7: I'm here alone inside of this broken home

*1 Month Later*

Calum's P.O.V

So, it's been a month since Molls found out about her parents. She's gone back to being rarely responsive.

The guys and I have taken our turns trying to talk to her. All we could do was just be there. She would only come to get food. She'd blankly say hey when we'd try to say it in a cheery tone.

Yes, we know. First, she got cheated on. Then a week or so later, she visited her sister's grave and on the same night found out her parents split.

We just want out happy Molls.

The last time she saw her mom was after she got her things from her house and she's been staying with me in the guest room.

Thankfully my parents are okay with it. At least we got lucky there.

The guys would come over everyday cause:

1. They also wanna be here for Molls.

2. Their homes got boring since everyone has work.

So, today was the day that I was going to get Molls out of her 'mood' cause no one wants a sappy Molls.

The plan.....don't have one yet.

Wait, I just had a lightbulb moment.

Once the guys come, we're gonna have pots and pans and bang them to wake her up.

*A few minutes later*

"Guys!!!" I scream from the kitchen.

"Cal, why is there a ton of pots and pans?" Mikey asks as they all walk in.

"We're getting Molls back to the state from when she saw us again." I say confidently.

"Do you remember how she's been for literally the past month?" Luke says.

"Yes, but, she can't live like that forever. She needs a jumpstart." I say.

"Ok, and so what is this brilliant plan that you have?" Ash says.

"So, we are gonna prepare breakfast, cause she'll be annoyed at us. So, we whip up something. The three of you will bang the pots and pans and chant something, and I'll be the one recording." I say.

"Sounds good." Mikey says.

"And what do we do when she fights back?" Ash says.

"We run." Luke says.

"Bud, remember how running ended up?" I say and all of us laugh.

So we all try not to destroy the kitchen and make something decent.

Then, it was go time.

Molly's P.O.V

So, I feel like I became a ghost ever since a month ago.

So, I've been dealing with shit. Shit that was dragged on me on the month that was supposed to be nice and joyful. However, I'm dealing with the fact that I was heartbroken and that my parents have split without any warning.

I'm basically what someone would describe as a broken soul.

I hate feeling this way, but I can't do anything about it. It's just how I am. Sometimes I'd feel like everything in my life is broken as if no one gives a damn.

But, through this past month, the guys were the only ones who gave a damn about me. They stuck around even if I was acting like shit towards them when they don't deserve it.

Speaking of the guys, I'm here peacefully sleeping until I hear foolish boys come upstairs. They opened my door and had pots and pans banging while they chant something which I can't comprehend what it was.

I cover my ears with the pillow and all I could scream was "Go away" but they didn't listen.

As soon as I came out of my blanket, that's when they shut up, only cause I've been hiding the mess under my bed.

"Why are you guys here?" I say only cause it's 10 in the morning, and it's freezing.

"Well, good morning." Cal says as he opens the blinds and then I cover myself.

So then they take me out of my bed and drag me downstairs to the couch.

"Can I go back to my habitat?" I say.

"No. That is because we won't let you go before you bring out the Molls we want." Mikey says.

"And, we made breakfast," Ash says while handing her the platter.

"So, where's the pitch to get me back?" I say.

"Molls, how long have you locked yourself up?" Cal says

"Don't answer. Now, we know, it's been a hard time." Ash says.

"Yes ok. Now, can I take this upstairs?" I say.

"NO! Sorry, didn't mean to get loud. Anyways, we want the old Molls back." Luke says.

"Do you remember the smile you had when you saw us again?" Cal says.

"Yes, and then after that, shit went downhill." I say.

"Not all the shit. We all hung out." Luke says.

"You got the guts to go to your sister's grave." Mikey says.

"You even made the boldest exit at your college. You got the last word, and the last laugh." Ash says.

"Most of all, it was the happiest we've seen you since the time before we went to LA." Cal says.

"Okay, yea. But at the same time, I never got to process the bad shit that happened in between. Like going into the room where the only 2 people that I thought cared about me didn't give a damn. And then finding out the fact that the two biggest people in my life who used to be my rocks aren't my rocks any more because they decided to split in 2. So if you're telling me that if I'm not supposed to feel this--you know what, imma just head upstairs." I say and then I storm off.

I don't know what got into me to say that.

They didn't even deserve it. They didn't deserve for me to lash out on them.

God, why am I such an idiot?!

I just start pacing back and forth, and then I stop as soon as the tears come down my face.

"Molls?" Cal asks, but then he just comes in.

I wasn't gonna shut him out.

"Molls, you okay?" He asks and all I do is just go into a hug. The long-awaited hug that I've been yearning for in the past month.

"I'm sorry. I never meant to lash out on you guys. None of you deserved that." I say through the tears.

"Molls, it's okay. We know." Ash says and then they all come into the room. Next thing you know, I'm in a 5SOS sandwich hug.

