19: I'm a sucker for you

*The Next Day*

Well, condo hunting was tiring.

I can't even remember the last time where I've felt this tired.

Oh wait....nevermind.

Condo hunting was a pain. Thank god I was able to make a quick choice.

I don't know why, but last night was the first night since I got to LA and never thought about the guys.

Not that I wasn't thinking about them.

Shit, this is all coming in the wrong way.

Of course, I love the guys, even Luke when he's annoying. I miss it though. One second we're bickering, the next we're besties. It's the best love-hate friendship you can see.

But last night, all I could imagine is me in that condo. The first one.

It's like that feeling when you see something, and you have this deep connection with it, and they all you can do is just think about that thing.

That's the feeling.

Like, I can imagine all of us on this big couch and we'd have movie nights.

Or we'd all decide to dress up and we decide to get drunk.

Then there's that little office room that I can't stop imagining.

Like, that whole place may be bland now. However, the things I have planned in my mind in terms of 'spicing it up', I really can't wait.

It's like when we were waiting for our acceptance letters for university. All you can do is hope and dream you get your first pick. As soon as you see it, and when your friend gets the same letter as you, it's all that excitement being brought out.

Okay, that analogy may be confusing, but, it made more sense in my head.

Now, instead of me being a lazy arse, I decided to go to the gym in the hotel. Now, I've been doing pretty good when it came to paps.

I've stayed low and went to fewer places.

I may have 'trapped' myself, but I couldn't let anyone know I was here. I wanted to make sure I can surprise the guys properly without saying anything.

Today, I'm taking the risk. I don't know how I will do it but I'll see what will happen.


I just had a lightbulb moment.

My stylist Joanne came with me on this trip. Maybe she can do me a favor later. She has been really good company with me. Even if I've basically trapped myself, she's really been a true sport in having fun.

Now, before I take my big leap of faith, I decide to head down to the gym.

I don't think I've been to the gym in a while.

I mean, I've done weight lifts and little things during the tour, but I never gave myself the time to go to the gym and actually do something.

I decide to bring Joanne along to keep me company.

Actually, she wanted the company. I mean, hey, if I can hit a gym on the last day I'm here, I'm willing to do anything.

We head downstairs and there was barely anyone here.

At the same time, why would anyone be in the hotel?

Wait, people would be here. It's basically summer vacation for kids in the U.S.

Well, this really will be a challenge.

*An hour or so later*

So, I'm basically done my workout.

Geez, I'm hella tired.

I can't remember the last time I've produced a mass ton of sweat in just an hour.

I was putting the weights away until I get a call.

"Hey Cal." I say.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii." All the guys say.

"Hi guys! What's up?" I say.

"Nothing much. We're bored." Michael says.

"Well, if you're bored, why don't you set up a twitcam? Y'all did it when you were on tour with 1D." I say.

"Oh true. But then there's the meet and greet time." Ash says.

"Oh, yea. Damn, I kinda miss those." I say.

"The fans miss you too Molls. It's not the same without you." Luke says.

"Aww, Luke. You're being nice. Damn that will take a while to get used to." I say.

"Don't get used to it." Luke says.

"Oof. Someone didn't have their coffee." I say.

"Molls, without you, I can't do my comedy on my own. I literally made this new segment where we make songs in whatever city we're in." Michael says.

"Damn Michael, very creative. Well, now you gotta continue it. When I come back, I'll help y'all out." I say.

"We miss youuuuu!" Cal says.

"I miss you toooooo!" I say.

"Molls, you sound like you're talking to kids." Joanne says.

"That's because they are kids." I say and all 4 of them have shocked faces when Joanne and I just laugh. I took a screenshot cause they held that for too long.

"Joanne, for your information, we are grown men." Ash says getting all sassy.

"Alright, I guess you don't need me anymore. I'll just help only Molls." Joanne says.

"Yess Joanne. Bring that sass." I say as we high five.

'Why are you two all sweaty?" Cal asks.

"Well, we both went to the gym. Well, Joanne dragged me, and I agreed. I mean, she's basically my mom at this point." I say and we all laugh.

"Damn Molls. Ok, next time we got a day off, we all hitting the gym." Luke says.

"I'm down." I say.

"Alright, lemme talk to my girl in peace." Cal says.

"Ohh. I'm Cal. I got my best friend who became my girlfriend and she means everything to me like rainbows and unicorns and all that stuff." Luke says as the guys laugh and Cal starts blushing.

"Callll. Awwww. You too cute." I say.

"No, you're cute." He says.

"We're not doing this again." I say.

"You're cute." He says.

