The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 91.

Episode 91

In an instant, Blancshee gestured to Guillermo and Silvano so that the shop wouldn't notice.

It meant for them to be careful in front of the shop.

Silvano and Guillermo quickly caught the signal.

The two men nodded or winked, and Blancshee tickled the shop's neck with her index finger.

"This is not how it's supposed to be. Just go up for now."

Who would dare to defy Blancshee's words?

She led everyone and stood in front of the elevator.

And she urged Crochetta once again.

"Crochetta, while you're delivering the order to each department, tell the head of the information team and the head of the assassination team to come to the CEO's office."


When the closed doors of the elevator opened, the first person to greet them was Phoebe, who had received the gun she purchased from the shop.

After confirming Blancshee's face, Phoebe casually put the muzzle that she had aimed at her behind her back.


Phoebe, like Blancshee's close aide, was quick-witted.

She easily understood the situation so far.

"Hello, Silvano and Guillermo. Hello, Shop."

The two men nodded and gestured in greeting, and the shop waved her hands happily.

"But how about doing the body management at the family house? It's a bother for the company, Your Highness."

"Isn't it not the right time to say that? This time, it was fortunate that the boss forgave you for seeing your face, but what if he didn't forgive you? Did you think that Your Highness would take responsibility for your actions?"

Ricardo smirked.

"No. You saw it wrong. It's a misunderstanding, Giermo."

"I'm hiding behind Blanche, right?"

"Blanche told me to do so."

Suddenly, Giermo clenched his teeth. For some reason, he seemed unusually relaxed.

"Hey, this guy, do you know what your father said about leaving you behind last night?"

Ricardo stood up from his seat while organizing the newspaper.

"Mr. Silvano, my father is the boss before he is my stepfather. So please don't worry too much. I didn't get hurt." | "That's true. Ricardo, you've grown up."

Silvano sniffled and swallowed his tears.

Well, it was no different from raising Ricardo as if he were his own, apart from being called his father.

Eventually, Blanche tidied up the noisy room.

"Everyone, please sit. I have something to discuss." She sat on the main seat of the guest sofa, with Silvano and Guillermo on the right sofa.

However, Blanche did not seat Ricardo.

"Ricardo, don't sit, stand next to me. From today, you are my bodyguard." Ricardo's complexion noticeably brightened.

"Really? Did the boss allow it?" "Instead, you were fired from headquarters. You being my bodyguard is just a punishment."

"It's okay. Still, I should thank the boss."

Ricardo smiled brightly, as if his face was glowing. He stood behind Blanche with excitement.

It was a moment when sparks of jealousy flickered beyond Guillermo's pumpkin-colored eyes.

At that moment, the shop carelessly poured oil into the burning house.

"Good thing, Blanche! I can be with your precious person!"

Guillermo suspected his ears due to the unexpected attack.

He anxiously asked the shop, "Shop. What do you mean by 'precious person'?" However, the answer to this question came from Blanche, not the shop.

She still had a blank expression.

And with this appearance, Ricardo smiled as if to say something.

6 years ago.

When Ricardo was scolded by Blancshee, just like Guillermo did.

Suddenly, in the air, Ricardo and Guillermo's gazes met. | The two males stared at each other without a word, as always.

For Blancshee, it was an inexplicable passion.

"When I look at them separately, they're fine, but when they're together, they act like children."

She shook her head. It was an uncomfortable situation for Blancshee to use both men.

If, in the next moment, something unexpected happened -

Blaunshee would have stopped the two men, even if it was bothersome.

[System/ Blaunshee's bug report has been fixed. ]

"Bug report!"

She easily recalled what happened on Ricardo's birthday, when she stood on the balcony of the family house.

Yes. The day Ricardo and Blancshee kissed.

Her level was reset,

and the bug report was delivered to the GM. She said.

[System/ The gateway to the world tree has opened. ]

At the same time as the system notification, Blancshee suddenly felt the gaze of someone she couldn't ignore.

However, nowhere in the office could they find the owner of the gaze of Ji Yeohan.

At that moment, suddenly a sentence popped into Blancshe's mind.

It was similar to a voice, but definitely not a simple voice.

If you were to compare, it was similar to a system log and text.

{Mr. Blancshe, we would like to inform you that unfair game usage such as bugs, fraud, and rudeness will result in sanctions. }

There was no need to think deeply. Blancshe immediately grasped its identity.

She chewed on someone's identity as if spitting out words.


{According to the operating policy, the first offense results in a 3-day ban, the second offense results in a 30-day ban, and from the third offense onwards, permanent suspension will be imposed. }

Blancshe was furious. | 'Who are you? Some programmer telling me what to do?'

However, there was no response.

It seemed that the GM couldn't read Blancshe's inner thoughts.

Meanwhile, the staring contest between Ricardo and Guillermo had ended.

A fierce aura emanated from Blancshe.

It was a misunderstanding that they thought it was because of themselves.

| Suddenly, the cat that had been sitting near her knees, lowered from her shoulder, looked up with a puzzled expression.

"Blancshe, what's wrong? Are you hungry?" "Shop, can't you hear this sound?" "What sound?" {Could it be, can you hear my voice?} Blancshe tapped her temple with a serious expression.

'Why is she surprised when she's the one who started the conversation? Could it be that this is a voice that I'm not supposed to hear?'

Ricardo, standing behind her, said in a serious tone, "Blanche, if you let me know what's going on, I'll check it out and come back."

Guillermo stepped forward. "No, let me go. You stay by 'Your Highness's' side. With Silvano. It'll be safer that way."

Ricardo responded somewhat irritably, as if bothered by those words. "I'm not standing next to Blanche just to be protected."

Guillermo smirked, not hiding his sarcasm. "My lord, since your position has changed, from now on, you should address 'Your Highness' as your superior. It's basic etiquette."

"Well, you're still young, so I guess it can't be helped."

Ricardo always felt inferior to Guillermo's age.

Despite that, Guillermo was happily smiling, not fitting his age.

He was delighted, as if he had landed a punch on Ricardo like a child.

It was a moment of equality.

However, this time Ricardo didn't retaliate against Guillermo's words, which treated him as a child. But staring at him was a different matter. If he could, Ricardo would punch Guillermo's smug face.

I wanted to do it even if it's embarrassing.


Especially, when Giermo and Blancshe made eye contact, Giermo quickly changed his expression as if he had washed his face.

"What should we do? Should we confirm what we heard and come back?"

Blancshe casually extended her hand as if it was not a big deal.

However, her wrinkled forehead didn't seem to smooth out easily, as her sticky gaze lingered around Blancshe even at this moment.

Moreover, the GM didn't hesitate to say such nonsense.

"Why me?" "It goes against the operating policy." "Operating policy?"

Blancshe aimed at the ceiling as if to argue, but the nonsense came back.

"Receiving Ricardo's love is the role of Ana Star." "I would like to remind you that actions that go against the operating policy can be subject to disciplinary action."

"But you're just all talk, you can't sanction me."

"If you had appeared to notify me of the enforcement results, you would have sanctioned me at the same time. Isn't that right?"

[system/ GM_The branches of the world tree are confused. ]

"Who exactly are you?"

The villainess receives worship from the family.

Note: Unrevised
