The villainess receives the family's worship - Episode 15.

Episode 15

[System/ Silvano's stress is increasing. ]

"Are you, are you in your right mind?!"

Silvano screamed as if he was being torn apart.

Blanche let out a silent sigh.

It's as if Silvano is saying something strange.

"Why are you angry?"

"Oh my goodness. I knew from the first time I saw you that you were a mess, but I didn't expect you to ruin things to this extent!" In his frustration, Silvano even stuck out his tongue.

"Do you know what you've done?! You've broken the peace treaty! You've made a mockery of the Giato Family's honor!"

A gust of wind escaped from Blanche's mouth.

"Honor? That's strange. The honor I know belongs to the strong."

As Silvano's face turned red as if it would explode.

He was so angry that he even clenched his shoulders.

"You, who can't even read the changing tide, dare to! Get out. Leave the city right now! You're not part of the Giato Family!" She pulled her lips tightly, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Why do you get to decide that? Move aside. I have to meet Illya. Where is Illya's room?"

Without waiting for an answer, Blanche moved.

Silvano, who had no more patience to endure, took out a butterfly knife from inside his pajamas.

He hesitated as if he was about to touch Blancshe's boat and thrust the knife.

"Get lost. Right now." It was a strange thing. | Even though the coldly carved flesh flowed on the old man's face, Blancshe was indifferent.

No, that's not enough. She carefully lowered the anchor right in front of her boat and even held her long, slender hand to the blade.

In the blink of an eye, the knife folded horizontally.

The tip of the knife naturally pointed towards Silvano.

It was the moment when the true value of 248 stamina was demonstrated.

Unlike Silvano, who was shocked and speechless, Blancshe still had a calm expression.


Silvano frantically searched. "You, who are you. . . ?" "Step aside. I'm going to meet Iria."

Silvano, who instinctively tried to thrust the knife into her belly again, realized belatedly that the knife was broken and threw it on the ground.

"The boss doesn't want to meet you just because you want to meet him! There are procedures in the organization!"

"Step aside, old man."

Annoyed by his unwanted nagging, she pushed him.


Slightly according to Blancshe's standards.

Silvano couldn't rebel for a moment and collapsed on the ground.

He groaned at the back of her head as she left the reception room, hitting the floor with his back.

"Don't you have any respect for the elderly!"

Silvano, who used to specialize in stealing wallets from slow old people in the past, had nothing to say.

Blancshe went to find Iliya without hesitation.

Her expectation was correct. Iliya's room was on the second floor. It was a room in the family house that was the largest and received the most sunlight. However, despite its good location, his room was decorated with old-fashioned and boring decorations that looked like they were at least 100 years old.

It was adorned with thick tapestries on the walls, or perhaps with old taxidermy. Above all, making heads of bears, deer, tigers, and others into a pattern like a grid on one side of the wall can only be thought of as a perverse hobby.

Even if the bottom row was filled with six plausible pairs of statues, they were statues of previous bosses.

Furthermore, his room had nothing but a bed, a fireplace, and an old washbasin. Even the necessary everyday items were not visible in the room.

Blancshe furrowed her brow as she glanced around the room.

She usually didn't care about how others lived, but it seemed that this was not normal. "It doesn't seem like a room where a person lives."

Without realizing it, she found Iliya sitting on the bed, barefoot and wearing only his underwear, staring straight at himself. "Even with the same stamina of 170 as Iliya, Mario didn't look this good."

His large and broad shoulders were self-explanatory.

The well-shaped chest beneath it was tightly packed with abs that resembled a sculpture. Indeed, it was the beauty befitting the final boss's father.

Blancshe approached Iliya.

"Were you awake?" Iliya lazily smiled and massaged her stiff neck muscle with one hand.

"Can you sleep well while causing such a commotion at night? So, what's the matter, miss?"

"My name is Blancshe. Not miss."

He laughed sarcastically. "Ah, I see. Now miss is also a member of the Giato family. I apologize. I will definitely call you by your name from now on." Slowly, Iliya stood up.


Between the dark hair pouring down her forehead, his eyes narrowed.

He looked like a fierce beast preparing for a hunt.

"Blancshe. Did you finish the job properly?"

"Of course."

Iliya smirked at her confident answer.

At the same time, Silvano appeared behind Blancshe.

"Iliya! Something big happened, this girl killed Mario!"

". . . . . . . . What?" "There's a body of Mario in the first-floor reception room right now!"

Fear crept onto Iliya's previously relaxed face.



In the lawless city of Digitallis, organizations big and small divide and survive by devouring or being devoured.

The past two years of war experienced by the Giato family were of that kind.

