27: You light me up inside like the 4th of july

A quick lil A/N:

ThankyouThankyouThankyouuuu for passing 200+ reads!!! Means the world to me. I love you betches

Now on with Part 27!


April 2017

After 4 months of some long days, a few late nights, and a ton of expressos, the EP is finally done.

Done, finished, fin, finito, whatever word can be used to describe done.

It feels like such a short journey, but it was mainly magic from the producers for putting it all together.

So, it's the first day for press day and it is very early in the morning. At this point, these are going to be some busy and dreadful days. I may need more than 1 coffee cup a day.

From what I heard, this is the basic rundown that I'm following. Get in car. Go to interview. Do interview. Get in car again. Go the next place. Repeat.

I think it's like 5 AM right now, and I have to meet someone downstairs at 6.

Joanne says she's tagging along with me during this press stuff which will be really nice. I know the guys would be busy with their own stuff, so who knows if I'll be able to see them anytime today.

All I took from the last meetup before I left the studio last night was that we're doing press all around L.A and then we're flying out to New York tonight.

To be honest, my only goal is that I can stay awake all day.

I'm just hoping one of the places we go to is a long drive so I can catch a nap.

One thing I'm really excited for is the acoustic show with fans I have at one of the places I'm going to. It's somewhat similar to how the guys did that interview a little over a year ago. The only difference is I'm gonna be performing songs in between while chatting with fans.

Ash London is gonna be the host, and I'm really excited since I went to the interview the guys did back in Aussie, and she was the host of that along with Angus.

Ok, if I had to choose one of my favorite moments from these last 4 months in making the EP, one definitely has to be when Cal came into the studio.

On the first day, I was there, he agreed to do the duet. That one was probably the second-longest one to record. I would only say that because even if it was a duet, it was a ballad also. So there are 4 electronic-pop types of songs, and then there's two ballads. One of them being the duet.

It was so much fun having Cal come in to do the duet. It was a way for us to spend time with each other, and writing it was also fun since it was a part of our late-night sessions.

God me rambling about him makes me miss him.

He does come over to my place usually after I come from the studio and I would either make something or we order in.

He did come to one of the late-night sessions I had, and it was very sweet of him to stay.

Even if we have our own places, and our own ish to get through, we always find a way to hang out. There are times we've watched the sunset on the balcony, or we'd watch movies and get comfy on the couch.

Oh speaking of the place, it is finally fully furnished.

The couch came in the day after all the stuff for my bedroom came. Then I found some very comfy beanbags from LoveSac and every time I work in my office, I end up sleeping in there.

In my defense, I never meant to get sacs that would put me into little naps.

I am really happy with how I decorated it, and every time I have to leave my place, it's very hard to because I love it so much.

Now, I think it's past 6, so obviously I'm late.

I headed downstairs to see who I was meeting with. I rushed down and pressed the elevatory door continuously until it opened. Once I got downstairs, I found out it was Joanne and Santana. Santana has been my manager and basically my sister from another mister. She's in her late 20's and for her late 20's, she is the best hard-working lady I've ever been with. She has Lyss's determination, so to see a bit of Lyss in her really makes her my sister from another mister.

"Morning Molls." Joanne says.

"Hi Joanne. Santana, love seeing this face early in the morning." I say as I hug Joanne and then Santana.

"Can you give me some pointers on how to dress this cute early in the morning, cause Molls you are killing it." Santana says.

"Oh stop. It's just leggings, a white shirt, a beanie, and Cal's sweatshirt. I have a leather jacket in my bag for when we do the interviews. Is it ok if I keep the sweater and beanie for the morning portion though?" I say.

"Of course. No one asked you to rush to get up. The first interview is at 7:30. So we can stop by Dunkin and then drive to the first place which is Zane Lowe." Santana says.

We walked over to the car where we'd be driving around all day. Joanne is also coming with me when we go to some parts of the U.S. Even if I may not be with the guys, these two are the best two people I love being with, along with Kate. Kate and I are like more close friends, but Santana and I feel more like sisters because she does remind me of a lot of Lyss.

"Coffee is a must-have. We may have to make an afternoon stop as well if I'm going to survive the second half of the interviews during the day, along with the acoustic show with fans later tonight." I say.

"Oh hun, you literally read my mind." Santana says as I put my head on her shoulder and then she lies her head on top of mine.

"Are you two sure that you aren't sisters?" Joanne says.

"We are not. Santana just reminds me of Lyss a lot. That's why she's my sister from another mister." I say.

"Are you ready for today?" Santana asks.

"Right now I wish we can just go into the night where we can fly to New York. Seeing Elvis again will be fun." I say.

"Wasn't the first time you were there, you and Cal made your relationship public?" Santana says.

Jeez, how do you remember that?!" I say.

"I have a good memory. Of course I would remember." Santana says.

