
This song will come later in the story so play it when it does and you'll get the vibe...hopefully 😅

And the pic....it feels too nostalgic.

Anywho...here's the epilogue...I'm not crying....u r.

The S/O for this very last part of broken home is to every single one of you who has taken the time to read this story to its entirety.

I love you all 3000.

Now, on with the epilogue!


*15 Years Later*

August 2037

Molly's P.O.V

"Laurel! Nico! Get your bags in the car!" I yell to my 8 and 14-year-old.

So in the past years, everyone got married and had kids. My career kept going but I always made sure to keep family first. However, the band took a few years off after 2028 to spend time with the kids and then came back in 2035.

In these last 15 years, we basically grew a MiniSOS empire. 

In 2023, Calum and I along with Luke and Sierra's had our first children. Calum and I had Laurel in February and Luke and Sierra had Max around June. After that, everyone had kids in 2029, so there are 4 8-year-olds; our son Nico, Ashton and Kaykay's daughter Mabel, Luke and Sierra's second child Bella, and Michael and Lexi's child Zed. After that, it was 2033, and Ashton and Kay had 4-year-old twins Gigi and Dallas. 2035 was when Michael and Lexi had their second child Rosaline and at the near end of 2036, Cal and I had our little bean, Caroline.

Cal wanted to name our child after one of his songs after a joke he made on stage. So every time he brought it up, I did what I used to do and still to Luke and threw the pillow, but I only do it when the kids aren't looking or else Luke will have millions of pillows thrown at him. 

It would be fun to watch though. 

When the 4 8-year-olds are together, it's literally like they're quadruplets from the same family. I mean, the main thing was to keep us 8 close so that the kids can be close, and so far, it's been amazing.

At the moment, it's the last week of August and it seemed like the only time all of us were off, we all decided to take a trip to Toronto for a week. In that week, we decided to do this big camping trip.

The kids would always talk about camping and so we decided to do it in a country where camping would seem more normal in the summer.

So we rented a house for a week a little past the city, and then the guys got the RV's for when we go to the campsite so that Lexi and I can take care of the little ones.

"Cal, now that I think about it, is it safe to let the very little ones on this trip? I mean Lexi and I can stay back with the little ones and-" I say but then get cut off by Calum leaning in for a kiss while I held Caroline.

"Molls, everything will be fine. That's why we got the RV's. To keep the little ones safe. Plus, you know how much this camping trip means to the kids." He says.

"Why is daddy so good at pep talks?" I whisper in a childish voice to a sleeping Caroline.

"Now, have you had your coffee?" He asks.

"I've been getting Nico and Carol's stuff together and then I have to-" I say but then he puts his finger to my lips.

"Okay, you hand me Carol. Go make your coffee in the RV and then I'll handle everything else." He says as he takes Carol from me.

"You are really living up to your superhero name Cal-Pal." I say.

"Who's Cal-Pal?" Nico says as he comes up to us.

"He is a very interesting superhero who will be introduced at the campfire tonight or maybe earlier if you guys want a story for the drive." I say as I kneel to Nico.

So I did as Calum told me to and went into one of the RV's.

One RV will have Laurel, Max, Gigi, Dallas, Lexi, Rosaline, Sierra, KayKay, and Ashton cause for some reason he wanted to be with the calm group. However, knowing the girls, they're gonna make him drive. 

Then the RV I'm in will have Nico, Bella, Mabel, Zed, the rest of the guys, and Carol. I mean, I think leaving Max and Laurel with the twins will be fine. Gigi and Laurel are really close and Dallas and Max are really close as well. For 10 year age gaps, those duos are real tight.

Luke and Calum get overprotective around Max and Laurel, but literally, Sierra and I are fine with it. It's dad's instincts. It always is.

Sierra and I have a hunch that the two may be together, but they're very good at being sneaky...around Luke and Calum of course. 

Once I made my coffee, I climbed to the top level of the RV and hid there. I mean, if Calum was gonna let me have some peace and quiet, might as well have it now.

Sadly, it only lasted a few minutes because I start to hear Michael playing the acoustic guitar and the kids following. So I decided at this moment I'm gonna scare them.

"Boo!" I say as Michael takes a couple of steps back.

"Shit." Michael muttered.

"Daddy swore!" Zed says as all the kids gasp.

"Michael, why did the kids hear you swear?" Luke says as he comes in with Calum who holds Carol.

"Well ask your wife here," Michael says as I come down.

"Nice!" Calum says as he high fives me with his free hand.

"Thank you. My finest work in jump scares in a long while." I say.