2 years ago.

The Giatto family started a war with the neighboring family for territorial expansion and was winning smoothly.

If the Scuza family had not suddenly appeared, the winner of the war would have been the Giatto family.

The Scuza family attacked the Giatto family under the pretext of merging with the family they were fighting.

In response, the Giatto family tried to form an alliance, but failed.

The boss, who was too soft to intervene in a fight that was obviously going to lose from the beginning, was not present in this digital list.

In the end, Iliya, who failed to secure funds to continue the war two months ago, had no choice but to bow his head to the Scuza family.

Promising to pay a humiliating protection fee of 20% of the total income every month.

That's how Iliya and the Giatto family looked forward to the future.

However, that humiliating peace has now been broken. The three people moved to the parlor where Mario's lifeless body lay. The expressions of the three surrounding the body were distinct.

Silvano had a grim expression as if he had lost a beloved child, unlike the unimpressed Blanche. Iliya. . . was laughing so hard that his Adam's apple was visible.

"Hehehe. . . Ahaha!" Silvano snapped at him, feeling down.

"Iliya, you crazy bastard! Shouldn't the boss of the family be happy at a time like this?!"

"Then should I cry, Silvano?"

Silvano clenched his fists. "I know that you were never enthusiastic about the peace treaty from the beginning! But if you're responsible for the organization, shouldn't you not be happy at a time like this?!" In a desperate voice, Iliya raised both hands in the air and assumed a "surrender" posture.

"Fine. Consigliere. Say whatever you want."

Silvano's gaze fell on Blanche.

"We will hand over this girl to the Scuza family right away."


"So that we can survive."

Blancshe frowned and grumbled.

"That's too much. Cutting off the tail?"

Silvano had no choice but to bury his face in his hands at the audacious remark.

Iliya burst into laughter at the conversation between the two.

Silvano and Blancshe both opened their mouths.

"Don't laugh, you bastard!" "I already hated you on the way here."

Iliya smiled and tilted her head slightly, a beat behind in the laughter.

"What?" She confessed the truth dryly.

"After you left, I immediately snapped Mario's neck. Then a lot of things happened." "After I left, you killed him right away?"

Blanche nodded to the hesitant Silvano.

In an instant, the gaze of the two men changed. Iliya asked, "Silvano, how many people live in the Scuza Family House?"

"Roughly, at least 50 people." "Blanche, did you clean it all up?"

"Since I did it." Iliya laughed villainously.

Silvano, unable to hide his excitement, speaks. "But we need to finish quickly. That way, we'll have a better chance of winning. Moreover, if other organization guys find out that we broke the treaty, they'll give us a reason to start an unnecessary war."

Iliya said, "Then let's make sure no one knows that we broke the treaty."

"Alright. Leave the evidence manipulation to Concilier. From now on, this fight is about that shaky pillar, Mario! Euhaha!" Silvano brightly lit up and wrapped his hands around Blanche's shoulders.

"Well done, Blanche! You're the best hitman!" Silvano let go of Blanche's shoulders before hearing her say, "Do you want your wrist to fly away?"

He turned to Iliya. "Let's go, Iliya. With Blanche alone, we can quickly end this war."

He was right. Blanche would become the Giato Family's best weapon from today onwards. But why? Iliya quietly lowered her head. "No. Blanche will not participate in this war."

Before she could protest, she couldn't accept Silvano's decision.

"Iliya! It's finally a fight worth fighting, why are you backing out again?"

Iliya ignored him and turned his gaze to Blanche.

"Blanche, have you ever killed someone before?"

"No, today was the first time."

Unlike Iliya, who fell silent, Silvano couldn't hide his astonishment.

"The first time?! You killed at least fifty people in just one day?!"

Iliya looked down at her silently.

He thought to himself.

'I can't afford to rely on a rookie with such a troubled face. Maybe she's hiding something. '

'I can't break a high-performance weapon so soon. Besides, it's not just about worrying about her, but also about the future of the family. '

Concerned about her, Iliya spoke to Blanche again.

"By the way, I haven't asked your age yet."

"I'm 17. My birthday is on January 18th."

'Still so young. Just two years older than Ricardo. '

After a while, he gently stroked her hair.

"Blanche, you've gone through your first killing."

However, Blanche didn't say anything in response. Her green eyes gleamed like a gun.

"Can I win even without you?"

(Note: The translation may not be exact due to the limitations of machine translation. )

Is there another subordinate like this in the world?

A rookie who asks if it's okay to not have confidence in the boss.

Moreover, isn't the other person the boss of the mafia family?

The villainess receives worship from the family and

Note: Unrevised