"No, you're cute." I say.

"No, you are." He says.

"No, you are." I say.

"You both are!" Joanne says.

"Alright Joanne, you hit the showers first. Imma be on this call for a while." I say and she nods.

"You went to the gym? That's hard to believe." Cal says.

"Heyyyyy! I can go if I want to. I just need the motive." I say.

"If I was there would you go?" He asks.

"Maybe..." I mumble.

"What?" He says. He just wants me to admit that he's right.

" I said MAYBEEEEEEE." I say.

"I knew it." He says,

"Why you always gotta be right?" I say with a grumpy kid tone.

"Molls, I've known you for how long?" He asks.

"Too effing long." I say.

"God I miss you." He says and the butterflies start swirling along with my after workout cramps.

"I'm on the screen though." I say.

"But I wanna hold you in my arms. I miss those days when we're in the backroom and I'd sing you to sleep." He says. It is nice when he does that though.

We would be in this conversation about something happening in life, and then he'd end it off by serenading me to sleep.

"I do miss that though. That's why I'd fall asleep to your music." I say.

"You do?!" He asks so excitedly. God, he's adorable.

"Yes. I do." I say.

"Awww. If only I can have your voice to fall asleep to." He says as he walks back to the stage.

"Yea, I mean, maybe after the tour I can meet with your manager and then we can talk about it. I doubt he may give to me right then and there." I say.

"Molls, once he sees the videos of how you are with the crowd, he'll definitely want to sign you." Cal says.

"We'll see about that." I say.

"Alright Molls, we gotta go. Meet and greet time has come." Cal says.

"Tell the fans I say hi on stage." I say.

"We will." They all say since Cal was back with them.

"Alright, have fun!" I say.

"Byeeeeeeee." They say.

"Byeeeeeee!" I say and we hang up.

"You two are just adorable." Joanne says.

"We are? I thought it was just our friendship. just a little bit cuter." I say.

"Molls, are you hearing yourself?" She says and we both laugh.

I think since we met during our rehearsal days, Joanne has really acted like my mother. She's like my tour mom. The guys have Liz, I've got Joanne.

Joanne is literally the person I call my mother figure. She treats me like one of my own and she makes me feel special.

She knew about the stuff I was going through with my actual mom and she's been nothing but better than her.

I literally love Joanne to death. Probably more than Cal....but don't tell him I said that.

Joanne and I got close in an instant, but this trip really brought us close and we have that mother-daughter bond type of feeling.

"Ok, I have a favor." I say.

"And what would that favor be?" She asks.

"Can you make me unrecognizable?" I ask.

"You are lucky I brought a few things with me. Go shower and then I'll make as unrecognizable that you want to be." She says and I jump in excitement.

*Many minutes later*

"Joanne, you are literally the next DaVinci, or whatever that famous artist is." I say.

Don't judge, I'm not very well known with painters.

*A few minutes later*

So, we get into the car and we just start driving around.

"Alright mom, where are we headed to?" I say.

"Who says I'm your mom?" She says and I laugh.

"Well, you've basically acted like a proper mother to me. You're doing the things she barely did." I say.

"Molls, we've been over this. Yes, she did something bad. But she did do things for you. Maybe one day you'll realize that maybe she still needs you." She says.

"If she wants to change, she better makes some improvement. Until I see it, I ain't believing it." I say.

"Now, away from this sappy stuff. We need a name for your new character. I deserve some sort of credit." Joanne says.

"Alright, where is this sass coming from?" I say.

"I can sass Luke, don't make me sass you." She says.

"Okay then." I say. Looks like the crown of sass goes to Ms.Joanne here.

"Now, what name are you thinking?" I ask.

"Something edgy." She says.

"How about Briar?" I say.

"Too classy." She says.

"Ok, then what about Gypsy?" I say.

"Molls, cmon. Ooo, how about Allegra?" She says.

"Damn, you really know some good names." I say.

'What can I say, I'm a woman of many talents." She says and we both laugh.

She is a woman of many talents. The first one is styling. Then makeup. Now, coming up with names based on personality. She has an array of talents. Who knows what else she is capable of?

So, we decide to test out this disguise at the mall.

Why am I choosing the worst place to go to? Well, I do miss my shopping and I haven't done it in a while. So, if this trust works, we're going to more places.

If it doesn't work, then we run and hope no one got any photos.

Walking into the mall seems calm at the moment. There are people here, but it's not that large.

Ok, I'm lying, the crowds are huge.

"Joanne, are you sure this is right?" I say.