"You scared Mikey hard mama." Nico says.

"If someone got that on video, that would've been nice. Oh wait, I did." I say with an evil smirk. So all the kids gathered around to watch Michael's reaction with the kids saying 'Daddy Swore' or  'Uncle Mikey swore' every time they heard him say shit while the guys pack up the RVs'.

"Now kids, you don't say these kinds of words ok?" I say and they nod.

"Why can Mikey say those words, Aunty Moll?" Bella says.

The kids call me Moll as if the 's' was silent and honestly I find it cute.

"I do what I want, I'm punk rock." Michael says as he enters the RV with Cal and Luke.

"Mate, drop it. You're a grown man." Luke says.

"So are you Mr.I'm All Serious'." I say.

"So are you Mr.I'm All Serious'." Luke mocks and the kids all laugh.

"Things can never get old can they?" Calum says as he sits beside me while handing me Carol.

"Wow, how did you manage to keep her calm?" I say.

"You fed her, and you left me the dirty work." He says and looks over to me as I smile remembering what I left him to do. Ahh, I love it when I trick him like that.

"Shall we get this show on the road?" Luke says as he starts the RV and all the kids' cheer.

"These 4 can literally grow up to be mini us." Michael says.

"So you're saying you want our kids to become the next 5SOS?" Calum says.

"Oh my god! That would be adorable!" I say.

"Who's 5SOS?" The kids all say in unison and both Calum and Michael facepalm while Luke just groans.

"Well, kids. Lemme tell you the story of how your dads all became stars. So, it was one day in science class when 3 of your dads and I were together. They were coming up with names for the band and Uncle Mikey here said they were gonna call the band 5 Seconds of Summer. But they shortened it to 5SOS to make it easier and they only say their full band name in interviews...and also because he already made the social pages by then." I say.

"Is that why daddy plays drums all the time?" Mabel says.

"Yes, Mabel. Your daddy is the drummer, Zed, your dad plays the guitar, Bella your dad plays the guitar, and Nico, daddy plays the bass, and they all sing like pretty angels." I say and the 3 older men awe at my response, and then Caroline here starts to wake up so I start to bounce her on my legs.

"So, in some of your years when you lot came along, your dads all took time off to be with you, and then they started making music again a couple of years ago." I add.

"Dadddd! Can you play something on the guitar?" Zed says.

"How about a classic?" Michael says and Cal and I look at him confused.

Next thing you know, he's strumming the chords to 'Don't Stop'

"Ahh, an old but gold." Calum says as Luke sings his parts.

"Don't stop (don't stop, stop what you're doing) doin' what you're doin'

'Cause you know that, you know that I like it
Every time you move to the beat
It gets harder for me
And you know it, know it, know it
Don't stop, 'cause you know that I like it (you know that I like it)
Every time you walk in the room
You got all eyes on you
And you know it, know it, know it" We all sing while I sing Ash's couple of lines and Michael breaks out into a little guitar solo.

"Actually, since we still got some time, who wants to hear a story?" I say.

"And what will this story have?" Calum says.

"Will it have Cal-Pal?" Nico says.

"Yes, my love it will. So, once upon a time, there were a group of kids who were heading into this camping trip for school." I say.

"Why would teachers take 8-year-olds on camping trips?" Luke says as he drives.

"Who's telling the story?" I say in a sassy tone.

"Just saying Molls." Luke says and I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, so these kids were at the campsite, and then they were setting up their tents. While they were setting up their tents, they saw a bear coming for them." I say until I get interrupted once again.

"Molls, why are you trying to scare them?" Michael says as all the kids sit by him.

"Let me finish! Ok, so the bear comes, and it was about to come for their teacher until someone named Cal-Pal came into the rescue and saved the teacher from being eaten." I say.

"Bears can eat humans?" Mabel says.

"Well, in technicality-" Calum says but I cut him off so he doesn't ruin the fun.

"Yes, yes they can. So, after Cal-Pal saves the teacher, three other superheroes come in. They were Cal-Pal's friends. There was Smash who had super strength, then there was Dr.Fluke who had these gloves of steel, and then there was Mike-Ro-Wave, who had these blasts that came out of his hands. So after Cal-Pal stopped one bear, their whole army came in a bunch of cars and-" I say and I'm interrupted once again.

"Molls, bears are animals!" Calum, Michael, and Luke all say at the same time.

"Guys, can you stop interrupting my amazing story? Now, these bears came in their cars ready to attack, but then Smash, Dr.Fluke, and Mike-Ro-Wave went to stop them." I say.

"Where was Cal-Pal?" Nico says.

