5: Falling all in you

End of finals week

Molly's P.O.V

So my best days with the guys came to an end. It was honestly the best time I've had in 4 years.

The fact that there may be more days like that, it's crazy to think about.

So, I'm finally done my semester. I was able to get everything switched to online so I can go on this tour and I am hella excited.

Since this is possibly my last day in the building, I decided to go into our music hall on the campus. There's a small music studio there. Usually, you'd need a key to get in. So I went into the music factuality office to get that key and then I headed over there.

I would go there to just make covers. I guess that was the one place where I let my emotions "run wild."

So, today I wanted to get a recording of me doing a cover to one of the guy's songs. Throughout the study week, I was listening to their new album and after hearing the whole thing, it was just amazing.

There was one song in particular called Broken Home. I guess in this case I can relate to this song after all the shit I've been through this past week.

Kelly and Kyle actually are dating. Never knew she would actually go for him. I guess girl code never existed in her books.

It's just annoying being in a place where I can't feel safe. I know the guys were coming in a couple of days and then I can just be with them again like the old days.

So, I set up the recording and I start to sing it.

Calum's P.O.V

So we ended up finishing out American promo early, so we were able to come home earlier. The guys and I came back to surprise Molls.

One of us called at least once so we can keep her company. But one time Luke wanted to annoy her by calling her actual exam. Then those two bickered on the phone afterward, per usual.

We drove to the school to surprise her. Don't worry, we came prepared. We had some sort of feeling that some of the people may recognize us, so we disguised ourselves.

I came in first and then said the coast was clear.

We walked around the campus since Luke, Michael and I knew the place. We were supposed to come here. But, thank god we took a different path. Now we're gonna take Molls in that path.

We asked someone in the halls and they said to find her in the music department.

We may have gotten lost, but we found the place until we heard someone covering Broken Home. That, someone turned out to be Molls. She sounds so effin beautiful.

"Guys, duck." I say.

"Cal, this ain't no time to play games." Michael says.

"Just hush and listen." I say and we all lean our head against the door.

Molly's P.O.V

"Hey mom, hey dad

When did this end?

Where did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
Hey mom, hey dad
When did this end?
Where did you lose your happiness?
I'm here alone inside of this broken home
Who's right, who's wrong
Who really cares?
The fault, the blame, the pain's still there-"

"Just hush and listen." Someone says.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I ask frantically. I thought I had the place to myself. I paused the music and then grabbed whatever was near me.

I had some sort of stick in my hand ready to whack someone.

I opened the door and then 4 random guys come in. One stands and then I whack them before anything could happen.

"Molls!" He says. I run over to him just realizing that I hit Cal.

"Damn, she got nervous it was Cal and still hit him." Luke says and then the other two guys laugh.

"Cal are you okay?" I asl.

"I think I'll be." Cal says.

"Nurse!" Ash says.

"Shut up Ash." I whisper.

"Guys, you need to be out now or else there will be a swarm of young adults in this room." I add.

"Where's the nearest exit?" Luke says.

"Keep the disguises on. Follow me and don't go anywhere else." I say and they follow.

Thankfully no one spotted them.

Calum's P.O.V

"It looks like those ugly disguises worked." She says.

We took of the wigs cause those were a pain in the arse to wear. Once again, Molls and Luke are at each other, doing the usual.

"We put a ton of work for your information." Luke says while getting sassy.

"Right, wearing each others' clothes and getting wigs at Party City. Great costumes." She says.

"Then again, I missed you all!" She adds and runs to Luke.

Those two are just funny to watch.

"Cal, are you okay though?" She says.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I say once she comes to me .

"How did you guys come early? I thought you weren't coming for another couple of days." I say.

"Press ended early so we came home early." Luke says.

"Now, where are we headed?" Michael says.

"The only thing is, if we do go out, the possibility of swarms of people is high....especially since we're back home." Ash says.

"We could keep the disgusies." Luke says.

"Are you sure you wanna wear disgusies? How about we go somewhere chill? You guys probably had a heavy few days." I say.

"Cal's garage it is." Michael says.

"I guess we're heading to my place." I say.

"Lemme get my stuff so I can finally get out of here." She says and we waited in the car.

Once she heads inside, all the guys look at me weirdly.

"So, when is it happening?" Ash says.

"What's happening?" I say.

"Uh, Helloooooo. You and Molls." Luke says.

"Guys, she's coming on tour, plus isn't it too early?" I say to try and get out of that topic.

"Are you blind? You two have been crushing on each other for god knows how long. Face it. She has feelings for you still. She may have gotten heartbroken, but she probably still has those true feelings." Michael says.

"Since when did you become Love Doc?" I say to make a joke out of it.

"Cal, think about it. If you don't do anything, nothing will happen." Luke says.

"I'll think about it. Now, don't tell Molls we're doing this. We're gonna take her to the one place she hasn't been in years." I say and they knew exactly what I was talking about.

Molls hasn't been to her sister's grave since the burying. Before we left, we wanted to see if we can get her to go, but she didn't want to, so we left it at that.

I mean, it'll be good for her. It's her chance to talk to her sister again after 4 years.

Molly's P.O.V

I head into the campus to get my stuff since I won't be coming back here. A huge relief turns into an 'ugh' moment once I see a backstabber.

"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things." She sings so effin proudly.