'I gotta show my masterpiece. Of course, we're doing this. Now, look at me. Go into that mall. Put a brave face, and show that mall what Allegra is made of. Her main goal, she's gonna shop till she drops." Joanne says and all of a sudden, my mindset has changed.

Damn, she's good a pep talks as well.

This woman is amazing at almost everything.

*A couple of hours later*


Who knew that look can be pulled off.

"Joanne, we did it!" I scream as soon as we get into the car.

'See, I told you. My talent works like magic." She says.

"If you weren't here, I don't know how I would've survived." I say.

"Aww, you're too sweet." She says.

"Can we just head back to the hotel? I'm actually kinda tired." I say.

"Let's pick up some In and Out on the way." She says.

"We have to get the milkshakes." I say.

"Oh, we are so getting those." She says.

We literally have the same mindset.

*A few hours later*

So we got the food and headed back to the hotel.

I'm actually gonna miss LA, but we are coming back in December since it's our last show, and hopefully my new home.

I was getting ready to fall asleep until I get a call from Luke.

Great timing.

"Yes?" I say.

"Well hello to you too." Luke says.

"What's up?" I ask.

"We have someone that would like to talk to you." Michael says.

"And who could that be?" I ask and they turn the camera and Steve is on the laptop screen.

"Oh. Hi Steve." I say.

"Hi, Molly. How's the break going?" He says.

"It's going great. I'm sad it's ending, but it was fun while it lasted." I say.

"That's great to hear. Alright, I want to get down to business. So, the guys and I have talked. They've shown me anything that involved you, and you truly have a magnificent voice. So, I was wondering, how would you feel on signing with Capitol Records?" Steve says and my face is filled with shock.

"Wait, lemme get this straight....am I being offered a record deal?" I say.

"Basically yea." Ash says.

"Molls, cmon. This is what you've been waiting for." Cal says.

"Alright, alright. Drumroll please." I say in my somewhat sleepy voice and they do the drumroll.

"I would be honored to sign with Capitol Records." I say and everyone erupts in cheers.

"I am looking foawrd to working with you Molly." Steve says.

"I can't wait to start." I say and then we all say goodbye to Steve.

"Molls, you're with us now!" Cal says and we all start screaming.

"Molls, what is all of this commotion?" Joanne says.

"I just got a record deal." I say.

"Molls, congratulations baby girl!" Joanne says as she gives me a huge hug.

"We are so getting drinks tomorrow." Ash says.

"What, so you can do another dumb thing while drunk?" Luke says and we all laugh.

"For your information, that drunk move I made was the best one I ever made." Ash says proudly.

"Wait, you're coming tomorrow?" Michael says.

"That's what the flight says." I say.

"Alright, imma head to sleep. I don't know why you are up, but isn't there a show tomorrow?" I say.

"Yup." Ash says.

"Go get some sleep. You'll be crazy tired tomorrow." I say.

"Yeah, yeah we will." Cal says.

We said our goodbyes and then hung up.

*Many hours later*

So our flight was very early. So I probably got 3-4 hours of sleep.

Since our flight is a bit earlier, we thought we could surprise the guys. Dave told me the address and the rooms so I was just gonna meet them there. From their knowledge, they think I'm meeting them at the arena during their show.

*A few hours later*

I got to the hotel and went into the room I was gonna be in.

Dave greeted me with open arms and he let me in.

Now all I had to do was wait.

Damn, waiting is annoying.

Ok, now I'm bored.

Since there is a t.v. and my phone is boring, might as well scroll through the channels.

Channel surfing is getting really boring.

I finally settled on a channel, and it was Disney.

Am I a child? Yes. Always and forever a child on the inside.

A couple more hours more passed and I start to hear some noises in the halls. But the show that's on, I can't seem to stop watching.

I hear the door open, but, I'm too lazy to open it.

"MOLLS!" Michael and Calum say as they run over to me.

"Hey guys!" I say as we get into this huge hug.

"Guys, what's go-MOLLS!" Ash says and then both him and Luke tun over to this very tight group hug.

"Guys! It's only been a few days. Why y'all acting like I've been away for months?" I say.

"Because it felt like an eternity without you." Michael says.

"Well I'm glad I'm entertaining then." I say.

The guys got back from soundcheck and then all we did was catch up.

They said that I would be coming back in the next show which is the day after tomorrow since tomorrow will be a travel day.

Ahh, that was a nice trip, but being back with the guys feels good.


(June 27, 2020)

Ahh, another chapter down.

It really does feel good every time I do get a chapter done.

It's like this feeling of excitement because it's one step closer to the end.

No this not the end. There's still a long way to go.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