"I thought Joanne had the better memory." I say.

"Does she?" Santana says.

'Ok let's see. Joanne, when was it that Cal called me when we were in LA?" I say.

"It was around mid-July around 12-ish. We just finished the workout and then they called. A ton of screaming was going on and you and I made fun of them for acting like children, and then you and Cal talked on your own before we went condo shopping." Joanne says and both Santana and I had our jaws dropped. Joanne just sat there crossing her arm showing that she's got class, and she for sure does.

"Ok then, it's official. Joanne has a better memory than me." Santana says.

"Oh don't beat yourself up, you got a long way to go. By the time you're Joanne's age, you'll have a memory like her." I say.

"Are you calling me old Molls?" Joanne says.

"Here, I'll tell you this. You are old in age, but you have the body and mindset of someone Santana's age, just with your memory being the most amazing it could ever be." I say.

"Now that's more like it." Joanne says and we laugh.

"Oh Santana, did I tell you about my little LA dress-up story?" I say.

"Nope." She says.

"Ok, so when we were in LA, it was our last day. I wanted to go to the mall, but since it was July, there was a chance we would've been mobbed by fans. So, Joanne put her all of her magic into creating this look that made me look unrecognizable. The best part about it was I got to shop peacefully, and NO ONE recognized me. It was like a Christmas miracle in July." I say.

"Stop. You are deadass lying." Santana says.

"Joanne, show her the pics." I say and Joanne shows her.

"Man, Joanne, you are a woman of many talents." Santana says.

"It's been known." Joanne says and then we all laugh.

We got to Dunkin, and then we drove to the first place I was going to be interviewed.

*Very many hours later*

So, throughout this day, all it's been was interview, after interview, after interview.

However, my favorite part of the day was coming. The acoustic show, and then.....a nice long ass nap to NYC.

Santana and Joanne have done their everything to keep my spirits up, and Santana and I weren't joking when we said we needed a second Dunkin run.

I decided to end the day off in Cal's sweater because I wasn't gonna wear a leather jacket to the airport. I wore the jacket throughout the day, but once it became nightfall, I decided to switch back to the sweater and I straightened my hair.

It was finally time to go out there.

"Please welcome Molly Saundersss!" Ash says.

"Hi guys!" I say as I wave to the crowd.

"Wow, what a very comfy outfit." Ash says.

"Ahh yes, since we're flying to New York tonight, I decided to end on a comfy note. However, I am truly excited to be here," I say.

"Also, can I just say, I don't know if you'll remember this Ash. But I was an audience member at the interview the 5SOS guys were at, and I was one of the people who asked the questions." I add.

"Oh how can we forget that moment. That was one of the most talked about moments after the interview, when the guys didn't talk for a good few seconds. What was the reason that happened if you don't mind me asking?" She says.

"Well, I had known Calum, Luke, and Michael since our high school days. I am a bit older than them, but Cal and I met at a young age and since we were close, that's how I met Luke and Michael. So in that moment, it was actually the first time since I graduated that we saw each other in person." I say.

"Aww, how adorable." She says as the crowd awes as well. Oh I love this crowd already.

Cal's P.O.V

Alright, you're probably thinking, what am I doing here?

Well, the guys and I came over to Molls' acoustic show for her EP. She's gonna be out of LA for almost all of April, and a bit of May. So we thought we'd surprise her.

We're planning on coming on when she does the last two songs. So basically I would go out first since we have our duet, and then the rest of them will come when she does her last song.

So the way we're gonna do it is that Ash will call me to be like 'Oh we have a surprise caller' and that, afterward, we'd talk for a couple of minutes until I 'accidentally' walk onto the stage.

Molls has no clue this was happening, so seeing the look on her face, especially since it's also being streamed, her reaction will be priceless.

Since Ash has known us for so long, she was glad to hear about this plan and she was all in for it.

She performs the first two songs and then she gets asked questions that every interviewer asks. The thing is though, she doesn't look exhausted of hearing them. I mean, it is her first day doing this. Ash also gets her to do a challenge which was to make some sort of story on the spot based on the people that are in her contacts.

Her story was about this girl knight which was her, and she had to perform for King Mike and Queen Joanne which she referred to as Mike and Joanne. Then she brought up Santana as her partner in crime who knew some peasants, which were us. Can you believe she called us peasants?

Anyways, she talks about how she had to face a battle with the evil queen named Katrina, which she referred to as Kate because they have this inside joke, and then mentioned something about the girl knight and one of the peasants falling in love during their fight. Now that I knew who she was referring to and I started blushing at that part. Then the story ends with how the 6 of them defeated the evil queen, and they all ended up performing instead of just her.

Damn, who knew her story in the end would add up to this. For a story based on the people she has in her contacts, and the ending?

I know she doesn't have any idea, but like, damn.

