someone who is perfectly fine!" | The four of them burst into laughter, excluding Silvano.

Giermo shook his head.

"You came early. Inspiration. I thought today might be the day you didn't show up."

"Don't make me laugh, kid! My death will definitely be a natural one! I won't even flinch for the next 20 years!"

"Inspiration. If you're at that age, even if you get murdered on the street, it's still a natural death."

"Well, you see! They welcomed a guy who doesn't even know the basics into the deep-rooted Giato family, and what happened? Anyway, these days, the members of the organization have gone rotten in their minds! People who have never lived in the Giato family house, which boasted 100 years of history, are disrespecting the elders like this!"

Blancshe said a word that she didn't like.

"Stop looking for a non-existent family house, Silvano."

"Blanche, you don't exist because I carried you!"

Guillermo naturally took Blanche's side.

Startled, Guillermo's broad shoulders stiffened.

Silvano let out a fart. "You think using that makes you knowledgeable? Blanche's ideal type is a sophisticated person, not a swindler like you."

As usual, Guillermo and Silvano whispered to each other until just before the meeting started.

After the meeting, Blanche confronted Iliya directly as Consigliere.

The two no longer met in his bedroom.

Iliya offered her the coffee his secretary had brought.

"According to your plan, the shipment of coffee beans produced in the dungeon has increased."

Blanche recruited orphans from the Digitallis who had to earn a living since birth and put them into the dungeon. The higher-level hunters would weaken the monsters, and the kids would deliver the finishing blow, gaining experience points and collecting reward items.

As these children grow up, they become excellent members of the Giatto family organization, and since they have a reliable guardian belonging to the family, no one can treat the children lightly by saying they have no mother.

Moreover, it's a win-win situation for both the children without guardians and those who reach out to help them, using the excuse that the temptation has disappeared.

Blanche unconsciously frowned at Ilya's soft, gentle eyes.

Tap, tap. He lightly tapped the armrest of the sofa.

"Sometimes I get confused."

"About what?"

"Actually, I think you're a hypocrite."

"Boss, have you gone crazy at the age of forty?"

Although he was already middle-aged, Ilya looked young and handsome, just like when they first met.

Blanche didn't hide her annoyance towards this handsome man with jet-black hair.

"Don't talk nonsense, Boss. I always like efficiency. That's all."

She checked Illya's status window with her tongue out.

Somehow, he leveled up again, even though it was impossible.

Blancshe's level is still stuck at 999.

It had already been two years.

Despite the full experience bar, her level wouldn't increase.

The max level in "Exciting Anastasia" is 1000.

In addition, all stats cannot exceed 999.

But this limit only applied to Blancshe.

In other words, there were many people around her with levels over 1000.

Giermo is level 1006. Silvano is level 1020.

Tommy is level 1000. Feliche is level 1022.

And Illya. . . [Illya Giato LV 1200

Age 40/Male

Health 1000/1000 (Forgotten Lawring Ring effect applied)

Magic power 827/827 (Forgotten Lawring Ring effect applied)

Fame 1300, Morality 999

Stress 47

- Attack power 913/ Defense power 500 - Agility 750 ※ Level up bonus/ Increase in morality ※ Occupation/ Giato Family Boss, God




| ※ Applying inventory (Forgotten Law Ring effect applied)

| ※ Experience doubled / Poison resistance (Forgotten Law Ring effect applied)

Alright. Blancshe is no longer the strongest person in this world.

The villainess receives the worship of the family and

Note: Unrevised