"Cal-Pal was talking with the teacher, but then that got cut short when his friends called him over to help," I say and look over to Calum who was probably blushing after realizing who the teacher was supposed to be.

"So, after they all stopped the bears with their lasers, they-" I say and then I get interrupted. I can't even tell one thing to these kids, like gah damn.

"Since when did these bears have lasers?" Michael says.

"A girl can dream." I say

"So, In the end, the 4 superheroes defeated all the bears and had some fun with the kids. They spent the day walking around the forest and then stayed for the campfire. Then Cal-Pal gave something to the teacher and then they all flew off. Then many years later, all 4 superheroes found love and got married and had kids and stopped being superheroes after they had kids. The end." I say the last part a bit faster before the guys can say anything more and then the kids cheered.

"Eh, I've told better stories." Calum says.

"Nico, who tells better storis to you?" I ask.

"Ummm, both of you." Nico says.

"Well, Carol will say me right Carol?" I say as I look at her with a broight smile and she laughs.

"See, her laugh means she chooses me." I say.

"She laughs at everything." Cal says.

'Mate, you're just jealous." Michael says

"Wait till we tell you our tour stories." Luke says.

"Of course the ones with me in them were amazing." I say.

"No, the ones before." Calum says.

"Of course it has you with them Molls. Especially when us three used to be in a room for the SLFL tour." Michael says.

"Ahh the lamp breaking and drunk karaoke. Those are the vivid ones at least." I say.

"Oh, and the one where us three caught you and Cal all snuggled up...twice may I add." Michael says. 

"That was before we went offical. Not my fault Calum gave good cuddles." I say while mubling the last part. 

"We can agree with you on the last part." Luke says.

"That wasn't meant for you to hear." I say.

"That wasn't meant for you to hear." Luke mocks me again.

"You two are something else." Michael says.

"They may be, but we wouldn't have it any other way." Calum says. 

We finally got to the campsite, and might I say, the views are not bad here.

We were getting the stuff out of the RV until Calum stopped and turned me around.

"Now, just to clarify, the teacher Cal-Pal was talking to was you right?" He says in a deep voice while his breath lingers at my neck which gives me internal chills.

"No, it was Cole Sprouse." I say and his face goes into shock.

"Baby, I'm just kidding. You're my one and only Cal-Pal." I say as we share a short kiss before Zed came in to grab his bag. Ahh, this kid. He may turn into Michael and leave his things everywhere.

"I have a feeling Zed might end up like Michael." Cal says.

"As long as he doesn't lose his passport anywhere, we're good." I say as we both laugh as we head out to meet up with the rest of the group.

*A few minutes later*

So Sierra and I were sent out to get some wood for the campfire tonight. I mean, Sierra is really good at finding this stuff and I needed a long walk after being in that RV.

We were walking and talking until we saw a cute couple in our distance.

"Molls?" Sierra says as I turn and she hides in the bush.

"Sierra, we gotta get back to-" I say but she tells me to hush and crouch down.

"Remember how earlier when we were about to go into the woods, you commented saying 'look at the cute couple'?" She says.

"Yeah, why?" I say.

"That cute couple is our kids." She says as I take a better look and see Laurel up against a tree with Max.

"Oh shit." I whisper.

"They're so adorable. It's like they trying to be Romeo and Juliet." She says.

"That couple died though." I say.

"Not the point. They have a forbidden love." She says a bit louder to the point where the two of them see us and then look in our direction.

"Mom!" They both say as soon as they see us and we give in.

"Mom, it's not what it looks like." Laurel says once we got closer.

"Honey, we're not mad." I say.

"We knew you two had feelings for each other. We were waiting for something to happen." Sierra says.

"So you're not mad?" Max says.

"Of course we're not. Your dads, maybe, but, we'll back you up." I say as Laurel hugs me and Max hugs Sierra.

"Now, since we found you and sorry to ruin the moment, but, can you guys help us find some morefirewood for the campfire?" Sierra says and they nod.

*Many more hours later*

So, it was nightfall, and since we got here late, we weren't able to do much. However, we made enough trims to set up a campfire tonight because two is better than one.

We got everyone together and then Michael was just playing some tunes on the guitar. 

Sierra and I notice Laurel and Max together on one of the logs with Gigi on Laurel's lap and Dallas on Max's lap.

Calum and Luke come over to Sierra and me with looks of confusion.

"What's going on with Laurel and Max?" Calum asks.

"Oh leave those two alone. You two better not say anything." I say.

"That's the last thing they need. Calum think of it this way. You and Molls fell for each other at a young age." Sierra says.