"It's just hard. The last time I dealt with shit, I was yelling at inanimate objects. Then the other way I got through it was hearing your voices in songs cause you guys just kept me going." I say as I keep wiping the tears off my face. Great, now my tears are on Cal's sweater...or mine I guess.

"Molls, we know it's not gonna take a day, or a week to get back to things like they used to be." Mikey says.

"I mean, take as long as you want....but still talk to us. You know we're here." Luke says.

"I know you've been there. Trust me, I'm just thankful that you guys were the only people who still give a damn about me. I guess maybe I can work on communication. Hasn't been my best skill since everything that's happened." I say.

"Guysssssss, I frickin love you all." I say.

"We all love you 3000." Cal says and then we all get into another group hug.

Damn, it's been a day of hugs, but I ain't complaining. "So, have we got an active Molls again?" Luke says.

"Lemme make some iced coffee and clean this shit up." I say and all the guys cheered and I just laughed.

They really make the best out of situations.

So they leave and I get ready. I know I'm not leaving the house, but, it's nice to feel ready. I guess it'll be the first time I feel 'alive' again.

*A couple hours later*

I got my areas cleaned, and myself.

I feel reborn...if that makes sense.

"I see someone decided to get up." Cal says.

"I guess getting refreshed can make you feel a different mood. Now, you up for a song. Cause I wanted to record a cover to Vapour, but I didn't get the time to record on the campus." I say cause I'm in this cheery mood all of a sudden.

"How about we male it a band acoustic?" Ash says as all the guys end up coming upstairs.

"Why not. Get set up. I'll get the camera ready." I say and that's what we do. We record an acoustic of Vapor.

*Damn we're good." I say.

"I mean, you do add spice to the band." Ash says.

"So does that mean that Luke would have to share the spotlight?" I say as we look at him while he nods his head no vigorously and then the 4 of us are just laughing.

So, the guys end up leaving a couple of hours later or so. I head back into my room and start playing the chords to Broken Home.

I guess in this sense, I can relate to this song. I know I have taken the first step and cleaned up ish, but, that broken feeling is still lingering inside.

The chorus of the song hits different.

Hey mom, hey dad
When did this end?
Where did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
Hey mom, hey dad
When did this end?
Where did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
Who's right, who's wrong
Who really cares?
The fault, the blame, the pain's still there
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
This broken home

Those words are my exact feelings that would repeat in my mind.

"Haven't seen you play in a minute." He says.

To be honest, these pop-ins from him are something I won't mind.

"I'm a bit rusty, but trying to learn Broken Home." I say.

"Ahh, and what would this song mean to you?" He asks like an interviewer.

"Well, it's a song I can truly relate to. I was recording the cover until I got interupted." I say.

"Not to mention that you gave me a back eye for a few days. It took a ton of make-up to cover it up." He says.

"Damn really. I thought the bruise would just go away." I say as a joke.

"Anyways, you were saying." He says.

"I guess it's just a song I can relate to. The chorus is where the words hit different to me. Like the first part 'Hey mom, hey dad, when did this end. When did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home.' Those lyrics are the ones where I can relate to my current mind." I say.

"Who said you're living in a broken home?" He says, and it got me thinking.

"Well, obviously I'm not in the 'broken home' physically. Mentally I am." I say.

'Why don't you put your mindset of the place where your good, goofy, amazing, handsome, smart, loveable, and did I say amazing-"

"You were saying?" I say cause he was getting carried away.

"What I'm tryna get at is that if you put your mindset to the safe place a.k.a here, then you can have a better mindset on things." He says.

"I mean, you aren't wrong." I mumble.

"Oh wait, what was that?" He says.

"I mean, you aren't wrong." I say a little louder.

"Nono. I wanna hear it loud and clear." He says.

"I meannnnn...You. Aren't. Wrong." I say.

"Now that's more like it." He says and I hit him with the nearest soft thing I had.

"Hey! I thought you only get Luke!" He says like a little girl voice and I laugh cause of the way he says it.

"Who said I only have to just hit him?" I say.

"Damn, I don't know who's more sassier? Is it you, Luke, or Ash?" He says.

"I guess we gonna find out during the tour. Maybe earlier if they keep coming like they have." I say.

"Speaking of the tour, the guys and I were talking, and we were wondering if you wanted to be our opening act?" He says.

At this point, I'm just shocked.

Me....opening a show, for my friends, in front of thousands of people.

"Calum Hood......I would be honored." I say and some reason I hear a bunch of screams.

"Jesus, y'all sound like little girls who are about to meet 1D." I say and they all laugh.

So, I am on the 'road to recovery' and now I just said yes to being the opening act on their tour.

What the hell is going on?

(June 13,2020)
Alright, y'all. Looks like things are looking up for Molls.

Who's excited about the tour chapters?


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And I'll see ya on the next one
