9: You can count on me

February 2016

Molly's P.O.V

So, it's been a few weeks since I threw what could be called the best party ever.

It had to be one of the best nights of my life, and probably the most fun I had in years.

So the guys are starting rehearsals for the tour next month. They've been doing their own rehearsals in the garage. I'd come in usually in the middle and just watch them play.

Just watching them all play in the garage felt like old times again.

However, today, they wanted to do something with me before rehearsals. So they obnoxiously got me up, and some reason, I feel like I'm about to enter some boot camp session.

I went downstairs to see the guys all in some sort of camo outfits while Kate is on the couch.

"I swear to god if you're making this a boot camp class, I'm going back to hibernating." I say.

"Maybe it is." Luke says and I start running, but Michael stops me.

"No, it's not like the evil boot camp where you do stupid workouts and shit. This is to help you on stage." Micheal says.

"Then why are y'all dressed up like your the trainers in the army?" I ask.

"Stop asking questions Molls. Geez, you ask too much." Ash says.

"I told you!" Luke says and I do my beautiful ritual of throwing the pillow. Anytime he says something stupid, I like to throw it. It's been a long while since I threw one.

"Anywhoooo. First, vocal warm-ups." Cal says and so I follow as so. We do these weird noises that are supposed to 'exercise our vocals', yet all I'm hearing is the fact that we sound like monkeys.

"Now that we're warmed up, we shall get started. First, you need to master a walk." Cal says.

"When did we become models?" I say.

"Not like models. Basically 'this walk' is the walk you make from one side of the stage to another." Cal says.

"Sometimes you may have just the stage, sometimes there may be a 'runway stage' with the runway, or you may have platform stages where you have the mainstage and then a smaller platform to get closer with fans." Ash says.

"Huh, and I thought all stages were the same?" I say.

"Alright, now, this 'walk' you gotta make it look clean. Like you gotta act like some sort of natural." Kate says.

I think this part bouta be easy.

Cal turned on some music you'd hear on the runways of fashion shows, and then all of us did our 'walks.'

Mine was a mix of cute and a bit of flame....if you get what I mean.

"Damn Molls, who knew you got it in you?" Kate says as we high five each other.

"She ain't wrong there." Michael says.

"Alright, next step, confidence. When you're on stage, that's where you'd feel vulnerable. To help with that, you would have some sort of pre-show routine which you'll build over time." Luke says. Wow, hearing Luke being serious is not a normal thing.

"It's always those '5 minutes' calls where you get into this mindset of the stage. It's been known that once you have an empty mind from those 5 minutes before the stage, it gives out the best performances." Ash says.

"And what study proved this?" I ask jokingly.

"Us. Duh." Luke says. Now that's the goofy Luke I know.

"We're telling you things we did. Getting the point of view from people you know can help you." Michael says.

"Alright, to help to build that confidence in you, we need food cause you're about to scream a lot." Ash says.

So that's when we took our break. it 12 something, so we just made something where you can just put it in the oven.

I headed to the backyard to the hammock to swing on that for a bit.

I feel like that since that horrible encounter with my mom, I couldn't get it out of my head.

Just as I get into my thought, my trusty Cal-Pal comes by. If Calum coming to clear my thoughts is not perfect timing, then I don't know what is.

"Why is little Molls on the hammock on her own?" He says as he joins me. This hammock could probably fit 5 people. So it was very roomy, but very easy to get tangled up in.

"First off, You and the guys need to take these costumes off. It's weird." I say.

"Heyyyyy! Don't make fun of our outfits!" He says in a little child's voice.

"I probably could make a better camo outfit." I say.

"I wanna see you try." He says.

"I wanna see you try." I mock. Mocking Cal is fun.

"But what are you really doing out here?" He says.

"Just thinking about things. Like how I'm opening you shows in less than a month, how I'm looking for condos, and that encounter I had with my mom." I say

"Waaaiiitt. Hold up. Ok, the tour thing, it's crazy and we cannot wait." He says.

Second thing, you moving out?" He says.

"Not now silly, but I've been looking into some places and I think I may have found the one. So sometime next month I'm planning on checking it out. Then if I get it, those few days we have off is when I'm moving in." I say.

"Finally! I've been waiting for some alone time!" He says and I punch him, which then he punches me back.

"I mean, I'm excited. My own place. I can decorate a whole place and not just one room, so that'll be fun." I say.

"Now, the big thing. Although you possibly moving is big, there's that encounter. What happened?" He asks.

"Well, when Kate and I were getting the drinks for your party, I ended up seeing her. So, when we tried to shop without her seeing, she ended up spotting us. I told her not to contact me or try to bring me home. May have made a small scene, but oh well." I say.

"Did you really mean those words though?" He asks.

"I mean yeah. In the last 4 1/2 years, she never bothered to call. So why should she try now?" I say.

"Ok, yes she didn't. But if you think about it, she's still your mom. She may have shut you out for a while, but remember, she was grieving too. At the same time, both your parents weren't on the same page. Maybe if you meet up with her one day somewhere, she may say yes and she'll tell you everything. Just give her a chance." He says.

Cal is just amazing. He's able to put things into perspective. He's the reason why my head doesn't feel very clouded all the time.

"Food's ready." Luke yells.

"Welp looks like your peaceful time is over." He says.

"Sadly it is." I say.

He helps me up and then we head back inside.

*A few hours later*

So, I was done with this 'boot camp' and I felt free. I never want to go through that torture ever again.

The guys come down in different clothes, except they're heading out.

"Where y'all heading?" I ask.

"Well, we got a gig tonight, and you're coming with." Michael says.

"Oooo, now that'll be fun." I say.

So I went to get ready and then we headed out into the car that was waiting in the driveway.

We got to the place where they were performing. Once we got in, it gave me ballroom vibes, even though we're playing at a pub.

I headed to the back room with the guys since they didn't want to leave me out there.

"You guys excited?" I say.

"Oh, we're excited." Luke says.

"Why do you say it like that?" I ask.

"We may or may not have got you to perform with us as your practice round." Ash says and they all start o do a creepy clown smile.

"This was the finalie we were referring to." Michael says.

"I can't go out there, are you crazy?!" I say.

"What did we say. Empty your mind. Pretend the audience are the tv's where the lyrics are being shows." Luke says.

"Welp, it's showtime." Michael says and Ash and Luke follow him.

"Cal, I can't do this." I say.

"Molls. Take a deep breath. Have an empty mind, and then imagine how we're going to kill this gig." He says.

So he takes my hands and we both take that deep breath.

Next thing you know, I was as calm as a sleeping dog.

So, I head out there with my guitar.

Luckily the songs they're doing, I knew the chords to.

I sang on and off with the guys as we did back at the house. No wonder they knew what we were doing.

*An hour or so later*

We finish the show, and a rush of adrenaline is running down me.

"Molls, you did amazing!" Ash says.

"I mean, if it wasn't for you guys helping me, I would've been a nervous wreck." I say and we all laugh.

'Alright, why don't we celebrate tonight with a few drinks?' Michael says and the rest of them head out.

"Thanks Cal." I say as we grab our things.

"All I did was calm you down." He says.

"If it wasn't for you, I probably wouldn't have put on that performance we just did." I say.

"Ah, it's no big deal." He says.

"Is that gonna happen?" I say.

"If you want that to become a regular thing, I wouldn't mind it." I say.

"Then it shall be our ritual." He says.

"I'd love that." I say

"Now, let's go get some drinks." He says and then I follow him out.

(June 14,2020)
Another chapter down!

This one and the last one seemed like filler, but let's hope something happens in the next chapter.


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And I'll see ya on the next one