"I hate to admit it, but she has a point." Luke says.

"It's all in young love." Kaykay comes in.

"You two just missed all the signs." Michael says. 

"Is everyone gonna put their input on this?" Luke says.

"Yes, yes we are." Lexi says. 

"You can't lie, they're adorable. With the way they're with Gigi and Max, they could be great parents themselves." Ashton says.

"Aghhh. Not the parents' talk. Next thing you know we're all gonna be in wheelchairs as our kids take care of us." Calum says. 

"If Max hurts her, I'm blaming you." Calum says. 

After that chat, we all got on different logs and we started the fire. 

We played some of their very old stuff like Gotta Get Out, Long Way Home, and End Up Here. They wanted to do this to familiarize the kids with their old stuff since they only know and hear their new stuff.

"Ash, did you know when we told the 4 of them that you were in the band before them, they didn't have a clue." I say.

"You didn't know about the best drummer in the world?" Ashton says.

"Isn't that Uncle Roy?" Mabel says.

"Calum...explain." Ashton says.

"Welllll, sometimes I take these 4 out with Roy and he's played the drums for them." Calum says.

"Okay kids, yes uncle Roy is good, but uncle Ash is better." Ashton says as he flips his hair. Since he grew it out, it's easier for him to do a proper hair flip. 

"Alright, this next song is about good girls who haven't been caught." Michael says as he plays the chords to 'Good Girls.'

"The fact you still remember the chords to these songs is unbelievable." Lexi says.

"We literally played them in our reunion tour a couple of years ago. Helped jog the memory." Ashton says.

"Do do do d-do do do do do doShe's a good girl
She's Daddy's favorite
He's saved for Harvard
He knows she'll make it
She's good at school
She's never truant
She can speak French
I think she's fluent" Michael sings.

"Cause every night she studies hard in her room
At least that's what her parents assume
But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend
Here's what she told me the time that I caught them" Calum and Michael both sing.

"She said to me, "Forget what you thought"
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught" Luke and the rest of us sing.

"She's a good girl, a straight A-student
She's really into all that self-improvement
I swear she lives in that library" Cal sings.

"But if you ask her she'll say, "That's where you'll find me"" Calum and I both sing.

"But if you look then you won't find her there
She may be clever but she just acts too square
'Cause in the back of the room where nobody looks
She'll be with her boyfriend
She's not reading books" The girls sing with all of us saying the last line.

?She said to me, "Forget what you thought"
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Good girls are bad girls and good girls are bad girls
Good girls are bad girls and good girls are bad girls" We all sing while Luke sings the last  two lines.

"She's a good girl, hasn't been caught
She's a good girl, hasn't been caught" Ashton sings.

"She said to me, "Forget what you thought"
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught

Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught" We all sing the chorus one last time.

We all cheer and then everyone heads into their tents and calling it a night.

Life may have had its curveballs, but I guess people like me can find their happy endings. It may have seemed like I was in this broken home, but all along, I was in this protected shell from the one and only, my Cal-Pal and our little group of friends. In the end, we all ended up living happily ever after, even if we had to jump some hurdles to get to where we are now. However, we wouldn't want it any other way. 

"This is going to be a fun time with the kids." Calum says as he comes beside me in the RV bed.

"You know, it will. Wait a minute, aren't you supposed to be in the tents?" I say.

"Well, I decided to sneak out of them." He says.

"Cal-pal saves the day again." I say.

"I love you." He says.

"Love you too, forever and always Cal-pal." I say as we go into a small kiss and then we fall into a deep sleep. 


(September 15, 2020)

Oh my gurd.

It's like 1:30 AM and I'm listening to Ghost Of You as I type this.

*Trying not to cry as I type this*

But wow, we came such a long way, and now we have made it to the end of Molly Saunders' journey.

This is a bittersweet moment for me, as it's the last chapter to this whole story.

But writing this story, especially when we were in the pandemic (and we're still kinda stuck), but I found my place in writing again, and this story came.

I am so beyond thankful for every single one of your reads, comments, and votes.

Thank you for the support on this stroy.

As for what's next, I have a story up called Ghost Of You which is an Ashton fanfic. Updates will come mainly weekly (unless I forget to update on a weekly basis). However, that story is also pre-typed just like broken home here. 

For all my Michael girls (and any other 5SOS fanatics), I have a Michael fanfic called English Love Affair that has just started. Updates for that story will be very unpredictable because it's the first story I've posted after days of writing it. 

Sooooo, hopefully, y'all check those out!


I love you all,

And I hope to see you guys appear again in my other stories! 😊
