4: Home Sweet Hotel

December 2015

Calum's P.O.V

So I'm driving home after finally reuniting with Molls. Next thing you know, she calls back....and she said she's coming with us on the tour, but the way she said it, knowing her, something's up.

"What? You made up your mind. That's great!" I say.

"Wait, the tone you said it, Molls, what happened?" I add.

"So after coming back to the best night of my life in 4 years, I come back to see my friend and my boyfriend making out. It was like they barely had and guilt." She says.

Not again, she can't go through something bad again.

"You want me to pick you up?" I say.

"No you don't-" She says but I cut her off.

"Lemme take a U-turn and I'll pick you up." I say and hang up.

Now, I'm really glad she's coming. Now this tour will be fun.

Molly's P.O.V

So looks like I'm getting picked up. At this point, I'm just full of anger, but then tears would start trickling down. It's like as soon as I thought I was rebuilding again, I fall apart.

I heard a car honk outside and I find Calum standing out there. All I did was run up to him and he embraced me. I really needed it, and we stayed there until a jerk decided to show up.

"So you cheated on me first?!" Kyle says.

"First off, I was never cheating. You're the cheater here. This guy you're accusing happens to be one of my very close friends. So don't go making yourself the victim here. You're free to be with Kelly. I don't fucking care!" I yell.

"Molls-" He says but gets cut off.

"Don't you dare call her Molls. Just. get your arse out of here. I'll take proper care of her, and you can go back to do whatever you were doing before. Now take your filthy face outta here." Calum says and he left.

"Thanks." I say shakily. One because I was still in a teary state and two cause it's freezing cold.

"He doesn't deserve you." He says.

He opens his car door so I could get in. I turned on the heater and then we just sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Where do I go now?" I say.

"Well, since you're coming now, we can make it so that you can stay with us." He says. He's too sweet.

"Cal, I still got finals." I say.

"Ok, how about this. So we're here for the weekend doing more promo shit, and then we'll be in America for a few more days for promo, and then we come back for the holidays. I know you're brave, and I believe you can do this. You can even come when we do the promo this weekend. Then we'd be back a week after America promo." He says.

"I can't intrude like that." I say.

"Well, I don't want to leave you with backstabbing jerks." He says. He did make a good point.

"Ok fine, I come with you guys over the weekend. Then you drop me back at the campus." I say.

"I love that idea. Here, stay with Michael and me for the weekend. You'll be with the fun duo." He says.

"Alright. Now, this may be random, but how far away are we from your place?" I say.

"Not far, why?" He asks curiously.

"Remember those shopping bags I had?" I say with a smile.

"How have you not picked those up?!" He looks at me with this weird-ass face.

"Well, let's just be glad those clothes are in there." I say.

"Alright, it looks like we're picking up 4 years of clothes that still haven't been picked up xD." He says and we start driving.

He plays the album which I adore so far. We went to the song we left off on in the album.

We got to his place and I picked up the bags. Then we had a while till we drove back to the hotel.

The drive was pretty long, and after an eventful few hours, I got burnt out and fell asleep.

Calum's P.O.V

These last few hours felt like a whirlwind for me. More for Molls though. She's gone through problem after problem. I just wish I could do something to take her pain away.

We got to the hotel, but she ended up falling asleep. Can't blame her though, she's had an eventful night.

I call Michael to help me take her things when I decide to take her up.

"Dude, it's like 2 in the morning. What the hell are you doing?" He says.

"Mike, I need your help here. Can you just come down and help me?" I say.

"Yeah sure. Give me a few minutes." He says and he hangs up.

He ends up coming down and he's in confusion.

"Can you grab the bags at the back?" I say.

"Why do you have-" He says and then he goes silent.

"She's had a rough night. So I thought that she can stay with us for the weekend." I say and he has a huge smile on his face. I decide to leave the best part for later so then I can tell all the guys in the morning.

I carried her bridal style up to the room while Michael helped me with her stuff.

Michael opens the door and I place her on my bed. Luckily our room had the sofa bed, so I broke that open while she takes the bed.

Molly's P.O.V

"Lyss, what are you doin?" I say as she runs into the ocean.

"What does it look like I'm doin?!" She says.

She's always been the adventurous one.

Lyss and I decided to take a beach day and chill cause it's been a minute since it's been the two of us.

God, it's been a minute since we've had this much fun. I'm not one for the water, but Lyss is a beast.

I'm just on the towel tanning like usual cause who doesn't love a nice tan on a hot day.

A few minutes later, I started to hear some screams at the beach.

People are sprinting out of the waters.

So I decided to get up and see what was going on.

As I get closer, I started to see red. Why would there be red water?

That's when I saw her lifeless on the beach.

"LYSS!" I scream as I shot up off from the bed.

Holy shit. It was a dream. Except she's still not in my life again.

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 5 something.

At this point, I couldn't get that nightmare out of my head. So I grabbed a water bottle, grabbed my phone, put my robe on, and then headed out to the balcony.

It was cold, but I needed air.

Once I stepped onto the balcony, I felt the cold brisk air come to me and it just takes me in. I really needed it.

Calum's P.O.V

It's about 6 something once Michael and I got up. Its the second day of promo and Molls gets to come with us.

"Cal, where Molls?" Michael asks.

"What do you mean she's-" I say until I flip over and she wasn't there.

"Molls!" We both scream probably waking up the whole floor.

"Guys." We hear her out in the balcony.