"Well if it isn't the one that should've left." She says in a snark tone.

I wasn't gonna bother saying anything. She's not worth a fight. At the same time, if she were to fight me, I would've knocked her out.

I got all my things and then she starts to follow and ramble just so she can have 'the last word' but at the same time, I'm the one who will have the last laugh.

"Guys, can you open the trunk?" I yell so they can hear me.

Luke and Ash came out as I headed over to the car. Once Kelly comes out, she just stands there in shock.

I guess the cat's outta the bag.

"Oh...I didn't see you had company." She says all giddy as soon as she sees Ash and Luke.

"Oh, so you're the backstabbing bitch that hurt our girl?" Ash yells.

I've known him for probably a week or so, and he's already protective. I chose the right guys as friends.

"Ash, calm down, she's not worth the fight." I mutter.

"You sure?" He asks.

"I'm sure." I say.

The stuff was in the trunk so the guys went back inside.

"Oh, so now you got my guys defending you?" She says.

"First off. Fuck off." I turn and say and then I was about to hope into the car.

"Second. They're MY Guys." I say as I close the car door and we drive off.

I guess I got the last word....and the last laugh.

"Damn Molls. Nice way to exit." Michael says.

"Well, I've dealt with bitches like her during high school. I guess she wasn't any different." I say.

We drove around for a bit until I just stare outside while the guys talk.

I just ended up turning them out and went into my own thoughts.

Who knew I could get out of a hell hole like that in an instant. It's like, I was never safe anywhere. Home was where I basically had no one. As soon as Lyss left, that house just felt toxic. The campus was filled with people who are the exact same. The mall may not be the same again cause I hate shopping alone. My only safe place left is....these guys. Any room where these 4 guys are in, I'm me. I don't have to act like this cold-hearted person and I can finally have some light on me.

"Molls?" Luke calls.

"Yeah?" I say.

"We're here." Luke says.

I gained my full conscience and then took in where we were.

"Guys, why are we here?" I ask shakily. Yes, this place gave me chills.

"How long has it been since you've been here?" Cal says.

"Maybe 4-ish years." I say.

"Okay, you're gonna go to her stone, and you're gonna imagine her there." Michael says.

Calum's P.O.V

"Here, I'll come with you if you want someone." I say. I guess saying something may happen.

She's quiet for a few seconds until she nods and walks out. Looks like I'm going.

"Nice Cal!" Michael says.

"See, now, go try and make something happen." Luke says and I then get out. I went to the trunk to get the flowers she's gonna leave there. Wonder how she didn't see them.

We walk in silence until we get there. I mean, it's normal. She can't even wrap around the fact that she's going to her grave.

We get there and she puts the flowers down.

All she does is stand.

"Are you planning on saying anything?" I say.

"Cal, I can't" She says.

"Close your eyes. Pretend she's here right beside you. You guys are in the room talking and you're about to start a rant." I tell her and next thing you know, she kneels down and starts talking.

She's shaky when she talks, but I'm just glad she is talking. So I walked around for a few minutes to give her space.

Damn cementaries are miserbale.

Molly's P.O.V

Cal gave me the mindset, and now it's like I'm talking to her.

"Hey Lyss. Lyss, I miss you. Nothing is the same, I feel like my world is falling apart when you're not here. But, I guess I can tell you what's up. So, they guys hung that summer you left before they left. I was in college. Then 4 years later, they came and I was able to see them. They got a new drummer and he's the literal best. Seeing them again during this time felt like a Christmas miracle. So, I was in college. I say was because I'm going on tour with them. It's crazy to think that after 3-ish years in that building, and now I'm about to travel the world with them. I had a boyfriend and a friend. The only problem was after I came from being with the guys after 4 years, I found them together. So I took what you would've said to me and I left them. It was perfect timing as well. The guys came along, I felt safe once again. I never knew I would feel that until they came around again. Now, you're probably thinking, 'Why are Cal and I not together?' I guess the timing wasn't right then. For some reason. It seems like the timing is right now. It's nearly Christmas and I haven't been at home since I left. It's been hard. It has. Not having you here, I feel lost half the time cause I felt like I lost everything. But it was like your spirits mad it so that I went to that interview they were having just so I could see them again. I'm sorry I never came since you left. I've always felt this never-ending pain when it comes to you. I can't accept the fact that you're gone because, after 4 years, it doesn't feel real. I feel like I'm living in a dream. I just wish you were here. But I think you're here in spirit. I think if it wasn't for your spirits, I wouldn't have reunited with my guys. So, I guess thank you. Lyss, I miss you so fuckin much. I know you would hate it if I swore, but it hurts that bad. But, I think I've realized that you've been in my spirits. This whole message is all over the place. But, I love you, and maybe I'll see you soon." I say while wiping the tears off my face.

I got up and then I tried to find Calum. Then I spotted his beanie and went to him.

"How did it go?" He asks.

"I think it went well. Thank you." I say.

"Anytime:)" He says and we hug.

We headed back to the car and then drove to the one place we were supposed to go to first. A place of relaxation....Cal's house.

(June 10,2020)
Alright, that's it for this one.

I feel like me writing all these chapters so far is somewhat tiring. But at the same time, they are fun to write.

If y'all didn't shed a tear during when she was talking to Lyss, y'all are psychopaths.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