Molly's P.O.V

Alright, this may have to be my favorite interview. I mean, it's a acoustic show, but like an interview at the same time.

I had to make up a story with my contacts. I think that was the first time someone ever got me to do that.

I've already performed 4/6 songs. The next one was the duet, but I made it so that it can be a solo thing.

Preforming all the songs is just so much fun to do. Fans are singing along, especially to the ones I sang on tour. There's no other feeling to describe it when the fans sing your lyrics back to you. I know I heard that over the tour, but I don't think I can get used to that feeling.

"Alright guys, how are we liking the EP?" Ash says and the room is filled with cheers.

"Aww thank you guys. Now, 4 months does seem like a short time, but it took some long days and late nights and I couldn't have done it without my team." I say and the crowd goes into cheers again.

"Now Molly, you have been getting some massive responses to this EP, and the reactions have been crazy good. Have you gotten a chance to take a look?" Ash says.

"No, I haven't actually. I've been so busy with all these interviews I barely had time to look at my phone. After that game, I ended up seeing all the notificstions on my phone. So I'll definitely be respondong to some people before our flight." I say.

"Okay, so, I was able to get someone on the phone. They wanted to congratulate you on the EP." Ash says.

"Hi Molls." The voice says. As soon as I hear who it is, I put my hand over my mouth.

"Oh my god. Cal, heyyyyy." I say trying to sound like a fangirl and he laughs while the crowd cheers.

We had talked for a little bit about stuff and just had some small talk.

"Now Calum, we have you on here cause you wanted to ask Molly something, is that correct?" Ash says.

"Yeah, one thing for sure is why are you performing the duet if I'm not there?" He says on the phone and then the voice gets closer until I turn to see him right then and there. The crowd erupted as soon as he came in and I was still in pure shock.

I went over to him and gave him the biggest hug cause I missed him all day.

"I literally miss you." I say, but then realize I was on a mic and the crowd went into awes. So I just played it off like it didn't happen.

"Is that my sweater?" He whispers and I nod.

"Alright Molly, how was that for a surprise?" Ash says.

"I literally don't know what to say. Guys, I literally made it so that you were gonna sing his part." I say and the crowd laughs.

"Alright, this duet, what was the meaning behind it?" Ash says.

"Well, we wrote it together. It was a late-night after a show, and then it just came about." Cal says.

"Cal, I think they know we wrote it." I say and the crowd laughs.

"I was just trying to confirm the details." He says.

"Put the sass away. But, on a serious note, the song was based around the time when we weren't in the same room. When I went to college, it was the same time the band started coming along, so I wasn't able to see him for a long time. So we put those feelings into this song." I say.

"I think we should all hear this live don't you think?" Ash says and the crowd cheers.

"Alright, give it up for Molly and Calum in Far Apart." Ash says as we take it away.

I had my acoustic guitar on me while Cal grabbed the bass behind him and then we started playing.

We perform the song, and then the crowd was in love with it.

"Ok, before Molly has one last song to perform, Calum also has one more surprise." Ash says.

"Cal, what did you do?" I ask and he puts his phone away.

"It will come out in 3, 2, and," He says into the microphone and the rest of the guys come out.

"Please welcome Ashton, Michael, and Luke!" Ash says and the crowd goes into cheers once again.

"What?! When was all this planned?" I ask in shock as I hug the rest of the guys.

"For a while." Luke says.

"Since you're leaving for a while, we wanted to come by." Michael says.

"Guys, isn't this EP amazing?" Ash says.

"This is just-Wow. Ok, so, I'm assuming you're here to help me perform the last song?" I ask.

"Basically yeah." Cal says.

"No wonder there was more stuff back here. I thought this was always here for decor." I say and everyone laughs. I really was clueless as to why all that stuff was backstage.

So, they performed the last song with me which was Young Love.

After that, we talked for a bit, and then we said our goodbyes.

"Molls! You did it!" Cal says as he picks me up and spins me around.

"You guys were too sweet to come by." I say as we all were about to get into the car.

"I mean, you're gonna be all around the U.S. and then you'll probably forget about ussss!" Luke says as he says the last park while fake crying and then leaning into Ash.

"Oh stop. Why would I ever forget about you guys. You're my bestiesssss!" I say.

"Ew, are we girls to you?" Michael says in a somewhat sassy tone.

"Yes, yes you are." I say as we all laugh.

We got to the airport and then we just talked some more.

Then it was about time when Santana and I had to leave for our flight. I hugged the guys one by one leacing Cal last. Then we all get into a long group hug and our flight was being announced.

It's gonna be a long while till I see them again.

I'm gonna miss them, but I'm really excited to get this EP promoted.


(Jul 10,2020)

So I've created this schedule so I could get this story done.

At this point, I just hope I was able to get it done.

Wait, if you see this chapter, that means that I've got it done.


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And I'll see ya on the next chapter