Michael and I help her inside. She probably stayed out too long.

"Molls, are you good?" Michael says.

"Nope. I couldn't sleep so I went outside. Forgetting that it was winter, my 5 o'clock brain thought to go outside." She says.

We put something over her so she could warm up.

"Did something happen?" I ask.

"Nah, just a small Lyss nightmare." She says.

"Molls, I don't that's small." Michael says.

"How long has it happened?" I ask. At this point, she really needs someone to talk to. She's holding everything in.

She's quiet for a few seconds until a tear streams down.

"I don't know. Every few nights since it happened. The only thing is it's some of the other ways she 'left' and it's a thing." She says.

"Molls, why didn't you tell us?" I say.

"You guys are busy with your ish, and I had my ish. So me talking about these things is a little bit hard to do. The only people I've opened up to is you guys." She says.

"You have Cal, and you also got Luke and me, and now you got Ash. You've got us." Michael says.

Then someone knocks at our door so Michael went to open it.

"Molls!" Luke screams and he comes over to hug her.

"Guys, why aren't you ready?" Ash says.

"Well, we were doing something before you guys came in." I say.

"It's already 7. We have to be out at 8." Luke says. Eh, oh well. All I care about is if Molls is okay. Obviously, she's not in the best state and currently and I wasn't in the mood to leave her.

"Well, since you guys are all in the room, I've got some news." She says.

"I'm coming on the tour." She says and all 3 boys are jumping around and we all get into this group hug.

"So when are you coming?" Ash says.

"Well, I've got finals for this sem. During that time, I'm gonna get all my stuff switched to online to come with you guys and to get my diploma at the same time." She says.

"This tour is gonna be fun." Michael says.

"I think this seems like a bad idea, but, yolo." She says.

"Heyyy! What's that supposed to mean?" Luke says in a sassy tone.

"I have spent lost of time with you three. Judging by that, Ash seems more like me, calm and collected." She says and Luke, Michael, and I let out a gasp.

"I like her." Ash says as they high five each other.

"Ash is hiding it at the moment. Just wait till the tour starts." Luke says.

"Right, and then I'll see how I'm right and you're wrong. Luke, we can go all day hun." She says. Damn, she even more fierce than I remember.

"So that's how you get Luke to shut up." Michael says.

"This is one of the million reasons why she comes." I say.

"So you can become lovers?" Luke says and Molls throws a pillow at him. Damn, 2 throws in less than 24 hours. I love this.

So we all end up getting ready. It's way past 8 and we were late to our first interview.

On the car rides there, it's normal to jam out to music. However, since Molls is here now, they've become more fun.

*Many hours later*

We finally finish with the promo in Australia. Thankfully, it was finished earlier.

We ordered room service and then we just talked and chilled.

"How do you guys handle all that press?" I say.

"We go. Talk. Then leave." Luke says.

"Right, like I didn't watch that the whole time." Molls says.

She and Luke always were the two that bicker. It's like old times all over again.

The others called it a night so Luke and Ash left. Then Mike went K.O. afterwards, and then it was just Molls and me.

"You know, there's something about you that just surprises me." I say.

"And what would that be?" She says.

"The way you can hide your pain so easily. It's like as soon as the 5 of us are together, it's like you become the light bulb that brings a smile to the room." I say.

"As I said in the morning, I learned how to hide it. I found that if I had a therapist, it wouldn't do me any good. So I 'survived' on my own. Along with our occasional talks which I adore every second of." She says and both of us look at each other and we were both blushing.

What the hell is going on?

"You wanna watch a movie?" She says. Thankfully she cuts that very cute but awkward moment.

"What movie?" I ask and she gives me a smirk.

So, we ended up watching HSM. Just the first one this time because she ended up falling asleep to breaking free.

I carefully tried leaving the bed without her twisting and turning, but I couldn't get out. So, I was stuck.

Was I ok with it? Kinda.

I just smiled and didn't do a thing.

*The Next Morning*

Michael's P.O.V

It was our off day for promo stuff. It was about 9 something as soon as I got up. I went onto twitter and did the usual scroll.

As soon as I got up, I saw Cal.....with Molls!

Those two are just adorable. So, I took the advantage and I took a pic. What did I do? I sent it to none other than Luke and Ash.

They had to see this.

Me: Guys, look. *Pic attached*

Luke: OMG!!!!

Ash: Is Cal's dream coming true?!

Me: Think so ;)

Luke: Wait till he wakes up to this.

Molly's P.O.V

So it's the next morning, but as I wake up, I feel someone beside me. That's when I realized that we ended up sleeping to HSM.

"Morning." Cal says as soon as he sees me.

"Same goes for you too." I say in my sleepy voice.

"Well good morning lovebirds!" Ash says and I turn and Calum falls over.

"Cal! You good?" I say.

"Think so." He says.

"Why are we up so early? I thought you guys were off?" I say.

"Due to stupid schedules, we woke up." Michael says.

"Check the chat for a small surprise." Luke says as the guys look at us like creep dolls and we both rushed to out phones.

So Michael took a picture of us when we were sleeping. Great.

"Cal loves that pic don't ya buddy?" Ash says.

"I will kill you Michael." Cal says and so the two of them run out of the hotel.

Well, this was an interesting couple of days.

(June 9, 2020)
Welp, that was some eventful days Molly has had

What's next? Continue reading to find out.


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And I'll see ya on the next one

